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fhir.js's Issues

Installing on Windows fails...

When attempting to run the "npm run-script build" command I get an error as seen in the log (also attached):
verbose stack Error: [email protected] build: rm -rf dist && 'npm bin'/webpack --progress --colors && coffee --output lib --compile src

To confirm that I did indeed have the latest and greatest version of NodeJS and NPM I re-installed both:
node Version - v5.7.0
npm Version - v3.7.5

and ran the npm build script again with the same result.

Any suggestions?


Cache mechanism revisited

I see that there are some provisions for a cache mechanism in fhir.js, but does not seem like it is fully developed yet. For example, a cache object is instantiated here, but never gets used in the code. Furthermore, the only use of cache in the code appears to occur in the resolve method iff an externally-originating cache object is passed with the call. I can see that there is some notion of an externalized cache mechanism which could support some use cases, but at the moment it leaves the population and management of this cache object entirely to the app using the client. Wouldn't it be better if the client had its own cache object available in all modules which it could manage (i.e. populate as data arrives from FHIR) and take advantage of? This mechanism could be triggered on and off via a configuration option.

Related to this, the synchronous resolve method is no longer exposed by the client. To get around this (since I don't want to call resolve for data which I already have retrieved and also have to manage it as an asynchronous method), I added my own cache resolver in the code ( However, my sense is that this is a fairly common use case and it would be handy if the client supported it.

adapters naming

should we name adapters according to technology name ?

  • angularjs
  • jsquery
  • node

Could lang be coffeescript?

Coffesript hides some bad parts of javascript and allows write less boilerplate,
but has some complication while development.

Now it's easy to build fhir.js by

`bin npm`/grunt

Karma automaticaly complile coffee and inject into tests.

node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run

Query: _include syntax


expect(subject($include: {$type: 'Encounter', subject: true, object: true}))

expect(subject($include: '*'))

expect(subject($include: {$type: 'Encounter', subject: {$type: 'Patient', $all: true}, object: true}))

expect(subject($include: {$type: 'Encounter', subject: {$type: 'Patient', managingOrganization: true}, object: true}))


Includes in FHIR specification require knowledge of element/attribute type - possibly use magic $type

Can't express repeat search parameters in fhir.js

I am trying to express the following FHIR query:
in the fhir.js search syntax, but am having trouble. At first sight, it looks like the following would produce the desired result:
{type: 'Patient', query: {'_sort:asc':['given', 'family'], _count:25}}
but that does not work. What am I missing here?

Cookies behavior should be opt-in

#63 adds behavior to automatically send cookies when requesting content from third party domains. I think this is potentially dangerous behavior and we should think through security more systematically. Why? Because in many cases (e.g. when using OAuth) a client doesn't want to send cookies, and sending them would lead to confusing or undefined behavior (and that's bad in the security domain).

We already have security middlewares for OAuth (for sure) and http basic (I think).

@arcticShadow @niquola We should add one for cookies, too, so unless that's enabled, no cookies are sent to any domain. Enabling cookies should add a property to the http options (e.g. "withCredentials: true", as in

To support this, adapters will need to read that field and set the appropriate value on all requests they issue.

Also let me say @arcticShadow: protecting a FHIR API with cookies and CORS in general strikes me as a dangerous proposition, and unless you get all the details precisely correct (https only, no JS, csrf tokens, zero xss bugs...) it's very easy to find yourself in a situation where you hand over full API access to an attacker.

Dirty data argument passed to jQuery.ajax

I was testing the jQuery version of the client and had issues with the nextPage and resolve methods, which were resulting in incorrect HTTP requests. The underlying reason appeared to be that a loaded data argument gets passed all the way through to the http adapter which then injects it into the GET request. This behavior probably makes sense for the search method, but not for nextPage and resolve where we have a specific REST call URL either provided by the server or computed against a resource. It appears that clearing the data argument in these middleware call instances resolves the issue, but this feels more like a hack than a "proper" fix for the underlying issue (see smart-on-fhir@936bd70 and smart-on-fhir@30a1670). Do you have any thoughts on this?

CRUD api: create resource

Resource contains resourceType attribute, should we pass it in create function explicitly or retrieve from resourceType?

fhir.create('Patinet', json, cb)


fhir.create(json, cb)

Second question is about tags:

Should they be second optional? parameter?

create(resourceJson, tags, cb)

What is format of tags in json?

{ term: "...", schema: "...", label: "..."}

mock local fhir server for tests

fhir.js tests should not depend on external FHIR servers, just start simple http server mocking fhir.js requests by predefined responces.

