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Comments (10)

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024 1

Hi Fernando,
thanks for the explanation, will try...
Do we have in docs a kind of quick cheat sheet on what all of the facets of python-statemachine ideas are? Do not know others but for me it is hard to dedicate so much time to read documentation and trying things. I have an extremely hard time figuring out naming conventions for these calls and correlating this info to the problem subject I have. It is easy when you eloquently explained but it would be nice to have one page dedicated to the:
hey you can pass arguments to transition, and action (method) in this way
you can return object( Python is all objects anyway) this and this way
and methods that signify types of sm are on_enter vs. on_ and so forth.

I know I am asking for too much, but the framework and your work is excellent... There is a lot of cool ideas here. But if you want folks to integrate this machinery into their projects you need to explain to them ins and out of the data flow and what can/can not do things for different situations.

many thanks...

from python-statemachine.

iamgodot avatar iamgodot commented on June 17, 2024 1

@fgmacedo Sorry for necrobumping, but would you like me to refine the return value part of the doc? Or I could do this later since the enhancement is in progress.

from python-statemachine.

fgmacedo avatar fgmacedo commented on June 17, 2024

Hi @catchthemonster , how are you?

The default behavior is to return the value returned by the callbacks to te caller. Please see return values.

If you want more specific help, can you share the code of your state machine definition, so we can inspect if there are any typo or error.


from python-statemachine.

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024

Hi Fernado thank you for being so nice!
I like your framework and I use it in big clustered framework I developed.
That being said here is the code:
from logging import getLogger
from ProfilingMixIn import AprofileMixIn
from SMachine import SMEngine
from IDriverMain import IdriverMain
logger = getLogger(name)

class PropFailure(Exception):

class Struc:
def init(self, **entries):

class MDriver(IdriverMain):
Main application driver responsible for staging state machine workflows to be executed

def __init__(self, profileMe, timeMe):
    self.profileMe = profileMe
    self.timeMe = timeMe
    p = AprofileMixIn(profileMe, timeMe)

def initSM(self, thisApp, thisArgs, logData, env, envSections):
    ## state machine starts here
    domain = SMEngine(state=1)
    workflow ="Starting a Warehouse Workflow: current StateMachine state is: {}".format(workflow.current_state))
    workflow.setup(thisApp, thisArgs, logData, env, envSections, profileMe=self.profileMe, timeMe=self.timeMe)
    managedObject = workflow.bootstrap()
    workflow.bootStrapAppManager(managedObject.initAsync, managedObject.runningServices)


import ast
import socket
import os
import json
import time
import pickle
import struct
import uuid
import logging
from accessify import private, protected
from statemachine import StateMachine, State
from statemachine.mixins import MachineMixin
from logging import getLogger
from functools import wraps
from types import SimpleNamespace as sns
from CacheInterface import Cinterface as cacheObj
from Dill import DillCache as dillObj
from FailureUtil import DeQueu as deqObj
from memCacheDWrapper import memCacheWrap
from Networking.LSocket import MSocket
from datetime import datetime
from VWrapper import VaultWrapper as vault
from Asynclibs.InitAsyncServices import InitAsyncInit
from ProfilingMixIn import AprofileMixIn
from UDPMemorizedCache import Server
from multiprocessing import Process
from copy import deepcopy
from pydotdict import DotDict
from Manager import AppManager

logger = getLogger(name)

class PropFailure(Exception):

class Struc:
def init(self, **entries):

class stateModel(object):
def init(self, state):
self.state = state

def mcClientBootStrap(func):
def wrapper(self, msObj, sRecv, kvMessage, sd=None, *args, **kwargs):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
except Exception as mcCErr:
logger.error("Error occurred:{}".format(mcCErr))
with sock:
return func(self, sock, msObj, sRecv, kvMessage, sd=None, *args, **kwargs)
logger.error(f'Failed to get connection.\nconn: {conn}\ndata: {kvMessage}')
return wrapper

class SMEngine(MachineMixin):
state_machine_name = 'SMachine.Transitions'
state_machine_attr = 'sm'
state_field_name = 'workflowStep'
workflowStep = 1

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        setattr(self, k, v)
    super(SMEngine, self).__init__()

def __repr__(self):
    return "{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__, self.__dict__)

class Transitions(StateMachine):
StateMachine for Warehouse ensures that your system stays in a valid states at all times.

