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ark-android's Issues

Focus query mode

See #17 for definition and examples of Focus mode.
This mode should be useful to explore loosely-connected resources and mark them with more tags.

Improve score widget

Our score widget isn't that pretty. There is a tiny lib which does the same thing but looks nice: We can just import it and implement correct handlers.

Bonus feature: increment/decrement in the Stepper-Touch lib are triggered by swipes to left or right. If we could mix additional "swipe and hold" logic into it, that would be awesome. So, when the user wants to increment more than by 1, we could either simply start incrementing further until the user releases the swipe, or we could display additional score slider:

Score slider

We have the scoring widget, consisting of 3 elements:

  • [inc_score] button (arrow up)
  • [curr_score] label (star with a number inside)
  • [dec_score] button (arrow down)

The problem is that when a user has a lot of scored resource in her collection, in order to "pin" some resource it is necessary to tap multiple times on inc_score button.

Let's add this behaviour:

  1. User has opened a collection of resources.
    Some resources have scores set.
    Let's denote the highest score of the collection as MAX.

  2. User is looking at some particular resource.
    Let's denote it's score as CURR.

  3. User taps [inc_score] and holds it.

  4. Slider [set_score] appears.
    It has values from CURR to MAX + 1 in it.
    Default value is MAX.

  5. User has several options now:
    a. Release the button: MAX score is set to the resource.

    b. Slide one up and release: MAX + 1 score is set.

    c. Slide to anything below and release: any chosen score is set.
    (only values from CURR to MAX + 1 are available)


Cloud tags selector

When maximized, tags selector should be capable of switching into alternative mode visually representing tags as a cloud. This mode will be called cloud selector and normal mode will be called linear selector.

Both modes should operate on the same internal state, only visual representation should differ. Cloud selector allows to use more than 1 metric for ordering tags. The same as linear selector, cloud selector must hide or gray-out tags which are not actual with the current query.

In cloud selector, tags can have different sizes to represent some metric.

Cloud tags selector itself can come in 2 flavors:

  • 2D cloud has 2 dimensions: size of a tag, and distance from center
  • 3D cloud has 2 dimensions: horizontal, vertical and size of a tag.

FilePicker: ARK view ("Roots" tab)

An ARK-enabled folder is either:

  • a root folder—any folder containing .ark subfolder
  • a favorite folder—subfolder of a root mentioned in .ark/favorites file

Since we use content-addressing, we have special file called index. It is stored in .ark subfolder of each root folder. Favorite folders are children of root folders and don't have their own index, they use their root's index file.

Normally, roots are listed in .ark-roots file in the disk root. If it doesn't exist then we should scan the whole filesystem (Navigator does this on first launch). Each root folder contains list of its favorite folders in .ark/favorites file.

The "Roots" tab lists all ARK-enabled folder: both roots, and favorites. It was implemented in scope of this issue:

Tag usage statistics

For usage in tag selectors, it would be convenient to have tag stats: kind of metrics, which we can't count just by looking at resources in corresponding collections. Stats can be, e.g. amount of times tag was used or how recently tag was used.

These stats can be kept in Room, but this way stats from one device will not transport to another. Sometimes it might be preferred to treat devices differently though (e.g. a phone and a laptop could be used for different workflows). In terms of performance, we will not have penalty if we will write stats into tags storage (we write to it every time we tag a resource anyway). We can allow a user to set her preferences regarding to persist stats or not.

Statistics to consider:

  1. How many times the tag was queried — the simplest one to implement.
  2. How many times a resource was labeled with the tag — should not be confused with popularity metric, since popularity is "final state" and tags can also be used temporary, e.g. "todo", which are removed from a resource after some time.
  3. How recently the tag was queried.
  4. How recently a resource was labeled with the tag.

Here, 1 and 3 are query stats and 2 and 4 are label stats, but I am not sure that this separation of stats is really useful. It is based on the fact that we have query tag selector and label tag selector, they are similar but not the same and we can sort tags in them basing on different stats. On other hand, we can simplify 4 stats into just 2.

About 3 and 4: "how recently" doesn't necessarily mean "time". We can implement these stats using timestamps, but we need to sort tags by them, so might be more practical to just keep stack and put a tag on top of it when it is used.

Tag metrics

Tag metric is a function which enables us to order tags. Technically, it can be alphabetical ordering but it isn't really useful conceptually. More convenient metric is popularity of a tag, which stands for amount of resources labeled with the tag.

With linear selector we can use only 1 metric. But with cloud selector we can use up to 3 metrics (see #7).

