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abap-logger's Issues

Redundant to SAP-Standard

Thanks for providing your solution in Github.

However, I found the solution to be somewhat redundant to the SAP-Standard. You don't have to use the BAL_LOG-BAPIs. SAP provides a big number of logger classes, that can be used in a similar way, e.g. the class cl_bal_logger:

    cl_bal_logger=>initialize( EXPORTING i_log_object = NEW cl_bal_logobj( i_log_object = 'FOO'  ) ).
    cl_bal_logger=>add_errortext( i_errortext = 'An error occurred' ).
    cl_bal_logger=>add_statustext( i_statustext = 'A nice status message' ).
    cl_bal_logger=>add_msg( i_probclass = if_sbal_logger_config=>c_probclass_none ).
    cl_bal_logger=>save_to_db( ).
  CATCH cx_bal_exception INTO DATA(log_exception).

This might be an alternative for those, who do not want to download 3rd-Party-Solutions to their SAP-System.

Happy Coding!


first I want to say, that I really like the flexibility which this project/class brings.
However I would like to know, how you would like others to use this? My question is based on the Licence you choose for this project. The GPL dictates that every project which uses GPL licenced code will also become GPL licensed. In the projects where I work this is not intended, so practically I cannot use your class there.
Did you intend knowledge sharing with this project? In that case the GPL is totally fine. But if you had in mind that others can use this component in their customer projects (what I would love to do) the GPL mostly is a blocker for customers, because it´s kind of ("infecting" as I was told. In that case you might consider to switch to the BSD licence.

Best Regards

Inconsistent pretty print

Some classes use all lower case while others are formatted with upper case keywords. It would be helpful for maintainers to settle on one setting (and then set abaplint rule keyword_case accordingly).

Support for logging any deep structure/table

I'd like to be able to log any deep structure or table (...and not only BAPIRET2, BDCMSGCOLL and HRPAD_MESSAGE).
My use case is to log the request and response structure of a SOAP web service call (which often consists of table types) if it fails.
I could imagine converting structures and tables to a JSON like string, pretty print it (with line breaks) and logging it line by line.
What do you think?

change externalId / desc


first of all this is an amazing logger thanks for all the work. My current project has a requirement to change the externalId of the log (desc) you supply to create_log. Is there any way to achieve this? I'm not even sure if you can do that at all...

any help on this is greatly apprechiated!


Failing Unit Test with different Text Values [Language Problem]


via the automated Test run in our System, the following Methods of LCL_TEST of ZCL_LOGGER fail:

  • can_log_batch_msgs
  • can_og_chained_exceptions

It's obviously that some kind of language conflict exists here, the system language is German (D), but the Logger Class is executing the Tests in English. By changing the sy-langu to German during Debugger Session, the Tests will pass.

Below are the Error Messages:

Code where the false Text Components are set:

By switching Logon Language to English, tests also pass but it would be nice to stay in German Environnement for that.

My question is now what do I have to do to resolve this issue? On the first try I didn't found the Text Elements to translate them...

Interface methods in wrong namespace

I installed ABAP-Logger yesterday.
If I try to double click the method ZIF_LOGGER~ADD (or any other implemented interface method) nothing happens. I looked the code in source view and I see this:

  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

  • | Instance Private Method ZCL_LOGGER->ADD

  • +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

  • +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    method add.

    data: detailed_msg type bal_s_msg,
    exception_data_table type tty_exception_data,
    free_text_msg type char200,
    ctx_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr,

I think it should be:


Can it happen because an AbapGit version change? I use AbapGit 1.97.0.

Btw, somehow it works anyway :)

Is there a nice way to use ABAP-Logger in OData exceptions?


Is there a nice way to use ABAP-Logger along with OData exceptions?
OData exceptions is implemented something along the lines of:

  IF i_msg_type IS NOT INITIAL AND i_msg_text IS NOT INITIAL.
    me->context->get_message_container( )->add_message_text_only(
        iv_msg_type               = i_msg_type
        iv_msg_text               = i_msg_text
        iv_add_to_response_header = ls_add_to_header

    IF i_msg_type = 'E'.
      me->has_errors_flag = abap_true.

  IF i_raise IS INITIAL.

  IF i_is_tech = abap_true.
    RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_tech_exception
        message_container = me->context->get_message_container( ).
    RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
        message_container = me->context->get_message_container( ).

