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goji's Introduction


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Goji is a HTTP request multiplexer, similar to net/http.ServeMux. It compares incoming requests to a list of registered Patterns, and dispatches to the http.Handler that corresponds to the first matching Pattern. Goji also supports Middleware (composable shared functionality applied to every request) and uses the standard context package to store request-scoped values.

Quick Start

package main

import (


func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        name := pat.Param(r, "name")
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", name)

func main() {
        mux := goji.NewMux()
        mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/hello/:name"), hello)

        http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8000", mux)

Please refer to Goji's GoDoc Documentation for a full API reference.


Goji's API was recently updated to use the new net/http and context integration, and is therefore some of its interfaces are in a state of flux. We don't expect any further changes to the API, and expect to be able to announce API stability soon. Goji is suitable for use in production.

Prior to Go 1.7, Goji promised API stability with a different API to the one that is offered today. The author broke this promise, and does not take this breach of trust lightly. While stability is obviously extremely important, the author and community have decided to follow the broader Go community in standardizing on the standard library copy of the context package.

Users of the old API can find that familiar API on the net-context branch. The author promises to maintain both the net-context branch and master for the forseeable future.

Community / Contributing

Goji maintains a mailing list, gojiberries, where you should feel welcome to ask questions about the project (no matter how simple!), to announce projects or libraries built on top of Goji, or to talk about Goji more generally. Goji's author (Carl Jackson) also loves to hear from users directly at his personal email address, which is available on his GitHub profile page.

Contributions to Goji are welcome, however please be advised that due to Goji's stability guarantees interface changes are unlikely to be accepted.

All interactions in the Goji community will be held to the high standard of the broader Go community's Code of Conduct.

goji's People


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goji's Issues

import not working

Hello, I wanted to try to package to compare it against "zenazn/goji" but the import paths are set to

"" instead of "" .

Is there an spicific reason for this?

BTW : Thanks for your time and effort

dispatch.go:6:2: use of internal package not allowed

During go get I get an error message:
/go/src/ use of internal package not allowed - which exits go get with error code, however the source code is still downloaded & usable in my programs.

This however makes creating Makefile dependency-fulfilling rules impossible, along with creating CI scripts that would require all the commands to return no-error code.

Could pat.Param not panic when it the interface is nil

It's not easily catchable (or at least I haven't read how). Easier was editing Param to return "" if the context interface was nil. I can submit a push request, but haven't ever written a test, so will have to figure that out first.

Missing Object.assing method

I have a piece of JS code that does the following:

    var a = Object.assign({}, state, {
      isAuthenticating: false,

where state is an empty object, and even though it runs fine in the browser when bundled, it fails running that same bundle in goji with the following error:

TypeError: Object has no member 'assign'

go get error

I'm getting an error when trying to go get this repo.

$ go get -u
    imports use of internal package not allowed

Any thoughts on how to deal with this? Am I getting the wrong path or package? Is the repo. go get-able at this point?

Where did/How to re-enable logging?

I love logging which states which URL/resource has been accessed for each request. It's kind of gone with the goji/goji.

How to re-enable it?

Rate Limit

Is there a rate limit middle ware available?

Problem in running goji "Hello World"


I am trying to set up a new project. I am not able to run "hello world" program.

go build exits with error

vendor/ cannot find package "" in any of:
	/workspace/src/sengkathir/vendor/ (vendor tree)
	/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/workspace/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Upon installing context package, again go build exists with

./main.go:12: cannot use r (type *http.Request) as type "sengkathir/vendor/".Context in argument to pat.Param:
	*http.Request does not implement "sengkathir/vendor/".Context (missing Deadline method)

$ go version
go version go1.7.3 darwin/amd64

goji version

- package:
  version: v1.0

Am I missing something?


Log middleware with whole pattern

I want to be able to log the entire pattern that was matched in a middleware but this doesn't seem easily doable if I am using submuxes.

If I put the middleware on the root mux then I only get the pattern up to the wildcard. If I put the middleware on the submux then I get the pattern after the wildcard.

Ideally I would like to be able to put it on the root mux and get the whole pattern, but I would settle for doing it on each submux as well.

Do you have advice for how to do this? Thanks.

