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sim_erice's Introduction


Bragg simulation and model fitting frontend. Run the program at the command line with:


More details on which parameters are tunable is visible by typing:

simtbx.sim_view -c -e5 -a2

SimView: lightweight simulator and viewer for diffraction still images.

Run without any arguments, this program simulates diffraction of a small lysozyme crystal. You may ask the viewer to fetch a different model by entering that PDB ID in the associated text box.

Diffraction from your crystal will be simulated with a set of default parameters for mosaic block size, beam energy and bandpass, etc. that you can change by adjusting each of the dials. Parameters to be adjusted can be selected either with the visual controls or with keyboard shortcuts. Numerical visual controls are made "active" by clicking in the text box or pressing their up or down arrows. The active control is labeled in bold, blue text. The keyboard will also route input to the active control by interpreting a keyboard "up arrow" keypress as the visible "up arrow" button, and the same for the "down arrow". For finer control, you may also enter text directly into the text box. The GUI will respond to new text input only after you press enter. In summary, keyboard shortcuts are as follows:

Up arrow: increase this parameter (same as pressing the small up arrow next to the control)

Down arrow: decrease this parameter (same as pressing the small down arrow next to the control)

Shift-up arrow: increase this parameter a lot

Shift-down arrow: decrease this parameter a lot

Return: finalize a changed parameter typed directly into the box

Explanation of parameters:

DomainSize: the small blocks within crystals that are internally perfectly aligned and identical are called mosaic domains. The average size of a domain is one contributing factor determining the sharpness of the Bragg peaks. As the size of the mosaic domain increases, the effect of constructive interference of the scattered X-rays gets stronger, and the peak sharpens.

MosAngDeg: the mosaic domains are misoriented relative to one another by an average angle denoted the mosaic angle, displayed here in degrees. Larger differences in the orientations of the domains produce contributions to Bragg peaks over a wider area on the detector, resulting in more diffuse spots.

Brightness: the overall image scale, which governs the minimum intensity value that will be visible. This is a tradeoff with the maximum value that can be visually differentiated, where everything above this maximum is marked as overflow and colored in yellow in the simulation-only view mode.

Display mode: either "Simulation only" to display a single simulation in cyan, or "Overlay with pinned" to also display a second simulation in the red channel of the same image, generating grayscale where they perfectly match. This can be used to emphasize and explore the effects of changing parameters, by "pinning" a simulation (using the "Update pinned image" button) and then adjusting a parameter.

Unit cell a, b, c: a, b and c are the unit cell axis lengths, and we expose fractional scaling parameters for each of these to simulate e.g. a 10% larger unit cell in the b axis when setting b_scale to 1.1 -- you should be able to see both the fractional scales in the controls and the resulting cell parameters in the static text to their right. Depending on the symmetry of the crystal, these may all vary independently or may be constrained to scale together, in which case not all unit cell scale controls will be enabled. Larger unit cells produce constructive and destructive interference at smaller angles, resulting in more closely spaced Bragg peaks on the detector.

Missetting angles: in serial crystallography, we are often faced with differences between the true orientation of the crystal and what is determined during indexing. A misorientation of the X or Y axis means a misestimation of which spots are in diffracting conditions, and will affect which spots (or how much of the spots) appear on the detector. Since the Z axis is along the beam direction, misorientation in Z results in rotation of the entire diffraction pattern. In the simulation viewer we expose these misorientations as rotations in x, y and z separately from the crystal orientation matrix which can be updated to a new, random orientation with the "Randomize orientation" button. Specifically, the sim_viewer paradigm applies the rotational operations in a defined order (grouping matrix multiplications from right to left as is conventional in math):
A = R$\phi$*Rx*Ry*Rz*U0*B
R$\phi$ is the goniometer rotation around the laboratory-y spindle, incremented by the Image-no spinner control,
Rx is a rotation around laboratory-x given by the rotation-x spinner control,
Ry is a rotation around laboratory-y given by the rotation-y spinner control,
Rz is a rotation around laboratory-z given by the rotation-z spinner control, and
U0 is a pure rotation matrix produced by the Randomize Orientation button that is set to the identity matrix by the Reset-All button.

Experiment mode: a default mode of stills (serial) crystallography is enabled in the viewer, but you may also switch to rotation mode to simulate a standard experiment with a goniometer. The goniometer axis is identified by a vertical yellow line, and the oscillation width and image number in a sweep can be controlled in the GUI. Advanced users may also want to adjust oscillation step size or total sweep angle with phil parameters when launching the GUI.

