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Setting text value of input about enzyme HOT 74 CLOSED

enzymejs avatar enzymejs commented on April 28, 2024 41
Setting text value of input

from enzyme.

Comments (74)

levibuzolic avatar levibuzolic commented on April 28, 2024 1364

Not sure if this helps, but personally I've been using:

wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', {target: {value: 'My new value'}});

to test onChange methods and this has worked quite well for me.

from enzyme.

takkyuuplayer avatar takkyuuplayer commented on April 28, 2024 45


i just need to set value to the input

How about below?

const wrapper = mount(<input />);
wrapper.find('input').node.value = 'Test';

from enzyme.

nemoDreamer avatar nemoDreamer commented on April 28, 2024 40

I found that I had to re-find the input after my change simulation.

const input = mounted.find('input');

expect(input.prop('value')).toBe('Initial'); // PASS

input.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Changed' } });

// whuuuut?
expect(input.prop('value')).toBe('Changed'); // FAIL...
expect(input.prop('value')).toBe('Initial'); // PASS, seriously?!

// but...:
expect(mounted.find('input').prop('value')).toBe('Changed'); // PASS!

from enzyme.

lelandrichardson avatar lelandrichardson commented on April 28, 2024 34

@jackfranklin the purpose of enzyme is mostly to assert things about rendered react components and their behavior.... by manipulating input values you are manipulating the behavior of the component in an unpredictable way...

Some things you can do:

  1. if the input is getting rendered with a prop or state variable, try using the .setProps() or .setState() methods of enzyme.
  2. try simulating keypresses using .simulate('keydown', { which: 'a' }) or similar

from enzyme.

jackfranklin avatar jackfranklin commented on April 28, 2024 34

@lelandrichardson understood, thanks. I quite like the idea of simulating key presses as a replacement. Would you consider a method to help input lots of keypresses? Eg .simulateKeyPresses('hello') (or whatever) that would call simulate with keydown a bunch of times.

from enzyme.

eduardonunesp avatar eduardonunesp commented on April 28, 2024 28

It's not working for textarea element

from enzyme.

frontmesh avatar frontmesh commented on April 28, 2024 28

Anyone agrees that @levibuzolic solution should be added to documentation? One has to dig trough all the comments here, to find a how to properly simulate input change .. Something this trivial should feel like more fun to accomplish.

from enzyme.

jackfranklin avatar jackfranklin commented on April 28, 2024 22

@lelandrichardson I had a go at this and ended up with something like this:

  simulateKeyPresses(characters, ...args) {
    for(let i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
      this.simulate('keyPress', extend({
        which: characters.charCodeAt(i),
        key: characters[i],
        keyCode: characters.charCodeAt(i)
      }, args));

This works in terms of calling an onKeyPress handler if you call it correctly, however the value doesn't actually change, and I'm not so sure as to why.

Additionally, the React test util docs do suggest you should set value and then simulate a change event:

// <input ref="input" />
var node = this.refs.input;
node.value = 'giraffe'

So I would come back again to the point that it would be nice to have a syntactic method for setting the input value and triggering a change - although I can see why you want to avoid that. I'd love to come up with a simulateKeyPresses similar method that works correctly - any ideas you have would be really cool.

Thanks for a great library :)

from enzyme.

teh-username avatar teh-username commented on April 28, 2024 17

For those having problems with onChangeText, the changeText event worked for me.

rowInput.simulate('changeText', 'abc')

from enzyme.

hnry avatar hnry commented on April 28, 2024 14

In regards to the original topic (not specific to keypress events) this does seem unintuitive. I just started using enzyme today so maybe there is a easier way of writing this out...

Currently if I wanted to test some event on a input, let's say change event, it looks like this:

    input.get(0).value = 'text'       // have to get the node...
    input.first().simulate('change')  // have to use the wrapper...

