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Comments (5)

lomanyong avatar lomanyong commented on April 28, 2024

@29995270 可以贴出更完整的日志吗?这里缺少一些上下文,不是很好判断哪里出问题.

from freeline.

29995270 avatar 29995270 commented on April 28, 2024

[DEBUG] [dispatcher] command line args: Namespace(all=False, clean=False, cleanBuild=False, debug=False, init=False, version=False)
[DEBUG] [scan_changed_files_command] find D:\as\new\im_android\app\src\com\kanjian\radio\ui\fragment\radio\ has modification.
[DEBUG] find KanjianTV has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find pay has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find app has 1 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find SwipeMenuListView has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find ImageBlurring has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find handmark_pulltorefresh has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find model has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find umeng_libs has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] find baichuan_feedback has 0 java files modified.
[DEBUG] project just need a incremental build.
[DEBUG] file changed list:
"build_info": {
"last_clean_build_time": 1472538968.1583998,
"is_root_config_changed": false
"projects": {
"KanjianTV": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"pay": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"app": {
"src": [
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"SwipeMenuListView": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"ImageBlurring": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"handmark_pulltorefresh": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"model": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"umeng_libs": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
"baichuan_feedback": {
"src": [],
"assets": [],
"res": [],
"manifest": [],
"libs": [],
"config": []
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [connect_device_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 1, task: [gradle_aapt_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [ImageBlurring]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [pay]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [baichuan_feedback]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [handmark_pulltorefresh]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [model]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 2, task: [SwipeMenuListView]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 4, task: [KanjianTV]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 4, task: [umeng_libs]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 6, task: [app]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 11, task: [merge_dex_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 13, task: [gradle_sync_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 14, task: [clean_cache_task]
[DEBUG] [task_engine] depth: 15, task: [update_stat_task]
[DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] start to connect device...
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] apktime path: D:\as\new\im_android\app\build\freeline\freeline-assets\apktime
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [gradle_aapt_task] gradle_aapt_task finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [pay] pay start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] your local sync value is: 272000
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring] ImageBlurring start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh] handmark_pulltorefresh start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback] baichuan_feedback start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [model] model start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] ImageBlurring old path: None
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] ImageBlurring new path: None
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] model old path: D:\as\new\im_android\model\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\kanjian\radio\model\
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] ImageBlurring project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_invoker] ImageBlurring code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] model new path: None
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] pay old path: D:\as\new\im_android\pay\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\kanjian\radio\pay\
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] handmark_pulltorefresh old path: D:\as\new\im_android\3rdparty\handmark_pulltorefresh\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\handmark\pulltorefresh\library\
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] pay new path: None
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] handmark_pulltorefresh new path: None
[DEBUG] [ImageBlurring] ImageBlurring finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] model project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] baichuan_feedback old path: D:\as\new\im_android\baichuan_feedback\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\kanjian\radio\feedback\
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [model_inc_invoker] model code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView] SwipeMenuListView start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [model_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] pay project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] baichuan_feedback new path: None
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] handmark_pulltorefresh project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_invoker] pay code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_invoker] handmark_pulltorefresh code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [model_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [model] model finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [pay_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] baichuan_feedback project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [pay] pay finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV] KanjianTV start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_invoker] baichuan_feedback code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [handmark_pulltorefresh] handmark_pulltorefresh finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [baichuan_feedback] baichuan_feedback finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs] umeng_libs start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] SwipeMenuListView old path: D:\as\new\im_android\3rdparty\SwipeMenuListView\build\generated\source\r\androidTest\debug\com\baoyz\swipemenulistview\
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] SwipeMenuListView new path: None
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] SwipeMenuListView project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_invoker] SwipeMenuListView code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [SwipeMenuListView] SwipeMenuListView finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [app] app start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] KanjianTV old path: D:\as\new\im_android\KanjianTV\build\generated\source\r\kanjiantv\debug\com\kanjian\radio\tv\
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app old path: D:\as\new\im_android\app\build\generated\source\r\develop\debug\com\kanjian\radio\
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] KanjianTV new path: None
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] app new path: None
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] umeng_libs old path: D:\as\new\im_android\umeng_libs\build\generated\source\r\develop\debug\com\kanjian\radio\umengstatistics\
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] KanjianTV project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_invoker] KanjianTV code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] umeng_libs new path: None
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [KanjianTV] KanjianTV finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] src changed files:
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] [u'D:\as\new\im_android\app\src\com\kanjian\radio\ui\fragment\radio\']
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] []
[DEBUG] [app_inc_javac_compile] start to execute javac command...
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] umeng_libs project has no change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_invoker] umeng_libs code only change, need not go ahead
[DEBUG] [app_inc_invoker] avoid windows unicode error for D:\as\new\im_android\app\build\freeline\app\backup\com\kanjian\radio\
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_javac_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs_inc_dex_compile] no need to execute
[DEBUG] [umeng_libs] umeng_libs finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [app] app finish in 0.0s
[DEBUG] [merge_dex_task] merge_dex_task start to run after waiting 0.0s
[DEBUG] [sync_client] find device port: 41128
[DEBUG] [connect_device_task] connect_device_task finish in 0.2s
[DEBUG] [gradle_sync_task] gradle_sync_task start to run after waiting 0.2s
[DEBUG] [clean_cache_task] clean_cache_task start to run after waiting 0.1s
[DEBUG] [update_stat_task] update_stat_task start to run after waiting 0.1s
[DEBUG] [task_engine] task engine occurs exception, engine will exit.
[DEBUG] [task_engine] it takes task engine 0.2s to execute tasks.
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Freeline ERROR
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 304, in execute
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 159, in execute
map(lambda command: command.execute(), self.command_list)
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 159, in
map(lambda command: command.execute(), self.command_list)
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 193, in execute
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 378, in append_r_file
write_file_content(main_r_path, content)
File "D:\as\new\im_android\freeline_core\", line 118, in write_file_content
with open(target_path, 'w') as fp:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'D:\as\new\im_android\app\build\freeline\app\backup\com\kanjian\radio\'

[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] incremental build task failed.
[ERROR] --------------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] Prepare tasks time: 0.2s
[DEBUG] Task engine running time: 0.2s
[DEBUG] Total time: 0.4s
[DEBUG] --------------------------------------------------------

这些就是 执行 python 后的日志

from freeline.

lomanyong avatar lomanyong commented on April 28, 2024


可以重新python -f重新全量打包一次,然后再来增量试试看嘛?

from freeline.

charvenhe avatar charvenhe commented on April 28, 2024

@29995270 加入我们官方群,我们来跟进

from freeline.

29995270 avatar 29995270 commented on April 28, 2024

重新 全量编译 再增量编译 也会报同样的错误

from freeline.

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