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PUCU Pascal UniCode Utils Libary

You do need only the src\PUCU.pas file for the normal usage of this Library

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pucu's Issues

Avoid use of longint and longword

In Delphi LongInt and LongWord are platform dependant types: 32-bit on Windows and 64-bit on Linux, iOS, and Android.
In FreePascal LongInt and LongWord are 32-bit on all platforms. I don't know if this is dependent on Delphi-mode or not.

You probably want to use Integer and Cardinal instead as these are 32-bit on all platforms, regardless of the compiler.

It appears that you were aware of this when you wrote the code, but got the handling of it reversed:

TPUCUInt32={$ifdef fpc}Int32{$else}LongInt{$endif};
TPUCUUInt32={$ifdef fpc}UInt32{$else}LongWord{$endif};

Regardless, it would be better to just alias the integer and cardinal types.

Changing case according to language

I went through PUCU.pas as carefully as I could, but I couldn't find an answer to changing case (i.e. upper/lower/title) of a codepoint based on language.

Let me try to make the question a little clearer:

Consider 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I' (U+0049).

For all languages the lowercase for this is 'LATIN SMALL LETTER I' (U+0069) except for Turkish and Azerbaijani in which case it becomes 'LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I' (U+0131).

Similar ones also apply to other languages for title cases, etc.

The issue here is not a codepage since Unicode does not have codepages.

It's neither a script (or codeblock) issue.

It is, solely and purely a language one.

IOW, case change rules differ by the language a piece of string written in.

To sum it all, I suppose I am looking for a function such as:

NewString := LowerCase(OriginalString, Turkish);
NewString := UpperCase(OriginalString, German);
NewString := TitleCase(OriginalString, Spanish);

Is there anything in PUCU.pas that serves (or can be made to serve) this purpose.

Use 'case' here, faster

function PUCUUnicodeIsWhiteSpace(c:TPUCUUInt32):boolean; {$ifdef caninline}inline;{$endif}
//result:=UnicodeGetCategoryFromTable(c) in [PUCUUnicodeCategoryZs,PUCUUnicodeCategoryZp,PUCUUnicodeCategoryZl];
 result:=((c>=$0009) and (c<=$000d)) or (c=$0020) or (c=$00a0) or (c=$1680) or (c=$180e) or ((c>=$2000) and (c<=$200b)) or (c=$2028) or (c=$2029) or (c=$202f) or (c=$205f) or (c=$3000) or (c=$feff) or (c=$fffe);

case block will be better.

Integer overflow in PUCUUTF32Normalize

The statement...


Lines 3340 to 3342 in ea0b2a5

CompositionSequenceIndex:=PUCUUnicodeCharacterCompositionHashTableData[TPUCUUInt32((TPUCUUInt32(StartCodePoint)*98303927) xor
(TPUCUUInt32(CodePoint)*24710753)) and

...can cause an integer overflow when the multiplication of two 32-bit numbers overflows 32-bits.

One way to avoid it is to simply promote the numbers to 64-bit like this:

CompositionSequenceIndex :=
    TPUCUUInt32((TPUCUUInt64(StartCodePoint)*98303927) xor (TPUCUUInt64(CodePoint)*24710753)) and

Special lower/upper case handling

Some characters need special handling because they turn into multiple characters rather than one when case converting, as in "SpecialCasing.txt". E.g. when converting to lower case İ becomes something like0069 0307:

For upper case ß is the most notorious.

That should be handled in PUCUUTF*LowerCase/PUCUUTF*UpperCase.

NFC Normalization of Å

Decomposing and normalizing the letter Å (Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above, codepoint $00C5) produces the sequence $0041 $030A. This is correct.
However, composing the sequence $0041 $030A produces the codepoint $212B (Angstrom Sign).

$00C5 and $212B are equivalent codepoints but their normal form is $00C5 so the composition is wrong.

For example, the distinct Unicode strings "U+212B" (the angstrom sign "Å") and "U+00C5" (the Swedish letter "Å") are both expanded by NFD (or NFKD) into the sequence "U+0041 U+030A" (Latin letter "A" and combining ring above "°") which is then reduced by NFC (or NFKC) to "U+00C5" (the Swedish letter "Å").

This is a pretty big problem as Å is a fairly common letter in Scandinavian languages (which is why I discovered this problem).

linux building

This is hard to build on Linux

I always have to do it like this:

$   fpc PUCUConvertUnicode.dpr
$   ./PUCUConvertUnicode 
$   fpc -Twin32 PUCUGenCodePages.dpr
Error: Illegal parameter: -Twin32
$ fpc -Twin32 -Pi386 PUCUGenCodePages.dpr
$  wine ./PUCUGenCodePages.exe
$  fpc -B PUCUBuild.dpr
$   ./PUCUBuild 

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