The fusion-plugin-connected-react-router
package provides integration points with connected-react-router. It is designed
to be used along side of fusion-plugin-react-router
yarn add fusion-plugin-connected-react-router connected-react-router
This plugin provides a ReduxEnhancer plugin for integrating connected-react-router into your app. See connected-react-router docs for usage.
// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import Router, {RouterToken, RouterProviderToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';
import ConnectedRouterEnhancer from 'fusion-plugin-connected-react-router';
import {EnhancerToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-redux';
import {ConnectedRouter} from 'connected-react-router';
import root from './components/root';
export default function start(App) {
const app = new App(root);
// Make sure you register `fusion-plugin-react-router` on the `RouterToken`
app.register(RouterToken, Router);
// Register the connected router enhancer on the redux EnhancerToken
app.register(EnhancerToken, ConnectedRouterEnhancer);
// Register the ConnectedRouter provider on the RouterProviderToken
app.register(RouterProviderToken, ConnectedRouter);
// ... other registrations
return app;
If you have other redux enhancers, it may be easier to integrate via a custom plugin
// src/main.js
import App from 'fusion-react';
import {createPlugin} from 'fusion-core';
import Router, {RouterToken, RouterProviderToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-router';
import ConnectedRouterEnhancer, {ConnectedRouterToken} from 'fusion-plugin-connected-react-router';
import {EnhancerToken} from 'fusion-plugin-react-redux';
import {ConnectedRouter} from 'connected-react-router';
import {compose} from 'redux';
import root from './components/root';
export default function start(App) {
const app = new App(root);
// Make sure you register `fusion-plugin-react-router` on the `RouterToken`
app.register(RouterToken, Router);
// Register the ConnectedRouter provider on the RouterProviderToken
app.register(RouterProviderToken, ConnectedRouter);
// Register the connected router enhancer a token to reference latter
app.register(ConnectedRouterToken, ConnectedRouterEnhancer);
// Register a custom plugin that composes all your enhancers
app.register(EnhancerToken, createPlugin({
deps: {connectedRouterEnhancer: ConnectedRouterToken},
provides: ({connectedRouterEnhancer}) => {
return compose(
// any other custom enhancers...
// ... other registrations
return app;
import ConnectedRouterPlugin from 'fusion-plugin-connected-react-router';
The plugin.
import {ConnectedRouterToken} from 'fusion-plugin-connected-react-router';
A token for registering the router plugin on. Useful for integrating with other redux enhancers.
fusion-plugin-connected-react-router's People
fusion-plugin-connected-react-router's Issues
@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE events fired off multiple times on page load
Event @@router/LOCATION_CHANGE
gets fired off 4x on page load. Looked around online and it seems like there's nothing mentioning this issue.
Type of issue
action should get fired once on page load.
Current behavior
action gets fired 4x on page load.
They all have the same exact payload.
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE',
payload: {
location: {
pathname: '/',
search: '',
hash: ''
action: 'POP',
isFirstRendering: false
Expected behavior
There should only be one @@router/LOCATION_CHANGE
Steps to reproduce
- Follow the README to install this plugin on your Fusion app
- Load a page.
Your environment
fusion-plugin-connected-react-router version: 1.1.1
Node.js version (
node --version
): 8.11.3 -
npm version (
npm --version
): 5.6.0 -
Operating System: macOS Mojave 10.14.3
Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined
Type of issue
Project builds successfully but I get following error on app start:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'pathname' of undefined
at /Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/connected-react-router/lib/ConnectedRouter.js:58:37
at dispatch (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/redux/lib/redux.js:220:7)
at /Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/redux-logger/dist/redux-logger.js:1:7807
at /Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/redux-thunk/lib/index.js:14:16
at oldDispatch (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/fusion-plugin-connected-react-router/src/index.js:37:20)
at /Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/connected-react-router/lib/middleware.js:25:18
at store.dispatch.action (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/fusion-plugin-connected-react-router/src/index.js:36:18)
at Object.onLocationChanged (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/connected-react-router/lib/ConnectedRouter.js:154:16)
at handleLocationChange (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/connected-react-router/lib/ConnectedRouter.js:85:17)
at new ConnectedRouter (/Users/muhammadali/WebstormProjects/fusion-visualizations/node_modules/connected-react-router/lib/ConnectedRouter.js:94:7)
My Code looks something like this:
app.register(RouterToken, Router)
app.register(RouterProviderToken, ConnectedRouter)
app.register(ConnectedRouterEnhancerToken, ConnectedRouterEnhancer)
app.register( EnhancerToken, createPlugin({ deps: { connectedRouterEnhancer: ConnectedRouterEnhancerToken }, provides: ({ connectedRouterEnhancer }) => { const enhancer = composeEnhancers( connectedRouterEnhancer, applyMiddleware(...middlewares), ) return enhancer }, }), )
app.register(ReduxToken, Redux)
app.register(ReducerToken, rootReducer)
Current behavior
App crashes
Steps to reproduce
I've followed the steps given in the documentation but failed to connect this plugin.
Your environment
fusion-plugin-connected-react-router version: 1.0.1
Node.js version: 8.11
npm version: 5.6.0
Operating System: macOS Mojave
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