Energy/Bandwidth: the energy of the X-ray beam denotes the average energy of an individual pulse. For X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) pulses generated by self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE), each pulse is spiky and stochastic, with a typical bandwidth of between 10 and 30 eV. (A monochromater may be used to narrow this to around 1 eV, not shown.) The average energy of a series of pulses is matched to the energy entered in this control. You can advance to the next SASE spectrum in the series by pressing "New XFEL pulse." Bandwidth is only relevant to the Gaussian spectrum mode.

Spectrum shape: to simulate images with real SASE spectra, toggle this option to "SASE". To display diffraction produced by a smooth Gaussian function that can be adjusted in energy and bandwidth (illustrative but nonphysical), toggle this to "Gaussian". SASE spectra are stochastic and will intentionally not be modified by the energy and bandwidth controls. The "monochromatic" option is recommended when diffuse scattering is enabled, to offset the greater computational cost.

Use structure factors: when we observe diffraction from a single particle, we are seeing the Fourier transform of the particle, with [a great deal of] added noise. For many copies of a particle all in the same orientation, we can expect the signal to be much stronger. If these aligned particles are also periodically spaced, as in the context of a crystal, they act as a diffraction grating, and we see this signal only at positions of constructive interference (the reciprocal lattice points in diffracting conditions, i.e. Bragg peaks). In order to better see the effects of the above parameters, we can ignore the Fourier transform of the asymmetric unit and pretend all of the Bragg peaks have uniform intensity. This is what we are simulating when we set "Use structure factors" on or off.

Diffuse scattering: this physical effect is a result of variation and imperfection within the crystal and surrounding solvent, and it appears as X-ray scattering between and around the Bragg peaks. Modeling this can be toggled on or off. It is recommended to use the monochromatic spectrum setting when calculating diffuse signal.

Diff_gamma and diff_sigma: parameters describing the diffuse scattering signal produced by long-range correlations. Gamma denotes the correlation length in Ångstroms and sigma squared is the amplitude of the correlated vibrations in square Ångstroms.

Diff_aniso: anisotropic quality to the diffuse scattering. This is arbitrarily assigned directionality, and the adjustible parameter controls the degree to which this effect is observed.

Further notes on the image viewer: matplotlib enables zooming and panning of the figure. We have also added pixel-specific information to the annotation text displayed in the lower right corner, such as the fractional Miller index and resolution at a given position on the detector.

sim_erice's People


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sim_erice's Issues

Remove the left/right arrow navigation

@dermen reports clicking in a text box of one of the spinner controls, and then being unable to use the left/right arrow keys to edit the text in the box. Instead, the arrow keys navigate to different spinner controls. This "feature" should be removed, and the keys should be used for normal text editing as Derek had expected. The corresponding documentation also needs updating in and

Diffuse model is hard to see

@mewall could you help identify a good starting value for diffuse sigma? The current default of 0.4 gives a weak signal, and I would prefer to show a clearer effect when the diffuse features are first toggled on.

Update documentation

Per @mewall keep the program behavior as is but make some recommendations to the user about investigating diffuse scattering in some documentation: (1) speed things up by using Monochromatic spectrum shape; (2) increase domain size to 10000 Angstroms to more easily see what happens when changing diffuse scattering parameters.

feedback indicators

When I hit enter after adjusting a parameter, sometimes its unclear what happened, if anything..

I think it would be good to have some kind of text visible in the viewer that indicates the parameters were accepted, and that nanoBragg was run successfully.. We could even have a button that pops up a window showing the internal state of nanoBragg e.g., text output of show_params().

Mouse focus and arrow key focus are not pinned

Currently there are two sets of callbacks, one changing the parameter under focus due to mouse click, and one that changes the focused parameter due to Left/Right arrow. These actions be strictly pinned together. There should be only one focused parameter, not two independent focus mechanisms.

As a symptom, the domain_size small step is twice the value initialized in the code. Double check that fixing the focus mechanism also fixes the size of the small step.

Remove constraint

@irisdyoung please remove the constraint that switches to Monochromatic when the user chooses Diffuse. Simply keep whatever spectral mode is currently active.

Allow choice of PDB file

Let's give the user the option of entering a PDB code (with automatic download of the file behind the scenes), or simply to give a PDB file name on the local file system. It would be good if the unit cell and space group could be displayed.

