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<title>Posit Lookup Table</title> <script src="js/positlookup.js"></script>

[Version: 8 September 2017] Added "bits" column.
Decoding column: Negative values are in their two's complement form. Sign of values is represented with plus or minus symbol.

Posit Lookup Table Generator

Posit bit size: Exponential bit size:

* @file My ugly decimal to posit lookup table generator script
* @copyright Siew Hoon Leong (Cerlane)
var positMax = {
"6_0": function(){
return 16;
"6_1": function(){
return 256;
"6_2": function(){
return 65536;
"6_3": function(){
return 4294967296;
"6_4": function(){
return 18446744073709552000;
"8_0": function(){
return 64;
"8_1": function(){
return 4096;
"8_2": function(){
return 16777216;
"8_3": function(){
return 281474976710656;
"8_4": function(){
return 7.922816251426434e+28;
"16_0": function(){
return 16384;
"16_1": function(){
return 268435456;
"16_2": function(){
return 72057594037927940;
"16_3": function(){
return 5.192296858534828e+33;
"16_4": function(){
return 2.695994666715064e+67;
"32_0": function(){
return 1073741824;
"32_1": function(){
return 1152921504606847000;
"32_2": function(){
return 1.329227995784916e+36;
"32_3": function(){
return 1.7668470647783843e+72;
"32_4": function(){
return 3.1217485503159922e+144;
"64_0": function(){
return 4611686018427388000;
"64_1": function(){
return 2.1267647932558654e+37;
"64_2": function(){
return 4.523128485832664e+74;
"64_3": function(){
return 2.0458691299350887e+149;
"64_4": function(){
return 4.185580496821357e+298;
"128_0": function(){
return 8.507059173023462e+37;
"128_1": function(){
return 7.237005577332262e+75;
"128_2": function(){
return 5.237424972633827e+151;
"128_3": function(){
return 2.7430620343968443e+303;

var expvalue = { "0": function(){ return 1; }, "1": function(){ return 2; }, "2": function(){ return 4;
}, "3": function(){ return 8;
}, "4": function(){ return 16;
} };

function convertDToP(){ var decimal = document.getElementById("decimal").value;

    var positkeys = Object.keys(positMax);        

    var msg = "Posit format            Binary                                        Value                             Relative Error                  Decimals of Accuracy\n";
    for (i=0; i<positkeys.length; i++){        

            var positInfo = positkeys[i].split("_");
            var ps = parseInt(positInfo[0]);
            var es = parseInt(positInfo[1]);

            //Within range
            var p_max = positMax[positkeys[i]]();
            var useed = Math.pow(2, expvalue[es]());
            var usigned_decimal = Math.abs(decimal);
            var sign = Math.sign(decimal);
            var posit = "";
            var temp = usigned_decimal;
            var value =0;

            // handling so that there is no overflow
            if (usigned_decimal > p_max){

                            posit = "1";
                            k = ps -2;
                                    posit += "0";
                            posit += "1";
                            posit = "0";
                            k = ps-1;
                                    posit += "1";
            else if (usigned_decimal==0){

                    k = ps;
                            posit += "0";
            else if (usigned_decimal < 1){

                    //regime<1 => k<0

                    posit += "0";
                            if (temp2>useed){
                                    temp = temp2;
                                    posit += "0";                                        
                    posit += "1";
            else if (usigned_decimal >=1 && usigned_decimal < useed){
                    //regime = 1 => k=1 => regime is 01 or 10                        
                    posit = "010";
            else if (usigned_decimal>=useed ){
                    //regime > 1
                    var j=0;
                    posit +="01";
                    while (temp>=useed){
                            temp = temp/useed;
                            posit += "1";
                    posit +="0";

            if(usigned_decimal>0 && usigned_decimal <= p_max){

                    //value is in exponential and fraction
                    var j=0;
                    while (temp>=2){
                            temp = temp/2;

                            var e_binary = dec2bin(j);
                            while (e_binary.length<es){
                                    e_binary = "0"+e_binary;
                            posit += e_binary;

                    f_fraction=temp.toString( 2 );

                    posit += f_fraction.substring(2, f_fraction.length);

                    while (posit.length < ps){
                            posit += "0";

//console.log("<"+ps+", " + es + ">"); //console.log(posit); if (posit.length>ps){ //Need to round //faster method var roundPlusOne = false; if (posit.charAt(ps) == "1"){ var n = ps+1; while(n<posit.length){ if (posit.charAt(n) == "1"){ roundPlusOne = true; break; } n++; } if (!roundPlusOne){ //round to nearest even. if (posit.charAt(ps-1)=="1"){ roundPlusOne = true; } } } if(roundPlusOne){ posit = posit.substring(0,ps); var posit2 = parseInt(posit, 2) +1; posit2= posit2.toString(2); while(posit2.length<posit.length){ posit2 = "0"+posit2
} var value2 = calculatePositValue(posit2, ps, es); if (value2 == "INF"){ //Prevent overflow var value1 = calculatePositValue(posit, ps, es); value = value1; } else{ posit = posit2; value = value2; } } else{

                                    posit = posit.substring(0,ps);
                                    var value1 = calculatePositValue(posit, ps, es);
                                    value = value1;

                                    //prevent underflow
                                    if (value=="0"){
                                            var posit2 = parseInt(posit, 2) +1;
                                            posit2=  posit2.toString(2);
                                                    posit2 = "0"+posit2                                                                
                                            var value2 = calculatePositValue(posit2, ps, es);
                                            posit = posit2;
                                            value = value2;