Versus the TestUtils way:

  node.value = str

The unintuitive part is using 2 different types to do 1 action. Where as with the React TestUtils you're only having to get and deal with the node.

Again new to this, so is there a more streamlined way of doing this common testing task? Right now I'm doing it the TestUtils way.

from enzyme.

levibuzolic avatar levibuzolic commented on April 28, 2024 14

@george-norris-salesforce this wont actually set the value of the text filed, instead it will just trigger your onChange method. If you actually need your DOM to be updated and your onChange doesn't handle this for you then you'll need to actually set the value programatically via wrapper.find('#my-input').node.value = 'abc';

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024 13

I feel like a better approach here would be making a generic and entirely separate library that provided an API, that generated a stream of simulated browser events. Then, enzyme could simply use that library, and could delegate any API decisions to that other module. That other module would then be useful for a number of other projects.

I don't know what that API would look like, but I think solving it in a generic way, for all events and element types, is a hard enough problem that it shouldn't be attempted directly inside a larger project.

from enzyme.

lelandrichardson avatar lelandrichardson commented on April 28, 2024 12

I think that's an interesting idea! The fact that simulating typing is so difficult has been something that's bothered me...

from enzyme.

timbroder avatar timbroder commented on April 28, 2024 12

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


from enzyme.

teatimes avatar teatimes commented on April 28, 2024 11

I managed to simulate setting a value for textarea.

wrapper.find("textarea#message").element.value = "a value" wrapper.find("textarea#message").trigger("input")

from enzyme.

MastroLindus avatar MastroLindus commented on April 28, 2024 10

It also doesn't work for components using currentTarget instead of target, (you cannot pass custom data to currentTarget the way you do it for target, currentTarget will ignore it)

from enzyme.

george-norris-salesforce avatar george-norris-salesforce commented on April 28, 2024 8

not working for me..

const input = wrapper.find('#my-input');

  { target: { value: 'abc' } }

const val = input.node.value;

//val is ''

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024 8

Indeed; in v3, all sub-wrappers must be re-found from the root to see updates.

from enzyme.

yuritoledo avatar yuritoledo commented on April 28, 2024 6

this works for me:

wrapper.find('#input-value').simulate('change', { target: { '10' } })

then, to check if the value was changed:


from enzyme.

andriichernenko avatar andriichernenko commented on April 28, 2024 5
wrapper.find('...').simulate('change', {target: {value: 'My new value'}});

triggers onChange, but not onChangeText for some reason (I'm using React Native 0.42.3).

from enzyme.

jsonmaur avatar jsonmaur commented on April 28, 2024 5

For anyone trying to update the caret position along with the value of an input:

const input = wrapper.find('input')
const position = value.length

input.simulate('change', { target: { value } })
input.getDOMNode().setSelectionRange(position, position)

from enzyme.

hannaliebl avatar hannaliebl commented on April 28, 2024 5

@nemoDreamer I ran into this as well, thank you for the fix! I think it's happening because const input is a stale reference, likely because the onChange caused a re-render in your component. At least, that was what was happening in my component.

from enzyme.

jDeppen avatar jDeppen commented on April 28, 2024 4

textarea works for me, @eduardonunesp.

I didn't think @levibuzolic's solution was working, but I had to swap mockStore with createStore to work for my situation.

import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form'
let commentCreate
let form
beforeEach(() => {
  commentCreate = sinon.spy()

  form = mount(
-   <Provider store={mockStore({ form: formReducer })}>
+   <Provider store={createStore(combineReducers({ form: formReducer }))}>
      <Container commentCreate={commentCreate} />

it('valid and calls commentCreate', () => {
  const textarea = form.find('textarea').first()
  textarea.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'foo' } })

it('invalid so does not call commentCreate', () => {

I used Redux-Form Test to troubleshoot.

from enzyme.

edwardfxiao avatar edwardfxiao commented on April 28, 2024 4

For anyone who failed to get the value right with wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', {target: {value: 'My new value'}});