Possible metrics to implement:

  • popularity — amount of resources standing behind a tag
  • freshness — the latest date of modification among all resources standing behind a tag
  • coupling — amount of common resources a tag has with other tags
  • branching — amount of tags crossing given tag

It also should be possible to invert ordering by any metric.

Cloud scrolling for 2D tags selector

For cloud selector (see #7) in 2D mode, we can do tricky scrolling to fit only part of the cloud on the screen.

Let's say that we use distance from center to represent some metric (freshness or coupling from #13 ). When we have too much of tags, it is difficult to fit them all on the screen, so we would show the most central tags and place the rest beyond the screen. Now, imagine that we want to show the border of the cloud. We can just zoom-out everything in the middle of it, releasing screen space for the cloud border.

The middle of tags cloud can be shown by zooming-out everything what is closer to the center, and putting everything what is further from the center beyond the screen. Let's present a user with a slider allowing her to choose how much tags to zoom-out and by moving the slider it becomes possible to overview the whole cloud.

Pinned tags

Would be great to allow pinning of tags in the selector.

Pinned tags should be stored as user data per each root.

Tags selector should be possible to maximize by dragging up

There is a "tags selector" in resources grid. It should be possible to maximize it by dragging its edge up.

In maximized state, a user still can select tags but resources grid is not visible, hence not necessary to update previews. But the user should receive feedback about his actions, so number of resources selected should be displayed.

Tags editing dialog: quick tags and filter by prefix

Would be nice to add additional selector in tags editing dialog, used for putting tags into input field.
This new selector should be located under text input field and consist of the most frequent tags across the whole storage.

When a user types text into the field, quick tags must be filtered by prefix. This filter must be reset upon entering the tags separator (comma).

Query input

When maximized, tags selector should reveal query input box.
Query itself consists of tags and should be just a quicker way to produce the same result as tags selector.

Parent and child tags

Similar to how filesystem can have parent and child folders, tags should be capable of linking as well.

Each tag will be able to have multiple parents and multiple children. This change makes it possible to construct graphs of tags, where labeling a resource with, e.g. "Pushkin", can automatically label the resource with "Literature" and/or "Russian" tags. This dependency graph is defined only by user, so it is up to them to create graph which makes sense to them.

This dependency graph notion also affects [tag selector] which must also select all children tags of any selected tag. E.g. if a user selects "Literature", they are also presented by resources labeled as "Pushkin", "Shakespeare", "Remarque" etc. But not in focus mode (see #17).

Graph structure of tags must be persisted and replicated, it can be stored in e.g. .ark/graph.

FilePicker: Pin folders from classical view into "Roots" tab


When the user walks through folders using classical mode, they can pin a folder to the "Roots" tab.

If this folder isn't contained in any root folder:

  1. It becomes new root folder.
  2. It should be added into global roots file.
  3. The .ark subfolder must be created in it.
  4. Ensure that "Roots" tab is visible and contains the pinned folder.

If the folder is already contained in an other root:

  1. It must be marked as favorite by writing to root-level file listing favorites.
  2. Ensure that "Roots" tab is visible and contains the pinned folder.

Restructure the repo

This repo will collect individual modules, each module should be possible to use on its own as a dependency.

  • Top-level folders should be complete libraries with their own build config
  • GitHub Actions workflows should be separated for separate components
  • Same components could exist for different platform, e.g. filepicker-android and filepicker-ios (in future)

Approximate module structure should be something like this:

|- data-link
|- data-link-android
|- data-link-ios
|- data-pdf
|- data-pdf-android
|- data-pdf-ios
|- data-images
|- data-images-android
|- data-images-ios
|- filepicker-android
|- tag-selector-android
|- tag-selector-tauri
|- score-widget-android
|- score-widget-tauri

Here, data-link and data-images are examples of future "data components". Such components will bring particular resource kinds, i.e. will allow handling files of certain type. They can denote a single file type like .link, or a group of file types like images:

⚠️ Dependent components considerations

It's not completely clear to me if we should be cautious about dependencies between components.

E.g. component B depends on component A:

  • Can A and B be used in an app at the same time? Problems with versions could arise.. If usage of connected components poses some limitations, they must be clarified in README, e.g. if the user should inject only B.

  • Would be more efficient to define GitHub Actions workflows in such a way that B and A run one after another, not separately since building B would mean building A again.

Resource scores

Any resource should have "score" modifiable by user, which can be used in sortings.
This score must be implemented as separate table .ark/scores and bind resource id to an integer number.