## states
setupConfig = State('setupConfig', initial=True, value=1)
setupCaching = State('setupCaching', value=2)
getVaultSecrets = State('getVaultSecrets', value=3)
setSharedConfigs = State('setSharedConfigs', value=4)
mpBootstrap = State('mpBootstrap', value=5)
bootStrapAppManager = State('bootStrapAppManager', value=6)
## transitions

setup =
caching =
vaultCreds =
sharedConfigs =
bootstrap =
bootAppManager =

def getVSecrets(self):
    ## setup a switch stament here for better handeling
    if self.authMode == 'ldap':
        self.vaultConf.userTokenURI = self.uCreds.userTokenURI
        ## first get vault token and embed a user token to vault configuration
        self.vaultObj = vault(self.vaultConf, self.authMode)
        if self.vaultObj.userSetup(self.uCreds):
            logger.error("Error occurred: Ldap user setup failed...")
    elif self.authMode.lower() == 'msi':  ## we are going MSI
        self.vaultObj = vault(self.vaultConf, self.authMode, self.profileMe, self.timeMe)
        ## first get vault token MSI
        self.vaultConf.aToken = self.vaultObj.getMSIToken(self.azManagmentApiResource, self.azGeneralHeader,  self.azAuthURL)
        self.aToken = self.vaultConf.aToken
        logger.error("Error occurred: Authentication mode not supplied or incorrectly setup in template...")
        ##todo where we are going from here with proping errors
        ##todo maybe raise can finish gracefuly here with error and exist
        raise PropFailure("Error occurred: Vault secrets unavailable... bailing out...")
        vaultSecrets = self.vaultObj.getDynamicSecrets(self.vMPoints)
    except Exception as vErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(vErr))
    return self.vSecrets, vaultSecrets

def normalizePaths(self, *args):
    absPath = None
    if args:
        absPath = self.absPath(list(args))
        return absPath
    return absPath

def absPath(self, joinL: list):
    path = None
        path = os.path.join(*joinL)
    except Exception as osErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(osErr))
    return path

def toDict(self, obj):
        a = json.dumps(obj, default=lambda o: o.__dict__)
    except Exception as jErr:

def myDict(self, obj):
        if not hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
            return self.toDict(obj)
        result = {}
        for key, val in obj.__dict__.items():
            if key.startswith("_"):
            element = []
            if isinstance(val, list):
                for item in val:
                element = self.myDict(val)
            result[key] = element
        return result
    except Exception as mdErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(mdErr))

def mpRun(self, msObj, logData):
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)'Starting service for %s', msObj.service)"Starting Key:Value memorization Server...")
    Server(msObj.service,, int(msObj.port))"Starting HashTableService")

def memorizeCacheBootStrap(self, msObj, logData):
        proc = Process(target=self.mpRun, args=(msObj, logData), daemon=True)
        self.memCBSproc[] = proc
    except Exception as mcbsErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(mcbsErr))
        raise (PropFailure(mcbsErr))
    return msObj.service, self.memCBSproc

def mcClinet(self, sock, mcObj, sRecv, kvMessage, sd=None):
    if not sd:
        data = None
            data = pickle.dumps(kvMessage)
            # As you can see, there is no connect() call; UDP has no connections.
            # Instead, data is directly sent to the recipient via sendto().
            sock.sendto(data, (, int(mcObj.port)))
            received = sock.recv(int(sRecv))
            rdata = pickle.loads(received)
  "Sent:     {}".format(data))
  "Received: {}".format(rdata))
        except Exception as mcCErr:
            logger.error("Error occurred:{}".format(mcCErr))
        return data
    elif sd == 'shutdown':
            data = pickle.dumps(sd)
            sock.sendto(data, (mcObj.mcServer, mcObj.mcPort))
        except Exception as mcCErr:
            logger.error("Error occurred:{}".format(mcCErr))

def createMCObj(self, service, action, value, serializer):
    cmo = sns()
    cmo.key = str(uuid.uuid4())
    cmo.service = service
    cmo.action = action
    cmo.ts = f'{>%H:%M:%S%z}'
    cmo.value = value
    cmo.serializer = serializer
    return cmo

def anySettigns(self, services, templates, logData):
    ## wrap all the necessery data for service transport
    eData = sns()
    eData.logData = logData
    globalSettings = dict()
    for app in services:
        eData.template = getattr(templates, app.service)
        ##check that we need to do a deepcopy here
        eData.mySettings = self.myDict(self.sharedConfig)
        globalSettings[app.service] = deepcopy(eData)
    return globalSettings

def sourceTemplates(self, conf, templates):
    sources = list()
    allIOSources = ast.literal_eval(conf.__dict__.pop('allIOSources'))
    for service, serviceConf in allIOSources.items():"Setting up service {}".format(service))
        if hasattr(conf, serviceConf):
                vService = getattr(conf, serviceConf)
                vService = DotDict(ast.literal_eval(vService))
                vService.template = getattr(templates, serviceConf)
            except Exception as objErr:
                logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(objErr))
  "Service {} config not found.\nService {} will not be started".format(serviceConf, service))
    return sources

