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cargo-bundle's Introduction

Cargo bundle

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Wrap Rust executables in OS-specific app bundles


cargo-bundle is a tool used to generate installers or app bundles for GUI executables built with cargo. It can create .app bundles for Mac OS X and iOS, .deb packages for Linux, and .msi installers for Windows (note however that iOS and Windows support is still experimental). Support for creating .rpm packages (for Linux) and .apk packages (for Android) is still pending.

To install cargo bundle, run cargo install cargo-bundle. This will add the most recent version of cargo-bundle published to as a subcommand to your default cargo installation.

To start using cargo bundle, add a [package.metadata.bundle] section to your project's Cargo.toml file. This section describes various attributes of the generated bundle, such as its name, icon, description, copyright, as well as any packaging scripts you need to generate extra data. The full manifest format is described below.

To build a bundle for the OS you're on, simply run cargo bundle in your project's directory (where the Cargo.toml is placed). If you would like to bundle a release build, you must add the --release flag to your call. To cross-compile and bundle an application for another OS, add an appropriate --target flag, just as you would for cargo build.


--all-features           Build a bundle with all crate features.
--bin <NAME>             Bundle the specified binary
--example <NAME>         Bundle the specified example
--features <FEATURES>    Set crate features for the bundle. Eg: `--features "f1 f2"`
--format <FORMAT>        Which bundle format to produce [possible values: deb, ios, msi, osx, rpm]
-h, --help                   Prints help information
--no-default-features    Build a bundle without the default crate features.
--profile <NAME>         Build a bundle from a target build using the given profile
--release                Build a bundle from a target built in release mode
--target <TRIPLE>        Build a bundle for the target triple


aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu	ARM64 Linux (kernel 4.1, glibc 2.17+) 1
i686-pc-windows-gnu	        32-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) 2 3
i686-pc-windows-msvc	    32-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) 2 3
i686-unknown-linux-gnu	    32-bit Linux (kernel 3.2+, glibc 2.17+) 3
x86_64-apple-darwin	        64-bit macOS (10.12+, Sierra+)
x86_64-pc-windows-gnu	    64-bit MinGW (Windows 7+) 2
x86_64-pc-windows-msvc	    64-bit MSVC (Windows 7+) 2
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu	64-bit Linux (kernel 3.2+, glibc 2.17+)

Bundle manifest format

There are several fields in the [package.metadata.bundle] section.

General settings

These settings apply to bundles for all (or most) OSes.

  • name: The name of the built application. If this is not present, then it will use the name value from bin target in your Cargo.toml file.
  • identifier: [REQUIRED] A string that uniquely identifies your application, in reverse-DNS form (for example, "com.example.appname" or "io.github.username.project"). For OS X and iOS, this is used as the bundle's CFBundleIdentifier value; for Windows, this is hashed to create an application GUID.
  • icon: [OPTIONAL] The icons used for your application. This should be an array of file paths or globs (with images in various sizes/formats); cargo-bundle will automatically convert between image formats as necessary for different platforms. Supported formats include ICNS, ICO, PNG, and anything else that can be decoded by the image crate. Icons intended for high-resolution (e.g. Retina) displays should have a filename with @2x just before the extension (see example below).
  • version: [OPTIONAL] The version of the application. If this is not present, then it will use the version value from your Cargo.toml file.
  • resources: [OPTIONAL] List of files or directories which will be copied to the resources section of the bundle. Globs are supported.
  • script: [OPTIONAL] This is a reserved field; at the moment it is not used for anything, but may be used to run scripts while packaging the bundle (e.g. download files, compress and encrypt, etc.).
  • copyright: [OPTIONAL] This contains a copyright string associated with your application.
  • category: [OPTIONAL] What kind of application this is. This can be a human-readable string (e.g. "Puzzle game"), or a Mac OS X LSApplicationCategoryType value (e.g. ""), or a GNOME desktop file category name (e.g. "LogicGame"), and cargo-bundle will automatically convert as needed for different platforms.
  • short_description: [OPTIONAL] A short, one-line description of the application. If this is not present, then it will use the description value from your Cargo.toml file.
  • long_description: [OPTIONAL] A longer, multi-line description of the application.

note: description is also required in the [package] section.

