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paBadStreamPtr error returned Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback method

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. pError = PortAudio.Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback(ref newStream, 
2. private void StreamFinishedCallback(IntPtr userData){}
3. pError comes always paBadStreamPtr 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? paNoError

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? V19

Please provide any additional information below.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 25 Sep 2014 at 7:19

Not able to detect Asio card

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Connect Asio RME
2. Call function PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i) with count available
3. No device detected related to Asio

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I do not see Asio device detected, with win7 32 it was working.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 18 Jul 2014 at 9:22

Only float[] in WriteStream

It would be nice to be able to use types other than float[] in WriteStream.

Thanks for making PortAudioSharp by the way. I am finding it very useful.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 30 Aug 2010 at 1:07

Invalid monodevelop project


I am trying to use projects from monodevelop 2.6 on ubuntu 11.10 and I get the 
following message only with PortAudioSharp project :
not built in active configuration.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Nov 2011 at 3:46

Can't call Pa_OpenStream without specifiying input or output stream parameters

What steps will reproduce the problem?
Can't call Pa_OpenStream() without input stream parameters or without output 
stream parameters. Instead both values must be specified.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
You should be able to call Pa_OpenStream() without input or output stream 
parameters. Passing null to both should be valid as well, but the PortAudio 
library itself should return an error to you for that.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
PortAudioSharp 0.19.3 on Windows, but issue applies to all platforms.

Please provide any additional information below.
See the attached patch file for my recommendation. I've already tested the 
changes and everything works. In essence the patch changes PaStreamParameters 
from a struct to a class and removes all several unnecessary ref attributes 
from several parameters.

PS: The library is working pretty awesome so far other than the mentioned issue 
above. I'm glad I didn't have to write a binding from scratch.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 5 Dec 2012 at 4:27


PInvokeStackImbalance on Pa_GetDeviceInfo

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. PortAudio.Pa_Initialize();
2. PortAudio.PaDeviceInfo paDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(0);

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
IntPtr structptr = IntPtr_Pa_GetDeviceInfo(device);
This line produces a PInvokeStackImbalance warning. From what I found on the 
internet, it seems to occur when there's a mismatch between the parameters 
passed through the stack.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Visual C# 2010 Express - .NET4 Client - Windows Seven

Please provide any additional information below.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Oct 2011 at 7:00

Breaks when no input devices are present.

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Disable Sound card
2. Run sample

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Stack trace.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Windows 7 64 bit

Please provide any additional information below.

Audio.CS: Line 74-ish

this.inputDeviceInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo(apiInfo.defaultInputDevice);

generates a null exception because apiInfo.defaultInputDevice is -1

I fixed this by doing the following.

1) Adding a new p/invoke Pa_OpenStream

        public static extern PaError Pa_OpenStream(
            out IntPtr stream,
            IntPtr inputParameters,
            ref PaStreamParameters outputParameters,
            double sampleRate,
            uint framesPerBuffer,
            PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
            PaStreamCallbackDelegate streamCallback,
            IntPtr userData);

2) Added a new overload to streamOpen, without the input device parameters

private IntPtr streamOpen(
                         int outputDevice, int outputChannels,
                         int sampleRate, uint framesPerBuffer)
            IntPtr stream = new IntPtr();
            IntPtr data = new IntPtr(0);

            PortAudio.PaStreamParameters outputParams = new PortAudio.PaStreamParameters();
            outputParams.channelCount = outputChannels;
            outputParams.device = outputDevice;
            outputParams.sampleFormat = PortAudio.PaSampleFormat.paFloat32;
            outputParams.suggestedLatency = this.outputDeviceInfo.defaultLowOutputLatency;
            errorCheck("OpenStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream(
                out stream,
                ref outputParams,
            return stream;

Made the following changes to method 'start' in class audio.