Here is what I did and it is working

const SomeInputComponent = ({onChangeCallback}) => {
    const inputRef = useRef(null);
    const handleOnChange = useCallback(()=>{
    }, [])

return <div><input ref={inputRef} onChange={handleOnChange} /></div>
  it('Should change the value ', () => {
    let value = '';
    const wrapper = mount(
        onChangeCallback={res => {
          value = res;
    const $input = wrapper.find('input');
    $ = 'Changed';

from enzyme.

dschinkel avatar dschinkel commented on April 28, 2024 3

@jackfranklin don't even reference things by HTML tags. This is actually very bad to do from your tests even though 80% people do it, the 20% of devs who have tested for years know better, and we know how to keep tests less brittle. That is... by searching on 'input' or other tags, you're coupling your tests to the implementation (the DOM). Don't do that...ever. Seriously.

Just do this:

passwordInput = loginForm.find('.ft-password')

('ft' stands for 'feature') but that's just a convention I use, you can use whatever you want.

and just add a cssClass to wherever your field is:

              placeholder="Enter password"
              style={{ width: 300}}

(there I'm using a React bootstrap component, you might be using whatever...point in case is I don't couple my tests to 'input' or 'FormControl' or anything like that. My tests are completely ignorant of the implementation always by using feature css markers and searching on those. Plus you can reuse those markers in Casper and other tests in the future).

That will save you from headaches in many ways if you just use css markers like this instead of trying to reference and couple your tests to DOM element names. This is common to do with good testers, we don't find() on HTML elements, we always use feature markers. This is a very common practice done by seasoned TDD'ists.

Places like do this all the time, just look at their source, you'll see markers everywhere and that's why they're there.

from enzyme.

m8ms avatar m8ms commented on April 28, 2024 3

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


this one actually worked for me;

All other solutions in this thread gave different errors of the no function x of undefined sort (including and especially the doc's way with simulate('change', { target: /* ... */ }))

from enzyme.

Valentin-Seehausen avatar Valentin-Seehausen commented on April 28, 2024 2

This should be added to docs!

from enzyme.

ferrazrx avatar ferrazrx commented on April 28, 2024 2

The solution I found for having a input with ref to get the value instead of onChange, for example:

<input ref={(value)=>{this._email = value}} >

is to use .instance().value to add a value to the input, submitting the form if you want, and testing the value, like so:

wrapped.find('input[type="email"]').instance().value = "test";

from enzyme.

yuritoledo avatar yuritoledo commented on April 28, 2024 2

@CWSites Sorry, my bad. The correct is:
wrapper.find('#input-value').simulate('change', { target: '10'})

from enzyme.

CeamKrier avatar CeamKrier commented on April 28, 2024 2

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


I currently have tested this approach and works flawlessly

from enzyme.

misstricky avatar misstricky commented on April 28, 2024 2

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


This is the only thing that seems to work at all with a password input type -- thank you!

from enzyme.

chardos avatar chardos commented on April 28, 2024 1

@levibuzolic Didn't seem to work for me. I'm getting Can't add property value, object is not extensible.

edit: All good, I was shallow rendering that particular test, mounting fixed it πŸ‘

from enzyme.

ansballard avatar ansballard commented on April 28, 2024 1

@abdennour I'm using the onBlur event in my forms, so here's how I'm setting input values with node.value and then making sure my methods get called.

const component = mount(<MyComponent {...props />);
const input = component.find("input[type='text']").first();
input.node.value = "something";
    // my update method arguments

from enzyme.

pedro-mass avatar pedro-mass commented on April 28, 2024 1

@teh-username I get: TypeError: ReactWrapper::simulate() event 'changeText' does not exist

from enzyme.

yuritoledo avatar yuritoledo commented on April 28, 2024 1

@anupammaurya can you create a codesandbox ?

from enzyme.

