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This project forked from campmindshark/people-manager

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.01 MB

An app for managing the people

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

TypeScript 43.60% CSS 19.79% HTML 36.62%

people-manager's Introduction

Sup ๐Ÿ‘‹

Background about me:

  • Armenian born in Moscow / grew up in Seattle / live in NYC
  • Currently working on Comm
  • vim user, terrified of IDEs
  • Open-source contributor, mostly in React world: React Native, React Navigation
  • Learned to code modding IPB (forum software) in the mid-2000s
  • Started HelioHost
  • Worked at FB from 2011-2016
  • Work on LED projects with Camp Mindshark

people-manager's People


dtp263 avatar

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