def bootStrap(self, conf, templates, logData):
    Instantiate any decoupled service
    Get templates for the service and converte them to PY objects
    Initialize service MP startup as Daemon
    Collect PID stats and return
    anyService = None
    anySettings = None
        anyService = self.sourceTemplates(conf, templates)
    except Exception as anyServiceErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred:{}".format(anyServiceErr))
        anySettings = self.anySettigns(anyService, templates, logData)
    except Exception as anySettingsErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred:{}".format(anySettingsErr))
        initAsync = InitAsyncInit(self.profileMe, self.timeMe, anyService, anySettings, conf)
        runningServices = initAsync.start()'Delaying to allow service to start...')
    except Exception as initAsyncErr:
        logger.error('{}:{}'.format(initAsyncErr, initAsyncErr.__cause__))
        return None, None
    return initAsync, runningServices

def on_enter_setupConfig(self, thisApp, thisArgs, logData, env, envSections, profileMe, timeMe):
    self.profileMe = profileMe
    self.timeMe = timeMe
    AprofileMixIn(self.profileMe, self.timeMe)
    self.listMemo = memo = self.createMCObj(service='', action='list', value='', serializer='')
    self.thisApp = thisApp
    self.thisArgs = thisArgs
    self.appManager = None
    self.sternSyncManager = dict()
    self.memCached = None
    self.sharedConfig = sns()
    self.mSocket = MSocket()
    self.logData = logData
    ## a full WH conf objects
    self.appManager = env.APP
    ## memorization harness for serialized key:value pairs
    self.memCache = env.MEMORIZATION
    ## Global Paths Purge Paths
    self.rPaths = Struc(**ast.literal_eval(self.thisApp.PATHS.rPaths))
    self.purgePaths = ast.literal_eval(self.thisApp.PATHS.purgePaths)
    ##transport protocols
    self.tProtocol = env.TPROTOCOL
    ## valut
    self.authMode = env.APP.authMode
    self.vaultConf = env.VAULT
    self.vMPoints = env.VAULTMOUNTPOINTS
    self.vaultSecrets = None
    self.vaultObj = None
    self.vaultKey = None
    self.vaultSecrets = None
    self.uCreds = env.CREDS
    self.azManagmentApiResource = ast.literal_eval(self.vaultConf.azManagmentApiResource)
    self.azGeneralHeader = self.vaultConf.azGeneralHeader
    self.azAuthURL = self.vaultConf.azAuthURL
    self.vSecrets = self.vaultConf.vaultSecrets
    ## Async object configurations (no WEB)
    self.inputAsync = env.INPUTASYNC
    self.inputAsyncServices = env.INPUTSERVICES
    ## backend WH REST API WEB SERVICE
    self.restApiAsync = env.RESTAPIASYNC
    self.restApiAsyncServices = env.RESTAPISERVICES
    ## sync manager command interface
    self.syncManager = env.SYNCMANAGER
    ##backend Warehouse auth PASETO
    self.pasetoConf = env.PASETO
    ## LDAP configurations
    self.ldapConf = env.LDAP
    self.statistics = type('statisticsConfig', (object,), {})()
    ## all caching infrastructure
    self.aDill = env.DILLCACHE
    self.aDisk = env.DISKCACHE
    self.aFailure = env.FAILURECACHE
    self.aMemCache = env.MEMCACHED
    ##process PID container for memorization Cache
    self.memCBSproc = dict()

def on_enter_setupCaching(self):
    ##init dill caches object
    self.dillPathRoot = self.normalizePaths(self.rPaths.BASEPATH, self.aDill.dPath)
    self.dillEngine = dillObj(self.profileMe, self.timeMe, self.dillPathRoot)"dillEngine object name: {}".format(self.dillEngine.__class__))
    ##init disk based caches
    dCachePathRoot = self.normalizePaths(self.rPaths.BASEPATH, self.aDisk.path)
    self.aDisk.path = dCachePathRoot
    self.diskEngine = cacheObj(self.profileMe, self.timeMe, self.aDisk)"diskEngine object name: {}".format(self.diskEngine.__class__))
    ##init failure caches
    self.aFailurePathRoot = self.normalizePaths(self.rPaths.BASEPATH, self.aFailure.path)
    self.failEngine = deqObj(self.profileMe, self.timeMe, self.aFailurePathRoot)
    logger.debug("failEngine object name: {}".format(self.failEngine.__class__))
    ##init stats engine
    self.statistics.cache = self.diskEngine
    ##init memcached
    self.memCached = memCacheWrap(self.aMemCache.__dict__)
    self.mcdClient = self.memCached.start()
    ## Bellow clinet-server (socket based memorization hashtable)
    ## is bootstrapped as a separate Python process
    ## it is not managed by Flask service manager
    ## todo Setup a monitor for this service independently in code base (to be determined where?)
    ## start memCache for key:value memorization
    memoService, self.memCBSproc = self.memorizeCacheBootStrap(self.memCache, self.logData)