Expiry Date

It would be nice if we could provide the expiry date for log entries. The expiry date is an important attribute for transaction SLG2 which deletes expired logs.

Suggestion: I can add expiry_date as parameter (data element: ALDATE_DEL) for the methods new() and open() and set it on SLG header. What do you think about this?

"LV_CONTEXT" is not type-compatible with formal parameter "CONTEXT".


parameter Context has a "simple" data type which only accepts character like data so gives an error for a number like fields.

The following code gives design time an error.

Solution: change parameter context from simple type to any

  DATA lv_context TYPE sflights.

  DATA logger TYPE REF TO zif_logger.

  logger = zcl_logger_factory=>create_log( object = 'ABAPUNIT'
                                           subobject = 'LOGGER'
                                           desc = 'LOGGER Demo' ).

  MESSAGE E000(oo) WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 INTO DATA(dummy).
  logger->add( context = lv_context ).

Installation instructions: Incorrect application log object/sub-object?

The installation instructions state that sub-object LOGGER should be created for object ABAPUNIT.

I see that the unit test class for ZCL_ALOG_BAL_LOGGER uses ZALOG_TEST and SUB as object and sub-object respectively. Does that mean the sub-object LOGGER does not have to be created (SAP complains about namespace), and that we should instead create ZALOG_TEST and SUB?

Change folder structure (move code to src/)

It looks like the best practice for repo is to put source files in a src folder. Examples:

It would allow us to store documentation in a separatated /docs folder

abapGit store the source folder in .abapgit.xml. The downside is that abapGit does not handle the change. Repo needs to be uninstalled and re-installed

I think it's best to wait until the PR queue is empty.

Log an object that contains messages with a new method add_loggable_object( )

Use case

The method validate( ) of a model class performs checks and returns an object with all the errors found. (see for the pattern description).

I may display the messages to the users but I may also log them.
the model class could use a zcl_logger instance but the model does not know whether we are in a validating user input (with one call per PAI/PBO cycle) or processing some code which need to be logged for good.


As of today, I get the messages, loop on them and log each one of them.

Proposed solution

  • create a new interface zif_loggable_object with one method get_message_table
  • create a new method zif_logger~add_loggable_object with one parameter object type ref to zif_loggable_object
  • the definition of the class that implements zif_loggable_object would left to each one of us

Target use

Validation( ) method returns an object that implements zif_loggable_object. The upper-level code may log these message in one instruction such as

data(notification) = model->validate( ).
if notification->has_error( ) = abap_true.
  logger->add_loggable_object( notification ).

Please do not hesitate to provide feedback on this proposition, the naming or anything,

Are the attributes in the correct place?

The logger interface has 3 attributes - as of now:

data handle type balloghndl read-only .
data db_number type balognr read-only .
data header type bal_s_log read-only .

Shouldn't they be in the class for the bl-log-class?
Probably no other log class for this interface will need those attributes.
What do you think?

Downport (conv, new)

latest version contains new syntax like conv and new. Would you mind if I downport ? (I have 731)

Parameter auto_save in constructor is ignored

When you supply the auto_save parameter via the constructor, it is ignored. I passed auto_save = abap_true and then auto_save is turned falsely to false (because it is supplied).

I think a solution could look like this:

IF auto_save IS SUPPLIED.
  r_log->auto_save = auto_save.
    r_log->auto_save = abap_true.


Are looking for new maintainers or do you still maintain this repository, even you don't develop ABAP anymore?

Add support for logging PROTT

Structure PROTT
Short desc Log for Picking Report

This has a similar challenge as HRPAD as it's only present in ECC i belive, since it's SD specific. To get around this we can define it as a local type.

error pulling from zip during offline install

Hello everyone,

i've just setup abapGit and i'm trying to import this repo as offline from the master zip but it's giving me this error:

OTR-Based Exception of Class: ZCX_ABAPGIT_EXCEPTION

I've created a package and transport for the repo nothing else

display context

be able to attached extra fields on error line save to database and be able to view the fields on the display by custom transaction in alv like now but to be searchable.

something like below

find a resource
also vidyadharg upload a version that says is working but the new method are missing from github.

Method to get last used logger?

Let's start a discussion. I am looking for a solution to get the last used logger object. Normally I initialize the logger class in the constructor of a using class, assign it to a private instance attribute and use it in the methods of the using class.

Sometimes you want to use the same logging object in static methods of the class or in other classes in the context of the same program. I think it is not a good idea to pass the reference to the logger by a parameter.