Suggested Way To Handle 404 Errors

I know that by default if a match isn't found within Goji, http.NotFound is called. How do you recommend handling this case with a custom handler? It looks like I could potentially use a route, but I'm not sure there is a guarantee about route matching order? Thanks!

git tags suggest v2, but go.mod disagrees

Carl! My favorite Carl!

I set out to use goji in a project recently, and, seeing that there's a v2.0.1, added require v2.0.1 to my go.mod. However, I encountered two problems with this:

  • The go.mod at the v2.0.1 git tag just has module, and
  • The vanity URL 404s.

It seems like you're still treating the project as effectively v1, but go is expecting the git tags to be authoritative. So it resolves to either v2.0.0+incompatible or v0.0.0-20181111194536-9a575ab427c3. I suggest either removing the v2.x tags or releasing v2 fully.

<3, thanks.

go17: panic on pat.Param

Using the go17 branch and running the example code from the README, I get a panic:

2016/09/02 12:37:34 http: panic serving interface conversion: interface is nil, not string
goroutine 6 [running]:
        /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:1491 +0x12a
panic(0x6422e0, 0xc4200184c0)
        /opt/go/src/runtime/panic.go:458 +0x243, 0xc420015710, 0x687908, 0x4, 0x78dd40, 0x6a8a68)
        /opt/src/ +0xca
main.hello(0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b45a0)
        /opt/src/ +0x63
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x6a8a68, 0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b45a0)
        /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:1726 +0x44
goji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP(0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b45a0)
        /opt/src/ +0xd6
goji%2eio.(*dispatch).ServeHTTP(0x7c7de8, 0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b45a0)
        <autogenerated>:1 +0x6a
goji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP(0xc42005e200, 0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b45a0)
        /opt/src/ +0x16b
net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc42005e380, 0x790a00, 0xc420057ba0, 0xc4200b42d0)
        /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:2202 +0x7d
net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc42005e400, 0x790f80, 0xc420018400)
        /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:1579 +0x4b7
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
        /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:2293 +0x44d

Offending line from main.go:

    name := pat.Param(ctx, "name")

Does slower then old goji?

I run bench from
and it give me bad result, why performance lower?
go version go1.7.1 darwin/amd64

GithubAPI Routes: 203

Gin: 52464 Bytes
Goji: 86088 Bytes
Gojiv2: 144392 Bytes

GPlusAPI Routes: 13

Gin: 3856 Bytes
Goji: 2912 Bytes
Gojiv2: 7376 Bytes

ParseAPI Routes: 26

Gin: 6816 Bytes
Goji: 5232 Bytes
Gojiv2: 14464 Bytes

Static Routes: 157

Gin: 30400 Bytes
Goji: 27200 Bytes
Gojiv2: 104464 Bytes

How to get all request parameters in handler?

I try

params := r.Context().Value(pattern.AllVariables).(map[string]string)

but get error

 imports use of internal package not allowed

there is another way?

Alternative middleware signature ?


Glad to see a new version of goji using context.Context (i'll drop my goji fork once this new version has gotten enough testing) !
In slim I found very convenient to be able to define middlewares using the following signature:

func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next goji.Handler)

While is is quite easy to write a wrapper for this, it would be nice to have this signature allowed by default since in my experience if allows to more easily write middlewares. Would you consider either adding a new method .UseM(...) or adding a conversion function ? Trivial adapter below:

type handlerNext struct {
    f    func(_ context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, next goji.Handler)
    next goji.Handler

func (h handlerNext) ServeHTTPC(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    h.f(c, w, r,

// Middleware converts a func(_ context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ goji.Handler) into a goji middleware
func Middleware(f func(_ context.Context, _ http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request, _ goji.Handler)) func(goji.Handler) goji.Handler {
    return func(h goji.Handler) goji.Handler {
        return handlerNext{f, h}

Thanks for reading this !

Can not use to GAE?


can not use to GAE?

go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: parser: bad import "syscall" in vendor/

I think had been used before ?

Update readme?

Hi @zenazn,

As context pkg landed in standard library of go1.7 tip, you may need to revisit stability section of README file before it wide spread!