Linux-specific settings

These settings are used only when bundling Linux compatible packages (currently deb only).

  • linux_mime_types: A list of strings which represent mime types. If present, these are assigned to the MimeType field of the .desktop file.
  • linux_exec_args: A single string which is inserted after the name of the binary in the Exec field in the .desktop file. For example if the binary is called my_program and linux_exec_args = "%f" then the Exec filed will be Exec=my_program %f. Find out more from the specification
  • linux_use_terminal: A boolean variable indicating the app is a console app or a gui app, default it's set to false.

Debian-specific settings

These settings are used only when bundling deb packages.

  • deb_depends: A list of strings indicating other packages (e.g. shared libraries) that this package depends on to be installed. If present, this forms the Depends: field of the deb package control file.

Mac OS X-specific settings

These settings are used only when bundling osx packages.

  • osx_frameworks: A list of strings indicating any Mac OS X frameworks that need to be bundled with the app. Each string can either be the name of a framework (without the .framework extension, e.g. "SDL2"), in which case cargo-bundle will search for that framework in the standard install locations (~/Library/Frameworks/, /Library/Frameworks/, and /Network/Library/Frameworks/), or a path to a specific framework bundle (e.g. ./data/frameworks/SDL2.framework). Note that this setting just makes cargo-bundle copy the specified frameworks into the OS X app bundle (under; you are still responsible for (1) arranging for the compiled binary to link against those frameworks (e.g. by emitting lines like cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=SDL2 from your script), and (2) embedding the correct rpath in your binary (e.g. by running install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks" path/to/binary after compiling).

  • osx_minimum_system_version: A version string indicating the minimum Mac OS X version that the bundled app supports (e.g. "10.11"). If you are using this config field, you may also want have your script emit cargo:rustc-env=MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 (or whatever version number you want) to ensure that the compiled binary has the same minimum version.

  • osx_url_schemes: A list of strings indicating the URL schemes that the app handles.

  • note: Github Actions and Bitbucket Pipelines both have Apple MacOS build runners/containers available to use for free

Example Cargo.toml:

name = "example"
# ...other fields...

name = "ExampleApplication"
identifier = "com.doe.exampleapplication"
icon = ["32x32.png", "128x128.png", "[email protected]"]
version = "1.0.0"
resources = ["assets", "images/**/*.png", "secrets/public_key.txt"]
copyright = "Copyright (c) Jane Doe 2016. All rights reserved."
category = "Developer Tool"
short_description = "An example application."
long_description = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.  Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
deb_depends = ["libgl1-mesa-glx", "libsdl2-2.0-0 (>= 2.0.5)"]
osx_frameworks = ["SDL2"]
osx_url_schemes = ["com.doe.exampleapplication"]


cargo-bundle has ambitions to be inclusive project and welcome contributions from anyone. Please abide by the Rust code of conduct.


Very early alpha. Expect the format of the [package.metadata.bundle] section to change, and there is no guarantee of stability.


This program is licensed either under the terms of the Apache Software License, or the MIT License.

cargo-bundle's People


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cargo-bundle's Issues

Generates non-reproducible Installed-Size field

[ Stumbled over this, and did a quick review over the implementation for conformance issues. :) ]

The generated Installed-Size field appears to be created using an out of date algorithm, which produces unreproducible values depending on the file system type and settings.

The current algorithm used by dpkg-gencontrol is described in the deb-substvars(5) man page, the Debian policy is currently out of date, see the following Debian policy bug for the reference to the discussion that prompted the change.

Track valid Cargo.toml format

While implementing workspace awareness, I have realized that the definition of CargoSettings does not contemplate all fields of a Cargo.toml file.

e.g. a Cargo.toml file with a "workspace" table broke the deserialization as an unexpected field.
e.g. when parsing 'parent' Cargo.toml files in a workspace setup) the lack of a package table broke it.