Multi-value widget for properties

We now incorporate user-defined metadata known as properties, which are essentially key-value pairs. For instance, a book resource could have a property like "title": "Moby Dick". However, property values might differ when sourced from various devices, leading to potential conflicts. In such cases, users must have the option to manually select the correct value to resolve these conflicts. Internally, we represent a property by a key coupled with a list of values. So it may be simply "title": ["Moby Dick"] in conflict-free scenarios, or "title": ["Moby Dick", "Moby-Dick; or, The Whale"] when an alternative value exists.

A view for representing such fields would be handy:

  • In normal case, we have 1 value, so the view just displays it
  • When there are N > 1 values:
    • random value from N is selected and displayed
    • conflict label is displayed in the corner of the view
  • User can tap on the conflict label and see the other values as versions list
  • User can select the preferred value from the versions list

When the user selects a value from versions list, all elements from the corresponding Set must be erased except the selected one.

Graph tags selector

When tags selector is maximized, tabs with alternative selectors must appear. One of alternative selectors is cloud selector, and other is graph selector. Both should switch to default linear one upon dragging selector down.

Graph selector represents a graph with tags as its vertices. When two tags A and B intersect (there are resources labeled with both of them) then we have edge between A and B.

Improve sorting by popularity in tag selector

Right now, every time we change tags, we count their popularity by resources in TagsSelectorPresenter.
We can collect this statistics in StatsStorage and use it right away
But before that, we need to make sure that statistics are collected correctly.
For example, deleting a resource without our app. In this case, we need to reduce popularity of tags of this resource.

    private fun sortByPopularity(
        tagsOfSelectedResources: List<TagItem>,
        tagsOfUnselectedResources: List<TagItem>,
        tagItemsByResources: Map<ResourceId, Set<TagItem>>
    ) {
        val tagsOfSelectedResPopularity = Popularity

        val tagsOfUnselectedResPopularity = Popularity

        val tagsPopularity = Popularity

Previews generation

It would be nice to make render subcommand capable of running in batch mode. At this moment, it can render preview for a single resource. If we could render previews for all resources in the folder, we could:

  1. Test the code working with libpdfium in batch-mode.
  2. Render previews/thumbnails on powerful server and allow light device to just sync them over the network.

FilePicker: Automatic discovery of ARK-enabled folders


User may sync or copy manually an ARK-enabled folder from another device. The synced folder should magically appear in "Roots" tab of the filepicker.

User may:

  • already have .ark-roots file in the filesystem
  • be not aware of what is ARK-enabled folder or if it contains hidden .ark subfolder
  • have only one app of ARK family, e.g. Retouch or Shelf

How to solve this? Scanning the whole filesystem every time doesn't look reasonable. Is it ok to do it in background?

Favorite tags

Should be possible to set a tag as favorite.

Favorite tags must be represented in linear tags selector before any other tags.
Favorite tags must be ordered by popularity, the same as other groups of tags.

Crash in `pdfPreviewGenerateNative` API

This happens when clicking on Navigate data in Navigator app with some PDF files.
Related: ARK-Builders/ARK-Navigator#412

Cmdline: dev.arkbuilders.navigator
pid: 11803, tid: 12465, name: DefaultDispatch  >>> dev.arkbuilders.navigator <<<
uid: 10716
signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
    x0  0000000000000000  x1  00000000000030b1  x2  0000000000000006  x3  00000079040392d0
    x4  00000000ebad808a  x5  00000000ebad808a  x6  00000000ebad808a  x7  3f8000003f800000
    x8  00000000000000f0  x9  8246067d94e6f48d  x10 0000000000000000  x11 ffffff80fffffbdf
    x12 0000000000000001  x13 0000000000000070  x14 0000000071931070  x15 0000007904039138
    x16 0000007bbeb8d050  x17 0000007bbeb69eb0  x18 fffffffffffffff8  x19 0000000000002e1b
    x20 00000000000030b1  x21 00000000ffffffff  x22 000000789d838850  x23 0000007904039580
    x24 000000789ceab8a0  x25 000000789d8f9a60  x26 000000790403b21c  x27 000000790403b210
    x28 000000790403b110  x29 0000007904039350
    lr  0000007bbeb1cba0  sp  00000079040392b0  pc  0000007bbeb1cbcc  pst 0000000000000000

