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Comments (9)

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024 1


from headereditor.

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024


from headereditor.

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024


from headereditor.

VilenEera avatar VilenEera commented on June 1, 2024

@sylingd 你好,我在网页中等了一会,没有提示“某个网页让您的浏览器变慢了”,我尝试打开about:addons -> Header Editor 选项,等了一会儿才会有这个提示.

第2张显示出来的时候, 浏览器刚好渲染出 Header Editor 选项的页面的内容

from headereditor.

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024


from headereditor.

VilenEera avatar VilenEera commented on June 1, 2024

用的是 @dupontjoy 的整合版 CingNightly-58.0a1-2017.09.23

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from headereditor.

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024


from headereditor.

dupontjoy avatar dupontjoy commented on June 1, 2024

Nightly 2017-09-29更新后出现的问题

from headereditor.

sylingd avatar sylingd commented on June 1, 2024


from headereditor.

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