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java-binance-api's Introduction

Java Binance Unofficial API Client

This library is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Binance API. This project seeks to have complete API coverage including User Data Streams and WebSockets for Binance Cryptocurrency Exchange

If you are seeking for a version with Android 4+ support, please take a look at

Getting Started

with Maven

Add the following Maven dependency to your project's pom.xml:


with Gradle

compile group: 'com.webcerebrium', name: 'binance-api', version: '1.0.9'

with Grapes

@Grab(group = 'com.webcerebrium', module = 'binance-api', version = '1.0.9')

with latest source code

After git clone, please run gradle jar, which will result in having jar under build/distribution folder. compilation you will have jar in your folder, which could be included as your dependency like this:

dependencies {
    compile files('libs/binance-api-1.0.9.jar')

Example of Application

import com.webcerebrium.binance.api.BinanceApi;
import com.webcerebrium.binance.api.BinanceApiException;

try {
  BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
  System.out.println("ETH-BTC PRICE=" + api.pricesMap().get("ETHBTC"));
} catch (BinanceApiException e) {
  System.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage());

Setting up API KEYS

For API keys you can set an environment variables or java Virtual Machine properties BINANCE_API_KEY, BINANCE_SECRET_KEY, as well as setting up these variables in resource file of your project


Logging configuration can be corrected in logback.xml files. To suppress requests/response logging, you might want to increase logging level for BinanceRequest component:

<logger name="com.webcerebrium.binance.api.BinanceRequest" level="WARN" />

Debugging Library from Source

If you cloned this GITHUB repository, the following tips might be useful:

Running tests

If you cloned this repository, tests with API coverage could be launched with gradle test. Before running, make sure API keys are set as described above. For successful trading tests passing, it is desired to have some BTC, ETH and BNB on your account.

Running in Eclipse

This project uses Lombok. You will need to install lombok for Eclipse to make the project compile in Eclipse. It will compile via gradle just fine without this additional installation step.

Running in Intellij IDEA

This project uses Lombok. You will need to install corresponding plugin and enable Annotation processing in your Compiler settings. It will compile via gradle just fine without this additional installation step. To start, import current directory as Gradle project.

Using API - General Endpoints

Checking Server Responsiveness

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).ping() );
View Output

Getting Server Time

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).time().get("serverTime").getAsString());
View Output

Using API - Getting Account Information

Getting Account Information

JsonObject account = (new BinanceApi()).account();
System.out.println("Maker Commission: " + account.get("makerCommission").getAsBigDecimal());
System.out.println("Taker Commission: " + account.get("takerCommission").getAsBigDecimal());
System.out.println("Buyer Commission: " + account.get("buyerCommission").getAsBigDecimal());
System.out.println("Seller Commission: " + account.get("sellerCommission").getAsBigDecimal());
System.out.println("Can Trade: " +  account.get("canTrade").getAsBoolean());
System.out.println("Can Withdraw: " + account.get("canWithdraw").getAsBoolean());
System.out.println("Can Deposit: " + account.get("canDeposit").getAsBoolean());
View Output
Maker Commission: 10
Taker Commission: 10
Buyer Commission: 0
Seller Commission: 0
Can Trade: true
Can Withdraw: true
Can Deposit: true

Getting All Balances

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).balances());
View Output

Getting Asset Balance

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).balancesMap().get("ETH"));
View Output
BinanceWalletAsset(asset=ETH, free=0.00859005, locked=0E-8)

Getting Open Orders

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).openOrders(BinanceSymbol.valueOf("ETHBTC")));
View Output
[BinanceOrder(symbol=ETHBTC, orderId=11111, clientOrderId=hNch6HItMQp2m9VuQZaA6L, price=0.18200000, origQty=1.00000000, executedQty=0E-8, status=NEW, timeInForce=GTC, type=LIMIT, side=SELL, stopPrice=0E-8, icebergQty=0E-8, time=1508361363677)]