Just curious, any specific advantage for changing syntax in new goji

from simple:

goji.Get("/hello/:name", hello)

to verbose pat.Get(...):

mux.HandleFuncC(pat.Get("/hello/:name"), hello)

Some how, i got addicted to your old syntax! Thanks for the great library.

ResponseWriter does not implement http.Hijacker

Is there any chance it will be implemented? I see some occurrences of Hijacker in the old goji, but not in the new one; so I failed to establish a WebSocket connection from the goji's endpoint.

Listing all routes within a Mux

Is there any way to list all registered routes within a Mux? This is useful for debugging purposes to ensure everything as it seems, and I'd like to work on some route auto-generation tools. I understand if this isn't feasible, but it'd definitely be nice to have!

Go 1.7 + http.Request.Context()

@zenazn - is there still a plan to break the API?

  • Will mux.HandleC/HandleFuncC be kept?
  • Will they be rolled into mux.Handle/HandleFunc?
  • Use/UseC?

I'm for breaking it—Goji v2 is fairly new and has lived in the world of vendoring, which makes it more likely (but not guaranteed!) that users who care have vendored the package. It would also reduce the API, which is a plus.

Add Examples

Consider this a tracking issue for adding an examples directory or (better) some examples on the website.

  • Add a simple example with 2-3 routes and some template rendering. There should be some middleware involved to show how to pass values using context.Context between handlers.
  • A more complex example where Goji is an API server serializing objects to JSON. Possibly show some CORS middleware here, as this is a common use-case in a world of React, Vue, Ember, etc. BoltDB could help in making it a little more "real world" without relying on external dependencies.

I'd be happy to contribute here, but wanted to open this up for discussion first, and for others who might have more time to chip in.

go get issue

Golang/src/ use of internal package not allowed

this happened when i try to download goji package

go1.7.4 and go1.8: I try to unit test, but panic on pat.Param

go get
go get

sample code[main.go]

package main
import (

func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	name := pat.Param(r, "name")
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", name)

func main() {
	mux := goji.NewMux()
	mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/hello/:name"), hello)

	http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8000", mux)

test code[main_test.go]

package main
import (

func TestHello(t *testing.T) {
        t.Run("hello", func(t *testing.T) {
                s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(hello))
                defer s.Close()
                res, err := http.Get(s.URL)
                assert.NoError(t, err)
                defer res.Body.Close()


(go:test-go) [vagrant@localhost src]$ go test
2017/03/22 09:02:54 http: panic serving interface conversion: interface is nil, not string
goroutine 11 [running]:
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/net/http/server.go:1491 +0x12a
panic(0x66ae40, 0xc4200e8280)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/runtime/panic.go:458 +0x243, 0x6b49d3, 0x4, 0x0, 0xc4200707c0)
        /home/vagrant/workspace/test-go/src/ +0xe6
_/home/vagrant/workspace/test-go/src.hello(0x7d0cc0, 0xc4200fa000, 0xc4200d41e0)
        /home/vagrant/workspace/test-go/src/main.go:10 +0x47
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x6d8618, 0x7d0cc0, 0xc4200fa000, 0xc4200d41e0)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/net/http/server.go:1726 +0x44
net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc42008e400, 0x7d0cc0, 0xc4200fa000, 0xc4200d41e0)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/net/http/server.go:2202 +0x7d
net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc42008e600, 0x7d1280, 0xc42001cb00)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/net/http/server.go:1579 +0x4b7
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/net/http/server.go:2293 +0x44d
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
        panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x48 pc=0x47689c]

goroutine 6 [running]:
panic(0x6693c0, 0xc42000c0d0)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/testing/testing.go:579 +0x25d
panic(0x6693c0, 0xc42000c0d0)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/runtime/panic.go:458 +0x243
        /home/vagrant/workspace/test-go/src/main_test.go:16 +0xec
testing.tRunner(0xc42008c240, 0x6d8608)
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/testing/testing.go:610 +0x81
created by testing.(*T).Run
        /home/vagrant/.gvm/gos/go1.7.4/src/testing/testing.go:646 +0x2ec
exit status 2
FAIL    _/home/vagrant/workspace/test-go/src    0.010s

error is the same.
res, err := http.Get(s.URL + "/hello/test")


Need to abandon middleware in sub mux

So while I was messing with a logging middleware, I was printing out middleware.Pattern(ctx) in the log as the url that was hit, but when this is set on the root mux and you have a sub-mux, you'll never get the right pattern.


root := goji.NewMux()
users := goji.SubMux()

//setup logging at the root mux

root.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/my-app"), IndexHandler)
root.Handle(pat.Get("/my-app/*"), subRouter)


// logging middleware does something like this:

When you call /my-app, the log prints "/my-app". that's fine
But when you hit /my-app/some-route" the log will always print "/my-app/*". This is because the logger was added on the root mux and that's the pattern that was matched on the root mux. That makes sense.

