The plugin emits events of performance stats from the browser on initial page loads - with the following API when avaliable: (see
- Navigation Timing API
Navigation Timing Processing Model
- Resource Timing API
Resource Timing Processing Model
On the server-side, it calculate performance opinionate metrics from the stats emitted from the browser, then re-emits a new event. Refer to Events section for a list of events emitted.
yarn add fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter
To consume the calculated stats, listen to browser-performance-emitter:stats
event on the server-side.
import {createPlugin} from 'fusion-core';
import {UniversalEventsToken} from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';
export default createPlugin({
deps: { emitter: UniversalEventsToken },
provides: deps => {
const emitter = deps.emitter;
emitter.on('browser-performance-emitter:stats', e => {
console.log(e); // log events to console
// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import UniversalEvents, {UniversalEventsToken} from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';
import BrowserPerformanceEmitter from 'fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter';
import PerformanceLogging from './performance-logging';
export default () => {
const app = new App();
// ...
app.register(UniversalEventsToken, UniversalEvents);
// (optional) a plugin to consume browser performance events
// ...
return app;
import BrowserPerformanceEmitter from 'fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter';
The browser performance emitter plugin. Typically, it doesn't need to be associated with a token.
import UniversalEvents, {UniversalEventsToken} from 'fusion-plugin-universal-events';
app.register(UniversalEventsToken, UniversalEvents);
An event emitter plugin to emit stats to, such as the one provided by fusion-plugin-universal-events
This package has no public API methods. To consume performance events, add an event listener for the browser-performance-emitter:stats
event on the server-side.
calculatedStats: {
// Metrics
timingValues: {
// "Raw" timing values from `window.performance.timing`
resourceEntries: {
// An array of serialized Resource Timing entries
name | calculation |
redirection_time |
fetchStart - navigationStart |
time_to_first_byte |
responseStart - navigationStart |
dom_content_loaded |
domContentLoadedEventEnd - fetchStart |
full_page_load |
loadEventEnd - fetchStart |
dns |
domainLookupEnd - domainLookupStart |
tcp_connection_time |
connectEnd - connectStart |
browser_request_time |
responseEnd - responseStart |
browser_request_first_byte |
responseStart - requestStart |
browser_request_response_time |
responseEnd - responseStart |
dom_interactive_time |
domInteractive - responseEnd |
total_resource_load_time |
loadEventStart - responseEnd |
total_blocking_resource_load_time |
domContentLoadedEventStart - responseEnd |
resources_avg_load_time |
One metric per resource type (e.g. CSS/JS/Image) that represents the mean time for resources of that type to be loaded. Example: {js: 154, image: 405} |
see for a complete list of properties
see for a complete list of properties
name: 'http://localhost:3000/_static/client-main.js',
entryType: 'resource',
// ...other resource timing properties
// more entries
fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter's People
kevingrandon ganemone rtsao nadiia lhorie dennisgl koulmomo derekjuber mlmorg uberopensourcebot angus-c albertywu rajeshsegufusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter's Issues
Update dependency create-universal-package to v3.4.0
Fix flow types
Log emitter version
Send the version of the browser-performance-emitter to heatpipe logger
Add an initial implementation of the browser performance emitter plugin
chrome.loadTimes() is deprecated in Chrome 64
Migrate fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter to DI
Log html size and load time
We have static asset resource load times/size but not HTML itself
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
There is an error with this repository's Renovate configuration that needs to be fixed. As a precaution, Renovate will stop PRs until it is resolved.
Error type: Preset name not found within published preset config (monorepo:angularmaterial). Note: this is a nested preset so please contact the preset author if you are unable to fix it yourself.
Update dependencies
Augment data collected by fusion-plugin-browser-performance-emitter
Add missing performance data
Fusion perf data does not include url and other navigation meta data
Add enhanced metrics (for use by web perf dashboard et al)
Use Buildkite for CI
Add Token dependencies to readme
Documentation regarding Fusion API is out of date given recent changes to leverage new Dependency Injection architecture.
Update documentation
Make network and memory data JSON serializable
They weren't getting added to the POST's form data because the interesting data was in proto
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