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"DV360 Duplicator" is a custom DV360 solution that allows to duplicate existing marketing campaigns and adjust their settings in Google Sheets.

License: Apache License 2.0

JavaScript 2.13% TypeScript 97.87%
api csv dv360

dv360-duplicator's Introduction

DV360 Duplicator: Copy/Replicate DV360 Campaigns Easy

Code Style: Google GitHub License

Tired of manually replicating DV360 campaigns? DV360 Duplicator automates the process, saving you time and effort while working around DV360 API limitations. Get Started Now.

"DV360 Duplicator" is a custom DV360 solution that allows to duplicate existing marketing campaigns and adjust their settings in Google Sheets. Our solution is based on Apps Script (we use TypeScript), DV360 API, and Structured Data Files.

Note: Currently DV360 API (v2) support's only a limited number of operations on the YouTube campaigns. Especially you can e.g. list them, but you cannot create or modify those YouTube entities. That's why our solution uses Structured Data Files instead.

(!) Prerequisite: In order to use this solution you need a Google Cloud Project with enabled DV360 API.


  • Bulk duplicate campaigns and line items
  • Customize targeting, dates, and budgets in one Sheet
  • Workaround API limitations for YouTube ad replication


Below you will find information on:

  • How to install DV360 Duplicator
  • How to copy your DV360 campaigns fast

How to install DV360 Duplicator


Step 1: Prepare your Google Cloud project:

  1. Select existing GCP project or create a new one (you can find help here ) and enable DV360 API on that project.
  2. Configure OAuth consent (if you haven't done before for this project)

Step 2: Copy this spreadsheet.

Step 3: Connect your Google Cloud project to the copied Sheet (actually to the Apps Script project):

  1. Determine the number of your Cloud project. This should be only digits.
  2. In the copied spreadsheet open Apps Script from menu "Extensions > Apps Script" and then switch the project, by pasting your project number to the "GCP project number" field

Step 4: Install. Now you can go back to the sheet and install the solution by selecting menu "DV360 Duplicator > Install" and authorizing all required script permissions.

Note: Sometimes you need to reload the newly copied spreadsheet to view the menu.

How to use DV360 Duplicator



This is not an official Google product.

dv360-duplicator's People


akushnarov avatar qbit-42 avatar


 avatar Zigao Wang avatar Martin Yuan avatar  avatar Akshay Menon avatar  avatar Matthew Daniels avatar  avatar robert mooney avatar Doruk Sarp Aydın avatar Christopher Hall avatar  avatar CrimsonQueen avatar  avatar Shabbir Hasan avatar Güven Karabulut avatar Martin Thuo avatar Rupak Sapkota avatar  avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar Jörg Hösel avatar robert mooney avatar  avatar



dv360-duplicator's Issues

Error creating Drive file

The downloadGeneratedSDFAsZIP() function returns an error when trying to create the ZIP file in Google Drive:

ERROR: We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again.

Dv360 v2 API deprecated

V2 is currently marked as sunset. Can you update the repo to change the Dv360 API client to v3?

Preferably overridable through the Config object

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