Derek Payton's Projects
:guitar: Chord practice
:honey_pot: A fake Django admin login screen page.
Twitter Bootstrap for Django Form
A simple, pluggable, no-frills forum app for Django.
Inline CSS and JS in your form media
User-Agent-based mobile device detection for Django
A basic CRUD admin interface for Django+MongoEngine, very similar to `django.contrib.admin`
Provides rapidjson support with parser and renderer
Lightweight set of tools for building JSON-based RESTful APIs in Django
Scrape features from the ArcGIS Server REST API and return a geopandas GeoDataFrame
:fu: Fuck Off As A Service
Example files for Hashtag Academy: Intro to Python
Unofficial Android player for Classical KUSC
Quick and dirty web proxy, built with django+djproxy.
Python library to handle musical chords.