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Comments (5)

joshuafernandes avatar joshuafernandes commented on September 26, 2024

Hi @kimborgen can you run docker images or docker ps and post the output here please? Im not sure what user you're running on Ubuntu, but you do need to add permissions for that user to be in the docker group.

Could you confirm that you have done the above please? I am unable to reproduce this behaviour on my machine which also runs 20.04LTS

from quorum-dev-quickstart.

kimborgen avatar kimborgen commented on September 26, 2024
docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                COMMAND                    CREATED         STATUS                          PORTS                                         NAMES
7d1e4ae6bf07   consensys/quorum-ethsigner:21.3.2                    "/opt/ethsigner/bin/…"     3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes          >8545/tcp, :::18545->8545/tcp   quorum-test-network_ethsignerProxy_1
64126e2bac27   quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light:develop   "/docker-entrypoint.…"     3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes          >80/tcp, :::25000->80/tcp       quorum-test-network_explorer_1
63d65c3ace9b   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   3 minutes ago   Restarting (1) 1 second ago                                                   quorum-test-network_validator2_1
3f31b76e1d98   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   3 minutes ago   Restarting (1) 58 seconds ago                                                 rpcnode
a9d07ef9a79f   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   3 minutes ago   Restarting (1) 3 seconds ago                                                  quorum-test-network_validator3_1
1ed202993081   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   3 minutes ago   Restarting (1) 58 seconds ago                                                 quorum-test-network_validator4_1
1217e98dacb3   grafana/grafana                                      "/"                  3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes          >3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp     quorum-test-network_grafana_1
88cd5d56cc27   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   3 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (unhealthy)        8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                      quorum-test-network_validator1_1
a82a3057414d   prom/prometheus                                      "/bin/prometheus --c…"     3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes          >9090/tcp, :::9090->9090/tcp     quorum-test-network_prometheus_1
0bfb1cff49c1   postgres:13.4-alpine                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"     3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::49155->5432/tcp   blockscoutpostgres

docker images
REPOSITORY                                   TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light   develop       38fd979a4759   2 hours ago    27.4MB
nginx                                        alpine        cc44224bfe20   12 days ago    23.4MB
prom/prometheus                              latest        a3d385fc29f9   3 weeks ago    201MB
grafana/grafana                              latest        9b957e098315   4 weeks ago    275MB
consensys/blockscout                         v4.0.0-beta   3f44d5bee05f   4 weeks ago    2.59GB
hyperledger/besu                             21.10.2       9ecdc484ffcc   8 weeks ago    357MB
postgres                                     13.4-alpine   682810fa689e   2 months ago   192MB
hello-world                                  latest        feb5d9fea6a5   3 months ago   13.3kB
consensys/quorum-ethsigner                   21.3.2        24b9c0382a9b   7 months ago   259MB

I confirm I executed the steps in postinstall

cat /etc/group

I played around, for example tried to use rootless docker, no luck.

Fresh VM ubuntu 20.04LTS procedure

I tried a new fresh VM

>Login as root
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
adduser kim
usermod -aG sudo kim
>add ssh keys for kim, login as kim trough vscode ssh
curl -sL -o
sudo bash
sudo apt install nodejs
node -v
npm -v
sudo apt-get install \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    gnupg \
 curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

 sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo groupadd docker
groupadd: group 'docker' already exists
sudo usermod -aG docker kim
sudo reboot now
docker run hello-world
this works!
 sudo systemctl enable docker.service

 sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
 sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
 sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose version 
1.29.2, build 5becea4c
npx quorum-dev-quickstart
cd quorum-test-network/
Quorum Dev Quickstart
Start network
Starting network...
validator1 uses an image, skipping
validator2 uses an image, skipping
validator3 uses an image, skipping
validator4 uses an image, skipping
rpcnode uses an image, skipping
ethsignerProxy uses an image, skipping
blockscoutpostgres uses an image, skipping
blockscout uses an image, skipping
prometheus uses an image, skipping
grafana uses an image, skipping
Building explorer
Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.478MB
Step 1/4 : FROM nginx:alpine
alpine: Pulling from library/nginx
59bf1c3509f3: Pull complete 
f3322597df46: Pull complete 
d09cf91cabdc: Pull complete 
3a97535ac2ef: Pull complete 
919ade35f869: Pull complete 
40e5d2fe5bcd: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:eb05700fe7baa6890b74278e39b66b2ed1326831f9ec3ed4bdc6361a4ac2f333
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:alpine
 ---> cc44224bfe20
Step 2/4 : COPY dist /usr/share/nginx/html
 ---> c41c18c3f6f7
Step 3/4 : RUN sed -i 's@NODE_ENV:"production",BASE_URL:"/"@NODE_URL:"/rpcnode/jsonrpc",CONNECTION_TYPE:"json_rpc"@g' /usr/share/nginx/html/js/*.js
 ---> Running in d998daf0469f
Removing intermediate container d998daf0469f
 ---> adfff9344d1c
Step 4/4 : COPY default.nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
 ---> 44032759b8b9
Successfully built 44032759b8b9
Successfully tagged quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light:develop
Creating network "quorum-dev-quickstart" with driver "bridge"
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_public-keys" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_prometheus" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_grafana" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_member1tessera" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_member2tessera" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_member3tessera" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_splunk" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_ethlogger" with default driver
Creating volume "quorum-test-network_blockscoutpostgres" with default driver
Pulling validator1 (hyperledger/besu:21.10.2)...
21.10.2: Pulling from hyperledger/besu
b380bbd43752: Pull complete
72345ef1bcc1: Pull complete
aef2a1a17dd6: Pull complete
a8d0ebedf112: Pull complete
f97e3e7f4f41: Pull complete
c4b8780c0143: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d8610ffb3c6e74775efa2c4c77cbbc08b8ad8f325c5349e909cfebfdc495916a
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/besu:21.10.2
Pulling ethsignerProxy (consensys/quorum-ethsigner:21.3.2)...
21.3.2: Pulling from consensys/quorum-ethsigner
bb79b6b2107f: Pull complete
00028440d132: Pull complete
ebd07266fb43: Pull complete
4194f179c57f: Pull complete
05e45957a5c7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:275537e35ac2ab86307fe7d675d1b58720db2b66f15a9dd3490d2b30dfa66e86
Status: Downloaded newer image for consensys/quorum-ethsigner:21.3.2
Pulling blockscoutpostgres (postgres:13.4-alpine)...
13.4-alpine: Pulling from library/postgres
a0d0a0d46f8b: Pull complete
5034a66b99e6: Pull complete
82e9eb77798b: Pull complete
314b9347faf5: Pull complete
2625be9fae82: Pull complete
5ec8358e2a99: Pull complete
2e9ccfc29d86: Pull complete
4b103693500d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:c170270dc9ba94f491375e366fa2cf46d0bc0027e4a69d70e6e9d1454ba748dc
Status: Downloaded newer image for postgres:13.4-alpine
Pulling blockscout (consensys/blockscout:v4.0.0-beta)...
v4.0.0-beta: Pulling from consensys/blockscout
5843afab3874: Pull complete
05def8f4010c: Pull complete
b858a3b25d5c: Pull complete
0e6c7faf5700: Pull complete
c022a15714b8: Pull complete
6ac9113bbbcc: Pull complete
1fee81bb1628: Pull complete
a6aa9d69b686: Pull complete
9c4b183cabe2: Pull complete
d91ccef805e8: Pull complete
86ef509cb9ca: Pull complete
551e5a25eb32: Pull complete
0b256fb2c625: Pull complete
f3a185863c04: Pull complete
9e1170b5a077: Pull complete
b51bd5ee35fc: Pull complete
efd9e12311e9: Pull complete
aa21a7f2421d: Pull complete
e051ca082751: Pull complete
f204d1b9b42a: Pull complete
975b8d950c7b: Pull complete
87d6996eec8f: Pull complete
44b7846256ff: Pull complete
1b4c7da6a6ea: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:cff353603f1af7dc118243f8277632c60611b569d3f707cd2599316489b0e94f
Status: Downloaded newer image for consensys/blockscout:v4.0.0-beta
Pulling prometheus (prom/prometheus:)...
latest: Pulling from prom/prometheus
3cb635b06aa2: Pull complete
34f699df6fe0: Pull complete
33d6c9635e0f: Pull complete
f2af7323bed8: Pull complete
c16675a6a294: Pull complete
827843f6afe6: Pull complete
3d272942eeaf: Pull complete
7e785cfa34da: Pull complete
05e324559e3b: Pull complete
170620261a59: Pull complete
ec35f5996032: Pull complete
5509173eb708: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:cb9817249c346d6cfadebe383ed3b3cd4c540f623db40c4ca00da2ada45259bb
Status: Downloaded newer image for prom/prometheus:latest
Pulling grafana (grafana/grafana:)...
latest: Pulling from grafana/grafana
97518928ae5f: Pull complete
5b58818b7f48: Pull complete
d9a64d9fd162: Pull complete
4e368e1b924c: Pull complete
867f7fdd92d9: Pull complete
387c55415012: Pull complete
07f94c8f51cd: Pull complete
ce8cf00ff6aa: Pull complete
e44858b5f948: Pull complete
4000fdbdd2a3: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:18d94ae734accd66bccf22daed7bdb20c6b99aa0f2c687eea3ce4275fe275062
Status: Downloaded newer image for grafana/grafana:latest
Creating quorum-test-network_grafana_1    ... done
Creating blockscoutpostgres               ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_prometheus_1 ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_validator1_1 ... done
Creating blockscout                       ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_validator2_1 ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_validator3_1 ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_validator4_1 ... done
Creating rpcnode                          ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_explorer_1       ... done
Creating quorum-test-network_ethsignerProxy_1 ... done
Quorum Dev Quickstart 
List endpoints and services
JSON-RPC HTTP service endpoint                 : http://localhost:8545
JSON-RPC WebSocket service endpoint            : ws://localhost:8546
Web block explorer address                     : http://localhost:25000/
Blockscout address                             : http://localhost:26000/
Prometheus address                             : http://localhost:9090/graph
Grafana address                                : http://localhost:3000/d/XE4V0WGZz/besu-overview?orgId=1&refresh=10s&from=now-30m&to=now&var-system=All

