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account-provisioning-for-google-apps's Introduction

Account provisioning for Google Apps

Account provisioning for Google Apps is an open source API to:

  • Generate available usernames in your Google Apps domain
  • Create Google Apps accounts in your domain

It can be used in a website where users create their own accounts...

self account provisioning demo |

a script that creates accounts in bulk...

bulk account provisioning demo |

or via a CSV input...

csv input |

Usernames are generated automatically via configurable patterns. Sample images are taken from the included demos. Give them a try here!

This API can be installed as a RESTful service (to be invoked from almost any programming language and platform) or as a Java library.

Who should use it

Google Apps deployments where new usernames need to be created. Deployments that need to sync existing usernames can use [Google Apps Directory Sync] ( or [Google Apps School Directory Sync] (

Why you should use it

  • Username cache: It caches all your Google Apps accounts, which makes it fast (minimum calls to Google servers) and less likely to hit [Directory API calls/day limits] (
  • Custom user fields: Usernames are generated from the user's first name, last name and a set of (optional) custom fields, i.e. second last name, student ID, department, nickname, etc.
  • Locked suggestions: Suggested usernames will remain locked (unavailable to other users) until they expire or are explicitly unlocked.
  • Backed by Google Apps Admin SDK: Uses the Google Apps [AdminSDK Directory API] (
  • SSL support: All REST calls can be encrypted using SSL
  • Any programming language: You can choose any programming language and platform that supports REST calls. Almost any language and platform do.

What methods does this API offer

  • suggest: returns a list of username suggestions based on first name, last name and a set of custom fields.
  • create: creates a Google Apps account.
  • select: unlocks username suggestions that will no longer be used.

See the API Overview section to learn more about how to invoke these methods.

Quick start

Ready? Try the demos!

This API needs Java, but don't worry you don't need to develop your client in Java. You can use any language and platform you like (Python, JavaScript, PHP, C#, ObjectiveC, Go, etc.) as long as it can do REST calls.

Included demos are built in JavaScript.

1. Check your Java version

In the terminal run:

java -version

If you see: java version "1.7.X" or a newer version you are ready to go. If not, install Java 7 or a newer verion.

2. Set your Google Apps domain configuration

Follow the steps in the Google Apps domain configuration guide to configure your domain to work with this API.

3. Start the RESTful API service

Move the and the p12 file (created in the previoius step) to the bin/ folder.

In the terminal, run:

java -jar appsProvisioning-0.0.1.jar -rest -port 8080

This will start the RESTful API service on port 8080. If you already have a server running on port 8080, change it to another port, e.g. 8888.

4. Open a demo

Awesome! You can now start getting usernames suggestions and creating Google Apps accounts in your domain.

See the Note below if you used a different port from 8080

Open any of the index.html demos under the demos/ folder:

Demo Sample
Each user selects and creates their own account
self account provisioning demo
All accounts are created in bulk
bulk account provisioning demo
All accounts are created in bulk from a CSV input
csv demo

Note: If you used a different port from 8080, open first the JavaScript .js file inside the demo folder and update

var API_HOST = 'http://localhost:8080';

to point to the right port. For example:

var API_HOST = 'http://localhost:8888';

Both demos will initially show the configuration parameters that are relevant to the client. For example:

demo info

This screen will disappear after a couple of seconds.

You can change these parameters in the file and use this screen to verify the current configuration. Follow the next step to see how.

A quick way of testing your server is by invoking the suggest method via the GET service <a href="http://localhost:8080/rest/suggest?firstname=john&lastname=smith"target="_blank">http://localhost:8080/rest/suggest?firstname=john&lastname=smith

5. Play with the configuration

Now that you have the demos up and running is a great time to learn how usernames are generated.

  1. Open the file and look for the accounts.UsernameGeneration.patterns property.
  2. Replace its value with the following one:

Now kill the Java process (Ctrl+C or Cmd+C) in the terminal and start the RESTful API service again (step 3). This will load the new patterns configuration, which will result in different usernames being generated.

Open the self-provisioning-demo\index.html demo and notice how the generated usernames are now different. They now follow the new patterns set in the config file. The configuration section explains how to patterns work.

