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This project forked from kahwee/baseui-final-form

0.0 0.0 0.0 6.15 MB

Adapters for baseui & final-form

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 97.86% CSS 2.01% HTML 0.13%

baseui-final-form's Introduction


Adapter between react-final-form and baseui.

npm CircleCI codecov


  • baseui >= 9.115.3 (peer dependency)
  • react and react-dom >= 16.12.0 (peer dependency)
  • node >= 12.20.0 (for development)
  • yarn >= 1.19.0 (for development)


Assuming you already have react, baseui and react-final-form:

yarn add baseui-final-form

If you don't:

yarn add react react-dom baseui
yarn add react-final-form final-form

Sample component:

import * as React from 'react';
import {Button} from 'baseui/button';
import {AdaptedRadioGroup} from 'baseui-final-form/radio-group';
import {adaptToInput} from 'baseui-final-form/input';
import {adaptToFormControl} from 'baseui-final-form/form-control';
import {Field, Form} from 'react-final-form';
import {MaskedInput} from 'baseui/input';
import {FormControl} from 'baseui/form-control';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      onSubmit={() => {
        // do something
      initialValues={{fruit: 'apple'}}
      render={({handleSubmit, pristine, invalid}) => (
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
            caption="Please select a fruit"
            label="My favorite fruit"
              {id: 'apple', label: 'Apple'},
              {id: 'avocado', label: 'Avocado'},
              {id: 'kiwi', label: 'Kiwi', disabled: true},
              {id: 'peach', label: 'Peach'},
              {id: 'pineapple', label: 'Pineapple'},
              RadioMark: {
                style: ({$theme}) => ({borderColor: $theme.colors.positive}),

            caption="This is MaskedInput from Base Web"
            render={props => {
              return (
                <FormControl {...adaptToFormControl(props)}>
                    placeholder="Phone number"
                    mask="(999) 999-9999"

          <Button type="submit" disabled={pristine || invalid}>
export default MyComponent;

How this works?

This library wraps the corresponding baseui's components under the hood:

When you import from baseui-final-form How baseui-final-form imports from baseui?
import {AdaptedInput} from 'baseui-final-form/input'; import {Input} from 'baseui/input';
import {AdaptedCheckbox} from 'baseui-final-form/checkbox'; import {Checkbox} from 'baseui/checkbox';
import {CheckboxGroup} from 'baseui-final-form'; import {Checkbox} from 'baseui/checkbox';
import {NativeSelect} from 'baseui-final-form';
import {RadioGroup} from 'baseui-final-form'; import {RadioGroup, StyledRadio} from 'baseui/radio';
import {AdaptedSelect} from 'baseui-final-form/select'; import {Select} from 'baseui/select';
import {AdaptedSlider} from 'baseui-final-form/slider'; import {Slider} from 'baseui/slider';
import {AdaptedTextarea} from 'baseui-final-form/textarea'; import {Textarea} from 'baseui/textarea';
import {AdaptedToggle} from 'baseui-final-form/toggle'; import {Checkbox} from 'baseui/checkbox';

If you want to pass in additional props, such as disabled, to the underlying baseui component, can you do it this way:

import {AdaptedInput} from 'baseui-final-form/input';

const form = () => {
  return (
      render={({handleSubmit, pristine, invalid}) => (
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>

This includes the overrides prop.

Overriding components of baseui

If you want to override BaseWeb components, you can use the new adapt* functions supplied by baseui-final-form:

import {adaptToFormControl} from 'baseui-final-form/form-control';
import {adaptToRadioGroup} from 'baseui-final-form/radio-group';
import {FormControl} from 'baseui/form-control';
import {
  Radio as BaseuiRadio,
  RadioGroup as BaseuiRadioGroup,
} from 'baseui/radio';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      onSubmit={() => {}}
      initialValues={{fruit: 'apple'}}
      render={({handleSubmit, pristine, invalid}) => (
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
            label="My favorite fruit"
              {id: 'apple', label: 'Apple'},
              {id: 'avocado', label: 'Avocado'},
              {id: 'kiwi', label: 'Kiwi', disabled: true},
              {id: 'peach', label: 'Peach'},
              {id: 'pineapple', label: 'Pineapple'},
            render={props => (
              <FormControl {...adaptToFormControl(props)}>
                <BaseuiRadioGroup {...adaptToRadioGroup(props)}>
                  { => (
                        // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
                        Label: ({$value}) => (
                          <Block font="font400">
                            Custom label for value: {$value}
                        RadioMarkOuter: {
                          style: ({$theme}) => ({
                            backgroundColor: $theme.colors.positive,


Clone from git

git clone [email protected]:kahwee/baseui-final-form.git
cd baseui-final-form

Setup dev packages with yarn.

yarn storybook

Go to http://localhost:6006 to view storybook.




baseui-final-form's People


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