Bug in anisotropic diffuse scatter?

Active diffuse scatter and set diffuse anisotropy to 3.0. Bragg spots are now surrounded by diffuse halos oriented approximately vertically.

Now repeated calls to "Randomize orientation" always preserve the vertical orientation of the halos. This is contrary to the expected behavior with the shape of the halo tied to the lattice.

Randomize orientations are not uniformly distributed

Problem statement: in the module, the randomize_orientation() function call returns a new orientation matrix. However, as far as I can see, the new orientation is not uniformly distributed in rotation space. This is because the rotation (rot) is drawn from a gaussian rather than a uniform distribution. Fixing this should be simple. First, the mersenne_twister instance should be put in the global scope so that it returns a persistent sequence of random numbers. Second, the uniformly distributed orientation should be

return mersenne_twister.random_double_r3_rotation_matrix()

This may be relevant to issue #32 (I'm not sure, it requires investigation).

Use Kokkos by default

Problem statement: the way it is now GPU acceleration is only accessed if an environment variable is set:

DIFFBRAGG_USE_CUDA=1 simtbx.sim_view
DIFFBRAGG_USE_KOKKOS=1 simtbx.sim_view

As a user-friendly interface to diffBragg, the simtbx.sim_view command should be given default behavior that aligns with our current intended use case, namely always use Kokkos. Please implement this. Any number of options might work, but the simplest is just for the script to set the environment variable as soon as it starts. We need this done before returning the manuscript to the editor.

Spinner controls do not refocus

Here's another bug possibly related to #36 and #12. Start the viewer

Click in the text box of one spinner control. The label turns blue.
Now click on the up/down arrow keys of a second spinner control. The label of the second control does not turn blue.

The way it should behave is that the second control should now turn blue and active.

Reset all button orientation behavior

@irisdyoung The Reset all button currently does not return the crystal to the same orientation as at startup. It's not clear which orientation is chosen, probably U0 should just be set to the identity.

2x Zoom feature

Find a way to allow 2x and possibly 4x zoom. Mouse wheel or keyboard shortcut? Zoom in on current mouse position? When Zoomed, optimize performance by calling diffBragg on smaller region of interest. Hit escape to return to normal view.

Serious malfunction in all the spinner controls

As far as I can see, all the spinner controls are broken in the following sense.
Start the viewer. Single click inside the text box of the Rotation(z) control. Now repeatedly click on the up-arrow.
Even though the value increments, there is no refresh of the picture.

Complete the reset for new PDB ID

Problem statement: The U0 angles are not updated when a new PDB ID is loaded.
When a new PDB code is requested, the U0 should either be reset to the identity matrix (probably preferred), or the old U0 orientation should be applied to the new crystal model (might potentially be argued).

What is the rotation axis?

In rotation mode, the control panel should illustrate a vector representing the spindle axis. Is the axis horizontal?

Add diffBragg kokkos support

Need to add the following at the top of when diffBragg is built using kokkos

from simtbx.kokkos import gpu_instance
kokkos_run = gpu_instance(deviceId=0)

Add logarithmic color map mode

It is hard to see the Bragg peak above the fuzzy diffuse halo. Perhaps there could be an option to allow a heat map to better portray steep pixel-to-pixel intensity changes. Activated by a keyboard shortcut?

Diffuse streak orientation

Diffuse streaks appear not to be oriented strictly along unit cell axes. Possibly the behavior is related to whether or not the Gamma matrix is expressed in Miller index units?

Fix tkinter bug

There's a tkinter bug thrown when using the arrows to adjust a parameter in It looks like tkinter might have changed the argument list for one of the calls. Either downgrade tkinter or change the call in the code.

Reset_all button generates a Traceback

  File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/ly99_23may13/alcc-recipes/cctbx/opt/mamba/envs/psana_env/lib/python3.9/tkinter/", line 1892, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/ly99_23may13/alcc-recipes/cctbx/modules/sim_erice/command_line/", line 940, in _reset_all
  File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/ly99_23may13/alcc-recipes/cctbx/modules/sim_erice/command_line/", line 327, in reset_all
TypeError: reset() got an unexpected keyword argument 'callbacks'

--help should be supported

Command line request for help fails:
command_line> DIFFBRAGG_USE_CUDA=1 libtbx.python --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 918, in
frame = SimView(root, params_num, params_cat, pdbfile)
File "", line 370, in init
sg = str(symmetry.space_group_info())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'space_group_info'

Truncate textbox to a preset number of decimal places

Problem statement: If the current value has trailing 9's (like "14.499999999999999999999") it can be extremely difficult to recover control to type in a new value. Instead, each control should define by default an allowable number of decimal places, and then round the current value to the pre-set (using the Python round() function).