Next, you can try changing other accounts.UsernameGeneration properties. For example, updating the following properties:



This will result in:

  • 5 usernames being suggested (instead of 3)
  • usernames will expire after 10 seconds (instead of in 2 minutes)

Next steps

  • To learn more about other configuration properties (e.g. how to enable SSL in your server), take a look at the Configuration properties section.
  • To start changing the client side code, take a look at the API overview section.
  • To modify the server code side, take a look at the Contributing section.
  • If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the forum!


System overview

This API is developed in Java and can be invoked from any language and platform that can do REST API calls. The username cache is an H2 database, so you will see a usernames(*).mv.db file when running the API.

use cases diagram

Only usernames are cached, no names or other user's data is ever stored. The H2 Console Application can be used to inspect the cache.

The cache can be disabled with the cachedUsernames property. When disabled it will do Admin SDK API calls. When enabled, the cache will refresh periodically (see the cacheExpirationHours property).

API overview and sample code

suggest method

Description: Method that suggests available usernames in a domain. Uses the configuration file (see configuration) to determine:

Note: All suggested usernames will remain locked until they expire (see suggestedUsernamesTimeout) or the select method is called.

| REST API | Java API | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------- Method | rest/suggest | apps.provisioning.server.account.UsernameManager.suggest Parameters | JSON map with the following fields:

  • firstname the user's first name
  • lastname the user's last name
The JSON map might include customizable fields. For example:
  • secondLastname
  • nickname
| userData: A java.util.HashMap<String, String>with the following fields:
  • firstname the user's first name
  • lastname the user's last name
The HashMap might include customizable fields. For example:
  • secondLastname
  • nickname
Returns | In case of success, it returns a JSON serialized array with username suggestions, in case of error it returns a JSON serialized map with the "errorMessage" index explaining the error. | A java.util.ArrayList<String> of suggestions. Throws an Exception in case of an error.

Sample code for suggest

var url = 'http://localhost:8080/rest/suggest';
var parameters = '{' +
    '"firstname": "Carlos",' +
    '"lastname": "Alvarez",' +
    '"secondLastname": "Martinez"' +
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
};'POST', url, true);
Java API
HashMap<String, String> userData = new HashMap<String, String>();
userData.put("firstname", "Carlos");
userData.put("lastname", "Álvarez");
userData.put("secondLastname", "Martinez");

ProvisioningApp provisioningApp = ProvisioningApp.getInstance();
UsernameManager usernameManager = provisioningApp.getUsernameManager();
ArrayList<String> suggestions = usernameManager.suggest(userData);




The following (see configuration) was used for this example:

patterns = [firstname].[lastname], [firstname][lastname], [C1_firstname].[lastname]_[secondLastname]
numberOfSuggestions = 3

select method

Description: Selects the given username from the given suggestions. This will unlock all the suggestions, except the selected one (if any).

| REST API | Java API | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------- Method | rest/select | Parameters | JSON map with the following fields:

  • username the selected username
  • suggestions a list of suggestions
  • suggestions an ArrayList<String> of suggested usernames
  • selectedUsername the selected username
Returns | In case of success, it returns a JSON serialized array with username suggestions, in case of error it returns a JSON serialized map with the "errorMessage" index explaining the error. | void
Throws an Exception if an error occurs.

Sample code for select

var url = 'http://localhost:8080/rest/select';
var parameters = '{"username":"carlos.alvarez", "suggestions":["carlos.alvarez","carlosalvarez","c.alvarez"]}';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
};'POST', url, true);


{"message":"User selected successfully."}
Java API
String selectedUsername = "carlos.alvarez";
ArrayList<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<String>();

ProvisioningApp provisioningApp = ProvisioningApp.getInstance();
UsernameManager usernameManager = provisioningApp.getUsernameManager();, selectedUsername);

create method

Description: Creates a Google Apps account in the provided Google Apps Domain (see domain).

| REST API | Java API | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------- Method | rest/create | apps.provisioning.server.account.UsernameManager.create Parameters | JSON map with the following fields:

  • username account's username
  • firstname user's first name
  • lastname user's last name
  • password account's password
  • username account's username
  • firstname user's first name
  • lastname user's last name
  • password account's password
Returns | In case of success, it returns a JSON serialized array with username suggestions, in case of error it returns a JSON serialized map with the "errorMessage" index explaining the error. | void
Throws an Exception if an error occurs.