      #00 pc 000000000004fbcc  /apex/ (abort+164) (BuildId: ba489d4985c0cf173209da67405662f9)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#1 pc 0000000000bf3674  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (std::sys::unix::abort_internal::h4cbe40d43106b45b+4)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#2 pc 0000000000bf0e40  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (rust_panic+76)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#3 pc 0000000000bf0c64  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h9c80bfe4d552cb32+660)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#4 pc 0000000000bf09b0  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$::haece24ab2b06546c+196)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#5 pc 0000000000bef6a4  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h5255d8dea90e7932+4)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#6 pc 0000000000bf0700  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (rust_begin_unwind+108)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#7 pc 0000000000c0faac  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (core::panicking::panic_fmt::h61a82d7f25335953+44)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#8 pc 0000000000c0fe5c  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (core::result::unwrap_failed::h0973c0cfe8c3b00d+88)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#9 pc 00000000004461dc  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (core::result::Result$LT$T$C$E$GT$::unwrap::hd97d7155f1a185bd+152)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#10 pc 0000000000448f60  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (arklib::pdf::render_preview_page::he4a0f3d9b25ab6ef+1860)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#11 pc 0000000000435dd4  /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk! (Java_dev_arkbuilders_arklib_LibKt_pdfPreviewGenerateNative+1768)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#12 pc 0000000000461554  /apex/ (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+148) (BuildId: 12e00d030bcfeb51f978c01791e0cd24)
      #13 pc 0000000000209398  /apex/ (nterp_helper+152) (BuildId: 12e00d030bcfeb51f978c01791e0cd24)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#14 pc 00000000002468bc  [anon:dalvik-classes16.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk!classes16.dex]
      ARK-Builders/arklib#15 pc 0000000000209334  /apex/ (nterp_helper+52) (BuildId: 12e00d030bcfeb51f978c01791e0cd24)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#16 pc 000000000025120e  [anon:dalvik-classes16.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk!classes16.dex]
      ARK-Builders/arklib#17 pc 000000000020a254  /apex/ (nterp_helper+3924) (BuildId: 12e00d030bcfeb51f978c01791e0cd24)
      ARK-Builders/arklib#18 pc 0000000000251092  [anon:dalvik-classes16.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/~~UopwbnBLZsui9cjV_wT07g==/dev.arkbuilders.navigator-HVeIdiZtVWBKhm-dfxJI2A==/base.apk!classes16.dex]
      ARK-Builders/arklib#19 pc 00000000020bd4b8  /memfd:jit-cache (deleted)

Virtual tags in query selector: resource "kinds"

Sometimes, it would be convenient to filter resources not only by tags but also by their type. In our app, we replace file notion with resource and type with kind. Kinds are more generic: e.g. both JPG and PNG are images and a user rarely cares about exact types of images. Usage of kind notion also hints that, technically, it might be determined not only by file extension.

Tag selector in resource grid should provide user with auto-generated virtual tags. For the beginning, these virtual tags must correspond to resource kinds. Virtual tags must be highlighted differently. They are different from normal tags in that it's not possible to label a resource with them manually, and they are not stored. They are similar to tags that every tag can filter selection and can be composed with other tags. This implies that virtual tags should also be sorted the same way as other tags in the selector.

From UI perspective, button in tag selector also should be created to turn on/off both generation and displaying of virtual tags.

Virtual tags must be also provided for unlabeled selection, i.e. when no tags are selected. If the user didn't turn virtual tags off, of course.

Smart tag auto-completion

Text inputs working with tags, like [tag selector] in Resource Grid and [tags editor] in Gallery, should be able to work with not only full id, but also with parts of title in case of dedicated tags (#257). Tags with parents (#255) also should be possible to be found by typing their parent id or title.

Query modes

The app uses "tags selector" to specify tags, i.e. it outputs some set of tags.
But there are multiple ways to interpret a selection into subset of resources.
Of the following 1, 2 and 5 seem to be most natural and modes 3, 4 might be useful sometimes.

  1. Normal mode (intersection)

    Every resource which is marked with all of specified tags is displayed.
    I.e. resources which contain extra tags are also displayed.

  2. Focus mode

    This mode is stricter: only those resources which are marked with all
    of specified tags and none of non-specified tags
    are displayed.
    I.e. resources which contain extra tags are filtered-out.

  3. Extra mode

    This mode is derived from 1 and 2: we apply Normal mode
    and filter-out all resources from Focus mode.
    I.e. resources which are marked with all of specified tags
    and at least one of non-specified tags
    are displayed.
    We can also, on the opposite, define Focus mode via Extra mode.

  4. Inversion mode

    This mode is inverted Normal mode: we take the whole
    collection and filter resources which are marked with all of specified tags out.
    I.e. we display only those resources which are not marked with any of specified tags.

  5. Union mode

    We display all resources marked with at least one of specified tags.