                            var twoComplement = parseInt(posit, 2);
                            posit = dec2bin(-twoComplement).substring(32-ps,32);
                            value = -value;        


            if (value ==0){
                            value = calculatePositValue(posit, ps, es);
            var error = 0;
            error = Math.abs((decimal-value)/decimal);

            msg += "Posit<"+ps+","+es+">                " + colouredCodedPosit(posit, es) + "        " ;

            var no_whitespace = "Binary".length+32 - posit.toString().length;
            while (no_whitespace>0){
                    msg += " ";
                    no_whitespace --;

            if (posit.toString().length<8){
                    msg += "      ";
            msg += value;
            no_whitespace = "Binary".length+28 - value.toString().length;// 5-Math.ceil(value.toString().length/8);
            /*if (value.toString().length%8 == 0){
                    no_whitespace --;
            while (no_whitespace>0){
                    //msg += "        " ;
                    msg+=" ";
                    no_whitespace --;

            msg += error;

            var accuracy = -Math.log10(Math.abs(error));
            no_whitespace = 5-Math.ceil(error.toString().length/8);
            if (error.toString().length%8 == 0){
                    no_whitespace --;
            while (no_whitespace>0){
                    msg += "        " ;
                    no_whitespace --;
            msg += accuracy;
            msg += "\n";
    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = msg;


function dec2bin(dec){ return (dec >>> 0).toString(2); }

function calculatePositValue(binary, posit, expo){ sign = 0; regimesign = 0; isRegime = true; runlength = 0; expo_bitvalue = 0; fraction_bitvalue = 0; fractionlength =0; var i=parseInt(binary,2); var INF = "1"; j= binary.length -1; while(j>0){ INF+="0" j--; } if (binary == INF.toString(2)){ value = "INF" } else if(i==0){ value = 0; } else{ for(j=0; j<binary.length; j++){ if (j==0){ sign = parseInt(binary.charAt(j)); if(sign==0){ sign = 1; } else if (sign==1){ sign = -1; //Two's complements binary = dec2bin(-i).substring(32-posit,32); while(binary.length<posit){ binary="0" + binary; }
} } else if (j==1){ regimesign = parseInt(binary.charAt(j)); runlength++ } else{ if (isRegime){ if(parseInt(binary.charAt(j)) == regimesign){ runlength++; } else{ isRegime = false; expo_start = runlength +2;
expoLength_max = expo_start +parseInt(expo); if (parseInt(expo) > 0 && (expo_start)<binary.length){ tmp_expo = binary.substring(expo_start, binary.length);

                                                    if (tmp_expo.length>expo){
                                                            tmp_expo = tmp_expo.substring(0, expo);
                                                    else if (tmp_expo.length<expo){
                                                            missingzero = expo-tmp_expo.length;
                                                                    tmp_expo += "0";
                                                                    missingzero --;
                                                    expo_bitvalue = parseInt(tmp_expo,2);

                                            //Check fraction
                                                    fractionlength = binary.length - expoLength_max;
                                                    tmp_frac = binary.substring(expoLength_max, binary.length);
                                                    fraction_bitvalue = parseInt(tmp_frac, 2);


            k = 0;

            if (regimesign==0){
            regime = Math.pow(Math.pow(2, Math.pow(2, expo)), k);
            expo_value = Math.pow(2, expo_bitvalue);
            fraction_max = Math.pow(2, fractionlength);
            fraction_value = 1+ (parseInt(fraction_bitvalue)/fraction_max);
            value = sign * regime * expo_value * fraction_value;

    return value;


function colouredCodedPosit(posit, es){ var signchar = "+";
if(posit.charAt(0)=="1"){ signchar = "-"; } var colouredPosit = ""+signchar+""; var isRegime = true; var regime = ""; var terminateRegime = ""; var expo = ""; var fraction = ""; var regimeBit = "0"; for (v=1; v<posit.length; v++){ if(v==1 && posit.charAt(v)=="1"){ regimeBit = "1"; } if(isRegime){ if(regimeBit==posit.charAt(v)){ regime += posit.charAt(v); } else{ isRegime = false; terminateRegime = ""+posit.charAt(v)+""; } } else{ if (v+es>=posit.length){ expo += ""+posit.substring(v, posit.length) +""; } else{ expo += ""+posit.substring(v, v+es) +""; if(v+es<posit.length){ fraction += posit.substring(v+es, posit.length); } } break;


    colouredPosit += "<font color='#CC9933'>"+regime+"</font>" + terminateRegime + expo + fraction;
    return colouredPosit;


Author: <list of authors' real names and optionally, email addrs>
Status: <Draft | Active | Accepted | Deferred | Rejected | Withdrawn | Final | Superseded>
Type: <Standards Track | Informational | Process>
Created: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>






Author: <list of authors' real names and optionally, email addrs>
Status: <Draft | Active | Accepted | Deferred | Rejected | Withdrawn | Final | Superseded>
Type: <Standards Track | Informational | Process>
Created: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>






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Code examples that accompany various MDN DOM and Web API documentation pages

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The first open-source browser extension wallet for Bitcoin NFTs

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GitKraken CLI Releases and Documentation

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Lokinet is an anonymous, decentralized and IP based overlay network for the internet.

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Modularized faucet for EVM chains with different protection methods (Captcha, Mining, IP, Mainnet Balance, Gitcoin Passport and more)

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Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Java

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