Username and password fields must comply with the [Google Apps Name and password guidelines] (

Sample code for create

var url = 'http://localhost:8080/rest/create';
var parameters = '{"username":"carlos.alvarez", "firstname":"Carlos", "lastname":"Alvarez", "password":"12345678"}';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
};'POST', url, true);


{"message":"User created successfully."}
Java API
String username = "carlos.alvarez";
String firstname = "Carlos";
String lastname = "Alvarez";
String password = "12345678";

ProvisioningApp provisioningApp = ProvisioningApp.getInstance();
UsernameManager usernameManager = provisioningApp.getUsernameManager();
usernameManager.create(username, firstname, lastname, password);

API limits

Account provisioning for Google Apps follows the same [AdminSDK Directory API limits] ( Each call to create, select and suggest consumes a different number of Directory API calls:

Configuration properties

The configuration is set in the file. Configuration properties are divided in four categories:

  1. Username generation properties: use the property prefix accounts.UsernameGeneration.
  2. Google API properties: use the property prefix apis.GoogleAPIs.
  3. Cache location properties: use the property prefix db.h2.
  4. SSL properties: use the property prefix security.ssl.

Username generation properties


Description: A username cache can be used to check if a username already exists. This prevents reaching AdminSDK API calls/day limit. If cachedUsernames is set to YES username availability will be checked against the cache. If set to NO it will be checked against the Google Directory (using a Directory API call).

Possible values: YES and NO


Description: Defines the expiration time in hours of the usernames cache. After expiration, the application refreshes the username cache. For reference, refreshing an account with 1 million users takes approximately 35 minutes.

Possible values: Integers larger or equal to 1

Default: 24


Description: The number of username suggestions to be returned for each call to suggest.

Possible values: Integer between 1 and 10 (inclusive)

Default: 3


Description: The amount of time (in seconds) that suggested usernames will remain locked (unavailable to another client).

Possible values: Integer greater than 0.

Default: 120 (2 minutes)


Description: A pattern is something that looks like [firstname][lastname]. This pattern indicates the API that we want to generate a username with "the firstname followed by the lastname". Now, if that username happens to be taken the API will need another pattern. Therefore, a list of multiple patterns is recommended. For example:


This will first try to generate a username with "the firstname followed by the lastname" if that is taken then it will try to generate a username with "the lastname followed by the firstname".

So far so good?

Great. Now, say we want to generate a username with "the nickname followed by the lastname" of a person. We'd simply do:


What's [nickname] you might ask?

Well, nickname is a field that should be passed to the suggest method. For example:

var parameters = '{' +
    '"firstname": "Jonathan",' +
    '"lastname": "Bravo",' +
    '"nickname": "Jonny"' +

This will generate the username jonnybravo.


  • It is not mandatory to pass nickname (or any custom field) for all users. If nickname is not provided for a user the API will skip that pattern and move on to the next one.
  • firstname and lastname are mandatory. Even if the pattern doesn't make use of them.

Taking the first char(acters) of a field

Now say that for someone named John Smith we'd like to generate a username jsmith. We'd do it with the following pattern:


C1 indicates that the API should take the first character of firstname. If we'd like to take the first two characters then we'd do:


This same method applies for custom fields. For example, if we wanted to split the first character of the nickname we'd do:


Adding a counter to a pattern

Now, say we have so many people named "John Smith" in a school district that we ran out of patterns. We could then define a pattern that adds a number at the end of the username:


[#] indicates that a number will be added to the username. For example: johnsmith3. This numeric value will start at 1 and continue adding until a username is available.

Note: The use of [#] should be the last resort as this counter can become hard to remember, e.g. johnsmith3816. A list of multiple patterns without [#] is encouraged before using a pattern with [#].

