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Comments (11)

NoahTheDuke avatar NoahTheDuke commented on June 6, 2024 2

I think the issue here is that Parinfer expects that any new text will be correctly indented and adjusts the parentheses to reflect that. Parinfer relies on the author to verify that the indentation is correct, and I don't know if clojure-lsp can make reasonably certain that a given block of code will be correctly indented when moving it from a nested position to a top-level position.

Maybe clojure-lsp can call into cljfmt? But then that relies on cljfmt knowing how to properly indent the code as well, which might not align with how Parinfer expects the code to be laid out (macros, etc).

from clojure-lsp.

ericdallo avatar ericdallo commented on June 6, 2024 1

yeah, I don't think manually fixing the space in clojure-lsp will be a good idea, we could call format-range using cljfmt but there are some performance issues with that cljfmt feature

from clojure-lsp.

ericdallo avatar ericdallo commented on June 6, 2024

@vlnn clojure-lsp has nothing related with the paren package you use in the client side, could you elaborate what is "messing with the code"? is that only related to wrong format (spaces)?

from clojure-lsp.

vlnn avatar vlnn commented on June 6, 2024

Yes it seems to be related to wrong format (extra spaces) — but it becomes structural problem, you may see how new function on first gif gets (if (> a 3 (+ a 2) a)) instead of (if (> a 3) (+ a 2) a). I'm not sure that it's just parinfer's problem, though. I guess some kind of configurable option restricting refactorings from formatting (letting the parinfer or similar things to do its stuff) could become a solution. Or maybe I'm just not aware of one?

from clojure-lsp.

ericdallo avatar ericdallo commented on June 6, 2024

when lsp-mode apply code actions it doesn't call any format IIRC, but you can confirm disabling rangeFormatting feature via lsp-enable-indentation (this disables range formatting not whole buffer formatting which is ok).

from clojure-lsp.

ericdallo avatar ericdallo commented on June 6, 2024

Also, you can check the Log - client <-> server to know if clojure-lsp is really returning something wrong which I doubt

from clojure-lsp.

vlnn avatar vlnn commented on June 6, 2024

I have lsp-enable-indentation set to nil. I'll reproduce and will add log-client <-> server to the issue.

from clojure-lsp.

vlnn avatar vlnn commented on June 6, 2024
log-client <-> server
[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Sending request 'workspace/executeCommand - (4121)'.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'workspace/executeCommand - (4121)' in 24ms.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
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      "tags": [
      "message": "Unused public var 'user/test-parinfer-lsp'",
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      "langs": [],
      "severity": 3,
      "source": "clojure-lsp"

[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (4122)'.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (4123)' in 17ms.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (4122)' in 19ms.
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    "title": "Change coll to vector",
    "kind": "refactor",
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      "title": "Change coll",
      "command": "change-coll",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Change coll to set",
    "kind": "refactor",
    "command": {
      "title": "Change coll",
      "command": "change-coll",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Change coll to map",
    "kind": "refactor",
    "command": {
      "title": "Change coll",
      "command": "change-coll",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Move to let",
    "kind": "refactor.extract",
    "command": {
      "title": "Move to let",
      "command": "move-to-let",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Cycle privacy",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Cycle privacy",
      "command": "cycle-privacy",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Extract function",
    "kind": "refactor.extract",
    "command": {
      "title": "Extract function",
      "command": "extract-function",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Extract to def",
    "kind": "refactor.extract",
    "command": {
      "title": "Extract to def",
      "command": "extract-to-def",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Thread first all",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Thread first all",
      "command": "thread-first-all",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Thread last all",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Thread last all",
      "command": "thread-last-all",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Move another expression to get/get-in",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Move another expression to get/get-in",
      "command": "get-in-more",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Move all expressions to get/get-in",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Move all expressions to get/get-in",
      "command": "get-in-all",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Sort list",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Sort list",
      "command": "sort-clauses",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Drag backward",
    "kind": "refactor.rewrite",
    "command": {
      "title": "Drag backward",
      "command": "drag-backward",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Introduce let",
    "kind": "refactor.extract",
    "command": {
      "title": "Introduce let",
      "command": "introduce-let",
      "arguments": [
    "title": "Clean namespace",
    "kind": "source.organizeImports",
    "command": {
      "title": "Clean namespace",
      "command": "clean-ns",
      "arguments": [

[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (4124)' in 20ms.
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    "value": "```clojure\nuser/new-function [a]\n```\n\n----\n\n*[/Users/va/tmp/test-lsp-parinfer.clj](file:///Users/va/tmp/test-lsp-parinfer.clj)*"

[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'textDocument/codeLens - (4125)' in 30ms.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Sending request 'codeLens/resolve - (4126)'.
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Sending request 'codeLens/resolve - (4127)'.
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      "line": 5,
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'codeLens/resolve - (4126)' in 3ms.
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      "line": 1,
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      "line": 1,
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  "command": {
    "title": "1 reference",
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[Trace - 01:58:40 PM] Received response 'codeLens/resolve - (4127)' in 3ms.
Result: {
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      "line": 5,
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  "command": {
    "title": "0 references",
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    "arguments": [

In "newText": "\n(defn- new-function [a]\n (if (> a 3)\n (+ a 2)\n a))\n" I can see lots of extra spaces, which may create that kind of mess.

from clojure-lsp.

vlnn avatar vlnn commented on June 6, 2024

Both smart and indent modes of parinfer depend on indentation (in the sense they auto-slurp or auto-barf the current sexp depending on how many extra-spaces prepend it). So my proposal is either to format the code correctly from the beginning (but what is correctly? this will add dependency to something external) or provide the option to skip all the extra spaces leaving bare minimum. This could be an option for dumb terminals as well as for terminals that are too clever.

from clojure-lsp.

NoahTheDuke avatar NoahTheDuke commented on June 6, 2024

Maybe clojure-lsp could look at the column of the initial position, and then cut that amount of whitespace from each line, so that the resulting lines are in the same position relative to each other when moved to the new location.

from clojure-lsp.

vlnn avatar vlnn commented on June 6, 2024

Initial position of what? I dont think that extract function should depend on initial position of sexp being extracted, as well as initial position of defn sexp seems to be correct (i.e. without prepending spaces)

from clojure-lsp.

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