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dynamicworld's Introduction

Dynamic World Model Runner


Model files and example notebook for Dynamic World, see [PUBLICATION DOI PENDING REVIEW].

This is not an officially supported Google product.

  • TensorFlow SavedModels for the forward and backward path can be found in ./model/forward and ./model/backward respectively.
  • ./single_image_runner.ipynb gives a step-by-step guide to making predictions with the Dynamic World models.

See the image below for the model block diagram. For Dynamic World, m = 1.5 and b = 2.

Dynamic World neural network architecture

dynamicworld's People


Çağrı Karaman avatar smaniches avatar Hannah avatar Krish Halder avatar Joshua Paul Verdin  avatar D.P avatar Majid Hojati avatar Leo Helling avatar Zigao Wang avatar Edberto Moura Lima avatar Stefano Puliti avatar Philipe Borba avatar Fubin Zhang avatar  avatar Rajeswari Rama Kamala Parasa avatar wildflowers315 avatar Milver Valenzuela avatar XiaoleiQin avatar Alexander Severinsen avatar Yuxiang Zhang avatar peter.zhou avatar Leopold avatar Erdong avatar ruiduobao avatar yudeqiang avatar Marcelo Maia avatar Yerson Pérez avatar Jenna avatar Rudolfo Félix avatar Miguel Moncada Isla avatar  avatar Lisa Malani avatar true o false avatar Matt Amos avatar Franziska Wegner avatar Biel Stela avatar Taylor Denouden avatar Robin Cole avatar  avatar @MosongJrn avatar Pete Davis avatar Mitchell T Bonney avatar Jesse avatar  avatar Mohammed El Amin Larabi avatar Doruk Sarp Aydın avatar  avatar Júlio Mühlbauer avatar  avatar Davido avatar cmy0k avatar Andrei Speridião avatar Sandro Groth avatar Florian avatar Zhiwei Li avatar  avatar  avatar Lorenzo Stucchi avatar Mustafa Kemal Emil avatar Sharan Pai avatar Nikolina Mileva avatar JuneXie avatar Cristhian avatar  avatar Felipe Sodré M. Barros avatar Kaiser Roy avatar Vítor Sousa avatar XuJZ avatar lepi avatar Ștefan Istrate avatar  avatar Marc G avatar  avatar  avatar Shahab avatar Ahmet Kerem Aksoy avatar  avatar YQ avatar 爱可可-爱生活 avatar Dmitry Kulikov avatar  avatar Benjamin Franklin avatar Vinicius avatar  avatar Eduardo avatar Alex Rigler avatar  avatar David Dao avatar Cameron Roberts avatar Gang He avatar Tom Burgert avatar  avatar François Lemmens avatar  avatar haoming avatar CodeMonkey avatar  avatar  avatar Michał Kułaczkowski avatar Marvin Gabler avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar Christopher Brown avatar Eduardo avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Joshua Paul Verdin  avatar

dynamicworld's Issues

Download the dataset

Could I ask how to download the dynamicworld dataset and the related Sentinel-2 dataset?

How to get the input and output layer names of each layer?

May I get the input and output layer names of each layer in the model? I want to use tf.keras.models.load_model to change SavedModel into Keras. However, something's wrong. It mentions that Unable to restore a layer of class SlicingOpLambda. Layers of class SlicingOpLambda require that the class be provided to the model loading code, either by registering the class using @keras.utils.register_keras_serializable on the class def and including that file in your program, or by passing the class in a keras.utils.CustomObjectScope that wraps this load call. OR are there any other solutions?

UX with To-From dates is confusing

When viewing a before and after situation the user is presented with two sets of start dates and end dates on each side of the draggable-line. It's confusing because you think there would be a start date on the left, and an end date on the right.


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