As ABAP does not offer dependency injection I would suggest to add some kind of static method like "get_last". When an instance of ZCL_LOGGER is created we could save this reference in a static attribute of ZCL_LOGGER, and return it if "get_last" is called. What do you think about this?

Solution Manager doesn't have all the data types

Great - love the library.
Heres a small issue - bapi_order_return, rcomp and prott aren't included in SAP SolutionManager. They might be missing on BW too - I haven't checked there.

This leads to syntax errors, which while note being very easy to solve (I commented out the appropriate code blocks and tests). I think these could be solved with a little dynamic ABAP. I'd be willing to create a fix - but I'm not sure if the changes are desired...


Wrong count fields in method get_struc_kind( )

Structures BAPIRET1 and BAPIRET2 have a field with name MESSAGE.
The CS operator will give the count 8. not 7:

        IF 'TYPE,NUMBER,ID,MESSAGE_V1,MESSAGE_V2,MESSAGE_V3,MESSAGE_V4,' CS |{ component-name },|.
          bapi_count = bapi_count + 1.

interface for zcl_logger->to enable attributes of customer exception class to be logged

On the system where I'm using ABAP-Logger there is a customer exception class which carries a message table (bapiret2_t). When unexpected errors in a BAPI or similar occur, an instance of a exception class is thrown and the message table is passed as a parameter. I think other SAP customers would also have a similar exception class.

Now obviously zcl_logger can't be dependant on a customer exception class. But I was thinking a Z-BADI definition would be nice.

Current I've implemented an implizit enhancement (I want ABAP-Logger support without conflicts) at the end of the add method. But I feel a Z-BADI would be better. I don't know if ABAP Git can carry a BADI Definition though.

ENHANCEMENT 2 zxxx_enh_logger.
  IF msg_type->type_kind <> cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_oref.
  DATA customer_error_instance TYPE REF TO zcx_my_abstract_exception_class.
  IF obj_to_log IS INSTANCE OF zcx_my_abstract_exception_class.
    customer_error_instance ?= obj_to_log.
    DATA(messages) = customer_error_instance->get_messages_recursively( ). "customer method!!!
    IF messages IS NOT INITIAL.
        obj_to_log    = messages
        context       = context
        callback_form = callback_form
        callback_prog = callback_prog
        callback_fm   = callback_fm
        type          = type
        importance    = importance ).

What are your thoughts?

Type conflict when calling a function module.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for you development,

today, when i tried to do, some errors have caused.

its the code what i had written

DATA: log TYPE REF TO zcl_logger.


log = zcl_logger=>new( object = 'ZTAMER'
subobject = 'ACCOUNTING'
desc = 'Stuff imported from legacy systems' ).
log->e( 'You see, what had happened was...' ).


and error is -

Error in the ABAP Application Program

The current ABAP program "ZCL_LOGGER====================CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.

A function module was called incorrectly.

1 method POPUP.
2 * See SBAL_DEMO_04_POPUP for ideas
4 DATA: profile TYPE bal_s_prof.
7 e_s_display_profile = profile.

11 i_s_display_profile = profile
12 i_t_log_handle = me->handle.
14 endmethod.

thank you for reply

EXPORT_TO_TABLE not in .abap file

The latest zcl_logger.slnk file has the method EXPORT_TO_TABLE, but the latest zcl_logger.abap is missing that method.

I think those two files should be in sync?

Dump prone MESSAGE statement

In method EXPORT_TO_TABLE of class ZCL_LOGGER, there is a MESSAGE statement in line 29 that generates a short dump whenever a message with no reference to a message class was used. Therefore, the method is not useful for any case no message classes are used.

I performed a manual correction in my system just like this:

    IF message-msgty IS NOT INITIAL.
      MESSAGE ID message-msgid
                      TYPE message-msgty
                      NUMBER message-msgno
                      INTO bapiret2-message
                      WITH message-msgv1 message-msgv2 message-msgv3 message-msgv4.

Use of squash commits

I noticed all my commits were individually merged on my last PR.

