A curated list of awesome things related to Naive UI
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Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.
- Provider management - Encapsulating components for centralized management of NaiveUI's provider.
- naive-ui-provider - NaiveUI uses provider project example.
- Naive UI Admin - A free open source out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications.
- issue-helper - NaiveUI issue submit template project.
- moon-admin - Based on Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite, a backend management template deeply customized based on Naive UI.
- zce/fearless - A dashboard scaffolding based on Vue.js 3.x & TypeScript created by Vite.
- xicons - SVG icon integrated component Library.
- evtd - Event delegation with native events and extended events in a small library.
- vueuc - Utils Components for Vue.
- treemate - All in one solution for tree structure in component developling.
- vooks - Utils Composable for Vue.
- vdirs - Helper directives for Vue.