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Comments (9)

arcuri82 avatar arcuri82 commented on May 28, 2024

thanks. unfortunately what you are requesting is not possible at the moment. although I agree it would be useful to have

from evomaster.

arcuri82 avatar arcuri82 commented on May 28, 2024

the closest we have at moment is the use of --endpointFocus, which forces EM to test only a single endpoint

from evomaster.

agrawalhemant5393 avatar agrawalhemant5393 commented on May 28, 2024

okay. Thank you.

from evomaster.

agrawalhemant5393 avatar agrawalhemant5393 commented on May 28, 2024

Currently I am tring the endpoint focus by passing the endpoint string, I tried multiple ways, like:

  1. By just passing the resource url without baseurl to the paramater
  2. By passing endpoint
  3. Fix resource like Pet etc.

but I am not getting the single endpoint result. Can you guide us here from the above url. If we wants results for the 'pet' and this endpoint:/pet/{petId}/uploadImage, what string should we pass?

Thank you.

from evomaster.

arcuri82 avatar arcuri82 commented on May 28, 2024


it should work by passing /pet/{petId}/uploadImage. are you saying you tried that and it does not work? what error did you get?

from evomaster.

agrawalhemant5393 avatar agrawalhemant5393 commented on May 28, 2024

I am having the results while usig this and not getting error. But results are not endpoint focused. Means other requests are also added to it.

I am sharing the sample output for the same. As I am unable to upload file here.

Command ised: "java -jar \src\main\resources\evomaster.jar --blackBox true --bbSwaggerUrl --outputFormat JAVA_JUNIT_4 --maxTime 120s --ratePerMinute 60 --outputFolder \src\test\java\ --endpointFocus /pet/findByStatus"

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import io.restassured.response.ValidatableResponse;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.;
import io.restassured.config.JsonConfig;
import io.restassured.path.json.config.JsonPathConfig;
import static io.restassured.config.RedirectConfig.redirectConfig;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;
import java.util.Arrays;


This file was automatically generated by EvoMaster on 2023-06-12T01:24:34.374-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]

The generated test suite contains 14 tests

Covered targets: 42

Used time: 0h 2m 8s

Needed budget for current results: 100%

public class Test {

private static String baseUrlOfSut = "";
/** [ems] - expectations master switch - is the variable that activates/deactivates expectations individual test cases

  • by default, expectations are turned off. The variable needs to be set to [true] to enable expectations
    private static boolean ems = false;
  • sco - supported code oracle - checking that the response status code is among those supported according to the schema
    private static boolean sco = false;
  • rso - response structure oracle - checking that the response objects match the responses defined in the schema
    private static boolean rso = false;

public static void initClass() {
RestAssured.urlEncodingEnabled = false;
RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config()

@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_0() throws Exception {

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/logout")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("ok"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_1() throws Exception {

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/x")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("User not found"));

        .delete(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/yTC1sDZfJ9Q")

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"gVC\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"JgvoDehVjw1QMp\" " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("0"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_2() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

ValidatableResponse res_0 = given().accept("application/json")
        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/inventory")
        .body("'sold'", numberMatches(9.0))
        .body("'string'", numberMatches(646.0))
        .body("'pending'", numberMatches(4.0))
        .body("'available1'", numberMatches(7.0))
        .body("'available'", numberMatches(135.0))
        .body("'PENDING'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'peric'", numberMatches(2.0))
        .body("'Unavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'AVAILABLE'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'nonavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'not available'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'avaialble'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'free'", numberMatches(1.0));


        .body(" [ " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"username\": \"Na3PlczdATENC8eR\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"u\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"WGCgXlOXb1RIGr\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 104 " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"username\": \"mxOpE57\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"zyuAuvu0Mjj3iv\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"ScA8wz7\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"o3Ed7sVamurcmv\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": 929, " + 
            " \"username\": \"V_aeLTT6t7F50m\", " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"jG2NcvqtXnS7zG\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"4\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": 755, " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"9FZ\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"gxQX05iNdYKMFj\" " + 
            " } " + 
            " ] ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/createWithArray")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("ok"));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order/848")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Order not found"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_3() throws Exception {

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"username\": \"xIK\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"ila\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"dUyDFezZwmpVN\" " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("9223372036854757217"));

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"petId\": 192, " + 
            " \"quantity\": 855, " + 
            " \"status\": \"approved\" " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order")
        .body("'petId'", numberMatches(192.0))
        .body("'quantity'", numberMatches(855.0))
        .body("'status'", containsString("approved"))
        .body("'complete'", equalTo(false));

        .body(" [ " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"neBTIJ\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"keJM\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 335 " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": 801, " + 
            " \"password\": \"FGB7\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"username\": \"xkij\", " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"2pcI\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 214 " + 
            " } " + 
            " ] ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/createWithList")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("ok"));

