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Comments (10)

schms avatar schms commented on July 24, 2024

Sorry, I can not help a lot as I am not a programmer. However,
Does ansible-cmdb support ansible 2.x ?

from ansible-cmdb.

fboender avatar fboender commented on July 24, 2024

Hey schms!

Thank you for reporting the bug. Do you have enough experience to try the lastest version of Ansible-cmdb from the Github repository? I suspect this bug may have already been fixed. Otherwise, could you send the facts file for to my email address? ([email protected]).

Ansible-cmdb should support ansible v2.x, but since it's rather new, there may still be some bugs in it. This could be one.



from ansible-cmdb.

schms avatar schms commented on July 24, 2024

Hi Ferry

It looks rather good. What I did:
Collect the facts in /tmp/out/ :
foo@baa:/data/ansible$ ansible -i hosts all -m setup --tree /tmp/out/

Check out latest commit (?) :
foo@baa:/tmp$ git clone
Cloning into 'ansible-cmdb'...

foo@baa:/tmp$ cd ansible-cmdb/

foo@baa:/tmp/ansible-cmdb$ git log
commit e18c52f
Author: Ferry Boender [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 2 08:25:25 2016 +0100

Example openvz host added.

foo@baa:/tmp/ansible-cmdb$ export PYTHONPATH="$(readlink -f lib)"

This works:
foo@baa:/tmp/ansible-cmdb$ src/ansible-cmdb /tmp/out/ > /tmp/overview10.hmtl

This works as well:
foo@baa:/tmp/ansible-cmdb$ src/ansible-cmdb -t txt_table /tmp/out/ > /tmp/overview11.hmtl

However, finally I wanted to include the Ansible inventory file </data/ansible/hosts>. This still fails:
foo@baa:/tmp/ansible-cmdb$ src/ansible-cmdb -d -i /data/ansible/hosts /tmp/out/ > /tmp/overview12.hmtl
data_dir = /tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data
tpl_dir = /tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl
static_dir = /tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/static
Parsing fact dir: /tmp/out/
Reading host facts from /tmp/out/
Reading host facts from /tmp/out/
Reading host facts from /tmp/out/
Parsing host vars (dir): /data/ansible/hosts
template file = /tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl/html_fancy.tpl
Template params: {'lib_dir': '/tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data', 'version': '%%MASTER%%', 'data_dir': '/tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data', 'log': <logging.RootLogger object at 0x7f0e95f5c1d0>, 'columns': None}
Rendering host overview for
Rendering host overview for
Rendering host overview for

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/ansible-cmdb", line 108, in
out = mytemplate.render(hosts=ansible.hosts, *_params)
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/lib/mako/", line 443, in render
return runtime.render(self, self.callable, args, data)
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/lib/mako/", line 803, in _render
*_kwargs_for_callable(callable, data))
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/lib/mako/", line 835, in _render_context
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/lib/mako/", line 860, in exec_template
(context, _args, *_kwargs)
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl/html_fancy.tpl", line 503, in render_body
File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl/html_fancy.tpl", line 0, in col_dtap

File "/tmp/ansible-cmdb/src/ansiblecmdb/data/tpl/html_fancy.tpl", line 44, in render_col_dtap
${host['hostvars'].get('dtap', '')}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Whoops, it looks like something went wrong while rendering the template.

The reported error was: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

The output is probably not correct.
You can report a bug on the issue tracker:

Please include the debugging output (-d switch) in the report!


Nevertheless, thank you very much for ansible-cmdb. Great work !



from ansible-cmdb.

fboender avatar fboender commented on July 24, 2024

Hey Stefan!

Thank you for trying that out. Could you send the contents of the facts file to [email protected], so I can have a look at what's going wrong? It seems there is no "hostvars" section. I'll keep it strictly confidential.



from ansible-cmdb.

fboender avatar fboender commented on July 24, 2024

Oh, can you also include your hosts file? The problem might also be in there.

from ansible-cmdb.

schms avatar schms commented on July 24, 2024

Hi Ferry, I am having trouble sending you the contents of facts and the hosts file as seems to reject the mail(s):

[email protected]:
SMTP error from remote server for TEXT command, host: ( reason: 552-5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue

from ansible-cmdb.

schms avatar schms commented on July 24, 2024

The hosts file:


from ansible-cmdb.