I suggest we add some tests to test Cargo.toml deserialization against valid Cargo formats with newer fields and lacking some optional ones.

Ideally (I haven't checked) the Cargo project would offer a crate that defines the struct and deserialization using serde, then we could all use it directly and track updates.

Cargo.lock is too old to build cargo-bundle

I tried to build cargo-bundle and it failed (sorry I don't have the message handy), but someone pointed out to me that if you run cargo update and then cargo install things work out.

Please run cargo update and check in the new Cargo.lock and make a new release.


Automatically resize icon files to the next largest valid ICNS dimension

There's a comment in create_icns_file() in src/bundle/

        // TODO: If none of the icons are of usable sizes, we could also use
        // the image crate to scale icons to the appropriate sizes.

I ran into this when I supplied a 500x500 PNG and got a "No usable icon files found." error. Manually resizing it to 256x256 made it go away.

Support skipping build step

I am cross-compiling a program on Linux to MacOS and my build process cannot use as it needs to set environment variables used by transitive dependencies to configure their builds.

Because cargo-bundle always tries to build this makes things awkward. Also, I would like to run strip on the generated executables before bundling too which I am not sure is possible right now.

Could we allow an environment variable to skip the build step, maybe CARGO_BUNDLE_SKIP_BUILD which when set would omit the call to build_project_if_unbuilt()?

Specifying supported mime types.

When a file is to be opened with a new program in the GNOME desktop, only those programs are considered that specify a compatible mime type in their .desktop files. EDIT: Only those programs are considered that specify an input file or url in the Exec field. (See #87)

Currently a program bundled with cargo-bundle cannot be associated to any file-type on a GNOME desktop (as far as I can tell).

[Windows] Error in creating msi bundle


I encounter the following error

error: Failed to generate Component table
Caused by: "xxx-xxx-xxx.exe" is not a valid value for column "KeyPath"

Any idea?


Provide a cross-platform way to load bundled resources

Seems like one of the strengths of cargo-bundle is being able to easily handle resource files in a cross-platform way (something I've found to be a pain to deal with on previous, non-Rust projects). While it already provides an easy way to include arbitrary resource files in the bundle, that still leaves the other half of the job: finding and loading those resources once the application is running.

A few ideas for what this could look like:

  • cargo-bundle could provide a companion library (since a single crate can have both a binary and a library) that programs can depend on for loading resources. Since this library would share code with the cargo-bundle binary, they'd be easy to keep in sync.
  • The simplest API for this library that comes to mind would be function that takes a file path/URL as written in the resources field of the bundle spec, and returns a path to where that file was actually placed by the bundle, depending on what system you're running on (so on OSX it would use e.g. CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL, on Debian it would look in /usr/lib/package_name/, etc). That way your actual application code doesn't need to care about what OS it's running on.
  • Ideally, this library would also work correctly if you run your application via cargo run rather than bundling it first, in which case it would load the resources from their original location as written in the resources field of the bundle spec. (Although I'm not sure off the top of my head what is the best way for the library to detect this situation).


Make `cargo-bundle` to work with terminals which don't support colors

Currently cargo-bundle relies on term to determine a terminal (see print_bundling() function as example), thus when term::stdout() returns None, we will observe the following behavior:

    let mut output = match term::stdout() {
        Some(terminal) => terminal,
        None => bail!("Can't write to stdout"),

Because of this limitation, cargo-bundle will make things like CI/CD Jenkins fail when executing this place (in my case the builds have failed multiple times and I had to investigate to understand where the problem is).

An way to go would be to use std::io::stdout() when term::stdout() fails to get a terminal.

What do you think about that?

