Related Issues (20)
- Bug: "react-dom/client" render function fail on IE10 (with polyfills) HOT 5
- Bug: undefined behavior with input checkbox onChange not triggered HOT 5
- Bug: Text duplication in controlled component with iOS Japanese kana IME HOT 5
- Bug: css Clippath in style property not update HOT 1
- Bug: Android element inspector render error HOT 1
- Bug:
- useDeferredValue hook updates the deferred value immediately instead of after background re-render HOT 3
- Bug: horizontal scroll to bad white space on mobile version of application HOT 3
- Bug: doesn't connect via the network outside the host HOT 5
- Bug: hydration fails when using a text node in a form with server actions HOT 2
- Feat request: addition of use client in a specific component HOT 5
- Bug: HOT 5
- Bug: async action transition branch not committed for 5000ms HOT 5
- Bug: useDeferredValue return value printing error HOT 2
- [DevTools Bug]: shows "This page doesn't appear to be using React" for every react website on Firefox 115.0.2 HOT 17
- Bug: "Uncaught runtime error" after react-script upgrade HOT 2
- Feature Request (react-hooks/exhaustive-deps): `ignoreObjectReferences` flag HOT 3
- Bug: [React 18] componentWillReceiveProps causes Suspense to go into an infinite loop with React.lazy HOT 5
- [DevTools Bug]: Devtools extension build failing in windows and ubuntu HOT 1
- feature: make react more reactive (feedback for future) HOT 14
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