@nksauter code review May 17

Good initial implementation but lots of work to do in the next few days. Some observations to start with:

  • 1) Running the script with no parameters gives helpless traceback:
    Exception ignored in: <function command_stream.del at 0x7f2a1cef6160>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/edge/alcc-recipes/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/iotbx/shelx/", line 35, in del
    AttributeError: 'command_stream' object has no attribute 'file'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/edge/alcc-recipes/cctbx/modules/sim_erice/", line 306, in
    frame = SimView(root, params, pdbfile)
    File "/pscratch/sd/n/nksauter/edge/alcc-recipes/cctbx/modules/sim_erice/", line 43, in init
    sg = str(symmetry.space_group_info())
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'space_group_info'

  • 2) Would like program to use its own PDB file if none is provided

  • 3) Attempts to get command line help ("-h") should work

  • 4) Help text could include the ability to download PDB files with "iotbx.fetch_pdb"

  • 5) Please let's have the beam center near the lower left corner as in the original simulator, so the limited screen real estate can be more focused on higher-angle scattering.

  • 6) Please have each unit cell parameter independently adjustable.

  • 7) The screen readout for missetting angles could not possibly be in degrees! Something is wrong with the units.

  • 8) Some of the parameters need much finer granularity per arrow click. For example, the mimimum mosaic angle is 0.3 degree, but it should be continuously adjustable down to 0.0.

  • 9) Adjusting the MosDom size scales the intensity up. This should not be the behavior of the simulator. Instead, the simulation should treat the overall crystal size as constant, so the spot intensities are always roughly on the same scale, and visible to the corners. The MosDom parameter should more-or-less be inversely coupled with a hidden "number-of-domains" parameter such that the overall crystal size remains constant.

Use better terminology

The term "reference" is ambiguous. It appears in two places "Overlay with reference" and "Update reference image". Try to be more precise. Perhaps something about "pinned model"

Domain size issue

I'm seeing an issue where the same domain size setting yields different images for otherwise identical control settings

o Open sim_view and immediately load PDB ID 1cm1 (calmodullin)
o Randomize orientation a few times until an image appears where the spots are very elongated. Remember how this looks.
o Increase the domain size to 2000 and decrease it back down to 1000. The image looks different (and perhaps more reasonable)

Change default anisotropy to 3.0

Per @mewall Increasing the anisotropy factor to 3 decreases the value of gamma along one axis which leads to some visible streaked diffuse features. For this reason, I would recommend changing the default anisotropy factor to 3 in the viewer.

Use canonical paradigm for the orientation matrix

Let's make sure we are calculating our orientation according to the accepted practice, see David Waterman's 2016 paper at, equations 12-13:

Screen Shot 2023-05-23 at 12 09 50 PM

Here, the B matrix is an expression of the unit cell parameters in a standard orientation. U is the rotation matrix returned by the "Randomize Orientation" button. RxRyRz are small rotations around lab axes entered into the Rotation x,y,z spinner controls. The resulting matrix is "A" which is further modified by R-phi which is the rotation about the goniometer spindle.

If there is goniometer rotation in the sim_viewer we should indicate which axis is the spindle.

Up/Down arrow click sticks

I've seen the Rot-z up arrow stick, and it just keeps generating new images while incrementing the rotation. There is no way to recover. @mewall speculates it is "just a Tk problem", but could this be fixed by more advanced function calls?

An analogy. In college electronics there is a problem with simple on/off switches. There is a zone right in the middle where the switch keeps bouncing between "on" and "off". The solution is to hook up an operational amplifier that debounces the circuit and allows smooth operation.

Increase mosaic_domains to 100

Currently two defaults are used, 100 domains for Bragg-only and 1 domain for Bragg+diffuse. Change this to one default only covering all cases.

Better help for keyboard shortcuts

Let's have a concise explanation for the keyboard shortcuts printed on the control panel. Be sure to include the L/R arrow, U/D arrow, and shift+U/D arrow. Also the other shortcuts listed in the -h help string.

Add a phil scope

Set important hyperparameters in Phil, to expose them for power users. Parameters should include mosaic_domains, oversampling, total rotation width, and perhaps others.

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