Provides a modified fetch
that is automatically secure against CSRF attacks for non-idempotent HTTP methods.
This enhancer handles csrf protection by adding a server side middleware that checks for a valid csrf token on requests for non-idempotent HTTP methods (e.g. POST).
yarn add fusion-plugin-csrf-protection
import {createPlugin} from 'fusion-core';
import {FetchToken} from 'fusion-tokens';
const pluginUsingFetch = createPlugin({
deps: {
fetch: FetchToken,
provides: ({fetch}) => {
return {
getUser: () => {
return fetch('/get-user');
// src/main.js
import React from 'react';
import {FetchToken} from 'fusion-tokens';
import App from 'fusion-react';
import CsrfProtectionEnhancer, {
} from 'fusion-plugin-csrf-protection';
import fetch from unfetch;
export default () => {
const app = new App(<div></div>);
app.register(FetchToken, fetch);
app.enhance(FetchToken, CsrfProtectionEnhancer);
// optional
__NODE__ && app.register(CsrfIgnoreRoutesToken, []);
import CsrfProtection from 'fusion-plugin-csrf-protection';
The csrf protection plugin. Typically, it should be registered to the FetchToken
. Provides the fetch api and
a server side middleware for validating csrf requests.
import {FetchToken} from 'fusion-tokens';
The canonical token for an implementation of fetch
. This plugin is generally registered on that token.
For more, see the fusion-tokens repo.
import {CsrfIgnoreRoutesToken} from 'fusion-plugin-csrf-protection';
A list of routes to ignore csrf protection on. This is rarely needed and should be used with caution.
type CsrfIgnoreRoutes = Array<string>;
Default value
Empty array []
const response: Response = fetch('/test', {
method: 'POST',
fetch: (url: string, options: Object) => Promise
- Client-only. A decorated fetch
function that automatically does pre-flight requests for CSRF tokens if required.
See for more on the fetch api.
fusion-plugin-csrf-protection's People
kevingrandon ganemone rtsao nadiia lhorie derekjuber akre54 mlmorg uberopensourcebot angus-c albertywu kahwee rajeshsegu salamagdfusion-plugin-csrf-protection's Issues
Migrate to new fusion-tokens api
Remove csrf endpoint once clients have time to upgrade
After simplifying the plugin we can now remove the csrf endpoint. However, we should wait some time for clients to have time to upgrade.
Migrate fusion-plugin-csrf-protection to DI
Clean up API
Add Token dependencies to readme
Documentation regarding Fusion API is out of date given recent changes to leverage new Dependency Injection architecture.
Update documentation
Add initial implementation
Add Token dependencies to readme
Documentation regarding Fusion API (core; plugins; cli; etc.) is out of date given recent changes to leverage new Dependency Injection architecture.
Update documentation
Dependency deprecation warning: generic-session (npm)
On registry
, the "latest" version (v0.1.2) of dependency generic-session
has the following deprecation notice:
no longer maintained
Marking the latest version of an npm package as deprecated results in the entire package being considered deprecated, so contact the package author you think this is a mistake.
Affected package file(s): package.json
If you don't care about this, you can close this issue and not be warned about generic-session
's deprecation again. If you would like to completely disable all future deprecation warnings then add the following to your config:
"suppressNotifications": ["deprecationWarningIssues"]
Allow CSRF forms
Type of issue
Feature request
It would be nice for form submits to be able to leverage CSRF protection. This doesn't seem included in the library as is right now.
Current behavior
Can only use CSRF for fetch calls
Expected behavior
Ability to add csrf-token
field to forms
Update dependencies
Use Buildkite for CI
Use `ctx.throw` to handle csrf errors
Expose {ignore, fetch} as instance methods rather than static
I don't think there is any reason to expose them as static rather than instance methods. Exposing as instance methods makes the api more consistent with other plugins we have.
Don't include url prefix if it's already included
Fix flow types
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