No problem if this is intentional, but if not then I would suggest using squash commits in most cases. It keeps the commit history cleaner as all the commits of a PR are rolled up into a single commit and we won't have all the minor work in progress commits in the history.

new method get() instead of new() and open() with rename of desc field

Hi Guys

Comparing with other modern languages, I think we should not have two methods , one to create log with new and other to open it . One should think of a simple method like get() which returns the log object if it does not exists based on the desc ( external number ) field.
Also, desc field should not be meant for description but it is close to being like log handle. generally in Java or Python, the logger takes class name or prgram name to log all its messages, and thats how one would know in a log file about where the log comes.
The desc should by default have sy-repid as input but it could be different based of complex application like a transaction id throughout a transaction.

Method POPUP not working

Method POPUP is not working due to the attribute ME->HANDLE sent to function module BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY. A handle table is expected, instead of a single handle. The correction applied was this:

  method popup.
    data: profile type bal_s_prof,
          t_handle type BAL_T_LOGH. " Correction

    call function 'BAL_DSP_PROFILE_POPUP_GET'
        e_s_display_profile = profile.

    append me->handle to t_handle. " Correction
    call function 'BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY'
        i_s_display_profile = profile
        i_t_log_handle      = t_handle. " Correction


Error in meth

Hello! It needs to correct method get_message_handles in the line 14.
It should be <f>-lowtype = msgtype instead of <f>-lowtype = 'E'. Otherwise method has_warnings returns the same result as method has_errors.

Logging doesn't work when rollback is executed.


here's my litte sample sample report that shows the issue:

DATA: log TYPE REF TO zcl_logger.
log = zcl_logger=>new( object = 'TEST'
subobject = 'TESTSUB1'
desc = 'Test' ).

DATA(l_flight) = VALUE sflight( carrid = 'ZP' connid = '77' fldate = sy-datum ).
MODIFY sflight FROM l_flight.
*Something bad happened
log->e( 'Oh oh, there was a problem. Could not save sflight.' ).

rollback work.
write: / 'End.'.

The problem is that the logged message is not saved.
I cannot find the message in transaction SLG1.
Because of the rollback work statement all database changes including the log are discarded.

However, I found a simple solution to this problem.

In method ADD of class ZCL_LOGGER the function module BAL_DB_SAVE is called.
If you set the parameters I_2TH_CONNECTION and I_2TH_CONNECT_COMMIT to true it works as expected. E.G:

i_t_log_handle = log_handles
I_2TH_CONNECTION = abap_true
I_2TH_CONNECT_COMMIT = abap_true
e_new_lognumbers = log_numbers.

The trick is to tell the function module to use a secondary database connection to save the log.
This way the main logical unit of work is rolled back, but the log is still saved.

Should the logger always use the 2nd connection? Or should the logger have an option to turn on the usage of the sec. connection?
What do you think?



New optional parametr BAL_T_PAR

Callback is very usefull for viewing messages, but additional parametr is needed. I think it will be good to add new optional parametr it_par TYPE bal_t_par to methods ADD, A, E, W, I, S.

export_to_table do not generate messages from exceptions

Hi All,

I realized method ZIF_LOGGER~EXPORT_TO_TABLE does not generate a message table from logged exception classes.
The method uses function module 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' that cannot read an exception based message.

How to replicate:

  1. Create an instance of the logger.
  2. Log any other message
  3. Raise any exception with T100
  4. log the exception
  5. execute export_to_table

I believe something can be done with BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_READ function but it's quite limited as well.
For my local system and scenario usage, the enhancement bellow was enough, didn't had much time to look further

      message_handles TYPE bal_t_msgh,
      message         TYPE bal_s_msg,
      bapiret2        TYPE bapiret2,
      exception_log   TYPE bal_s_excr,
      exception_msg   TYPE char255.

FIELD-SYMBOLS <msg_handle> TYPE balmsghndl.

message_handles = get_message_handles( ).

LOOP AT message_handles ASSIGNING <msg_handle>.

  CLEAR bapiret2.
      i_s_msg_handle = <msg_handle>
      e_s_msg        = message
      OTHERS         = 3.
  IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE ID message-msgid
            TYPE message-msgty
            NUMBER message-msgno
            INTO bapiret2-message
            WITH message-msgv1 message-msgv2 message-msgv3 message-msgv4.

    bapiret2-type       = message-msgty.
    bapiret2-id         = message-msgid.
    bapiret2-number     = message-msgno.
    bapiret2-log_no     = <msg_handle>-log_handle.     "last 2 chars missing!!
    bapiret2-log_msg_no = <msg_handle>-msgnumber.
    bapiret2-message_v1 = message-msgv1.
    bapiret2-message_v2 = message-msgv2.
    bapiret2-message_v3 = message-msgv3.
    bapiret2-message_v4 = message-msgv4.
    bapiret2-system     = sy-sysid.
    APPEND bapiret2 TO rt_bapiret.