A quick fix which did a trick in my case was:

diff --git a/src/bundle/ b/src/bundle/
index e5d67fe..22b0edf 100644
--- a/src/bundle/
+++ b/src/bundle/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 use std::ffi::OsStr;
 use std::fs::{self, File};
-use std::io::BufWriter;
+use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write};
 use std::path::Path;
 use term;
 use walkdir::WalkDir;
@@ -52,16 +52,21 @@ pub fn copy_to_dir(from: &Path, to_dir: &Path) -> ::Result<()> {
 /// Prints a message to stdout, in the same format that `cargo` uses,
 /// indicating that we are creating a bundle with the given filename.
 pub fn print_bundling(filename: &str) -> ::Result<()> {
-    let mut output = match term::stdout() {
-        Some(terminal) => terminal,
-        None => bail!("Can't write to stdout"),
+    match term::stdout() {
+        Some(mut output) => {
+            output.attr(term::Attr::Bold)?;
+            output.fg(term::color::GREEN)?;
+            write!(output, "    Bundling")?;
+            output.reset()?;
+            write!(output, " {}\n", filename)?;
+            output.flush()?;
+        }
+        None => {
+            let mut stdout = io::stdout();
+            write!(stdout, "    Bundling")?;
+            write!(stdout, " {}\n", filename)?;
+        }
-    output.attr(term::Attr::Bold)?;
-    output.fg(term::color::GREEN)?;
-    write!(output, "    Bundling")?;
-    output.reset()?;
-    write!(output, " {}\n", filename)?;
-    output.flush()?;

[Windows] Error msi bundle

I get this error

error: Failed to collect resource file information
  Caused by: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. (os error 2)

Add config field for app category

  • For OS X apps, there is a key in the Info.plist file called called LSApplicationCategoryType that specifies what kind of app it is (e.g. for listing in the app store); the valid values are listed here.
  • For Debian apps, there is a key in the .desktop file called Categories that specifies what kind of app it is; the valid values are listed here. Naturally, it is a similar-but-not-quite-the-same list of categories as for OS X apps.
  • RPM packages have the (deprecated) group tag, which categories packages, as listed here. And so on.

It would be nice to have a single category config field you could set, and have cargo-bundle automatically translate as needed for each OS. For example, if you specified category = "BoardGame", then cargo-bundle would set LSApplicationCategoryType to "" for OS X.

Non-zero exit status doesn't pass through.

Looks like if the cargo build (or however it's called) fails, it doesn't cause cargo-bundle to exit with a non-zero exit status.

I changed the example to be non-buildable rust and did:

$ cargo bundle --example hello --target x86_64-apple-ios && echo $?
   Compiling cargo-bundle v0.4.0 (/Users/simlay/projects/cargo-bundle)
error: expected one of `!`, `.`, `::`, `;`, `?`, `{`, `}`, or an operator, found `events_loop`
  --> examples/hello/
18 |     aoeu
   |         - expected one of 8 possible tokens
19 |
20 | |event, _, control_flow| {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^ unexpected token

warning: unused imports: `ControlFlow`, `Event`, `WindowEvent`
 --> examples/hello/
4 |     event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}, event::{
  |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^
5 |         Event, WindowEvent
  |         ^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

error: aborting due to previous error

error: could not compile `cargo-bundle`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
error: Result of `cargo build` operation was unsuccessful: exit code: 101

when it should probably be 101 or something.

Dependency specification

I know it is still work in progress (mostly because I had to use the code from master instead of the regular released version). I tried to create a .deb package, which went mostly well. However, it would be great if I could somehow specify the dependencies for the package (the deb package currently has none). Or did I miss it somewhere in the documentation?

Getting started: how to install cargo-bundle itself

It would be helpful to add a few lines to the Readme specifying that cargo-bundle can be added to the user's cargo installation using cargo install cargo-bundle. Took me a little bit of googling to find that, only discovered from the page announcing cargo-apk.

I'll submit a PR to this effect.

cargo-bundle for macOS does not appear to inherit target name from Cargo.toml

Simple Cargo.toml file, looking something like this:

name = "my-project"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Oluseyi Sonaiya <[email protected]>"]

and simple Bundle.toml, like this:

identifier = ""
icon = "path/to/icon.png"
copyright = "(C) Organization, 2017"
short_description = "My Project for macOS"
long_description = "My Project lorme ipsum"

Consistently, running cargo bundle yields an app bundle named target/debug/.app. It's a valid app bundle, and I just rename it for convenience, but this is clearly a bug.