def on_enter_getVaultSecrets(self):
    ##get all vault secrets
    self.vaultKey, self.vaultSecrets = self.getVSecrets()
    # serialize secrets
    self.mcdClient.set(self.vaultKey, self.vaultSecrets)
    memo = self.createMCObj(service='vault', action='set', value=self.vaultKey, serializer='memCached')
    ## memorize
    res = self.mcClinet(self.memCache, self.memCache.bRange, memo)'All Application secret cached successfully, memo serialized: {}'.format(pickle.loads(res)))'Memo List: {}'.format(self.mcClinet(self.memCache, self.memCache.bRange, self.listMemo)))

def on_enter_setSharedConfigs(self):
    ##shared configurations across all assets in the WH are build bellow
    ## Idea here is to not re-bootstrap memory and disk and other caches
    ## vault secrets and anything else that is one time opearation
    ## however not every service configuration needs everything - it depends on what services needs what?
    ## this is heavily encrypted payload for transfer across the wire using varaety of protocols
    ## eg. pyro5, SyncManager api, restAPI, rpcy and others, and it is completely driven by
    ### developer and ini configurations - templates
    ## add py objects to shared config
    self.sharedConfig.rPaths = self.rPaths
    self.sharedConfig.dillPathRoot = self.dillPathRoot
    self.sharedConfig.aDisk = self.aDisk
    self.sharedConfig.aFailurePathRoot = self.aFailurePathRoot
    self.sharedConfig.aMemCache = self.aMemCache
    self.sharedConfig.vault = self.vaultSecrets
    self.sharedConfig.ldap = self.ldapConf
    self.sharedConfig.paseto = self.pasetoConf

    ##below is if we want REST api to sent encrypted payload of py object to service upon initialization
    # self.asynIOConf = sns()
    # self.asynIOConf.protocolSchema = self.restApiAsync.protocolSchema
    # self.asynIOConf.salt = self.restApiAsync.salt
    # self.asynIOConf.postSettings = self.restApiAsync.postSettings
    # delattr(self.restApiAsync, 'protocolSchema')
    # delattr(self.restApiAsync, 'salt')
    # delattr(self.restApiAsync, 'postSettings')
    ## Bootstrap dynamically anything you want asynchronosly to run
    ## you can define which message busses you want to use and what harness you want to bootstrap
    ##init payload and messages busses that move payload and transfer messages between Dispersed Computing (DC) resources

    transport = sns()
    transport.tProtocol = self.tProtocol
    transport.tPTMPLATES = self.tPTMPLATES

def on_enter_mpBootstrap(self):
    ## sync managedObj
    managedObj = sns()
    managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)
    return managedObj

def on_enter_bootStrapAppManager(self, asyncServices, runningServices):
    ## bootstraping can only happen for Flask and sync services at the ed of everything being done
    ## we also need to have a registry of whatever is started that can be injected
    ## to flask postmortem of bootstraping ...
    ## for now just keep it to keep app up and running
    ## setup a main application synchronous Manager sync service
        if == '':
            ##get remote IP to bind services to that IP
            hName, hIP4 = self.mSocket.whereIAm()
            if hName == None or hIP4 == None:
                logger.warning("Warning occurred: Both hostname and hostIP4 unavailable")
                if ast.literal_eval(self.syncManager.runPublic):
           = hIP4

        self.syncManager.port = int(self.syncManager.port)
        self.syncManager.debug = ast.literal_eval(self.syncManager.debug)
        self.syncManager.runit = ast.literal_eval(self.syncManager.runIt)
        ##here inject memcached configuration
        self.syncManager.memCached = self.memCached

    except Exception as syncManagerErr:
        logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(syncManagerErr))
    if self.syncManager.runit:
   = asyncServices
            self.syncManager.runningServices = runningServices
            appManager = AppManager(self.profileMe, self.timeMe, self.syncManager.__dict__)
        except Exception as appManagerErr:
            logger.error("Error occurred: {}".format(appManagerErr))

session in PyCharm:

Connected to pydev debugger (build 231.9011.38)

Debugging enabled!

Template folder: someAppConf

Namespace(environment='someAppConf', d=True)

Application start time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number 1688044472.7724187

No restriction configuration for /blah

For project someAppConf found template /blah/apps/someApp/ptemplates/someAppConf.conf

Creating directory structure for /blah/logs/someApp

Initializing logging

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.Image logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.PngImagePlugin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProfilingMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the asyncio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the concurrent.futures logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib.ticker logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pkg_resources.extern.packaging.tags logger

2023-06-29 09:14:32,785 - INFO - 2615119 - NMyLogging:setup - Logging Initialized

2023-06-29 09:14:32,785 - DEBUG - 2615119 - NMyLogging:setup - Debugging is on

2023-06-29 09:14:32,786 - INFO - 2615119 - LightUtil:postLogInit - Logger recreated.

