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dtracestackstopprof's Introduction


This is a tool used to convert performance profiles collected from DTrace to pprof, enabling graphical representation of the frequency of occuring stacks.

Getting started

First clone the repo,

$ git clone

The tool requires Go, which can be downloaded at the Go homepage

dtraceStacksToPprof can be installed to the GOPATH using

go install

or run directly in the repo using

go run main.go

How to use

The converter supports stack output produced by DTrace, in the following pseudo BNF syntax:

  <input> ::= <prologue> <stacks>
  <prologue> = { JUNK_LINE }
  <stacks> ::= { <stack> }
  <stack> ::= STACK_HEADER <frames> COUNT
  <frames> ::= { <frame> }
  <frame> ::= HEX_ADDRESS | FUNCTION
  JUNK_LINE ::= (string not matching STACK_HEADER)
  STACK_HEADER ::= ^\s*[\S\s]+\s*:$  (a sentence ending with a colon, optionally
                                      surrounded by white space)
  COUNT ::= ^\s*[0-9]+\s*$  (a sole decimal digit, optionally surrounded by
                             white space)
  HEX_ADDRESS ::= ^\s*0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\s*$ (a hexadecimal address, optionally
                                          surrounded by white space)
  FUNCTION ::= ^\s*[\S]+`.*\+?\S*$ (non-whitespace, backtick, non-whitespace,
                                    followed by an optional plus sign and
                                    optional non-whitespace after, all
                                    optionally surrounded by white space)

It's designed to take the output of dtrace scripts like the following:

#!/bin/dtrace -s
syscall:::entry {
  @aggr["Label:", ustack()] = count();
tick-1s {

The dtraceStacksToPprof tool reads text from stdin and produces a pprof protobuf. To produce a pprof directly from dtrace, simply pipe dtrace's output into dtraceStacksToPprof like

$ sudo dtrace -s <script name> -p <target pid> | dtraceStacksToPprof

or store to an intermediate text file and then convert.

$ dtraceStacksToPprof < <intermediate file>

The tool writes to profile.pb.gz by default, but the output file name can be customized via the --output command line flag:

$ dtraceStacksToPprof --output InterestingBehavior.pb.gz < <intermediate file>


This is not an officially supported Google product.

dtracestackstopprof's People


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