Btw, perhaps it explains #28.

Support for OS-specific "bundle values"

Bundles for some operating systems may have more options available than for others.

For instance if we're talking about OS X, it has several properties which you can specify in Info.plist such as CFBundleURLName (quite a common thing if you want your app to be able to catch the corresponding URI requests), at the moment there is no way to add additional properties to Info.plist as it has a fixed, hardcoded format with only certain (the most common) values.

It would be nice to be able to specify OS-specific bundle properties.

Improve the workspace awareness by using child crate's "workspace" Cargo.toml key if present

I understand that a child crate in a workspace can include a "workspace" key with a path - that points directly to the workspace root folder (where the workspace's Cargo.toml file should reside).

This means the parent folder doesn't have to be a direct parent of the current crate, and could be in a "sibling" (or child, which would be weird) folder on the file system.

Interest in install and launching bundled app for iOS?

I use cargo-bundle pretty regularly for testing out some rust integration with iOS frameworks on the iOS simulator. While building the bundle isn't all that difficult, I've come to realize that installing it on the simulator and running it can be annoying due to all the iOS specific crap there is.

For example, I'm currently playing around with iOS support for iced (the GUI library) and this is how I rebuild, install and launch the example:
cargo bundle --format ios --target x86_64-apple-ios && xcrun simctl install booted $PWD/../../target/x86_64-apple-ios/debug/bundle/ios/ && xcrun simctl launch booted com.github.iced.simple

To describe what's going on, after the bundle is built xcrun simctl install booted $PATH_TO_BUNDLE installs the bundled iOS app on a booted simulator. One can also specify the ios simulator ID. The xcrun simctl launch booted $BUNDLE_ID launches the bundled iOS app. In my case, it's the bundled identifier used in the package.metadata.bundle from the Cargo.toml.

Anyway, if there's interest in accepting a PR adding something like --install and --launch as parameters to cargo-bundle, I'd be to do it.

Support to specify different target

I can build for a different architecture with cargo build --target (for example to build a statically linked binary, or to build a 32bit binary on 64bit system). It would be great if I could pass --target to cargo bundle as well and it could create a corresponding package. For example, the static binaries would help deploying the same .deb package on both ubuntu and debian systems of different versions in our company instead of having to build a different package for each of them.

[iOS] Window size stuck at 320x480 due to lack of UILaunchStoryboard

I've been meaning to write this issue for a few weeks but can't seem to find the exact stack overflow page(s) that lead me to this issue so I'm doing this a bit from memory.

Anyway, I've been using winit as the main event loop and window creation tool for my projects and the main issue I've had consistently is that the iOS app screen resolution is 320x480 if I take the same app and bundle it with xcodegen, it doesn't have this issue. There are a number of stack over pages mentioning similar issue:

I've tested both cargo-bundle and the same code using xcodegen testing the size of of UIScreen::mainScreen().bounds() with uikit-sys.

Frankly, the Xcode release notes aren't super clear on what's being deprecated but what I've inferred is that the screen size was based on using an image per phone but now it's based on something mildly magic using the UILaunchStoryboard. If someone knows more about this I'm all ears.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this down for the next person who has this type of issue.

gtk-rs program does not receive all keyboard input

I am not sure what is actually the cause here, but I tried to bundle a simple gtk-rs program and after launching, normal keys do not work in a text box. Delete, arrow keys etc., however, work perfectly. This doesn't happen when the program is run from the command line.

[Windows] Support standalone executables

Hello, thanks for a great tool.

I'm using cargo bundle on macOS to successfully build an .app bundle.

On Windows, it errors when creating the msi bundle (this is already recorded as an issue).

However, my app doesn't really need to be an installer. It's just a simple executable and I was hoping to use cargo bundle to set the icon and metadata so that it can be run as an .exe file directly.

