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The "REST With Spring" Course:

Home Page:

License: MIT License

Java 46.64% ANTLR 0.12% HTML 6.90% Makefile 0.03% XSLT 29.05% CSS 3.22% Ruby 0.04% Python 0.04% Perl 0.01% Shell 0.23% JavaScript 13.04% NewLisp 0.02% Perl 6 0.02% SystemVerilog 0.02% FreeMarker 0.15% Thrift 0.01% Dockerfile 0.02% Batchfile 0.05% Groovy 0.14% AspectJ 0.26%

tutorials's Introduction

The "REST with Spring" Classes

Here's the Master Class of REST With Spring (along with the newly announced Boot 2 material):

And here's the Master Class of Learn Spring Security:

Java and Spring Tutorials

This project is a collection of small and focused tutorials - each covering a single and well defined area of development in the Java ecosystem. A strong focus of these is, of course, the Spring Framework - Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Security. In additional to Spring, the following technologies are in focus: core Java, Jackson, HttpClient, Guava.

Building the project

To do the full build, do: mvn install -Pdefault -Dgib.enabled=false

Building a single module

To build a specific module run the command: mvn clean install -Dgib.enabled=false in the module directory

Running a Spring Boot module

To run a Spring Boot module run the command: mvn spring-boot:run -Dgib.enabled=false in the module directory

tutorials's People


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