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"id\": 630, " + 
            " \"petId\": 606, " + 
            " \"quantity\": 247, " + 
            " \"shipDate\": \"2039-03-03T02:58:37\", " + 
            " \"complete\": false " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order")
        .body("'petId'", numberMatches(606.0))
        .body("'quantity'", numberMatches(247.0))
        .body("'shipDate'", containsString("2039-03-03T02:58:37.000+0000"))
        .body("'complete'", equalTo(false));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_4() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"username\": \"6cwE2e\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"VI\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 668 " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("9223372036854757219"));

ValidatableResponse res_1 = given().accept("*/*")
        .body(" { " + 
            " \"id\": 4515981145985018507, " + 
            " \"username\": \"VYPAxvT_mmRPyx\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"U3bV\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"LoH\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"mhbwLIV2WDLEnYu\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 822 " + 
            " } ")
        .put(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/VYPAxvT_mmRPyx")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("4515981145985018507"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(400, 404).contains(res_1.extract().statusCode()));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/K")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("User not found"));

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"id\": 483, " + 
            " \"username\": \"j\", " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"Hgfu5iGjfaN9WwX\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"24iCI2kBh\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"RsSXdbVjxrcx04\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"Jm\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"YUtCb1S3DbK2U\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 120 " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("483"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_5() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/login?" + 
            "username=6da6EgByW6J&" + 
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"));

        .delete(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order/7320108638728061786")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(404.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Order Not Found"));

ValidatableResponse res_2 = given().accept("*/*")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(400.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:\"\", local:\"body\"). Expected elements are <{}Category>,<{}Pet>,<{}Tag>"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(405).contains(res_2.extract().statusCode()));

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"username\": \"deqkDibW\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"8qgZZdBmu2aThie5\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"nu\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"eLHlRHsAwa_r\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 551 " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("9223372036854757215"));

ValidatableResponse res_4 = given().accept("application/json")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/593/uploadImage")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(415.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(200).contains(res_4.extract().statusCode()));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_6() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/findByStatus?status=sold&status=pending")
        .body("size()", equalTo(7))
        .body("[0].'category'.'name'", containsString("bagworm"))
        .body("[0].'name'", containsString("bagworm"))
        .body("[0].'photoUrls'.size()", equalTo(1))
        .body("[0].'photoUrls'", hasItems("6NV0"))
        .body("[0].'tags'.size()", equalTo(1))
        .body("[0].'tags'[0].'name'", containsString("bagworm"))
        .body("[0].'status'", containsString("sold"))
        .body("[1].'category'.'name'", containsString("Sajar"))
        .body("[1].'photoUrls'.size()", equalTo(0))
        .body("[1].'tags'.size()", equalTo(0))
        .body("[1].'status'", containsString("sold"))
        .body("[2].'category'.'name'", containsString("nulla quis pariatur"))
        .body("[2].'name'", containsString("doggie"))
        .body("[2].'photoUrls'.size()", equalTo(2))
        .body("[2].'photoUrls'", hasItems("in deserunt esse", "ut do occaecat non"))
        .body("[2].'tags'.size()", equalTo(2))
        .body("[2].'tags'[0].'name'", containsString("eiusmod in exercitation mollit ullamco"))
        .body("[2].'tags'[1].'name'", containsString("labore do dolor"))
        .body("[2].'status'", containsString("sold"))
        ; // Skipping assertions on the remaining 4 elements. This limit of 3 elements can be increased in the configurations

        .put(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(400.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:\"\", local:\"body\"). Expected elements are <{}Category>,<{}Pet>,<{}Tag>"));

ValidatableResponse res_2 = given().accept("application/json")
        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/inventory")
        .body("'sold'", numberMatches(7.0))
        .body("'string'", numberMatches(639.0))
        .body("'pending'", numberMatches(3.0))
        .body("'available1'", numberMatches(7.0))
        .body("'available'", numberMatches(135.0))
        .body("'PENDING'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'peric'", numberMatches(2.0))
        .body("'Unavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'AVAILABLE'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'nonavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'not available'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'avaialble'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'Widowed'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'free'", numberMatches(1.0));


        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/findByTags?tags=")
        .body("size()", equalTo(0));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order/301")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Order not found"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_7() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

ValidatableResponse res_0 = given().accept("*/*")
        .body(" { " + 
            " \"category\": { " + 
            " \"name\": \"gkrO4tj78ZA4EYTF\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " \"name\": \"ONGfCgnq\", " + 
            " \"photoUrls\": [ " + 
            " \"9Yeg67u5\", " + 
            " \"7liNqVaNfF\", " + 
            " \"X2Ol4LGH\", " + 
            " \"TlW\", " + 
            " \"ybyOZg\" " + 
            " ] " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet")
        .body("'category'.'name'", containsString("gkrO4tj78ZA4EYTF"))
        .body("'name'", containsString("ONGfCgnq"))
        .body("'photoUrls'.size()", equalTo(5))
        .body("'photoUrls'", hasItems("9Yeg67u5", "7liNqVaNfF", "X2Ol4LGH", "TlW", "ybyOZg"))
        .body("'tags'.size()", equalTo(0));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(405).contains(res_0.extract().statusCode()));