public void Start() {

            if (this.apiInfo.defaultInputDevice != -1)
       = streamOpen(this.apiInfo.defaultInputDevice, this.inputChannels,
                this.apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice, this.outputChannels,
                this.frequency, this.framesPerBuffer);
       = streamOpen(
                    this.apiInfo.defaultOutputDevice, this.outputChannels,
                    this.frequency, this.framesPerBuffer);
            log("Stream pointer: " + stream.ToInt32());



Now it no longer fails when no input device is detected.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 Jan 2012 at 4:42


What steps will reproduce the problem: 
- Compile & Debug the PortAudioSharpTest project

Vista SP1
Visual Studio 9
Port Audio V19 posted December 7, 2007

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 5 Aug 2009 at 9:03

OSS favored over ALSA in PortAudioSharp.Audio

First of I don't know much about audio, or audio drivers on Linux...
But in the Audio class you favor paOSS instead of ALSA... Doesn't everybody
use ALSA these days and isn't OSS just left there for backwards

I noticed it because you get an exception if you try to play audio using
OSS while playing something else, e.g. background music:

System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: src
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure (intptr,System.Type)
  at PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_GetDeviceInfo (Int32 device) [0x00000] 
  at PortAudioSharp.Audio..ctor (Int32 channels, Int32 frequency, UInt32
framesPerBuffer, PortAudioSharp.PaStreamCallbackDelegate paStreamCallback)
  at PortAudioSharpTest.PortAudioTest.Run () [0x00000] 

Also using ALSA doesn't work... Probably because I'm doing something wrong
I just tried to change the PortAudio.PaHostApiTypeId.paOSS to
PortAudio.PaHostApiTypeId.paALSA in the following:

private int apiSelect() {

    int selectedHostApi = PortAudio.Pa_GetDefaultHostApi();

    int apiCount = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiCount();

    for (int i = 0; i<apiCount; i++) {

        PortAudio.PaHostApiInfo apiInfo = PortAudio.Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);

        if ((apiInfo.type == PortAudio.PaHostApiTypeId.paDirectSound)

            || (apiInfo.type == PortAudio.PaHostApiTypeId.paOSS))

            selectedHostApi = i;


    return selectedHostApi;


Don't know why I didn't get ALSA working, but shouldn't ALSA be preferred
over OSS in the Audio class ?

Just for the record:
with Mono 1.9.1 on Ubuntu 8.10
I had two versions of PortAudio don't know to which the libportaudio was
resolved :)
/usr/lib/  (0.19, tried hardcoding it to this thought, in
the dllmap)
/usr/lib/  (0.18)

Please provide any additional information below.
Absolutely nice library... I was amazed that it was so easy to compile and
I've always feared having mixin unmanaged code, as I thought it would make
distribution and compilation much more complicated...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 Jan 2009 at 8:15


System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream()

What steps will reproduce the problem?

1. compile portaudio with asio as indicated in
   * extract portaudio archive
   * extract asio sdk into asio hostapi subfolder and rename src\hostapi\asio\ASIOSDK2 (asio sdk archive) to src\hostapi\asio\ASIOSDK
   * open msvc solution found in build\msvc and set switches for all platforms as indicated in URL above. leaving the structure aligning to default
2. "compile" or assemble portaudiosharp
3. place portaudio_x64.dll, renamed to portaudio.dll in 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

I don't know what to expect, certainly not the error below.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

windows 7 64bit

Please provide any additional information below.

I changed the code just a little bit to show the pointer types, so that the   
errorCheck("OpenDefaultStream", PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream( ... )) call appears in 
line 150.