Query lang design (Discussion)

Proposal to use mongo-like syntax -

{name: 'maud'}
//=> name=maud
{name: {$exact: 'maud'}}
//=> name:exact=maud
{name: {$or: ['maud','dave']}}
//=> name=maud,dave
{name: {$and: ['maud',{$exact: 'dave'}]}}
//=> name=maud&name:exact=Dave
{birthDate: {$gt: '1970', $lte: '1980'}}
//=> birthDate=>1970&birthDate=<=1980

{subject: {$type: 'Patient', name: 'maud', birthDate: {$gt: '1970'}}}
{'': {$exact: 'maud'}}


Data-drive DSLs are interoperable, composable & re-interpretable.
Havig a query as self-contained is good thing.

Unit test errors are hard to debug without source maps

For example, adding an obvious error to a source file (say, line 15) yields unhelpful error messages when tests fail, like:

    TypeError: 'null' is not a function (evaluating 'a()')
        at ~/fhir.js/test/

Need source maps back to the original files to interpret these messages.

integration testing CORS

it looks like there is no way to get custom headers in phantomjs launcher
in chrome launcher works great
any ideas ?
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers" "Location, Content-Location, Category, Content-Type"

callback vs. promise syntax for generic (pre-adapter) query?

Current README suggests something promise-like, i.e.'Patient', queryObject)

Should we rely on (or provide a base implementation of) promises, and then wrap those as (jquery/ng/whatever) framework-specific promises in adapters?

Or should we just provide a totally generic callback API in the base package, like'Patient', queryObject, onSuccess, onError);

I'm okay either way, but want to raise the question.

Native fetch and Promise implementation

As the Modern web world moves forward, Things like Promises, and http retrieval libraries are becoming defacto standard across browsers. (And where they are not, there are some really useful polyfill libraries)

Using a native implementation (Or a polyfill) has advantages in that you do not need an entire framework (jQuery, angular, YUI etc) in order to be able to use this library.

I currently have a patched verison that uses Native Promise and Fetch API's that I would like to contribute back.

A sample is below - I will clean it up for a Proper PR. The sample is for illustrative purposes only. (Also, sample is written in ES2015 as is the rest of my project.

import mkFhir from 'fhir.js/src/fhir';
import _ from 'lodash';

// Build a backwards compatiable defer object
const defer = () => {
  const def = {};
  def.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    def.resolve = resolve;
    def.reject = reject;
  return def;

const adapter = {
  http: (args) => {
    const url = args.url;
    const debug = args.debug;
    const fetchOptions = _.omit(args, ['debug', 'url']);
    fetchOptions.credentials = 'same-origin';

    if (debug) {
      console.log('DEBUG[native]: (request)', args); // eslint-disable-line
    const retPromise = defer();

    const returnableObject = {};
    fetch(url, fetchOptions).then((response) => {
      _.merge(returnableObject, {
        status: response.status,
        headers: response.headers,
        config: args,
      return response;
    }).then((response) => {
      if (!_.inRange(response.status, 200, 399)) {
        console.log('DEBUG[native]: (fail response)', returnableObject); // eslint-disable-line
      return response;
    }).then((response) => {
      return response.json();
    }).then((json) => {
      _.merge(returnableObject, {
        data: json,
      console.log('DEBUG[native]: (success response)', returnableObject); // eslint-disable-line

    return retPromise.promise;

Multiple instances of fhir

We could use closure instead of classes
to initialize instances of fhir:

function mkFhir(config, adapter){ 
   return {
       search: mkSearch(config, adapter),
       auth: mkAuth(config, adapter),

At least we could skip new keyword :)

DSTU2 updates

This commit updates the pagination code with DSTU2:

I see that there is a dstu2 branch in the repo already, but seems out of date with the latest code. Could we get the dstu2 branch up to speed so that we can merge this in?

LICENSE is missing

package.json mentions MIT license, can explicit LICENSE(.md) file be added?

Should we be passing all "success" args back the `success` handler?

We say:

success - success callback, which should be called with (data, status, headersFn, config)
data - parsed body of responce
status - responce HTTP status.
headerFn - function to get header, i.e. headerFn('Content')
config - initial requestObj passed to http

... but the caller's success callback only ever gets one arg. Should we expose all 4 to the caller?

Search results: add middleware to create an in-memory object graph that resolves references

Overall, though, I see this as an area where a client library can and should step up to the plate: in ~30 lines of JavaScript code, for example, I can (generically) parse a FHIR JSON bundle into an in-memory graph where references are replaced with direct links across data structures. And that approach is robust to recursive relations, repeated data, etc.

