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acheronfail's Projects

1986 icon 1986

The human race peaked in 1986!

acpi_call icon acpi_call

A linux kernel module that enables calls to ACPI methods through /proc/acpi/call. [maintainer=@teleshoes /@Mic92]

apptivator icon apptivator

A macOS menubar app which activates applications via global shorcuts ⌨️

archlinux icon archlinux

Arch Linux kernel sources, with patches (Mirror)

atv-ui icon atv-ui

Simple HTTP server for a gesture-based AppleTV Remote UI

aurrs icon aurrs

An experimental wrapper for pacman.

automod icon automod

Pull in every source file in a directory as a module

bat icon bat

A cat(1) clone with wings.

bitport icon bitport

A program to export all of your bitwarden data, including attachments!

bruno icon bruno

Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)

bytesize icon bytesize

An utility that easily makes bytes size representation and helps its arithmetic operations.

colorcode icon colorcode

The Cross-Browser Syntax Highlighter Extension! 🎉

convert-apple-loops icon convert-apple-loops

A simple script that converts the Apple Loops from Garageband from `caf` into `aiff` so other programs (like Ableton) can use them.

cydia icon cydia

dbus-rs icon dbus-rs

D-Bus binding for the Rust language

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