PortAudioSharp Test

PortAudioSharpTest version: 0.1.4419.2504
PortAudioSharp version:
PortAudio version: PortAudio V19-devel (built Feb  6 2012 01:33:54) (1899)

PortAudio: Initializing...

before paHostApiInitializers[0].
after paHostApiInitializers[0].
before paHostApiInitializers[1].
ASIO names[0]:Audio 8 DJ
after paHostApiInitializers[1].
before paHostApiInitializers[2].
WASAPI: device idx: 00
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:0| name[Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)]
WASAPI:0| form-factor[1]
WASAPI:0| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device idx: 01
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:1| name[SPDIF Interface (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)]
WASAPI:1| form-factor[8]
WASAPI:1| def.SR[44100] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010159] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: device idx: 02
WASAPI: ---------------
WASAPI:2| name[Microphone (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)]
WASAPI:2| form-factor[4]
WASAPI:2| def.SR[48000] max.CH[2] latency{hi[0.010000] lo[0.003000]}
WASAPI: initialized ok
after paHostApiInitializers[2].
before paHostApiInitializers[3].
Setup called
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 1 has render alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 0
Device 3 has capture alias
Enum called
noError = 0
Enum called
noError = 1
Device 5 has render alias
Enum called
Interfaces found: 3
Device 1 has render alias
Interface 1, Name: HD Audio digital out
Creating pin 0:
No standard streaming
Creating pin 1:
Not source/sink
Filter NOT created
Device 3 has capture alias
Interface 3, Name: SoundMAX HD Audio I
Creating pin 0:
No standard streaming
Creating pin 1:
Not source/sink
Filter NOT created
Device 5 has render alias
Interface 5, Name: SoundMAX HD Audio O
Creating pin 0:
No standard streaming
Creating pin 1:
Not source/sink
Filter NOT created
after paHostApiInitializers[3].
PortAudio: Initialize OK

PortAudio: available API index: 0
structVersion: 1
type: paMME
name: MME
deviceCount: 5
defaultInputDevice: 1
defaultOutputDevice: 3

PortAudio: available API index: 1
structVersion: 1
type: paASIO
name: ASIO
deviceCount: 0
defaultInputDevice: -1
defaultOutputDevice: -1

PortAudio: available API index: 2
structVersion: 1
type: paWASAPI
name: Windows WASAPI
deviceCount: 3
defaultInputDevice: 7
defaultOutputDevice: 5

PortAudio: available API index: 3
structVersion: 1
type: paWDMKS
name: Windows WDM-KS
deviceCount: 0
defaultInputDevice: -1
defaultOutputDevice: -1

PortAudio: selected Host API: 0

PortAudio: input device:
hostApi: 2
maxInputChannels: 0
maxOutputChannels: 1889785610
defaultLowInputLatency: 0,09
defaultLowOutputLatency: 0,18
defaultHighInputLatency: 0,18
defaultHighOutputLatency: 44100
defaultSampleRate: 5,4535343634296E-312

PortAudio: output device:
hostApi: 0
maxInputChannels: 2
maxOutputChannels: 1889785610
defaultLowInputLatency: 0,09
defaultLowOutputLatency: 0,18
defaultHighInputLatency: 0,18
defaultHighOutputLatency: 44100
defaultSampleRate: 5,4535343634296E-312

PortAudio: Starting...

PortAudio:   data ptr = 0
stream ptr = 0

System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. 
This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at PortAudioSharp.PortAudio.Pa_OpenStream(IntPtr& stream, PaStreamParameters& inputParameters, PaStreamParameters& outputParameters, Double sampleR
ate, UInt32 framesPerBuffer, PaStreamFlags streamFlags, 
PaStreamCallbackDelegate streamCallback, IntPtr userData)
   at PortAudioSharp.Audio.streamOpen(Int32 inputDevice, Int32 inputChannels, Int32 outputDevice, Int32 outputChannels, Int32 sampleRate, UInt32 framesPerBuffer) in D:\Users\alex\Downloads\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharp\src\PortAudioSharp\Audio.cs:line 150
   at PortAudioSharp.Audio.Start() in D:\Users\alex\Downloads\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharp\src\PortAudioSharp\Audio.cs:line 80
   at PortAudioSharpTest.PortAudioTest.Run() in D:\Users\alex\Downloads\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharp-src-0.19.3\PortAudioSharpTest\src\PortAudioTest.cs:line 78
PortAudio: Terminating...

TerminateHostApis in
TerminateHostApis out
PortAudio: Terminate OK

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Feb 2012 at 11:16

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