To illustrate these modes, let's take some collection of resources:

  • Resource 1 is marked with tag a
  • Resource 2 is marked with tag b
  • Resource 3 is marked with tag c
  • Resource 4 is marked with tags a, b
  • Resource 5 is marked with tags b, c
  • Resource 6 is marked with tags a, c
  • Resource 7 is marked with tags a, b, c
  • Resource 8 isn't marked with any tag

Examples of queries on this collection:

  1. Empty query (beginning of user's interaction)

    Normal mode outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    Focus mode outputs 8
    Extra mode outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
    Inversion mode outputs nothing
    Union mode outputs nothing

  2. Single tag query, e.g. {a}

    Normal mode outputs 1, 4, 6, 7
    Focus mode outputs 1
    Extra mode outputs 4, 6, 7
    Inversion mode outputs 2, 3, 5, 8
    Union mode outputs 1, 4, 6, 7

  3. Two tags query, e.g. {a, b}

    Normal mode outputs 4, 7
    Focus mode outputs 4
    Extra mode outputs 7
    Inversion mode outputs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8
    Union mode outputs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

  4. Three tags query, e.g. {a, b, c}

    Normal mode outputs 7
    Focus mode outputs 7
    Extra mode outputs nothing
    Inversion mode outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
    Union mode outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Tags editing dialog: [backspace] must delete last tag, [back] should discard any deletions, commit changes only by [done] event

  1. When a user presses [back] button, the current input is saved. This is fine when we have unfinished input, because it is lost (as expected). But, if we deleted several tags and press [back] button — we don't undo deletion of tags.

  2. Right now, we handle [done] as saving current state into tags storage. After [done] event we leave input field active. We should close the dialog after [done].

  3. If we enter new tag and trigger [done], it becomes "chip". If we press [backspace] this new chip must be deleted. Chips should only be view of text input.

EditTagsDialogPresenter should store raw input and EditTagsDialogFragment only draw this input as chips.
Right now, the input stored only in the fragment. We also should store initial state in the presenter. We should not spawn coroutines and write to the storage before [done] is triggered. If [back] is triggered, we should discard all changes (this means no writes to storage was done during work with the dialog).

Score of a resource and "boost" buttons

Sometimes it is convenient to pin a resource, so it would be shown on top of other resources. Score is more general approach, which allows to prioritize one resource over another and also to deprioritize resources, so resources with negative score would be shown in the bottom of current selection.

Scoring requires separate storage similar to tags storage, but much simpler — file .ark/scores should contain mapping from Resource ID into integer number (can be positive or negative). Default value should be 0, so if a resource is not mentioned in the file, that implicitly means it's score is 0.

For modifying score of a resource, "boost" buttons should be drawn on top of its preview in GalleryFragment. Just "+" and "-".

The app should have switch in resources grid, enabling/disabling usage of score during resources sorting.

Alternative tags orderings in tags selector

A user should be able to sort tags in tags selector using various metrics (see #13).
In order to achieve this, metric switch needs to be implemented.
For the start, it can be just toggle between popularity and freshness metrics.

Dedicated tags

Let's call tags that we have right now as quick tags.
It would be nice to implement more powerful concept of dedicated tags.

Quick tags:

  • easy to create
  • id = title, which must not contain spaces
  • no sophistication like parent/child tags

Dedicated tags:

  • can be created from quick tags using [tag menu]
  • can be created using separate [dedicated tag editor] dialog
  • can have title with spaces and special characters
  • will have parent tags and child tags #18

Both quick and dedicated tags will have id which is a word without spaces and special characters. Id must be recognized as the tag in all text inputs ([tag selector], [tags editor] dialog in Gallery). These text inputs should also support finding the tag by typing only a part of the title (see #20) or typing it's parent tag.

White spaces must become a kind of separator in [tags editor] dialog (Gallery), the same as comma. Special characters should highlight unfinished input as invalid.

Extract metadata from images

The most important metadata values would be date of creation, location, device. Dimensions could be scanned as well, but not so useful. Date of creation would allow to sort images by true date and not date of modification. EXIF should be used.

Repo enhancements

  • README listing components
  • each component must have its own README, with link from root README
  • GitHub Packages set up in same way as arklib-android (double-check)

Improve tag selector swipe-up handling

Maybe just motion speed thresholds should be adjusted, but it won't hurt to overhaul the whole gesture handling.

  • It should be possible to maximize selector with one quick single-handed motion
  • If a user drags the bar in one direction and then switches into other, swipe-up still had to be recognized
  • It should be possible to place the bar into any position on the screen (any portion of the screen: 20%, 30%, 50%, 75% etc.)

This issue is continuation of #21

Videos of how does it work right now:


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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.