2023-06-29 09:14:33,862 - INFO - 2615119 - driverMain:init - AprofileMixIn

2023-06-29 09:14:33,863 - INFO - 2615119 - driverMain:init - repr.AprofileMixIn:profileMe=False:timeMe=True

2023-06-29 09:14:33,863 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:getitem - Methods: getitem,Aprofile:{'getitem', 'init', 'repr'}

2023-06-29 09:14:33,863 - INFO - 2615119 - driverMain:init - AprofileMixIn

2023-06-29 09:14:45,714 - INFO - 2615119 - driverMain:initSM - Starting a Warehouse Workflow: current StateMachine state is: State('setupConfig', id='setupConfig', value=1, initial=True, final=False)

2023-06-29 09:14:45,716 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - createMCObj method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,718 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - absPath method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,718 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - normalizePaths method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,718 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:on_enter_setupCaching - dillEngine object name: <class 'Dill.DillCache'>

2023-06-29 09:14:45,719 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - absPath method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,719 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - normalizePaths method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,719 - INFO - 2615119 - Nio:ifExists - Absolute path found... /blah/dCaches

2023-06-29 09:14:45,746 - INFO - 2615119 - DCache:init - Successfully initiated disk(LightSQL) cache: /blah/dCaches

2023-06-29 09:14:45,746 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:on_enter_setupCaching - diskEngine object name: <class 'CacheInterface.Cinterface'>

2023-06-29 09:14:45,746 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - absPath method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,746 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - normalizePaths method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,774 - INFO - 2615119 - FailureUtil:init - Successfully initiated double-ended queue: /blah/fCaches

2023-06-29 09:14:45,774 - DEBUG - 2615119 - SMachine:on_enter_setupCaching - failEngine object name: <class 'FailureUtil.DeQueu'>

2023-06-29 09:14:45,774 - INFO - 2615119 - memCacheDWrapper:init - Memcache wrapper successfully initialized

2023-06-29 09:14:45,775 - INFO - 2615119 - memCacheDWrapper:start - Memcache host:port is "localhost:11211"

2023-06-29 09:14:45,775 - INFO - 2615119 - memCacheDWrapper:start - Initiating a regular memcached client...

2023-06-29 09:14:45,783 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - memorizeCacheBootStrap method executed in 0.01 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:45,992 - INFO - 2615326 - SMachine:mpRun - Starting service for memSerialCache

2023-06-29 09:14:45,993 - INFO - 2615326 - SMachine:mpRun - Starting Key:Value memorization Server...

2023-06-29 09:14:45,993 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:init - Starting : memSerialCache

2023-06-29 09:14:50,789 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - on_enter_setupCaching method executed in 5.07 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,792 - DEBUG - 2615119 - VWrapper:getMSIToken - cpStern:getMSIToken

2023-06-29 09:14:50,793 - DEBUG - 2615119 - AZAuth:getAnyToken - MSI connection string is: http://...metadata/identity/oauth2/token ...
2023-06-29 09:14:50,807 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_new_conn - Starting new HTTP connection (1):...

2023-06-29 09:14:50,818 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - http://...

2023-06-29 09:14:50,820 - DEBUG - 2615119 - AZAuth:getAnyToken - My status code is: 200

2023-06-29 09:14:50,820 - DEBUG - 2615119 - AZAuth:getAnyToken - My return header is: application/json; charset=utf-8

2023-06-29 09:14:50,820 - DEBUG - 2615119 - AZAuth:getAnyToken - Full content as JSON is: b'{"access_token":"1234....

2023-06-29 09:14:50,821 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - getMSIToken method executed in 0.03 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,826 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): vault...:443

2023-06-29 09:14:50,902 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "POST /../login HTTP/1.1" 200 691

2023-06-29 09:14:50,908 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET /. HTTP/1.1" 200 827

2023-06-29 09:14:50,908 - DEBUG - 2615119 - AZHvaultClient:vLogin - Auth to vault passed: True

2023-06-29 09:14:50,909 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - initVault method executed in 0.09 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,914 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ... HTTP/1.1" 200 321

2023-06-29 09:14:50,920 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ...HTTP/1.1" 200 479

2023-06-29 09:14:50,925 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET .... HTTP/1.1" 200 354

2023-06-29 09:14:50,931 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ... HTTP/1.1" 200 326

2023-06-29 09:14:50,936 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ...200 319

2023-06-29 09:14:50,942 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ... 200 326

2023-06-29 09:14:50,947 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ...200 320

2023-06-29 09:14:50,952 - DEBUG - 2615119 - connectionpool:_make_request - "GET ... 200 380

2023-06-29 09:14:50,953 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - getDynamicSecrets method executed in 0.04 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,954 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - getVSecrets method executed in 0.16 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,955 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - createMCObj method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,955 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Connection ''