Checking Order Status

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
BinanceSymbol symbol = BinanceSymbol.valueOf("ETHBTC");
System.out.println(api.getOrderById(symbol, 333821L));
System.out.println(api.getOrderByOrigClientId(symbol, "2m9VuQZaA6LhNch6HItMQp"));
View Output
BinanceOrder(symbol=ETHBTC, orderId=333821, clientOrderId=2m9VuQZaA6LhNch6HItMQp, price=0.18200000, origQty=1.00000000, executedQty=0E-8, status=NEW, timeInForce=GTC, type=LIMIT, side=SELL, stopPrice=0E-8, icebergQty=0E-8, time=1508361363677)

Getting All Orders

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).allOrders(BinanceSymbol.valueOf("BQXBTC")));
View Output
[BinanceOrder(symbol=BQXBTC, orderId=11111, clientOrderId=D0qeCsEBxKaXSRwxKUZkBZ, price=0.00018602, origQty=309.00000000, executedQty=309.00000000, status=FILLED, timeInForce=GTC, type=LIMIT, side=BUY, stopPrice=0E-8, icebergQty=0E-8, time=1506498038089), ... , BinanceOrder(symbol=BQXBTC, orderId=222222, clientOrderId=p2m9VuQZaA6LhNch6HItMQ, price=0.18200000, origQty=1.00000000, executedQty=0E-8, status=NEW, timeInForce=GTC, type=LIMIT, side=SELL, stopPrice=0E-8, icebergQty=0E-8, time=1508361363677)]

Getting My Trades

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).myTrades(BinanceSymbol.valueOf("BQXBTC")));
View Output
[BinanceTrade(id=1321, commissionAsset=BQX, price=0.00018602, qty=38.00000000, commission=0.03800000, time=1506499148055, isBuyer=true, isMaker=true, isBestMatch=true), ... , BinanceTrade(id=6315, commissionAsset=BNB, price=0.00015216, qty=449.00000000, commission=0.10018983, time=1507144715249, isBuyer=true, isMaker=true, isBestMatch=true)]


String address = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).withdraw("ETH", 0.01, address, ""));

Getting All Deposits History

Server side team still works on this endpoint. At the moment of writing that you will just receive a message in Chinese about parameters exception.

BinanceHistoryFilter historyFilter = new BinanceHistoryFilter();
System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).getDepositHistory(historyFilter));

Getting Withdrawal History

Server side team still works on this endpoint. At the moment of writing that you will just receive a message in Chinese about parameters exception.

BinanceHistoryFilter historyFilter = new BinanceHistoryFilter("ETH");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3); // only last 3 months
System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).getWithdrawHistory(historyFilter));

Using API - Getting Market Data

Getting Bids and Asks on Symbol

BinanceSymbol symbol = BinanceSymbol.valueOf("ETHBTC");
JsonObject depth = (new BinanceApi()).depth(symbol);
System.out.println("BIDS=" + depth.get("bids").getAsJsonArray());
System.out.println("ASKS=" + depth.get("asks").getAsJsonArray());
View Output

Getting latest prices - as list of JsonObjects

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).prices());
View Output

Getting latest prices - as map of decimals

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).pricesMap());
View Output
{ZECETH=0E-8, SALTETH=0.00940300, WTCETH=0.02207900, NEOETH=0.09463500, ... , MTHETH=0.00028000, FUNETH=0.00007538}

Getting latest price of a symbol

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).pricesMap().get("ETHBTC"));
View Output

Getting Aggregated Trades

BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
List<BinanceAggregatedTrades> binanceAggregatedTrades = (new BinanceApi()).aggTrades(symbol, 5, null);
BinanceAggregatedTrades trade = binanceAggregatedTrades.get(0);
System.out.println("TRADE=" + trade.toString() );
View Output
TRADE=BinanceAggregatedTrades{tradeId=2084592, price=0.05476100, quantity=6.87000000, firstTradeId=2192143, lastTradeId=2192143, timestamp=1508393572350, maker=true, bestPrice=true}