schms avatar schms commented on July 24, 2024

The facts of

{"ansible_facts": {"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [""], "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": ["fe80::a00:27ff:fea8:34c3"], "ansible_architecture": "i386", "ansible_bios_date": "12/01/2006", "ansible_bios_version": "VirtualBox", "ansible_cmdline": {"BOOT_IMAGE": "/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.7-29-default", "quiet": true, "resume": "/dev/sda1", "root": "UUID=b77dc505-6528-4b8b-8942-f4f6a48d702c", "showopts": true, "splash": "silent"}, "ansible_date_time": {"date": "2016-02-10", "day": "10", "epoch": "1455127949", "hour": "19", "iso8601": "2016-02-10T18:12:29Z", "iso8601_basic": "20160210T191229207737", "iso8601_basic_short": "20160210T191229", "iso8601_micro": "2016-02-10T18:12:29.207985Z", "minute": "12", "month": "02", "second": "29", "time": "19:12:29", "tz": "CET", "tz_offset": "+0100", "weekday": "Wednesday", "weekday_number": "3", "weeknumber": "06", "year": "2016"}, "ansible_default_ipv4": {"address": "", "alias": "enp0s3", "broadcast": "", "gateway": "", "interface": "enp0s3", "macaddress": "08:00:27:a8:34:c3", "mtu": 1500, "netmask": "", "network": "", "type": "ether"}, "ansible_default_ipv6": {}, "ansible_devices": {"sda": {"holders": [], "host": "SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801HM/HEM (ICH8M/ICH8M-E) SATA Controller [AHCI mode](rev 02)", "model": "VBOX HARDDISK", "partitions": {"sda1": {"sectors": "1523712", "sectorsize": 512, "size": "744.00 MB", "start": "2048"}, "sda2": {"sectors": "15251456", "sectorsize": 512, "size": "7.27 GB", "start": "1525760"}}, "removable": "0", "rotational": "1", "scheduler_mode": "cfq", "sectors": "16777216", "sectorsize": "512", "size": "8.00 GB", "support_discard": "0", "vendor": "ATA"}, "sr0": {"holders": [], "host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)", "model": "CD-ROM", "partitions": {}, "removable": "1", "rotational": "1", "scheduler_mode": "cfq", "sectors": "139264", "sectorsize": "2048", "size": "272.00 MB", "support_discard": "0", "vendor": "VBOX"}}, "ansible_distribution": "openSUSE", "ansible_distribution_major_version": "13", "ansible_distribution_release": "Harlequin", "ansible_distribution_version": "13.2", "ansible_dns": {"nameservers": [""], "search": [""]}, "ansible_domain": "", "ansible_enp0s3": {"active": true, "device": "enp0s3", "ipv4": {"address": "", "broadcast": "", "netmask": "", "network": ""}, "ipv6": [{"address": "fe80::a00:27ff:fea8:34c3", "prefix": "64", "scope": "link"}], "macaddress": "08:00:27:a8:34:c3", "module": "e1000", "mtu": 1500, "pciid": "0000:00:03.0", "promisc": false, "type": "ether"}, "ansible_env": {"ALSA_CONFIG_PATH": "/etc/alsa-pulse.conf", "AUDIODRIVER": "pulseaudio", "COLORTERM": "1", "CONFIG_SITE": "/usr/share/site/i686-pc-linux-gnu", "CPU": "i686", "CSHEDIT": "emacs", "CVS_RSH": "ssh", "FROM_HEADER": "", "GPG_TTY": "/dev/pts/0", "G_BROKEN_FILENAMES": "1", "G_FILENAME_ENCODING": "@Locale,UTF-8,ISO-8859-15,CP1252", "HISTSIZE": "1000", "HOME": "/home/stefan", "HOST": "client01", "HOSTNAME": "client01", "HOSTTYPE": "i386", "INPUTRC": "/home/stefan/.inputrc", "JAVA_BINDIR": "/usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin", "JAVA_HOME": "/usr/lib/jvm/jre", "JAVA_ROOT": "/usr/lib/jvm/jre", "JRE_HOME": "/usr/lib/jvm/jre", "LANG": "C", "LC_ADDRESS": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_ALL": "C", "LC_IDENTIFICATION": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_MEASUREMENT": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_MESSAGES": "C", "LC_MONETARY": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_NAME": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_NUMERIC": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_PAPER": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_TELEPHONE": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LC_TIME": "de_CH.UTF-8", "LESS": "-M -I -R", "LESSCLOSE": " %s %s", "LESSKEY": "/etc/lesskey.bin", "LESSOPEN": " %s", "LESS_ADVANCED_PREPROCESSOR": "no", "LIBGL_DEBUG": "quiet", "LOGNAME": "stefan", "MACHTYPE": "i686-suse-linux", "MAIL": "/var/mail/stefan", "MANPATH": "/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man", "MINICOM": "-c on", "MORE": "-sl", "NNTPSERVER": "news", "NO_AT_BRIDGE": "1", "OSTYPE": "linux", "PAGER": "less", "PATH": "/home/stefan/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games", "PROFILEREAD": "true", "PWD": "/home/stefan", "PYTHONSTARTUP": "/etc/pythonstart", "QEMU_AUDIO_DRV": "pa", "QT_SYSTEM_DIR": "/usr/share/desktop-data", "SDL_AUDIODRIVER": "pulse", "SHELL": "/bin/bash", "SHLVL": "1", "SSH_CLIENT": " 37777 22", "SSH_CONNECTION": " 37777 