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fusion-plugin-http-handler's Introduction


Build status

Provides a way to hook http handlers into the fusion request lifecycle.

Table of contents


yarn add fusion-plugin-http-handler


import HttpHandlerPlugin, {HttpHandlerToken} from 'fusion-plugin-http-handler';
import App from 'fusion-react';
import express from 'express';

const expressApp = __NODE__ && express();
if (__NODE__) {
  expressApp.get('/test', (req, res) => {

export default function main() {
  const app = new App(<div>Hello world</div>);
  if (__NODE__) {
    app.register(HttpHandlerToken, expressApp);
  return app;


You can configure whether to run the middleware before or after await next. The default is running after await next.

import {HttpHandlerConfigToken} from 'fusion-plugin-http-handler';

// Configure to run before await next
if (__NODE__) {
  app.register(HttpHandlerConfigToken, {defer: false});

fusion-plugin-http-handler's People


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fusion-plugin-http-handler's Issues

Improve error handling

Fix a bug where errors are not correctly bubbled up to fusion
middleware error handlers.

0.1.5 breaks proxy-compat/bedrock-compat auth header behavior

Type of issue



Similar to #73 and likely the same root cause, this update breaks proxy-compat behavior in that auth headers are no longer being sent to the proxy endpoint.

Current behavior

Headers like x-auth-params-email, specified via mock headers would be inserted into the proxy endpoints.

Expected behavior

Headers are no longer being sent to the proxy endpoints.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5.

0.1.5 breaks initial-state-compat behavior

Type of issue



This seems to have broken the @uber/fusion-plugin-initial-state-compat behavior, since it no longer finds the res.locals.state as the initial-state-compat always runs before the express handlers that add res.locals.

Current behavior

initial-state-compat no longer adds any state from initial state loaded from express hooks/plugins that call res.putState.

Expected behavior

initial-state-compat adds initial state as expected.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upgrade from fusion-plugin-http-handler 0.1.4 to 0.1.5

Your environment

  • fusion-plugin-http-handler version: 0.1.5

  • @uber/fusion-plugin-initial-state-compat: 0.1.2

  • Node.js version (node --version): v8.12.0

Originally posted by @chrisirhc in #67 (comment)

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