You ask that as though I've actually written it ;-)
But sure, yes, it can be made reusable. The operation would take:

Input: FHIR atom bundle, and a "focus" resource (or resources)
Output: an in-memory representation of the "focus" resources where references are replaced with object links


  1. JSON parse every resource in the bundle, adding each to a "cache" object keyed by id
  2. Recurse over the structure of the "focus" resource to transform each reference using...
  3. Transformation: resourceElement[property] = cache[resourceElement[key].reference]

by @jmandel from fhir mail list

Interested in a YUI adapter?

Im interested in contributing a YUI adapter for fhir.js. Would you be interested in accepting a pull request for this?

Webpack reports "the request of a dependency is an expression" in /request/lib/optional.js 9:13-32


I'm seeing the following errors when integrating fhir.js into a React app and running webpack:

WARNING in .//fhir.js//request/lib/optional.js
Critical dependencies:
9:13-32 the request of a dependency is an expression
@ .//fhir.js//request/lib/optional.js 9:13-32

ERROR in .//fhir.js//request/request.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'net' in /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/request
@ .//fhir.js//request/request.js 33:10-24

ERROR in .//tunnel-agent/index.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'net' in /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/tunnel-agent
@ ./
/tunnel-agent/index.js 3:10-24

ERROR in .//tunnel-agent/index.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'tls' in /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/tunnel-agent
@ ./
/tunnel-agent/index.js 4:10-24

ERROR in .//fhir.js//forever-agent/index.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'net' in /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/forever-agent
@ .//fhir.js//forever-agent/index.js 6:10-24

ERROR in .//fhir.js//forever-agent/index.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'tls' in /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/forever-agent
@ .//fhir.js//forever-agent/index.js 7:10-24

ERROR in .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/custom.json
Module parse failed: /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/mime-types/lib/custom.json Line 2: Unexpected token :
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
| "text/jade": [
| "jade"
| ],
@ .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/index.js 13:10-34

ERROR in .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/node.json
Module parse failed: /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/mime-types/lib/node.json Line 2: Unexpected token :
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
| "text/vtt": [
| "vtt"
| ],
@ .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/index.js 12:8-30

ERROR in .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/mime.json
Module parse failed: /Users/andrewhall/Documents/fihr-store/node_modules/fhir.js/node_modules/mime-types/lib/mime.json Line 2: Unexpected token :
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
| "application/1d-interleaved-parityfec": [],
| "application/3gpp-ims+xml": [],
| "application/activemessage": [],
@ .//fhir.js//mime-types/lib/index.js 11:8-30

Any ideas?

drain and fetchAll

In our wrapper library for fhir.js, I implemented fetchAll and drain methods to facilitate retrieval of paginated bundles by apps ( This works well, but I am thinking that these methods probably belong inside the fhir.js library. The problem is that they don't exactly fit in the current middle-wares model which seems geared towards supporting a single REST call to the API server. How can we get these methods ported gracefully into the fhir.js code base?


Hello, I've been working with your library in nodejs.

I've successfully got read and search working, however create and update consistently give the error "id = headers('Content-Location') ---- typeError: undefined is not a function", (found in resource.js) I have attempted to change id = headers && headers('Content-Location') || ?? like the read function, which produced a 'Content-Type' hasn't been declared error for update. I put the content-type in headers as well which led to a can not parse JSON error. Finally I retrieved the patient object which would update in my console but not on the server. (I'm using UHN's). I would greatly appreciate some assistance!

This is my entry:
var entry =
category: [{term: 'TAG term', schema: 'TAG schema', label: 'TAG label'}],
resourceType: "Patient",
family: ["Bob"],
given: ["Smith"]
birthDate: '1990-06-20'

this is my create statement:
var test = client.create(entry, function(err, entry)

this is how I instantiate the client:
var client = new mkFhir({
baseUrl: ''

ids & urls of resources

We should create strategy to handle resource ids & uris in API uniformly.
Looks like we do not need ids, only urls.

Proposal: => current resource url
links[rel=self] => history resource url

Here we see weakness of FHIR: it is not hypermedia REST :(

If it would be hypermedia driven, we only have to hard code one url => entry point (baseURL),
all other resources and interaction's urls could be then read from hypertext controls like links & forms (i.e. media type specification)

Add reference javascript implementation

  • validation by profile
  • convert formats (xml <-> json)

Preferred way is not code generation, but generic functions:

fhir.validate(resource, profile) //=> list of errors 
fhir.convert(json, profile) //=> xml

To many params @ api functions, let's use named params

If we would pass to all api functions only one hash-map (object), it would be easy to read & write (to many positional params is not good), add new params, support default params

update(entry, cb, err) 
=> update({entry: x, success: cb, error: err})

Pagination for search and history results

Client should have functions to help with pagination. For example:

  • fetch next page (and previous)
  • fetch all pages, calling a consume function after each (which has the option to continue or stop fetching)

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