ramdadam avatar ramdadam commented on April 28, 2024 1

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


I currently have tested this approach and works flawlessly

I tried this out and typescript would complain about value not existing in instance()
This worked for me:

const attribute = document.createAttribute("value");
attribute.value = "[email protected]";
const emailInput = wrapper.find('input').at(0);

from enzyme.

grifterlv avatar grifterlv commented on April 28, 2024 1

I have tried all the methods mentioned above but none of them worked for me.

from enzyme.

jackfranklin avatar jackfranklin commented on April 28, 2024

OK - I might have a play and ping a PR if I get anywhere? :)

from enzyme.

macalinao avatar macalinao commented on April 28, 2024

Thanks so much for these examples. It'd be great if you could add .value(...) -- @jackfranklin have you been working on this?

from enzyme.

vesln avatar vesln commented on April 28, 2024

@ljharb i agree.

we felt the same pain and ended up building a capybara-like library that takes care of interactions

all: any thoughts on the scope/api/wishlist of such project will be highly appreciated, as i'd love to open source it

from enzyme.

SpencerCDixon avatar SpencerCDixon commented on April 28, 2024

@vesln have you made any progress on a capybara like library?

from enzyme.

vesln avatar vesln commented on April 28, 2024

@SpencerCDixon i've built something that we use internally, but truth to be told, it's far away from ready.

i was really hoping for some input from the community on potential API and feature set before i open source it

if you have any suggestions/ideas please let me know

from enzyme.

SpencerCDixon avatar SpencerCDixon commented on April 28, 2024

gotcha. Yeah I havn't really spent much time thinking about it but I think it would be cool to mimic capybara's API as much as possible so the library would be very intuitive for people to learn who are coming from a Rails/Ruby background.

I'd definitely be down to put some time into it/help you work on it if you were interested in open sourcing what you did for your company.

from enzyme.

vesln avatar vesln commented on April 28, 2024

@SpencerCDixon sounds awesome, let's join forces! i will ping u when i have something up, even if it's only the initial boilerplate. then we can discuss the api/features publicly and make it happen

from enzyme.

SpencerCDixon avatar SpencerCDixon commented on April 28, 2024

πŸ‘ sounds great!

from enzyme.

kwhitaker avatar kwhitaker commented on April 28, 2024

@levibuzolic your method worked great for me.

from enzyme.

boyney123 avatar boyney123 commented on April 28, 2024

@hnry Are you still using the TestUtils way?

from enzyme.

mrgreenh avatar mrgreenh commented on April 28, 2024

I feel like this could be related to the bug mentioned in this blog post:
So that if that was fixed enzyme would be as intuitive.

from enzyme.

Kamaraju333 avatar Kamaraju333 commented on April 28, 2024

@levibuzolic Is there a way if i could only set value , i dont have any Onchange or on Blur methods , its just

i just need to set value to the input

from enzyme.

artivilla avatar artivilla commented on April 28, 2024

Since my component was already an DOM input node, I simulated using the onInput event:
component.simulate('input', { target: { value: 'Type Sample' } });

from enzyme.

abdennour avatar abdennour commented on April 28, 2024

Does not work at all .. Neither input nor textarea. . Neither "simulate" nor "node.value="..

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

I wouldn't recommend using simulate at all - i'd suggest instead getting the prop you want and invoking it directly.

from enzyme.

loudking avatar loudking commented on April 28, 2024

Hereby I confirm that neither 'node' nor 'instance()' is working. Can anybody please help?