Unfortunately, If I also add the logger to the sub-mux, I'll get 2 log entries for every request, which is not what I want.

I should be able to do:


So, some of the time I have middleware that's truly global and I don't care if it runs on the root context, but other times, I want to have a "sepecial" instance of the middleware for a sub-mux that overrides the instance on the root mux

Match route in middleware


I'm updating my app and trying to port a bit of route matching in a middleware from zenazn/goji to goji/goji. I can't get the new pattern.Match(ctx, r) to match in the same way as the older pattern.Match(r, c). I was wondering if you know why this doesn't work?


no match.. no match.. no match..

no match.. no match.. match!

Just to clarify, the results from example zenazngojipatterntest is what I'm expecting, with a match on /hello/:name. The example gojipatterntest doesn't match this, am I missing something?

Nicer errors on requests?

Suppose you have an endpoint pat.Get("/foo") and the user/client does an http.Post(".../foo"). They will get a 404 not found, but they "really" should get a 400/bad method. Is there a way to make Goji produce "dummy" routes that respond with bad method for every HTTP verb that isn't implemented for a particular endpoint on a mux?

Allow omitting trailing slash when using goji.SubMux() sub routers

When using a SubMux() sub router, I am forced to use a trailing slash on the end of the URL. For instance, given the following:

foo := goji.SubMux()
root.HandleC(pat.New("/foo/*"), foo)

foo.HandleFuncC(pat.Get("/"), getAllFoos)
foo.HandleFuncC(pat.Get("/:fooID"), getSingleFoo)

I have to use /foo/ instead of /foo which returns a 404. I have read zenazn/goji#97 and am sold on the idea that /foo and /foo/ should be treated as 2 different URLs. But in my case I'd rather have /foo be the canonical one, and /foo/ return a 404, or maybe a 301 permanent redirect to /foo.

For a public facing Rest API I believe users (developers) are more likely to accidentally omit the slash, and while I could 301 redirect /foo to /foo/ with middleware, I'm not sure how this would play with badly coded clients that don't auto follow redirects, or the extra overhead of the redirect happening for every request.

I know it's a small thing and I can live with it. It's just one small annoyance in an otherwise perfect http request multiplexer. Keep up the excellent work :-)


So of course I could just not use SubMux and declare all the URLs on the root router, but then I lose the benefits of sub router specific middleware. I could also have /foo 301 permanent redirect to /foo/ which is what I'm currently doing.

Unexpected route/middleware execution order


mux := goji.NewMux()
mux.HandleC(pat.Put("/somepath"), someHandler)

I was surprised to find that writing middleware to change the request.Method from POST to PUT would not effect the route pattern matcher on line 3. Looking at the source comments, it seems that routes are parsed before middleware is run. Is there a reason for that?

To get this to work properly, I'll need to wrap the mux itself...

mux := goji.NewMux()
mux.HandleC(pat.Put("/somepath"), someHandler)

http.Handle("/", middlewareThatChangesRequestPostToPut(mux))

As middleware is added to the mux, I think the natural assumption is that it is going to affect all middleware and handlers lower in the stack. Is there any interest in having this changed?

Proposal: consider adopting noodle.Handler and noodle.Middleware signature

Hi there!

I've knocked together some simple middleware engine: Perhaps it would be beneficial for both projects if goji will adopt noodle.Handler - like signature, i.e. func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) error.
Rationale for error return value:

  1. more control over when to break middleware chain execution and when not to,
  2. we can define global and chain-local error handlers for greater robustness,
  3. while HTTP handler per se does not require error return value, route handler as an application control unit would benefit from error value.

