Comments (8)
Turns out that Object.create
in NormalizedEventListener is actually causing some bugs, so we just changed that internally. We're still working out the kinks to our code sync process but that should be making it's way to master soon.
In the meantime, if having es5shim+sham on the site would help, we can make that happen.
from react.
I can't tell from your answer whether that means that es5-sham should be used and its presence can be relied upon, or if it should go away completely once the code sync happens.
Having the shims on the site might help. How have you been testing in IE8? (Also in general – I've been repeatedly running grunt build
then using the examples to test but maybe there's some good way of loading React that doesn't require the explicit build step?)
from react.
es5-sham might be able to go away (I don't actually know all the polyfills we need and which live in shim vs sham). I know for sure we need something to completely support IE8. Even if we get rid of this Object.create
we have some Array.isArray
in there. We should document this better.
Our IE8 testing has been :) In general though, if you're making internal changes then you'll need to rebuild to test. grunt build
builds debug and minified builds - you can skip the minified step by just run grunt build:basic
, might make that cycle a little faster. You could also run the automated tests in browser with grunt test --debug
which should start a server which you can hit from any browser. This doesn't help the shim issue though, so probably won't be much use in IE8.
Having a no-build way to test would be smart. I bet we could maybe do it using requirejs or maybe a node server that just builds react.js on demand... but for now building is the only option.
from react.
FWIW grunt test
builds just enough stuff to run the Jasmine specs, so it takes a lot less time than grunt build
from react.
I made a quick attempt to use React with the only the necessary parts of es5-shim and it appears that Function.prototype.bind, Array.isArray, and Array.prototype.indexOf are the only needed functions. I wonder if it's worth including just those ~50 lines of code in React directly and claiming native IE8 support?
edit: Also, but that can be replaced with +new Date without hurting anyone.
from react.
I suppose it's because Array.prototype methods like map or Function.prototype.bind are useful in render method. And IE8 is dying.
from react.
This can be closed now, right @zpao @spicyj ?
from react.
Yea, we talk about all the polyfills needed in the "Browser Suppport and Polyfills" (oh man clownshoes) section of
from react.
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