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dev-on-chromeos-che's Introduction

Eclipse Che for remote ChromeOS development


This is not an official Google product, this is just a way I found to get stuff done.



  • A server that can run docker


  • A VPN connection to that server - see the opvnvpn image (TODO(Andrew) Add link)
  • A private IP address only visible on the server

Seting up the private IP address

  • Populate the IP address you want in 99-dev-server-ip.cfg, replacing with your chosen IP address.
  • cp 99-dev-server-ip.cfg /etc/network/interfaces.d/99-dev-server-ip.cfg



docker-compose run che start

Docker development in che

If you want to give your che workspaces the ability to run docker commands (say, for instance that you're developing docker images) then add edit chedata/instance/config/, by replacing




The run

docker-compose run che restart

Upgrading to the newest version of Che

Edit docker-compose.yml to pick the version of Che you wish (alternatively you can just remove the version number and always use the latest).

Then run

docker pull eclipse/che
docker-compose run che upgrade

dev-on-chromeos-che's People


asacamano avatar


Zigao Wang avatar Doruk Sarp Aydın avatar Kai Devrim avatar Gábor Mihálcz avatar Joshua Briefman avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar  avatar

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