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This project forked from whindes/alpine-minikube

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Containerized minikube and docker in docker (dind)

License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

Dockerfile 54.90% Shell 45.10%

alpine-minikube's Introduction



Pure alpine linux docker. Docker inside docker.


System Requirements

The ~700Mb image has an already created minkikube instance with 4Gb diskspace and 1Gb RAM. This is only for experimentation and demo only. Do not use in production. The minikube binary from the official repository does not work in Alpine and had to be built from source. (See Dockerfile)


Starts a shell ready to docker & minikube

docker run -ti --privileged whindes/alpine-minikube sh


After the commands below navigate to http://<your_host_docker>:30000/#!/overview?namespace=default

docker run -ti -p 30000 -p 31920 --rm --privileged whindes/alpine-minikube sh
[Hit Enter] to get the shell prompt
minikube start
kubectl run webserver --image=nginx:alpine
kubectl expose deployment webserver --type=LoadBalancer --port=80


docker run --name alpine-docker -p 2375:2375 --privileged -d whindes/alpine-minikube

To start a shell in your new container.

docker exec -ti alpine-docker /bin/sh

Inside the container shell

Now you can start containers inside your alpine-docker container.

docker run -d elasticsearch
docker images
docker ps -a
docker volume ls


If you need docker-compose inside your alpine-docker container.

docker-compose up

Remote docker

Set your client system variables and go

export DOCKER_HOST='tcp://'
docker ps
docker-compose up

alpine-minikube's People


whindes avatar


James Cloos avatar Chase Starr avatar

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