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init error about freeline HOT 9 CLOSED

alibaba avatar alibaba commented on April 29, 2024 1
init error

from freeline.

Comments (9)

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024

Downloading lastest release from
Please wait a minute...
[get] Getting:
[get] To: D:\Github\freeline\sample\
[get] moved to
download success.
[unzip] Expanding: D:\Github\freeline\sample\ into D:\Github\freeline\sample
"project_type": "gradle",
"freeline_cache_dir": "C:\Users\46041.freeline\cache\aa8b50fc0a10c8672ed1c30501a13ecf",
"product_flavor": "develop",
"build_script": "gradle.bat assembleDevelopDebug",
"build_script_work_directory": "",
"root_dir": "D:\Github\freeline\sample",
"main_project_name": "app",
"main_project_dir": "app",
"build_directory": "D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build",
"build_cache_dir": "D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\freeline",
"build_tools_version": "23.0.3",
"sdk_directory": "H:\Android\sdk",
"build_tools_directory": "H:\Android\sdk\build-tools\23.0.3",
"compile_sdk_version": "android-23",
"compile_sdk_directory": "H:\Android\sdk\platforms\android-23",
"package": "com.antfortune.freeline.sample",
"main_src_directory": [
"main_res_directory": [
"main_assets_directory": [
"main_manifest_path": "D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml",
"launcher": "com.antfortune.freeline.sample.MainActivity",
"apk_path": "D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\outputs\apk\app-develop-debug.apk",
"extra_dep_res_paths": [

"exclude_dep_res_paths": [

"main_r_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\app\\build\\generated\\source\\r\\develop\\debug\\com\\antfortune\\freeline\\sample\\",
"project_source_sets": {
    "app": {
        "main_src_directory": [
        "main_res_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [
        "main_manifest_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\app\\src\\main\\AndroidManifest.xml"
    "common": {
        "main_src_directory": [
        "main_res_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [
        "main_manifest_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\common\\src\\main\\AndroidManifest.xml"
    "resources": {
        "main_src_directory": [
        "main_res_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [
        "main_manifest_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\resources\\src\\main\\AndroidManifest.xml"
    "payment": {
        "main_src_directory": [
        "main_res_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [
        "main_manifest_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\ThirdParty\\payment\\src\\main\\AndroidManifest.xml"
    "share": {
        "main_src_directory": [
        "main_res_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [
        "main_assets_directory": [                                                                                           
        "main_manifest_path": "D:\\Github\\freeline\\sample\\ThirdParty\\share\\src\\main\\AndroidManifest.xml"              

Save to C:\Users\46041.freeline\cache\aa8b50fc0a10c8672ed1c30501a13ecf\project_description.json


from freeline.

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Github\freeline\sample\", line 5, in <module>
    from freeline_core.dispatcher import Dispatcher
  File "D:\Github\freeline\sample\freeline_core\", line 1, in <module>
    import build_commands
ImportError: No module named 'build_commands'

from freeline.

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024


Python 3.5.2 (v3.5.2:4def2a2901a5, Jun 25 2016, 22:01:18) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

from freeline.

lomanyong avatar lomanyong commented on April 29, 2024

@tianzhijiexian 我们只在Python 2.7+下做过验证..没有测试过Python 3.5+的情况。


from freeline.

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024


from freeline.

