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crawler's Introduction


The docs that Cursor can see out-of-the-box.


Simply add a row to docs.jsonl and submit a PR. Please include the project's name, a url for our crawler to start at, and a prefix url that all crawleded urls should be children of.

Once accepted, we'll crawl your documentation and make it available to all users of Cursor. Anyone will be able to reference the project with a simple '@ProjectName' command.

What is this repo?

In Cursor, you can show GPT-4 project documentation to improve it's answers with @ commands like @Langchain and @Tokio. You can also spawn our crawler to add your own documentation by typing "@Add" in chat.

This repo is the list of documentation that's available for all users of Cursor with no "@Add" command required.

crawler's People


truell20 avatar sammykumar avatar crimson-knight avatar xl0 avatar anamhira47 avatar bradleyfay avatar kloudsamurai avatar henrijss avatar eltociear avatar orionreed avatar patrickjs avatar paulgould avatar rajko-rad avatar rifont avatar 0xsumitbanik avatar yescine avatar

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