Getting All Book Tickers

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).allBookTickers());
View Output
[{"symbol":"ETHBTC","bidPrice":"0.05461000","bidQty":"29.73000000","askPrice":"0.05486300","askQty":"19.96000000"}, ... ,{"symbol":"ASTETH","bidPrice":"0.00102010","bidQty":"4030.00000000","askPrice":"0.00102920","askQty":"187.00000000"}]

Getting All Available Symbols

System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).allBookTickersMap().keySet());
View Output

Getting 24hr Tickers for Symbol

BinanceSymbol symbol = BinanceSymbol.valueOf("ETHBTC");
System.out.println((new BinanceApi()).ticker24hr(symbol));
View Output

Getting Klines / Candlesticks

BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
List<BinanceCandlestick> klines = (new BinanceApi()).klines(symbol, BinanceInterval.ONE_HOUR, 5, null);
BinanceCandlestick binanceCandlestick = klines.get(0);
System.out.println("KLINE=" + binanceCandlestick.toString() );
View Output
KLINE=BinanceCandlestick(openTime=1508378400000, open=0.05598000, high=0.05622000, low=0.05569100, close=0.05570500, volume=1514.33900000, closeTime=1508381999999, quoteAssetVolume=84.65979632, numberOfTrades=1683, takerBuyBaseAssetVolume=716.56500000, takerBuyQuoteAssetVolume=40.07877823)

Getting Exchange Market Information (Lot Sizes)

BinanceExchangeInfo binanceExchangeInfo = binanceApi.exchangeInfo();
List<BinanceExchangeSymbol> symbols = binanceExchangeInfo.getSymbols();
BinanceExchangeSymbol BNB = -> a.getQuoteAsset().equals("BNB")).findFirst().get();
View Output
BNB Lot Size: {"filterType":"LOT_SIZE","minQty":"0.01000000","maxQty":"10000000.00000000","stepSize":"0.01000000"}

Using API - Placing Orders

Placing a LIMIT order

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
BinanceOrderPlacement placement = new BinanceOrderPlacement(symbol, BinanceOrderSide.BUY);
placement.setQuantity(BigDecimal.valueOf(10000)); // buy 10000 of asset for 0.00001 BTC
BinanceOrder order = api.getOrderById(symbol, api.createOrder(placement).get("orderId").getAsLong());

Placing a MARKET order

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
BinanceOrderPlacement placement = new BinanceOrderPlacement(symbol, BinanceOrderSide.BUY);
placement.setQuantity(BigDecimal.valueOf(10000)); // buy 10000 of asset for 0.00001 BTC
BinanceOrder order = api.getOrderById(symbol, api.createOrder(placement).get("orderId").getAsLong());

Placing a STOP LOSS order

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
BinanceOrderPlacement placement = new BinanceOrderPlacement(symbol, BinanceOrderSide.SELL);
placement.setQuantity(BigDecimal.valueOf(1)); // sell 1 piece of asset
BinanceOrder order = api.getOrderById(symbol, api.createOrder(placement).get("orderId").getAsLong());

Placing an ICEBERG order

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
BinanceOrderPlacement placement = new BinanceOrderPlacement(symbol, BinanceOrderSide.SELL);
placement.setQuantity(BigDecimal.valueOf(1)); // sell 1 piece of asset
BinanceOrder order = api.getOrderById(symbol, api.createOrder(placement).get("orderId").getAsLong());

Cancel/Delete an order

BinanceOrder order = api.getOrderById(symbol, 123456L);
View Output

Using API - Using User Data Streams

Start User Data Stream

String listenKey = (new BinanceApi()).startUserDataStream();
View Output

Keep User Data Stream Alive

String listenKey = "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1";
(new BinanceApi()).keepUserDataStream(listenKey);
View Output