My test code:

    const wrapper = mount(BeginEndDayPicker(propsBegin));
    const input = wrapper.find('input');

wrapper.html() =

<div><div class="row form-group"><div class="col col-md-4"><label for="begin" class=" form-control-label">Begin</label></div><div class="col-12 col-md-8"><div class="DayPickerInput"><input placeholder="Example: 2017-01-01" required="" value="2017-01-01"></div></div></div><div class="row form-group"><div class="col col-md-4"><label for="end" class=" form-control-label">End</label></div><div class="col-12 col-md-8"><div class="DayPickerInput"><input placeholder="Example: 2017-12-31" required="" value="2017-12-31"></div></div></div></div>
I tried with

input.get(0).value = '123';

but got error:

TypeError: Can't add property value, object is not extensible

Then I tried

input.get(0).instance().value = '123';

but got error:

TypeError: input.get(...).instance is not a function

Then I tried:

input.get(0).node.value = '123';

but got error:

TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of undefined

Finally I tried:

input.first().getDOMNode().nodeValue = '123';

but the expected change function is not called:



    Expected mock function to have been called with:
    But it was not called.

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

.get returns a raw node; Try .at(0).instance()?

Either way though, changing the value will never emit a "change" event; there's no way to do that automatically. You don't need to test that React sets up handleBeginChange properly; all you need to do is assert that that function ends up as the onChange prop on the proper element, and you can just trust that React wires it up properly.

from enzyme.

herman-rogers avatar herman-rogers commented on April 28, 2024

I had same issue as above - onChange triggers but doesn't fire the onChangeText had to mock out the component using jest.

jest.mock('TextInput', () => {
  const RealComponent = require.requireActual('TextInput');
  const React = require('react');

  class TextInput extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return React.createElement('TextInput', {
        onChange: this.props.onChangeText,
      }, this.props.children);

  TextInput.propTypes = RealComponent.propTypes;
  return TextInput;

Bit hacky but seems to work for now.

from enzyme.

kettanaito avatar kettanaito commented on April 28, 2024

Hello, everyone.
In the end, any working solution?

Simulating various interactions with the components, including onChange, seems quite essential.

from enzyme.

psdao1102 avatar psdao1102 commented on April 28, 2024

I just wanted to come here to say that for anyone trying to do events other than onChange events, the target value trick still works. I was able to combine two tricks on this thread to get what I need.

.simulate('keydown', {keyCode: 13, target: {value:'3537727,3537725,3537723'}});

from enzyme.

pedro-mass avatar pedro-mass commented on April 28, 2024

@jsonmaur your solution worked best πŸŽ‰

from enzyme.

saupan avatar saupan commented on April 28, 2024

I tried almost all suggested ways but nothing seems to work for 'textarea'.
<textarea type="text" placeholder="A meaningful text." maxlength="400" role="textbox"></textarea>

Did anyone have any success with simulating (setting) value for textarea?

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

It seems like a number of people have working solutions.

@jackfranklin happy to reopen if this is still an issue for you on latest enzyme.

from enzyme.

martabacc avatar martabacc commented on April 28, 2024

@jsonmaur, how did you clear the mock on the afterEach / afterAll block?

from enzyme.

CWSites avatar CWSites commented on April 28, 2024

@yuritoledo I get Unexpected token on the closing } immediately after '10'

@timbroder, your version works however I'm unable to expect against the value prior to the change. How did you accomplish that?

from enzyme.

anupammaurya avatar anupammaurya commented on April 28, 2024

here is my code..

const input = MobileNumberComponent.find('input')
input.props().onChange({target: {
   id: 'mobile-no',
   value: '1234567900'
const Footer = (loginComponent.find('Footer'))

I have update my DOM with componentname.update()
And then checking submit button validation(disable/enable) with length 10 digit.

from enzyme.

timbroder avatar timbroder commented on April 28, 2024

@CWSites I haven't tried expecting before changing it. The value at that point is a known assumption from the test setup

from enzyme.