Adding separators to usernames

A common practice is to separate usernames with a period (.), an underscore (_) or a dash (-). These separators can be added to patterns. Example:


would generate the username john.smith

Adding a string to a pattern

Same as the separators, it is possible to add a static string to username suggestions. For example, the pattern:


would generate the username smith_nyc

What if the API runs out of patterns?

The following pattern is used as the last resort:


patterns example

Given the following user data map, customFields and patterns: ```json { "firstname": "Carlos", "lastname": "Álvarez", "region": "CA", "group": "5A" } ```
patterns = [firstname].[lastname], [C1_firstname].[lastname], [firstname][lastname]_[region], [firstname][lastname]_[group], [lastname]_nyc, [firstname][lastname][#]

Then consecutive calls to the suggest method will return (in that order):

Generated username Used pattern
carlos.alvarez [firstname].[lastname]
c.alvarez [C1_firstname].[lastname]
carlosalvarez_mx [firstname][lastname]_[region]
carlosalvarez_5A [firstname][lastname]_[group]
alvarez_nyc [lastname]_nyc
carlosalvarez1 [firstname][lastname][#]
carlosalvarez2 [firstname][lastname][#]
carlosalvarez3 [firstname][lastname][#]
... [firstname][lastname][#]


  • Special characters (e.g accents) are removed
  • All text gets converted to lowercase
  • Using a [#] will ignore the following patterns (as it will continue increasing the counter)

Google API properties

Follow the steps in the Google Apps domain configuration guide to configure these properties.


Description: The Google Apps domain



Description: Admin user who created the project in the Google Developer Console.

Example: [email protected]


Description: Path to the file that stores the Google private key. Can be generated following the steps in:

Example: apis.GoogleAPIs.keyPath=./service_account_key.p12


Description: Internal user for server side applications. Can be generated following the steps in:

Note: You should enable API scopes in the Google Admin Console. This scopes can be registered following the steps in:

The following scope to the service account should be added:



Description: This value is the project name in the Google Developer Console. Can be obtained following the steps in:

Example: apis.GoogleAPIs.appName=My project

Cache location properties

Description: The name of the H2 database .mv.db file.

Default: usernames


Description: The path where the H2 database (.mv.db file) will be created.

Default: ./

SSL properties


Description: Enables HTTPS support over SSL.

Possible values: YES and NO

Default: NO


Description: The path where the KeyStore (jks file) is located. This can be generated executing:

keytool -genkey -alias sitename -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048


Description: The KeyStore password. Password provided when the jks file was generated.


Description: Commonly the same as keyStorePassword. Can be different if it is not a self-generated certificate.



Build steps

To generate a appsProvisioning-0.0.1.jar file under ./target:

From bash

From the project's root folder, run:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

From Eclipse

  1. Right click on the project
  2. Run As > Maven build...
  • Under Goals: use clean install
  • Check the Skip test checkbox

Note: Tests create and remove Google Apps accounts in a test domain. Therefore, they are discouraged unless you plan to submit a change that affects those tests.


If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the forum!


This API logs the number of calls to suggest, create and select per Google Apps domain. No other information is ever collected. This helps us justify adding more resources and support to this API.


Account provisioning for Google Apps is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in the LICENSE file.

This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.



A good starting point to look at the Java code is

you can navigate through each of the methods: suggest, select and create.

account-provisioning-for-google-apps's People


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 avatar Alexandre Jacquet avatar Eduardo avatar James Cloos avatar  avatar Hugo Epinosa avatar Andre Tavares avatar Matthew Gale avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar E Kramer avatar  avatar  avatar

account-provisioning-for-google-apps's Issues

Security Policy violation Binary Artifacts

This issue was automatically created by Allstar.

Security Policy Violation
Project is out of compliance with Binary Artifacts policy: binaries present in source code

Rule Description
Binary Artifacts are an increased security risk in your repository. Binary artifacts cannot be reviewed, allowing the introduction of possibly obsolete or maliciously subverted executables. For more information see the Security Scorecards Documentation for Binary Artifacts.

Remediation Steps
To remediate, remove the generated executable artifacts from the repository.

Artifacts Found

  • bin/appsProvisioning-0.0.1.jar

Additional Information
This policy is drawn from Security Scorecards, which is a tool that scores a project's adherence to security best practices. You may wish to run a Scorecards scan directly on this repository for more details.