At the moment, I can do this with the winres crate. However, that requires a different set of config that has to be kept in-sync with cargo bundle's config. It also requires a small build script to set the icon and it doesn't support converting from a png, etc.

I was wondering whether it would be possible to roll this functionality into cargo bundle so it's just another --format it supports? That way, many of the people running into the msi problem could use this approach instead if their app is simple enough.


Issue installing a deb

When testing cargo-bundle to bundle and install the example project I run into the following error

Error while installing package: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/' near line 1

I'm using Eddy to manage my deb installs, it might be an issue on their end.

Suggestion: use the cargo metadata table

I haven't checked when this was introduced, but currently it is possible to use Cargo.toml for storing external metadata info.

This would work by putting the following on Cargo.toml

name = "ExampleApplication"
identifier = "com.doe.exampleapplication"
icon = ["32x32.png", "128x128.png", "[email protected]"]
version = "1.0.0"
resources = ["assets", "configuration", "secrets/public_key.txt"]
copyright = "Copyright (c) Jane Doe 2016. All rights reserved."

When maintaining packages I always prefer to keep things close, and having them on a single file seems like a good idea.

What do you think?

Concept: what is bundle?

I've noticed some design inconsistency between platforms while implementing #12. As mentioned in #92, it makes sense to having some option to generate not an installer but just a bundle, but then we need some clarification for the term "bundle". I think current implementation is like below:

Platform What it's called Can be run directly?
Windows installer need to be installed by itself
macOS bundle can be run directly, portable but can be installed by user
Debian package need to be installed by package manager

I think installing stuff is a little out of scope of cargo bundle subcommand and our primary business is just wrapping up essential files needed to run the application. Installers and packages are just to place these files onto specific directory and/or register the app to the "Installed Applications" list of user's OS. Ofcourse it would be great if cargo becomes capable of such stuff by using cargo-bundle though, it's a secondary or subsequent step.

There may be multiple steps in bundling process:

  1. Build: already done by cargo build
  2. Collect: copy the executable and the required resources to a separate directory
  3. Sign (optional): codesign in platform-specific way, e.g. using rust-codesign
  4. Pack (optional): generate installer or package, and sign it too if 2 is enabled
  5. Deploy (optional but requires 2 and 3): upload to app store or similar, maybe out of scope

When a user runs cargo bundle, we just have to do upto 1. On macOS, this results in generating an *.app bundle, while others are just a bare directory containing an executable and resources. (But another concern is, we may have cargo bundle --bare option for macOS users who want just a bare directory)

Though, this is just a rough idea... Could someone advise?

Consider refactoring of config loading

It would be nice to use serde and serde-derive crates in order to write the TOML config parsing in an elegant way (without the boilerplate code and self-written macro rules).

Having serde-derive would allow usage of #[derive(Deserialize)] on the corresponding config structures, so the parsing would as simple as let config: Settings = toml::from_str(buffer)?;

Make cargo-build cargo workspace aware


At the moment cargo-build is not aware of cargo workspaces.

So, when it is used in a "member" project of a workspace the target directory is calculated incorrectly, and it does not find the files constructed (e.g. binary) by cargo prior to it running and they cannot be packaged.

Running cargo bundle currently in a member directory of such a project will lead to this output:

cargo bundle
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
Error: the source path is not an existing regular file

Proposed Solution

Make cargo-build aware of workspaces.

When it runs, search for cargo workspaces in the parent directories (need to check if that is recursive and multiple levels or not), and parse that Cargo.toml to determine the correct target directory to us.

Need to check for any ways that the standard target directory can be overridden.
According to this issue (rust-lang/cargo#1657) there are at least two: configuration key
(I'm not sure if that is in Cargo.toml, or any of the .cargo/config files that might apply!)

CARGO_TARGET_DIR=foo; cargo run args

I suspect I might not get all that 100% correct first time, but help fleshing out the correct spec and algorithm for determining what the target directory should be would be appreciated.