CWSites avatar CWSites commented on April 28, 2024

@timbroder what I'm running into is that it only updates the value of instance() and that value is not available to my function that is being called onChange. I still haven't been able to accomplish adjusting the value of an input. Currently I'm serving the value from state so I have to manually alter the state and use that to control the value of my input.

it('validateEmail', () => {
	const wrapper = mount(<Login history={[]} />);
	const emailUpdated = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'emailUpdated');
	const validateEmail = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'validateEmail');

	const loginButton = wrapper.find('Button');
	const emailInput = wrapper.find('Input');

	wrapper.setState({ email: 'invalid email' });

	// simulate login with invalid email

	// since I can't update the value directly, update state directly
	wrapper.setState({ email: '[email protected]' });

	// simulate login with valid email
	emailInput.simulate('change', emailInput);
	expect(wrapper.state().email).toEqual('[email protected]');

These are the different ways that I've tried to update the input, but none of them pass the value to the function which is called onChange.

// value is not passed to `emailUpdated`
emailInput.instance().value = '[email protected]';
expect(emailInput.instance().value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns '[email protected]'
expect(emailInput.props().value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns ''
expect(emailInput.value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns undefined

// value is not passed to `emailUpdated`
emailInput.props().value = '[email protected]';
expect(emailInput.props().value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns '[email protected]'
expect(emailInput.value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns undefined

// value is not passed to `emailUpdated`
emailInput.value = '[email protected]';
expect(emailInput.value).toEqual('[email protected]'); // returns '[email protected]'

from enzyme.

glassdimly avatar glassdimly commented on April 28, 2024

This is what worked for me for simulating text entry into a textarea and testing for a secondary component that was loaded after text entry.

RTFM simulate. Also note that simulate is on the wrapper (the result of find), not on the dom element (which would come from find('myThing').getDOMNode).

it('mounts and comment text entry triggers suggestion menu open with proper results', () => {
    const comment = mount(<Comment />);
    // Create a fake event with the values needed by handleOnChange
    const inputEvent = {persist: () => {}, target: { value: '@pdixon1'}};
    comment.find('textarea#commentTextArea').simulate('change', inputEvent);
    // Make sure to wait before testing for a dom result.
        const suggestions = comment.find('#nameSuggestionsMenuList');
    }, 1000);

from enzyme.

sypl avatar sypl commented on April 28, 2024

This is working for me to test filling out the password field on a login form

    const passwordInput = component.find('input').at(1);
    passwordInput.instance().value = 'y';


This is the only thing that worked for me on a controlled input. Thanks!

from enzyme.

Puneet1796 avatar Puneet1796 commented on April 28, 2024

Not sure if this helps, but personally I've been using:

wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', {target: {, value: 'My new value'}});

to test onChange methods and this has worked quite well for me.

I've been using this too, but I want to ask that what if I'm passing data in the onChange like this

onChange={e => this.myOnChange(e, data)}

Now, I'm confused about how can I pass data in the onChange on the test?

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

@Puneet1796 that depends on where data comes from. You can't alter that from just having access to the onChange prop.

from enzyme.

Puneet1796 avatar Puneet1796 commented on April 28, 2024

@ljharb How does it matter?, According to the documentation simulate on mounted components can't let data pass through it, now here what enzyme fails to test the onChange.

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

@Puneet1796 i'm not sure what you mean - it matters because the way the JS language works prevents any interception of data there.

from enzyme.

Puneet1796 avatar Puneet1796 commented on April 28, 2024

@ljharb I have an array of values and I'm iterating over each value and renders a component everytime, say list item, but I want to pass index in the change so that I'll know which list item is updated. But in the case of testing, I found out that there's no way mentioned in the documentation to pass the value in onChange via simulate.
The value that I want to pass is the index of that particular list item.

from enzyme.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on April 28, 2024

Based on the code you passed, it's impossible via any means.

from enzyme.

cphoover avatar cphoover commented on April 28, 2024

What i had to do to update the value of a form field that was only referenced with a ref.

const inputField = wrapper.find('input[type="text"]');
inputField.getDOMNode().value = "my updated value";
inputField.simulate('whatever you are listening for');

from enzyme.

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