        i_s_msg_handle = <msg_handle>
        i_langu        = sy-langu
        e_s_exc        = exception_log
        e_txt_msg      = exception_msg
        log_not_found  = 1
        msg_not_found  = 2
        OTHERS         = 3.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      bapiret2-type       = message-msgty.
      bapiret2-log_no     = <msg_handle>-log_handle.
      bapiret2-log_msg_no = <msg_handle>-msgnumber.
      bapiret2-message    = exception_msg.
      APPEND bapiret2 TO rt_bapiret.

Thanks :)

BAL_LOG_MSG_ADD_FREE_TEXT and formatted_context

Hello guys,

i've encountered a weired issue where if you want to log a free text and supply a context the BAL function returns an exception (which are not cought at all in the logger btw) reporting inconsistency in the context. This is because the type description will return the base structure but not the one you supplied zcl_logger.clas.abap#L271..

If I supply the context directly it works flawless without any problems. Is there a reason for supplying the formatted_context in zcl_logger.clas.abap#L407?


ATC (Varaint: Default) check error 'Text pool inconsistent'


when I execute the ATC checks in English I get an error message 'Caution: The text pool is inconsistent. Edit the text elements'. Is possible to remove these text pool entries and resolve the ATC error?

<TPOOL> <item/> <item/> <item/> .... </TPOOL>

there are however a lot of tline / tdlines which are part of the long text documentation? I'm not sure if the Text pool is somehow connected to this?



Support for chained exceptions

I often use chained exceptions, making use of the previous standard attribute. This is a best practice explained here:


    b = a / 0.
  CATCH cx_divide_by_zero INTO DATA(exc).
        previous = exc.

This means that the actual relevant description of the exception is at he bottom level of the chain, accessible via the previous attribute.

It would be great to have an option when adding an OO exception. That option would decide what to register:

  • only the top exception
  • only the bottom exception
  • all exceptions in the chain

Something recursive should do the trick. I can attempt to do a PR if you believe this makes sense.


Class to display entries from multiple instances

Hello ABAP-Logger team,

I find myself often copying a method to display logs from mutliple ABAP Logger instances. To be fair - I had the same problem when using SAP's cf_reca_message_list (mind you - I couldn't find a display method at all there).

Imagine a situation where the programm is processing multipe sales orders and calling a BAPI. The messages from the BAPI may or maynot include the sales order. To handle this, I create an ABAP Logger instance per sales order and use the sales order as the external identification nr (ABAP Logger calls this the desc). This is not a problem for a batch job, unless the program should be executed interactively and the BAL Logs also be displayed to an interactive user - here the display method provided by ABAP-Logger is no longer adequate, as it only displays the messages form one instance (which makes sense).

In my most current example I've created a local class lif_bal_log / lcl_bal_log which creates multiple instances of ABAP Logger and saves the log handle into a member attribute mt_log_handles.

My suggestion is to create a collection class, which can adds the instances to a table.
Then when the collection display_logs method is called, it could create a table of log handles and excute the coding.

Alternatively the factory class could remember all instances / log handles it creates. But i don't personally like this approach. A factory should problably only be a factory...



` METHOD lif_bal_log~display_logs.
DATA: ls_display_profile TYPE bal_s_prof.

IF mt_log_handles IS INITIAL.

    e_s_display_profile = ls_display_profile.

ls_display_profile-head_size = 125 .
ls_display_profile-tree_size = 25 .
IF ls_display_profile-mess_fcat IS NOT INITIAL.
  SORT ls_display_profile-mess_fcat BY no_out ASCENDING col_pos DESCENDING.

    i_s_display_profile  = ls_display_profile
    i_t_log_handle       = mt_log_handles
    profile_inconsistent = 1
    internal_error       = 2
    no_data_available    = 3
    no_authority         = 4
    OTHERS               = 5.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 DISPLAY LIKE sy-msgty.


Short dump (null object reference) when chaining call after table of BAPI messages

The self-reference return variable is not set when a table of BAPI return messages is logged.
It can be fixed by simply adding a line "self = me."

I have implemented it, just need to go through the hoops to create a pull request (sync to internal gitlab, sync to local git, sync to github fork, create a pull request). Not a small task for a git beginner such as myself!

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