2023-06-29 09:14:50,956 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Received data: namespace(key='7c5ca754-848f-4fe4-a435-e0ef264bd248', service='...', action='set', ts='2023-06-29>09:14:50', value='...', serializer='memCached')

2023-06-29 09:14:50,957 - INFO - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:commands - set action called

2023-06-29 09:14:50,957 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Sent response:0

2023-06-29 09:14:50,957 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:mcClinet - Sent: b'\x80\x04\x95\xbe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x05types\x94\x8c\x0fSimpleNamespace\x94\x93\x94)R\x94}\x94(\x8c\x03key\x94\x8c$7c5ca754-848f-4fe4-a435-e0ef264bd248\x94\x8c\x07service\x94\x8c\x05vault\x94\x8c\x06action\x94\x8c\x03set\x94\x8c\x02ts\x94\x8c\x132023-06-29>09:14:50\x94\x8c\x05value\x94\x8c\x0cvaultSecrets\x94\x8c\nserializer\x94\x8c\tmemCached\x94ub.'

2023-06-29 09:14:50,958 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Closing socket

2023-06-29 09:14:50,958 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:mcClinet - Received: 0

2023-06-29 09:14:50,958 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:on_enter_getVaultSecrets - All Application secret cached successfully, memo serialized: namespace(key='7c5ca754-848f-4fe4-a435-e0ef264bd248', service='...', action='set', ts='2023-06-29>09:14:50', value='...', serializer='memCached')

2023-06-29 09:14:50,958 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Connection ''

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Received data: namespace(key='31773bae-38ab-4cbd-ab24-1475c7f07df2', service='', action='list', ts='2023-06-29>09:14:45', value='', serializer='')

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - INFO - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:commands - list action called

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Sent response:[('...', '7c5ca754-848f-4fe4-a435-e0ef264bd248')]

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:mcClinet - Sent: b'\x80\x04\x95\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x05types\x94\x8c\x0fSimpleNamespace\x94\x93\x94)R\x94}\x94(\x8c\x03key\x94\x8c$31773bae-38ab-4cbd-ab24-1475c7f07df2\x94\x8c\x07service\x94\x8c\x00\x94\x8c\x06action\x94\x8c\x04list\x94\x8c\x02ts\x94\x8c\x132023-06-29>09:14:45\x94\x8c\x05value\x94h\x08\x8c\nserializer\x94h\x08ub.'

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - DEBUG - 2615326 - UDPMemorizedCache:handle - Closing socket

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:mcClinet - Received: [('...', '7c5ca754-848f-4fe4-a435-e0ef264bd248')]

2023-06-29 09:14:50,959 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:on_enter_getVaultSecrets - Memo List: b'\x80\x04\x95\xa3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x05types\x94\x8c\x0fSimpleNamespace\x94\x93\x94)R\x94}\x94(\x8c\x03key\x94\x8c$31773bae-38ab-4cbd-ab24-1475c7f07df2\x94\x8c\x07service\x94\x8c\x00\x94\x8c\x06action\x94\x8c\x04list\x94\x8c\x02ts\x94\x8c\x132023-06-29>09:14:45\x94\x8c\x05value\x94h\x08\x8c\nserializer\x94h\x08ub.'

2023-06-29 09:14:50,960 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - on_enter_getVaultSecrets method executed in 0.17 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,960 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - on_enter_setSharedConfigs method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:50,961 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:sourceTemplates - Setting up service TPyro

2023-06-29 09:14:50,961 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:sourceTemplates - Setting up service TRest

2023-06-29 09:14:50,961 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:sourceTemplates - Setting up service TRPC

2023-06-29 09:14:50,962 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - sourceTemplates method executed in 0.00 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:51,027 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - anySettigns method executed in 0.07 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:53,426 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - encrypt method executed in 2.39 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:53,427 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Loading settings for tPyro

2023-06-29 09:14:53,428 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Invoking asynFactory for tPyro

2023-06-29 09:14:53,459 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Loading settings for tRest

2023-06-29 09:14:53,460 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Invoking asynFactory for tRest

2023-06-29 09:14:53,492 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Loading settings for tRPC

2023-06-29 09:14:53,493 - INFO - 2615119 - InitAsyncServices:start - Invoking asynFactory for tRPC

2023-06-29 09:14:53,525 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - start method executed in 0.10 sec

2023-06-29 09:14:53,525 - INFO - 2615119 - SMachine:bootStrap - Delaying to allow service to start...