Allstar has been installed on all Google managed GitHub orgs. Policies are gradually being rolled out and enforced by the GOSST and OSPO teams. Learn more at http://go/allstar

This issue will auto resolve when the policy is in compliance.

Issue created by Allstar. See for more information. For questions specific to the repository, please contact the owner or maintainer.

Adding a delete option

It will be useful, if one is using the application in a "test mode". By using delete one can delete the users they created in the previous "test" run.

Sql injection

The suggestGet method in the accepts the parameters in the request and puts them into "userDataMap".
Finally, participated in the database interaction in the executeQuery() method in
An attacker can perform a SQL injection attack by constructing malicious parameters -- "lastanme" and "firstname".

aemzbi suite of apps

Here’s a Bash script to automate the setup and deployment of the Aenzbi suite of apps on Google Cloud and Firebase. Ensure you have the Google Cloud SDK and Firebase CLI installed and authenticated on your machine.

Automated Bash Script



APPS=("pos" "accounting" "crm" "games" "media" "dashboard")
FIREBASE_INIT_FILES=("web" "ios" "android")

Step 1: Create Google Cloud Project

echo "Creating Google Cloud Project: $PROJECT_ID..."
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --set-as-default
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Step 2: Enable Required APIs

echo "Enabling Google Cloud APIs..."
for SERVICE in "${GCP_SERVICES[@]}"; do
echo "Enabling $SERVICE..."
gcloud services enable $SERVICE

Step 3: Initialize Firebase Project

echo "Initializing Firebase project..."
firebase projects:create $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID
firebase use --add $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID

Step 4: Setup Firestore

echo "Setting up Firestore in Native mode..."
gcloud firestore databases create --region=$REGION

Step 5: Create Firebase Apps for each platform

for APP in "${APPS[@]}"; do
echo "Creating Firebase apps for $APP..."
firebase apps:create $PLATFORM --display-name "$APP-$PLATFORM" --project $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID

Step 6: Deploy Firebase Hosting

echo "Setting up Firebase Hosting for web apps..."
for APP in "${APPS[@]}"; do
echo "Deploying Hosting for $APP..."
mkdir -p "$APP-web"
cd "$APP-web"
firebase init hosting --project $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID
echo "<title>$APP</title>

Welcome to $APP!

" > index.html
firebase deploy --only hosting
cd ..

Step 7: Set Up Cloud Functions

echo "Setting up Cloud Functions..."
mkdir -p "cloud-functions"
cd "cloud-functions"
firebase init functions --project $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID
npm install
cat < functions/index.js
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
res.send("Hello from Firebase Cloud Functions!");
firebase deploy --only functions
cd ..

Step 8: Set Up Cloud Storage Buckets

echo "Setting up Cloud Storage Buckets..."
for APP in "${APPS[@]}"; do
echo "Creating bucket $BUCKET_NAME..."
gcloud storage buckets create $BUCKET_NAME --location=$REGION

Step 9: Set Up Analytics

echo "Setting up Google Analytics..."
firebase analytics:enable

Step 10: Summary

echo "---------------------------------------------"
echo "Aenzbi Suite of Apps Setup Complete!"
echo "Project ID: $PROJECT_ID"
echo "Firebase Project ID: $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID"
echo "Region: $REGION"
echo "Apps deployed: ${APPS[@]}"
echo "---------------------------------------------"

How to Use

  1. Prerequisites:

Install Google Cloud SDK.

Install Firebase CLI.


gcloud auth login
firebase login

  1. Save Script: Save the script as

  2. Make Script Executable:

chmod +x

  1. Run Script:


What It Does

  1. Creates a Google Cloud project.

  2. Enables necessary APIs.

  3. Initializes Firebase and sets up Firestore in Native mode.

  4. Creates Firebase apps for POS, Accounting, CRM, Games, Media, and Dashboard.

  5. Sets up Firebase Hosting for each app with a basic webpage.

  6. Deploys a sample Cloud Function.

  7. Configures separate Cloud Storage buckets for each app.

  8. Enables Google Analytics.

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