For more information on the endpoints and services, refer to in the installation directory.

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                COMMAND                    CREATED              STATUS                             PORTS                                         NAMES
3ededa5c8831   consensys/quorum-ethsigner:21.3.2                    "/opt/ethsigner/bin/…"     About a minute ago   Up About a minute        >8545/tcp, :::18545->8545/tcp   quorum-test-network_ethsignerProxy_1
95debf34cfbc   quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light:develop   "/docker-entrypoint.…"     About a minute ago   Up About a minute        >80/tcp, :::25000->80/tcp       quorum-test-network_explorer_1
17a476a670db   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   About a minute ago   Restarting (1) 5 seconds ago                                                     rpcnode
b921d2b63215   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   About a minute ago   Restarting (1) 7 seconds ago                                                     quorum-test-network_validator3_1
69ce73cd73d0   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   About a minute ago   Restarting (1) 19 seconds ago                                                    quorum-test-network_validator4_1
ccd9e928a390   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   About a minute ago   Restarting (1) 6 seconds ago                                                     quorum-test-network_validator2_1
12b69fc6c327   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   2 minutes ago        Up 12 seconds (health: starting)   8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                      quorum-test-network_validator1_1
1cd14054033c   prom/prometheus                                      "/bin/prometheus --c…"     2 minutes ago        Up About a minute        >9090/tcp, :::9090->9090/tcp     quorum-test-network_prometheus_1
c39d7f89c919   postgres:13.4-alpine                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"     2 minutes ago        Up About a minute (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::49153->5432/tcp   blockscoutpostgres
eecedf374bc5   grafana/grafana                                      "/"                  2 minutes ago        Up About a minute        >3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp     quorum-test-network_grafana_1

docker images
REPOSITORY                                   TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light   develop       44032759b8b9   4 minutes ago   27.4MB
nginx                                        alpine        cc44224bfe20   12 days ago     23.5MB
prom/prometheus                              latest        a3d385fc29f9   3 weeks ago     201MB
grafana/grafana                              latest        9b957e098315   4 weeks ago     275MB
consensys/blockscout                         v4.0.0-beta   3f44d5bee05f   4 weeks ago     2.59GB
hyperledger/besu                             21.10.2       9ecdc484ffcc   8 weeks ago     357MB
postgres                                     13.4-alpine   682810fa689e   2 months ago    192MB
hello-world                                  latest        feb5d9fea6a5   3 months ago    13.3kB
consensys/quorum-ethsigner                   21.3.2        24b9c0382a9b   7 months ago    259MB


Gives the same error as above

I also tried

  • logging in as root, usermod -aG docker root, and ./, same error
  • tried a different quorum-dev-quickstart config (no to private tx, no to blockspout | yes to private, no to blockspout)

fresh 18.04 LTS vm

Then I tried a fresh 18.04 vm, with the same procedure as above, and it worked!

