Related Issues (20)
- Conceptually, it makes sense to skip both. I'm not sure why `Scope` refs are even being attached here in the first place. 😕
- [DevTools Bug]: Settings / Components / Hide components where... - need to be set on each reload. HOT 1
- TestUtils.Simulate alternatives
- [Compiler Bug]: Does not check for ref access in setState initial value function
- [Compiler Bug]: Discriminated unions with undefined cause compiler to blow up HOT 2
- [DevTools Bug]: Copy to clipboard doesn't work HOT 6
- [DevTools Bug] Cannot remove node "2546" because no matching node was found in the Store.
- Bug: [email protected] only detects english component names HOT 1
- [DevTools Bug]: Element selector mode not working with coarse pointer HOT 1
- Bug: inconsistent type checking behaviour for useState HOT 1
- [Compiler Optimization]: avoid memoizing `useState` lazy initializer functions HOT 2
- Firebase Authentication State Resets on Page Reload in Vite-React-TypeScript App
- Bug: Definition for rule 'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps' was not found HOT 2
- [Compiler Bug]: useMemo does not provide stable results across renders for specific functions when compiler enabled HOT 3
- [DevTools Bug] getCommitTree(): Invalid commit "7" for root "1". There are only "7" commits. HOT 1
- Bug: Change status variable type HOT 1
- [Compiler Bug]: "InvalidReact: Mutating component props or hook arguments is not allowed" When Passing a MutableRef as a prop, then mutating it in child HOT 3
- [Compiler Bug]: "Mutating a value returned from 'useContext()', which should not be mutated" When the value is a Ref HOT 1
- [React 19]Inquiry About React 19 Support for ReactPress HOT 1
- ESLint `react-hooks/exhaustive-deps` error when using non-`useCallback` function with the compiler on HOT 1
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from react.