22", "SSH_SENDS_LOCALE": "yes", "SSH_TTY": "/dev/pts/0", "TERM": "xterm", "USER": "stefan", "WINDOWMANAGER": "/usr/bin/startkde", "XCURSOR_THEME": "DMZ", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS": "/etc/xdg", "XDG_DATA_DIRS": "/usr/share", "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR": "/run/user/1000", "XDG_SESSION_ID": "2", "XKEYSYMDB": "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB", "XNLSPATH": "/usr/share/X11/nls", "_": "/usr/bin/python"}, "ansible_fips": false, "ansible_form_factor": "Other", "ansible_fqdn": "client01", "ansible_hostname": "client01", "ansible_interfaces": ["lo", "enp0s3"], "ansible_kernel": "3.16.7-29-default", "ansible_lo": {"active": true, "device": "lo", "ipv4": {"address": "", "broadcast": "host", "netmask": "", "network": ""}, "ipv6": [{"address": "::1", "prefix": "128", "scope": "host"}], "mtu": 65536, "promisc": false, "type": "loopback"}, "ansible_local": {"group_oracle": {"name": "oracle"}}, "ansible_lsb": {"codename": "Harlequin", "description": "openSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) (i586)", "id": "openSUSE project", "major_release": "13", "release": "13.2"}, "ansible_machine": "i686", "ansible_machine_id": "41682fecf107478b8c4e3a127b7581e9", "ansible_memfree_mb": 217, "ansible_memory_mb": {"nocache": {"free": 335, "used": 49}, "real": {"free": 217, "total": 384, "used": 167}, "swap": {"cached": 0, "free": 743, "total": 743, "used": 0}}, "ansible_memtotal_mb": 384, "ansible_mounts": [{"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/tmp", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/spool", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/opt", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/lib/pgsql", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/lib/named", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/lib/mailman", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/usr/local", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/crash", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/tmp", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/srv", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/opt", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/home", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/boot/grub2/i386-pc", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}, {"device": "/dev/sda2", "fstype": "btrfs", "mount": "/var/log", "options": "rw,relatime,space_cache", "size_available": 1106178048, "size_total": 7808745472, "uuid": ""}], "ansible_nodename": "client01", "ansible_os_family": "Suse", "ansible_pkg_mgr": "zypper", "ansible_processor": ["GenuineIntel", "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz"], "ansible_processor_cores": 1, "ansible_processor_count": 1, "ansible_processor_threads_per_core": 1, "ansible_processor_vcpus": 1, "ansible_product_name": "VirtualBox", "ansible_product_serial": "NA", "ansible_product_uuid": "NA", "ansible_product_version": "1.2", "ansible_python_version": "2.7.8", "ansible_selinux": false, "ansible_service_mgr": "systemd", "ansible_ssh_host_key_dsa_public": "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", "ansible_ssh_host_key_ecdsa_public": "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJBglouLdnW7YehKAtrOMjl/Wp6NsPM0/32LPkuYMGefqL9mQCPrPUua7cJ79H1r/SVLcCr7KqkMKsMIFK9MvNk=", "ansible_ssh_host_key_ed25519_public": "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFnzGlNCwkR11IFSdNtdbi2+5TBNAoSi0Y6xvIknb2TR", "ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDO796ovxhfkSc1Oyqhcllu8u6iAC2VRU0BnMqsGETnRQRVBb5YQexn8jFm5nbsjlvOCijIII5HCr3Hh+A9e8JQxYr6SqTOa4wTwVByDbkWwYJ9nwj7JmMV0pPcbE6wid0op/2A71rR6jTdqEssk1yMvI3ggXsZvYibhtZmDSg9YPZA+R5SIR2zejC9KJuMxu6IBmxgG5GUPphzbbQcA+dcnOJQgilr+MxpPDE+R+KHsH9ITlFv6rFfZ9PV8QMw71DDGvr8qVnbr/I+Qtm9M2J6x2PF9J4JX+2BDidBtTngjmnw9mNV5ko/8EZge56hVh7ZslwEVknnf9nDxRyQcown", "ansible_swapfree_mb": 743, "ansible_swaptotal_mb": 743, "ansible_system": "Linux", "ansible_system_vendor": "innotek GmbH", "ansible_uptime_seconds": 439, "ansible_user_dir": "/home/stefan", "ansible_user_gecos": "Stefan Schmid", "ansible_user_gid": 100, "ansible_user_id": "stefan", "ansible_user_shell": "/bin/bash", "ansible_user_uid": 1000, "ansible_userspace_architecture": "i386", "ansible_userspace_bits": "32", "ansible_virtualization_role": "guest", "ansible_virtualization_type": "virtualbox", "module_setup": true}, "changed": false}

from ansible-cmdb.

fboender avatar fboender commented on July 24, 2024

Thank you for providing the information Stefan.

When I run ansible-cmdb v1.11 with the data you provided I get a different error:

$ ansible-cmdb -i ../example/hosts ../example/out > /dev/null
Error parsing: .invalid_file: No JSON object could be decoded

When I run it again with the latest version (master), it seems to work:

ansible-cmdb/src (master) * $ ./ansible-cmdb -i ../example/hosts ../example/out > /dev/null
ansible-cmdb/src (master) * $

It's possible I've fixed this issue between v1.11 and the latest version in Git. Can you check if it works with the latest version? Instruction for how to do that can be found here:

from ansible-cmdb.

fboender avatar fboender commented on July 24, 2024

Any news on if this issue has been fixed?

from ansible-cmdb.

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