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                COMMAND                    CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                                                                NAMES
0a4a17c1ed8a   consensys/quorum-ethsigner:21.3.2                    "/opt/ethsigner/bin/…"     21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes   >8545/tcp, :::18545->8545/tcp                                          quorum-test-network_ethsignerProxy_1
4a28f902fd6c   quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light:develop   "/docker-entrypoint.…"     21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes   >80/tcp, :::25000->80/tcp                                              quorum-test-network_explorer_1
66bcb11076d8   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)   8547/tcp,>8545-8546/tcp, :::8545-8546->8545-8546/tcp, 30303/tcp   rpcnode
e35cbfa39945   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)   8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                                                             quorum-test-network_validator4_1
9998aa2acda7   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)   8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                                                             quorum-test-network_validator3_1
0897aa550b74   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)   8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                                                             quorum-test-network_validator2_1
390e16c17b23   consensys/blockscout:v4.0.0-beta                     "/bin/sh -c 'cd /opt…"     21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes   >4000/tcp, :::26000->4000/tcp                                          blockscout
c1eba2608a43   hyperledger/besu:21.10.2                             "/bin/bash -c '\ncp \"…"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)   8545-8547/tcp, 30303/tcp                                                             quorum-test-network_validator1_1
7fb858652c5a   prom/prometheus                                      "/bin/prometheus --c…"     21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes   >9090/tcp, :::9090->9090/tcp                                            quorum-test-network_prometheus_1
a3f5efa7dfb0   postgres:13.4-alpine                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"     21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::49153->5432/tcp                                          blockscoutpostgres
0240332a6c74   grafana/grafana                                      "/"                  21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes   >3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp                                            quorum-test-network_grafana_1

docker images
REPOSITORY                                   TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
quorum-dev-quickstart/block-explorer-light   develop       7dd9d739c757   23 minutes ago   27.4MB
nginx                                        alpine        cc44224bfe20   12 days ago      23.5MB
prom/prometheus                              latest        a3d385fc29f9   3 weeks ago      201MB
grafana/grafana                              latest        9b957e098315   4 weeks ago      275MB
consensys/blockscout                         v4.0.0-beta   3f44d5bee05f   4 weeks ago      2.59GB
hyperledger/besu                             21.10.2       9ecdc484ffcc   8 weeks ago      357MB
postgres                                     13.4-alpine   682810fa689e   2 months ago     192MB
hello-world                                  latest        feb5d9fea6a5   3 months ago     13.3kB
consensys/quorum-ethsigner                   21.3.2        24b9c0382a9b   7 months ago     259MB

I will be happy to debug this further

from quorum-dev-quickstart.

gomezgoiri avatar gomezgoiri commented on September 26, 2024

Hi there,

I got the same error and I think it is related to the fact that the user I execute npx quorum-dev-quickstart with is not the user with uid 1000 (which is the one used by default in the docker image). A quick and ugly fix is to make the user with uid 1000 the owner of the config folder generated.

from quorum-dev-quickstart.

joshuafernandes avatar joshuafernandes commented on September 26, 2024

Thanks for this @kimborgen @gomezgoiri I'll add a section on troubleshooting to the docs relating to this issue. This specific issue appears to be with the user's setup needs the docker group specifically added and ideally there needs to be a uid 1000. We can add

  image: some:img
  user: $(id -u):$(id -g) 

but there is no guarantee that a user's setup has their userid as 1000. This appears to be the case most of the time, but not sure why on a clean 20.04 setup your user kim appears to be uid 1001. Would also discourage the use of root to run things

from quorum-dev-quickstart.

joshuafernandes avatar joshuafernandes commented on September 26, 2024

Addressed in #134

from quorum-dev-quickstart.

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