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024

[DEBUG] [dispatcher] command line args: Namespace(all=False, clean=False, cleanBuild=False, debug=False, init=False, version=Fals
[DEBUG] find app has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find share has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find common has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find resources has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find payment has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] project just need a incremental build.
[DEBUG] file changed list:
"build_info": {
"last_clean_build_time": 1472131096.9908862,
"is_root_config_changed": false
"projects": {
"app": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"share": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"common": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"resources": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"payment": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [connect_device_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [gradle_aapt_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [share]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [payment]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [resources]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 3, task: [common]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 6, task: [app]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 7, task: [merge_dex_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 9, task: [gradle_sync_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 10, task: [clean_cache_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 11, task: [update_stat_task]
[DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] start to connect device...
[DEBUG] [sync_client] apktime path: D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\freeline\freeline-assets\apktime
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] your local sync value is: 396000
[DEBUG] [share] share start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [payment] payment start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [resources] resources start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] payment old path: ThirdParty\payment\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\antfortu
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] share old path: ThirdParty\share\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\antfortune\fre
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] resources old path: resources\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\antfortune\fr
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] payment new path: None
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] share new path: None
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] resources new path: None
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] payment project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_invoker] payment code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] share project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] resources project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [payment_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [share_inc_invoker] share code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_invoker] resources code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [payment] payment finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [share_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [share_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [resources_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [share] share finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [resources] resources finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [common] common start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] common old path: common\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\antfortune\freeline\sa
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] common new path: None
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] common project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [common_inc_invoker] common code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [common_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [common_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [common] common finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [app] app start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app old path: D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\generated\source\r\develop\debug\com\antfortun
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app new path: None
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [app_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [app_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [app] app finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [merge_dex_task] merge_dex_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [merge_dex_task] just 1 dex need to sync, copy D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\freeline\app\dex\app.dex to D:\Github
[DEBUG] [merge_dex_task] merge_dex_task finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] server result is 0
[DEBUG] [sync_client] check sync value failed, maybe you need a clean build.
[DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task finish in 0.1s
[DEBUG] [gradle_sync_task] gradle_sync_task start to run after waiting 0.1s
[DEBUG] [clean_cache_task] clean_cache_task start to run after waiting 0.1s
[DEBUG] [update_stat_task] update_stat_task start to run after waiting 0.1s
[DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 0.11s to execute tasks.
[DEBUG] [WARNING] check sync status failed, a clean build will be automatically executed.
[DEBUG] collecting project info, please wait a while...
[DEBUG] update apk time path: D:\Github\freeline\sample\app\build\freeline\freeline-assets\apktime
[DEBUG] new clean build flag value: 318000
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [read_project_info_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [generate_file_stat_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [gradle_clean_build_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 3, task: [clean_all_cache_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 3, task: [install_apk_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 4, task: [build_base_resource_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 4, task: [generate_project_info_task]
[DEBUG] [read_project_info_task] read_project_info_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [generate_file_stat_task] generate_file_stat_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [generate_file_stat_task] generate_file_stat_task finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [read_project_info_task] read_project_info_task finish in 9.5s
[DEBUG] [gradle_clean_build_task] gradle_clean_build_task start to run after waiting 9.5s
[DEBUG] [gradle_clean_build_task] gradle_clean_build_task finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [clean_all_cache_task] clean_all_cache_task start to run after waiting 9.5s
[DEBUG] [install_apk_task] install_apk_task start to run after waiting 9.5s
[DEBUG] [build_base_resource_task] build_base_resource_task start to run after waiting 9.5s
[DEBUG] [generate_project_info_task] generate_project_info_task start to run after waiting 9.5s
[DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 9.49s to execute tasks.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 9.49s to execute tasks.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 9.49s to execute tasks.
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Freeline ERROR
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Github\freeline\sample\freeline_core\", line 123, in execute
File "D:\Github\freeline\sample\freeline_core\", line 100, in execute
output, err, code = cexec(self._config['build_script'].split(' '), callback=None, cwd=cwd)
File "D:\Github\freeline\sample\freeline_core\", line 28, in cexec
p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd)
File "D:\Python27\lib\", line 711, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "D:\Python27\lib\", line 959, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2]

[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] unexpected exception within task
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Prepare tasks time: 0.4s
[DEBUG] Task engine running time: 9.5s
[DEBUG] Total time: 9.9s
[DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------------

运行起来了,但是出现了这个错误 @lomanyong

from freeline.

lomanyong avatar lomanyong commented on April 29, 2024

@tianzhijiexian 把sample工程的gradle跟runtime版本都更新到0.5.3,然后重新执行gradlew.bat initFreeline -Pmirror,再来执行python。抱歉哈,没有更新sample工程的依赖版本号。

from freeline.

kaleai avatar kaleai commented on April 29, 2024


from freeline.

lomanyong avatar lomanyong commented on April 29, 2024

@tianzhijiexian 修改完代码直接执行python freeline.py即可,可以现在sample工程测试看看

from freeline.

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