Support zip and tar.gz bundles

I suggest extending cargo-bundle with generating also ZIP and tar.gz acrhive bundles.
For many applications, espectially portable (like many of rust binaries are) it's
quite convenient way to deploy the binaries over installers
(which may require user to have root/admin permissions).

The Cargo.toml configuration section could be extended with arrays of archive
type to generate on a specific platform:

linux_archives=["tar.gz", "zip"]

For a package named foo version 0.1.0 on 64-bit Linux platform the output file could be:


and could be generated aside other bundles (DEB, MSI etc).

The internall structure of the archive could follow the same structure that
OS specific bundles have at the moment, e.g. for Linux, same as
DEB packages have with bin, lib, share) directories etc.

Workspace not correctly detected if workspace is also a project

#47 implemented awareness of parent workspaces when running cargo bundle. It seems not to work, though, when the parent workspace is also a project of its own - e.g. foo contains bar, like so:

├── Cargo.toml
├── bar
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └──
└── src

The contents of foo/Cargo.toml are:

name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Søren Mortensen <[email protected]>"]


members = [

I'm not entirely sure this is an intended usage of Cargo workspaces, but I had this setup in a project (until I changed it to work around this issue1). Running cargo bundle within bar/ results in the following error message:

error: Failed to copy binary from "/private/tmp/foo/bar/target/debug/bar"
Caused by: "/private/tmp/foo/bar/target/debug/bar" does not exist

It seems to be the case that the parent foo/target/ directory is not detected in the way it should be, and foo/bar/target/ is being used instead.

1Edit: to clarify, the workaround I used was to change the structure of the project so that it looks like so:

├── bar
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └──
├── Cargo.toml
└── foo
    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src

...where the contents of baz/Cargo.toml are:

members = [

Respect the workspace.exclude Cargo.toml keys

This builds on #42

That implementation is a simple first implementation of detecting a folder/crate is part of a workspace.

But when it detects the "parent" Cargo.toml file with the workspace key, it should:

  • check if this crate is in the "workspace.include" key
  • check this crate is not in the "workspace.exclude" key and is hence explicitly excluded from the workspace.

We should double check if those keys can include wildcards or globs, as that would make it all a bit more complicated.

I'm not clear on what is correct if the parent has a simple "workspace" key, and this crate is defined as a dependency via a file path. Is it then part of the workspace? We can check where it's compiled into (which target directory) as that's basically what we are after to be able to package correctly.

Error: the source path is not an existing regular file

Have a project with this structure:

screen shot 2018-02-04 at 14 31 05

and this Cargo.toml:

name = "flowc"
path = "src/"

identifier = "net.mackenzie-serres.flow.flowc"
icon = ["icons/32x32.png", "icons/128x128.png"]
resources = ["resources"]

(parts removed for brevity)

when I run "cargo bundle" I get this error:

cargo bundle
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
Error: the source path is not an existing regular file

Any ideas of what is wrong?

cargo-bundle on is 2 years out of date.

I updated cargo-bundle via cargo install --force cargo-bundle and found myself with an older version.

I've since updated via cargo install cargo-bundle --git to get the version I actually wanted but figured I'd write a ticket for the next person who ends up going down a small rabbit hole and wonders why it's broken.

cross compiling from linux to windows

Hey, Is it possible to create an msi installer file on my ubuntu laptop, I installed the toolchain and linker to set up cross compilation, and I can successfully create a .exe on my computer, and I was wondering if it was possible to cross compile and make a .msi from my linux laptop. I tried it, but it failed with:

warning: MSI bundle support is still experimental.
    Bundling cof_application.msi
error: Failed to collect resource file information
  Caused by: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Automatic icon conversion

It would be useful if you could specify one icon file, and have it automatically converted to the appropriate format for the platform you're bundling for (e.g. .icns for Mac, .ico for windows, etc.), as well as adding support for hidipi displays

Multiple separate packages

Hi! Just bounced in here, thanks for the application. Currently testing it out!

I wondered whether it would be difficult to have a project split up in different packages; for example, I have three executables in my src/bin, and most of the time, executable A doesn't make sense to be installed, and vice versa.

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