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Comments (17)

greenpau avatar greenpau commented on July 22, 2024 2

don't know if this config is valid:

@omario36 , this is nor a valid config.

@axi92 , thank you for helping out!


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024 1

maybe because the domain of my keycloak auth and the whoami service is different ? so AUTHP_SESSION_ID cookie is rejected ?


greenpau avatar greenpau commented on July 22, 2024

@omario36 , what is the config you are using?


greenpau avatar greenpau commented on July 22, 2024

@omario36, try setting the following in your provider config.

  required_token_fields access_token


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024
  admin off
  http_port 880
  https_port 4443

	order authenticate before respond
	order authorize before basicauth

	security {
		oauth identity provider keycloak {
			driver generic
			realm master
			client_id test-caddy
			client_secret 8KfOcqKQaSxczrM6Y0BqusTJofC4NkHO
			scopes email profile
			required_token_fields access_token


		authentication portal myportal {
			crypto default token lifetime 3600
			crypto key sign-verify "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"
			enable identity provider keycloak
			cookie domain localhost
			ui {
				links {
					"My Website" https://assetq.localhost:4443/ icon "las la-star"
					"My Identity" "/whoami" icon "las la-user"
			transform user {
				match origin keycloak
				action add role authp/user

		authorization policy mypolicy {
			set auth url https://auth.localhost:4443/
			allow roles authp/admin authp/user
			crypto key verify "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"

whoami.localhost:4443 {
  route {
		authenticate with myportal
  reverse_proxy whoami:80
  tls internal

auth.localhost:4443 {
	tls internal
	authenticate with myportal

assetq.localhost:4443 {
	tls internal	
	authorize with mypolicy
	respond "assetq is running"



omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

@greenpau any news please ?
@axi92 can you please share with me your realm export and/or some screenshot, eventually where I have to add the mappers ... ?
Thanks a lot


axi92 avatar axi92 commented on July 22, 2024

This is our config maybe it helps you.
I had the problem that I imported my realm config into keycloak and the keys are not in this export. So you have to regenerate all keys after the import and give the caddy the new key too.

	email [email protected]

	order authenticate before respond
	order authorize before basicauth

	security {
		oauth identity provider keycloak {
			driver generic
			realm keycloak
			client_id {env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID}
			client_secret {env.KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET}
			scopes openid email profile

		authentication portal myportal {
			crypto default token lifetime 3600
			crypto key sign-verify {env.JWT_SHARED_KEY}
			enable identity provider keycloak
			cookie domain
			ui {
				links {
					"alertmanager-03" icon "las la-link"
					"My Identity" "/whoami" icon "las la-user"
			transform user {
				match origin keycloak
				action add role authp/user
			transform user {
				match origin local
				action add role authp/user
				ui link "Portal Settings" /settings icon "las la-cog"

		authorization policy mypolicy {
			set auth url
			allow roles authp/admin authp/user
			crypto key verify {env.JWT_SHARED_KEY}
		authorization policy apipolicy {
			set token sources header query
			crypto key verify from directory /home/user/sfw-proxy/jwt-public-keys/api
			crypto key token name api_token
			allow roles service
			acl default deny
			validate path acl
		authorization policy monitoring {
			set auth url
			allow email [email protected]
			crypto key verify {env.JWT_SHARED_KEY}


axi92 avatar axi92 commented on July 22, 2024

@omario36 You got "realm master" we have "realm keycloak" try to change that?


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

@axi92 ok I will try to create a new realm "keycloak" and will keep you informed, many thanks


axi92 avatar axi92 commented on July 22, 2024

I dont think you have to do that, my only realm in my keycloak instance is called "mater" but in my caddy config its working with "realm keycloak". Maybe the caddy plugin does not treat the realm like a "keycloak realm". Instead the whole keycloak is the "realm"

What realm you use is configured by the metadata_url url you give to the authp plugin


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

I have these client scopes :
and in the email scope I added the groups mapper :

Is it the same config you have ?


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

@axi92 thank you now Its ok for the token I have :
{"level":"info","ts":1670842683.5485365,"logger":"security","msg":"Successful login","session_id":"AX9RwuGA0daWpjY9Ev7h00TVc9VzWDnCkRtIFS9","request_id":"4979ccf2-49ba-4754-aee3-fb0f4f539c08","backend":{"name":"keycloak","realm":"keycloak","method":"oauth"},"user":{"addr":"","email":"[email protected]","exp":1670846283,"family_name":"Omari","given_name":"Omar","iat":1670842683,"iss":"https://whoami.localhost:4443/oauth2/keycloak/","jti":"AX9RwuGA0daWpjY9Ev7h00TVc9VzWDnCkRtIFS9","name":"Omar Omari","nbf":1670842623000,"origin":"keycloak","realm":"keycloak","roles":["authp/admin","default-roles-master","authp/user","authp/guest","offline_access","uma_authorization"],"sub":"131d20a2-79d4-40ec-9e65-e4baaa488145"}}

But now I have something like an infinite login loop with this test url :



axi92 avatar axi92 commented on July 22, 2024

The scopes should not matter, as you give every user that comes from keycloak the authp/user

			transform user {
				match origin keycloak
				action add role authp/user

And you allow in your policy:
allow roles authp/admin authp/user
Everybody can access from keycloak.


axi92 avatar axi92 commented on July 22, 2024

I don't know if this config is valid:

whoami.localhost:4443 {
  route {
		authenticate with myportal
  reverse_proxy whoami:80
  tls internal

You don't need to check the /whoami endpoint, authp denies access to that endpoint if you dont have a valid session. So no need to have that config IMHO.

You should see the Whoami endpoint on the linklist after the login is successful.


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

@axi92 sorry but here whoami is the service that I want to secure buy keycloak oauth
To clarify the situation : I have a whoami docker service running on the same network with caddy
so to expose it, I have to do something like that : whoami.localhost:4443 { tls internal reverse_proxy whoami:80 authenticate with myportal }

The new config is :

  admin off
  http_port 880
  https_port 4443

	order authenticate before respond
	order authorize before basicauth

	security {
		oauth identity provider keycloak {
			driver generic
			realm keycloak
			client_id test-caddy
			client_secret 8KfOcqKQaSxczrM6Y0BqusTJofC4NkHO
			scopes openid email profile
			#required_token_fields access_token
			metadata_url https://auth.domain.tld/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration


		authentication portal myportal {
			crypto default token lifetime 3600
			crypto key sign-verify "qwerty"
			enable identity provider keycloak
			cookie domain localhost
			ui {
				links {
					"whoami" https://whoami.localhost:4443/  icon "las la-star"
					"My Identity" "/whoami" icon "las la-user"
			transform user {
				match origin keycloak
				action add role authp/user

			transform user {
				match origin local
				action add role authp/user
				ui link "Portal Settings" /settings icon "las la-cog"

		authorization policy mypolicy {
			set auth url https://auth.domain.tld/
			allow roles authp/admin authp/user
			crypto key verify "qwerty"
		authorization policy monitoring {
			set auth url https://auth.domain.tld/
			allow email [email protected]
			crypto key verify "qwerty"

whoami.localhost:4443 {
   tls internal
   reverse_proxy whoami:80
   authenticate with myportal


Thanks for your support, I realy need to secure for example this whoami or another service proxied by the caddy.


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

YEEES @axi92 @greenpau thanks Now its ok


omario36 avatar omario36 commented on July 22, 2024

@greenpau any link to update the documentation for using keycloak v20 + ?


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