Close User Data Stream

String listenKey = "pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1";
(new BinanceApi()).deleteUserDataStream(listenKey);
View Output

Using API - Connecting to Web Sockets

Depth Web Socket Listener

BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
Session session = (new BinanceApi()).websocketDepth(symbol, new BinanceWebSocketAdapterDepth() {
    public void onMessage(BinanceEventDepthUpdate message) {
try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
View Output
BinanceEventDepthUpdate(eventTime=1508411905630, symbol=ETHBTC, updateId=17379538, bids=[BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05356100, quantity=0E-8), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05355800, quantity=0E-8)], asks=[BinanceBidOrAsk(type=ASK, price=0.05386000, quantity=0.62900000), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=ASK, price=0.05401300, quantity=0E-8), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=ASK, price=0.05401600, quantity=1.50000000)])
BinanceEventDepthUpdate(eventTime=1508411906630, symbol=ETHBTC, updateId=17379544, bids=[BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05356200, quantity=0E-8), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05354900, quantity=15.00000000), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05069700, quantity=0E-8), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05066500, quantity=15.60000000)], asks=[BinanceBidOrAsk(type=ASK, price=0.05400600, quantity=1.50000000), BinanceBidOrAsk(type=ASK, price=0.05401600, quantity=0E-8)])
BinanceEventDepthUpdate(eventTime=1508411907630, symbol=ETHBTC, updateId=17379545, bids=[BinanceBidOrAsk(type=BID, price=0.05356500, quantity=10.00000000)], asks=[])

Klines Web Socket Listener

BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
BinanceInterval interval = BinanceInterval.FIVE_MIN;
Session session = (new BinanceApi()).websocketKlines(symbol, interval, new BinanceWebSocketAdapterKline() {
    public void onMessage(BinanceEventKline message) {
try { Thread.sleep(15000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
View Output
BinanceEventKline(eventTime=1508416507504, symbol=ETHBTC, interval=1m, startTime=1508416500000, endTime=1508416559999, firstTradeId=-1, lastTradeId=-1, open=0.05393800, close=0.05393800, high=0.05393800, low=0.05393800, volume=0E-8, numberOfTrades=0, isFinal=false, quoteVolume=0E-8, volumeOfActiveBuy=0E-8, quoteVolumeOfActiveBuy=0E-8)

Trades Web Socket Listener

BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
Session session = (new BinanceApi()).websocketTrades(symbol, new BinanceWebSocketAdapterAggTrades() {
    public void onMessage(BinanceEventAggTrade message) {
try { Thread.sleep(8000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
View Output
BinanceEventAggTrade(eventTime=1508412260766, symbol=ETHBTC, aggregatedTradeId=2089883, price=0.05369800, quantity=3.68000000, firstBreakdownTradeId=2197559, lastBreakdownTradeId=2197559, tradeTime=1508412260762, isMaker=false)
BinanceEventAggTrade(eventTime=1508412260835, symbol=ETHBTC, aggregatedTradeId=2089884, price=0.05369800, quantity=1.00000000, firstBreakdownTradeId=2197560, lastBreakdownTradeId=2197560, tradeTime=1508412260832, isMaker=false)

User Data Web Socket Listener

BinanceApi api = new BinanceApi();
String listenKey = api.startUserDataStream();
Session session = api.websocket(listenKey, new BinanceWebSocketAdapterUserData() {
    public void onOutboundAccountInfo(BinanceEventOutboundAccountInfo message) {
    public void onExecutionReport(BinanceEventExecutionReport message) {


This is an API that is not officially supported. So contributions in any form, especially pull requests are always welcome. If you like what we do, and want to support our development of distributed future, you can also send tips:

ETH: 0x95E972Ff1A4CB6112cb08FE7DE81542DF9b8a0F4


MIT. Anyone can copy, change, derive further work from this repository without any restrictions.

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