Creating directory structure for /blah/logs/someApp

Initializing logging

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuth logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuthcore logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZHvaultClient logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZSearchFilters logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Args.LightUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.InitAsyncServices logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CoreManagerRestMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the DCache logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Encrypt.MessageHash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the EndPoints logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the FailureUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Io.Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Manager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ManagerRest logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Mixins.AsyncInitMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Networking.LSocket logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.Image logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.PngImagePlugin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProfilingMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProtocolTransport logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the SMachine logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Server logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the VWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the asyncio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the charset_normalizer logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the concurrent.futures logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the driverMain logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.auth_methods.gcp logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.identity logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.kv logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend.system_backend_mixin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_base logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_category logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib.ticker logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheDWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pkg_resources.extern.packaging.tags logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pymemcache.client.hash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the requests logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the socks logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3 logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connection logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connectionpool logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.poolmanager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.response logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.util.retry logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the uvicorn.error logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress.queue logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.main logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.watcher logger

2023-06-29 09:14:53,572 - INFO - 2615387 - NMyLogging:setup - Logging Initialized

2023-06-29 09:14:53,573 - DEBUG - 2615387 - NMyLogging:setup - Debugging is on

2023-06-29 09:14:53,573 - INFO - 2615387 - AsyncBootStrap:run - Starting service for tPyroAPI

Creating directory structure for /blah/logs/someApp

Initializing logging

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuth logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuthcore logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZHvaultClient logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZSearchFilters logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Args.LightUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.InitAsyncServices logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CoreManagerRestMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the DCache logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Encrypt.MessageHash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the EndPoints logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the FailureUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Io.Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Manager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ManagerRest logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Mixins.AsyncInitMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Networking.LSocket logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.Image logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.PngImagePlugin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProfilingMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProtocolTransport logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the SMachine logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Server logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the VWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the asyncio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the charset_normalizer logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the concurrent.futures logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the driverMain logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.auth_methods.gcp logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.identity logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.kv logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend.system_backend_mixin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_base logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_category logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib.ticker logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheDWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pkg_resources.extern.packaging.tags logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pymemcache.client.hash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the requests logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the socks logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3 logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connection logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connectionpool logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.poolmanager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.response logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.util.retry logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the uvicorn.error logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress.queue logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.main logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.watcher logger

2023-06-29 09:14:53,704 - INFO - 2615390 - NMyLogging:setup - Logging Initialized

2023-06-29 09:14:53,704 - DEBUG - 2615390 - NMyLogging:setup - Debugging is on

2023-06-29 09:14:53,704 - INFO - 2615390 - AsyncBootStrap:run - Starting service for tRestAPI

Creating directory structure for /blah/logs/someApp

Initializing logging

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuth logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZAuthcore logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZHvaultClient logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AZSearchFilters logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Args.LightUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.AsyncBootStrap logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Asynclibs.InitAsyncServices logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the CoreManagerRestMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the DCache logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Encrypt.MessageHash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the EndPoints logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the FailureUtil logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Io.Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Manager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ManagerRest logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Mixins.AsyncInitMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Networking.LSocket logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Nio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.Image logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the PIL.PngImagePlugin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProfilingMixIn logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the ProtocolTransport logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the SMachine logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the Server logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the VWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the asyncio logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the charset_normalizer logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the concurrent.futures logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the dill logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the driverMain logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.auth_methods.gcp logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.identity logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.secrets_engines.kv logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.system_backend.system_backend_mixin logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_base logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the hvac.api.vault_api_category logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the matplotlib.ticker logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheDWrapper logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the memCacheInterface logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pkg_resources.extern.packaging.tags logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the pymemcache.client.hash logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the requests logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the socks logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3 logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connection logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.connectionpool logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.poolmanager logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.response logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the urllib3.util.retry logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the uvicorn.error logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the waitress.queue logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.main logger

/python3.10/logging/ disabled the watchfiles.watcher logger

2023-06-29 09:14:53,736 - INFO - 2615393 - NMyLogging:setup - Logging Initialized

2023-06-29 09:14:53,736 - DEBUG - 2615393 - NMyLogging:setup - Debugging is on

2023-06-29 09:14:53,737 - INFO - 2615393 - AsyncBootStrap:run - Starting service for tRPCAPI

2023-06-29 09:14:53,888 - INFO - 2615393 - tRPCAPI:init - <tRPC.tRPC object at 0x7fb78818bf40>

2023-06-29 09:14:53,889 - INFO - 2615393 - server:_listen - server started on []:18861

2023-06-29 09:14:54,115 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:init - register a WareHouse

2023-06-29 09:14:54,115 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:init - start a daemon

2023-06-29 09:14:54,115 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:register - MULTIPLEXED server type. Initializing services...

2023-06-29 09:14:54,115 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:register - Make sure that you don't have a name server running already!

2023-06-29 09:14:54,116 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:register - got a Nameserver, uri=PYRO:[email protected]:22123

2023-06-29 09:14:54,117 - INFO - 2615387 - tPyroAPI:register - server uri=PYRO:[email protected]:9010

INFO: Started server process [2615390]

INFO: Waiting for application startup.

INFO: Application startup complete.

INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

2023-06-29 09:14:58,531 - INFO - 2615119 - ProfilingMixIn:impl - bootStrap method executed in 7.57 sec

Right now brake point is on returned object called managedObj

            def on_enter_mpBootstrap(self):

                            ## sync managedObj

                            managedObj = sns()

                            managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)

                            return managedObj

managed object is:

namespace(initAsync=<Asynclibs.InitAsyncServices.InitAsyncInit object at 0x7fb720e2ffa0>, runningServices=[DotDict({'service': 'tPyro', 'app': 'tPyroAPI', 'host': '...', 'port': ..., 'runPublic': False, 'run': True, 'ASGI': False, 'template': '/blah/apps/someApp/ftemplates/tPyro.conf', 'proc': DotDict({2615387: , 2615390: , 2615393: })}), DotDict({'service': 'tRest', 'app': 'tRestAPI', 'host': '...', 'port': ..., 'runPublic': False, 'run': True, 'ASGI': True, 'template': '/blah/apps/someApp/ftemplates/tRest.conf', 'proc': DotDict({2615387: , 2615390: , 2615393: })}), DotDict({'service': 'tRPC', 'app': 'tRPCAPI', 'host': '...', 'port': ..., 'runPublic': False, 'run': True, 'ASGI': False, 'template': '/blah/apps/someApp/ftemplates/tRPC.conf', 'proc': DotDict({2615387: , 2615390: , 2615393: })})])

in caller

managedObject = workflow.bootstrap()

workflow.bootStrapAppManager(managedObject.initAsync, managedObject.runningServices)

as return managedObject is equal to None


So according to the return document, on_transition should be able to return on that action

            def on_enter_mpBootstrap(self):

                            ## sync managedObj

                            managedObj = sns()

                            managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)

                            return managedObj

if this is action (transition) then I did the right thing. If I need to do something else please let me know …


from python-statemachine.

fgmacedo avatar fgmacedo commented on June 17, 2024

Hi @catchthemonster , thank you.

I got the problem. The callback is placed on the on_enter_<state> hook. This hook don't have his value collected to be returned on a transition call.

Only these hooks are returned (related to the transition/event and not state entering/exit):

  • before_transition()
  • before_<event>()
  • on_transition()
  • on_<event>()

We have an ongoing discussion on starting returning values from all hooks, but since this is a breaking change we're trying to get it right.

Possible solution

But since you only have bootstrap as the one event that moves to mpBootstrap state:

bootstrap =

You can easily change the hook name from on_enter_mpBootstrap to the on_<event>() pattern to accomplish this:

def on_bootstrap(self):
    ## sync managedObj
    managedObj = sns()
    managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)

    return managedObj

I hope it works :)

from python-statemachine.

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024

Also, this explanation is not clear enough:

Currently, only certain actions’ return values will be combined as a list and returned for a triggered transition:

what are "certain" values here?

For RTC model, only the main event will get its value list, while the chained ones simply get None returned. For the Non-RTC model, results for every event will always be collected and returned.
I am not totally integrated with the RTC model vs. Non but the bottom line for me is I will use anything that will allow me to keep the SM state session and transitions. but I do not want to pile up memory on the statemachine side keeping variables and data within an object itself. A lot of that is already there. I need to have the ability to do a local namespace allocation and return objects to Driver for the next step ...

Tanks much

from python-statemachine.

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024

Hi Fernando, changing the state transition to event worked.
Much appreciated... :-)

from python-statemachine.

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024

closing this issue, as this is resolved ...
my changes from this:


setupConfig = State('setupConfig', initial=True, value=1)
setupCaching = State('setupCaching', value=2)
getVaultSecrets = State('getVaultSecrets', value=3)
setSharedConfigs = State('setSharedConfigs', value=4)
mpBootstrap = State('mpBootstrap', value=5)
bootStrapAppManager = State('bootStrapAppManager', value=6)


setup =
caching =
vaultCreds =
sharedConfigs =
bootstrap =
bootAppManager =

added event:
bootstrap =

changed handler to event:

def on_enter_mpBootstrap(self):
## sync managedObj
managedObj = sns()
managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)
return managedObj

def on_bootstrap(self):
## sync managedObj
managedObj = sns()
managedObj.initAsync, managedObj.runningServices = self.bootStrap(self.tProtocol, self.tPTMPLATES, self.logData)
return managedObj

Everything else same!

from python-statemachine.

fgmacedo avatar fgmacedo commented on June 17, 2024

Hi @catchthemonster, glad It worked!

Thanks for your feedback. There's a lot to do related to improving the docs.

On each page there's an "Edit on Github" button that links to the related docs/*.md file, so we can keep improving.

Feel free to contribute while learning and clarifying your journey.

Best regards!

from python-statemachine.

catchthemonster avatar catchthemonster commented on June 17, 2024

from python-statemachine.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.