Best regards,

New repo request: gojiid

I'd like to have a new repo created under goji called "goji/gojiid"
This repo will contain what's currently in:

The project is "Goji Id", which provides a flexible middleware that puts a requestId in the http Context by either pulling it out of the http request header using custom provided keys, or generating it.

There is a default generator, or a custom generator may be provided.
Finally, it provides a function to pull the id out of the context. This function can be passed to other middleware that needs the requestId. (see: atlassian/glogrus@69a9fbb)

Cannot install using glide or gb

Our CI suite broke today because of an issue that appears to be related to and it's import configuration.

From glide:

[WARN]	Unable to checkout
[ERROR]	Update failed for Cannot detect VCS
[INFO]	--> Fetching
[INFO]	--> Fetching
[INFO]	--> Fetching
[INFO]	--> Fetching
[INFO]	--> Fetching
[ERROR]	Failed to install: Cannot detect VCS

From gb:

FATAL: command "restore" failed: could not process dependency: unable to determine remote metadata protocol: failed to access url ""
FATAL: command "vendor" failed: exit status 1

Please advise. Thanks!

[Proposal] consider making `newWithMethods` accessible function

According to pat at the moment supports:

In some use cases you might want to use methods other than these (e.g. lock/unlock methods from RFC 2518), which at the moment as far as I know is not feasible to be implemented in goji.

I'd propose considering newWithMethods publically accessible via making it NewWithMethods, so you can do things like

mux.HandleFunc(NewWithMethods("/:name", "LOCK"), handlerFunc)

Please let me know what you think (I'm also more than happy to contribute to goji)

Is it possible to use router in backend implementations to generate URLs to frontend resources?


I have a question about this package. I've looked through the README and (for the original version) and couldn't find a conclusive answer.

Suppose I have a web project that separates the frontend code (including display stuff, html, css, and http request routing and handling) from the backend service implementation (expressed as a Go interface, implemented by some concrete type).

In some situations I'd like to be able to generate URLs to frontend resources from the backend.

Is it possible to reuse the router for that purpose? For example, suppose I want to generate a relative URL to the "hello" resource named "foobar".

Can I do that in some way using the router? For example, maybe:

var url *url.URL = something ... router.HelloRoute ... {router.HelloRoute.Name: "foobar"} ...

// Output:
// /hello/foobar

Is this supported right now, and if not, is it support planned? Or do you see a better way to resolve the scenario I described above.

My goal is to avoid duplicating the routing logic in the frontend and backend, so that changing the hello route from /hello/:name to /hi/:name should only have to be done in one place, and it'd affect both frontend and backend.

Thanks! I like the other decisions made by this library, like keeping it simple, using context.Context, etc.

New repo request: glogrus2

I'd like to have anew repo under goji created called "goji/glogrus2"
This is a port of the original glogrus project to goji2

The contents of this repo should contain what's in this branch:

Not only does this include the update to goji2, but it also provides a pluggable way to retrieve requestId from the http Context. see:

For more info on why I'm requesting this repo, see: goji/glogrus#2

Upgrading from web.C

Hi, I haven't updated in a while and notice that now you use google's context object instead of web.C, is there documentation on how to upgrade?

Please tag/release the 1.7+ master branch

We're using glide for dependency management and would like to have a semver to use in our glide.yaml.
Could you please tag master with the 1.7+ context changes with 2.0 or something?

Wildcard matched parameter

Can i get the wild card match as a parameter e.g. if i did mux.HandleFuncC("/*", myhandler). Can i do it as mux.HandleFuncC("/*param", myhandler). Can I get the parameter param from the context later

middleware.Handler(rq.Context()) returns nil

Trying to handle 404 error as described here in #20, but find out that middleware.Handler(rq.Context()) returns nil even if route is found.
Complete example:

func TestGoji(t *testing.T) {
	mux := goji.NewMux()
	mux.HandleFunc(pat.Get("/hello"), func(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
		json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(map[string]string{"hello": "world"})

	mux.Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
		mv := func(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {

			h := middleware.Handler(rq.Context())
			if nil == h {
				log.Println("It's always nil actually")
			next.ServeHTTP(w, rq)

		return http.HandlerFunc(mv)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)


Can't install goji

kovirolik@castle ~ $ go get
package context: unrecognized import path "context"

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.