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Modern framework for fast, powerful React apps

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What is it?


The process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.

Fusion.js, Uber’s open source universal web framework, represents the fusion of the client and the server. It's geared for server-side rendering out of the box, and its plugin-driven architecture allows for complex frontend and backend logic to be encapsulated in a single plugin:

import App from 'fusion-react';
import Router from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';

export default () => {
  const app = new App(<div>...</div>);

  One line of code sets up everything you need for routing:
  - Server rendering
  - React Providers on both server and browser
  - Bundle splitting integration
  - Hot module reloading support

  return app;

We initially built Fusion.js to make our own websites easier to maintain, but were so impressed with the benefits that we decided to offer it to the community as an open source project!

Try it out

If you're interested in giving Fusion.js a shot, Overview and Core Concepts are great places to start.


This is a monorepo of all open source Fusion.js packages maintained using Yarn v2. Take a look at for info on how to develop in this repo.



Fusion.js's Projects

fusion-cli icon fusion-cli

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