ValidatableResponse res_1 = given().accept("*/*")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/203")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(404.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("not found"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(405).contains(res_1.extract().statusCode()));

        .body(" [ " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": -771459267, " + 
            " \"username\": \"E4g\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"zrzbKheT2aU06uay\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"RFu5xwfL3d\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"5qtse\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"MOLhps7\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"firstName\": \"R0RZoD\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"lMF\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"Et\", " + 
            " \"userStatus\": 563 " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": 295, " + 
            " \"password\": \"KPdlD6e\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"HvEoQCc5\" " + 
            " }, " + 
            " { " + 
            " \"id\": 39, " + 
            " \"username\": \"NRMrjg2IciOfD\", " + 
            " \"lastName\": \"OfTmEG\", " + 
            " \"email\": \"bjr_p_hO\", " + 
            " \"password\": \"5mVKA\", " + 
            " \"phone\": \"1k5\" " + 
            " } " + 
            " ] ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/createWithArray")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("ok"));

ValidatableResponse res_3 = given().accept("*/*")
        .body(" { " + 
            " \"name\": \"FhU8t1\", " + 
            " \"photoUrls\": [ " + 
            " \"Z_YAPR1i\", " + 
            " \"z\", " + 
            " \"4\", " + 
            " \"f3\" " + 
            " ], " + 
            " \"tags\": [], " + 
            " \"status\": \"sold\" " + 
            " } ")
        .put(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet")
        .body("'name'", containsString("FhU8t1"))
        .body("'photoUrls'.size()", equalTo(4))
        .body("'photoUrls'", hasItems("Z_YAPR1i", "z", "4", "f3"))
        .body("'tags'.size()", equalTo(0))
        .body("'status'", containsString("sold"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(400, 404, 405).contains(res_3.extract().statusCode()));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_8() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

        .body(" { " + 
            " \"petId\": 901, " + 
            " \"complete\": true " + 
            " } ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order")
        .body("'petId'", numberMatches(901.0))
        .body("'quantity'", numberMatches(0.0))
        .body("'complete'", equalTo(true));

        .body(" [] ")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/createWithList")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("ok"));

ValidatableResponse res_2 = given().accept("*/*")
        .body(" {} ")
        .put(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/mGTeK0l")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(200.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("0"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(400, 404).contains(res_2.extract().statusCode()));

ValidatableResponse res_3 = given().accept("application/json")
        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/inventory")
        .body("'sold'", numberMatches(7.0))
        .body("'string'", numberMatches(644.0))
        .body("'pending'", numberMatches(3.0))
        .body("'available1'", numberMatches(7.0))
        .body("'available'", numberMatches(133.0))
        .body("'PENDING'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'peric'", numberMatches(2.0))
        .body("'Unavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'AVAILABLE'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'nonavailable'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'not available'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'avaialble'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'Widowed'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'free'", numberMatches(1.0));


        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/311")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Pet not found"));

        .delete(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/-1278911200")

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/H")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("User not found"));

ValidatableResponse res_7 = given().accept("*/*")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/517")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(404.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("not found"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(405).contains(res_7.extract().statusCode()));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_9() throws Exception {

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/y0a5lJbYd2n")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("User not found"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_10() throws Exception {

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order/990")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Order not found"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_11() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

ValidatableResponse res_0 = given().accept("*/*")
        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/:-1/v2/swagger.json")

     Note: No supported codes appear to be defined.
     This is somewhat unexpected, so the code below is likely to lead to a failed expectation
    .that(sco, Arrays.asList().contains(res_0.extract().statusCode()));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_12() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

ValidatableResponse res_0 = given().accept("application/json")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/183/uploadImage")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(415.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(200).contains(res_0.extract().statusCode()));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/store/order/6159479201153389739")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Order not found"));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/86")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("Pet not found"));

        .get(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/user/ClPyXyC")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(1.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("error"))
        .body("'message'", containsString("User not found"));


@test(timeout = 60000)
public void test_13() throws Exception {
ExpectationHandler expectationHandler = expectationHandler();

ValidatableResponse res_0 = given().accept("application/json")
        .post(baseUrlOfSut + "/v2/pet/895/uploadImage")
        .body("'code'", numberMatches(415.0))
        .body("'type'", containsString("unknown"));

    .that(sco, Arrays.asList(200).contains(res_0.extract().statusCode()));


from evomaster.

arcuri82 avatar arcuri82 commented on May 28, 2024

unfortunately it looks like such parameter is only used in white-box testing, and not black-box (as such internal parameter was mainly introduced for debugging EM itself).
would need to enable it for black-box testing as well

from evomaster.

agrawalhemant5393 avatar agrawalhemant5393 commented on May 28, 2024

Sure, Thanks for update. Once done can you please add comment in this

from evomaster.

arcuri82 avatar arcuri82 commented on May 28, 2024

this should be fixed in the latest 2.0.0 release. furthermore, a new option --endpointPrefix should enable to test only endpoints matching a given common prefix

from evomaster.

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