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Implementation for CVPR 2023 paper (best paper honorable mention)
DynIBaR: Neural Dynamic Image-Based Rendering, CVPR 2023
Zhengqi Li1, Qianqian Wang1,2, Forrester Cole1, Richard Tucker1, Noah Snavely1
1Google Research, 2Cornell Tech, Cornell University
The following codebase was successfully run with Python 3.8 and CUDA 11.3. We suggest installing the library in a virtual environment such as Anaconda.
To install required libraries, run:
conda env create -f enviornment_dynibar.yml
To install softmax splatting for preprocessing, clone and install the library from here.
To measure LPIPS, copy "models" folder from NSFF, and put it in the code root directory.
We include pretrained checkpoints that can be accessed by running:
put the unzipped "checkpoints" folder in the code root directory.
Each scene in the Nvidia dataset can be accessed here
The input data directory should similar to the following format: xxx/nvidia_long_release/Balloon1
Run the following command for each scene to obtain reported quantitative results:
# Usage: In txt file, You need to change "rootdir" to your code root directory,
# and "folder_path" to input data directory, and make sure "coarse_dir" points to
# "checkpoints" folder you unzip.
python --config configs_nvidia/eval_balloon1_long.txt
Note: It will take ~8 hours to evaluate each scene with 4x Nvidia A100 GPUs.
We provide a template input data for the NSFF example video, which can be downloaded here
The input data directory should be in the following format: xxx/release/kid-running/dense/***
For your own video, you need to include the following folders to run training.
disp: disparity maps from dynamic-cvd. Note that you need to run to save the disparity and camera parameters to the disk.
images_wxh: resized images at resolution w x h.
poses_bounds_cvd.npy: camera parameters of input video in LLFF format.
You can generate the above three items with the following script:
# Usage: data_dir is input video directory path, # cvd_dir is saved depth directory resulting from running # "" at python \ --data_dir xxx/release/kid-running \ --cvd_dir xxx/kid-running_scene_flow_motion_field_epoch_20/epoch0020_test
source_virtual_views_wxh: virtual source views used to improve training stability and rendering quality (used in monocular video only). Running the following script to obtain them:
# Usage: data_dir is input video directory path, # cvd_dir is saved depth direcotry resulting from running # "" at python \ --data_dir xxx/release/kid-running \ --cvd_dir xxx/kid-running_scene_flow_motion_field_epoch_20/epoch0020_test
flow_i1, flow_i2, flow_i3: estimated optical flows within temporal window of length 3. You can follow prior NSFF script to run optical flows between the frame i and its nearby frames i+1, i+2, i+3, and save them in folders "flow_i1", "flow_i2", "flow_i3" respectively. For example, 00000_fwd.npz in folder "flow_i1" stores forward flow and valid mask from frame 0 to frame 1, and 00000_bwd.npz stores backward flow and valid mask from frame 1 to frame 0.
static_masks, dynamic_masks: motion masks indicating which region is stationary or moving. You can perform morphological dilation and erosion operations respectively to ensure static_masks sufficeintly cover the regions of moving objects, and the regions from dynamic_masks are within the true regions of moving objects. (Note: due to dependency reason, we don't release code to generate the masks. Instead you could use script from NSFF to generate coarse masks for your usage)
# Usage: config is config txt file for training video # make sure "rootdir" is your code root directory, # "folder_path" is your input data directory path, # "train_scenes" is your folder name. # For example, if data is in xxx/release/kid-running/dense/, then "train_scenes" is # "xxx/release/", "train_scenes" is "kid-running" python \ --config configs/train_kid-running.txt
Hyperparameters in config txt file you might need to know for training a good model on in-the-wild videos
- rootdir: code root directory, should be in format: YOUR_PATH/dynibar
- folder_path: data root directory,
- N_rand: number of random samples at each iterations. Try to set it as large as possible, typically > 3000 gives good results
- init_decay_epoch: number of epochs to linaerly decay the data-driven depth and optical flow losses. Modify this such that num_video_frames * init_decay_epoch = 30~40K
- max_range, num_source_views: max_range indicates maximum search frame ranges to select source views for static model. num_source_views*2 is number of source views used for static model.
The tensorboard includes rendering visualization as shown below.
# Usage: config is config txt file for training video, # please make sure expname in txt is the saved folder name in 'out' directory python \ --config configs/test_kid-running.txt
For any questions related to our paper and implementation, please send email to [email protected].
@InProceedings{Li_2023_CVPR, author = {Li, Zhengqi and Wang, Qianqian and Cole, Forrester and Tucker, Richard and Snavely, Noah}, title = {DynIBaR: Neural Dynamic Image-Based Rendering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, month = {June}, year = {2023}, pages = {4273-4284} }
dynibar's People
muskcookie paperwave larsplougthomsen teamchong larisposta4 erjihaoshi liuguoyou ctankep peterzs phongnhhn92 jackzhousz hadryan zhangwei2811 xianpeng919 deyh2020 bro-pro wez234 meng-f21 zhangweiprivate bruinxiong albly louhz buesma freemang miyatat ctouch namanxkumar zzc171582281 rachmadionl lutznw walkermachine byronic-azure kl-2 otonoco zhousteven anchor1021 hemanoid yz-cnsdqz elenaviewsynthesis imnotprepareddynibar's Issues
Question about how to modify the default GPU
Thanks for your great work! In your code, I found that the default GPU number is zero:
`RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 336.00 MiB (GPU 0; 31.75 GiB total capacity; 1.91 GiB already allocated; 212.00 MiB free; 2.14 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF.I attempted to modify -- local_ rank parameter and list (range (torch. cuda. device_count())) and reported an error:
RuntimeError: module must have its parameters and buffers on device cuda:0 (device_ids[0]) but found one of them on device: cuda:1Where else do I need to modify to change the default GPU0 to GPU1 or GPU2, GPU [1,2]?Thanks
How to make slow motion or stereo video ?
Very impressive demo.
I am not sure to understand how it works. Is the code actually released can be used to make slow motion or stereo video as seen in the demo ?
Accelerating the training process
I wonder if it is possible to accelerate the training by introducing the cloud point as the Gaussian prior to this model.
Questions about workstations used for this model
First of all, thank you for your great work!
I've been studying NeRF recently and planning to set up my workstation to research NeRF.
So if possible, I would like you to share the information about your workstation's hardware spec that you used during this study.
(CPU, RAM capacity, Wattage of power supply unit if possible, etc.)It will be a great help to me.
Not very sure, but I found through the paper that you used 8 Nvidia A100s to train the model.
Thank you again!
When will the code be released?
Nice work,but when will the code be released?
Question: Can you share me your checkpoints?
thanks for your great work!
I try to train it but without enough GPUs, so I hope that you can share the checkpoints (such as the video of skateboarding). My e-mail [email protected].
Thanks again!Why fine sampling not performed for Monocular video?
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
KID-running dataset doesn't train fine model in dynibarMonocular training. Are there any additional considerations for not doing fine sampling?
May I ask whether you have tried the fine sampling of kid-running, and whether the rendering quality will be improved?
I want to use the coarse to fine strategy training on monocular video taken by my mobile phone. Do you think it is reasonable?Looking forward to your reply very much,Thank you.
The code is incomplete.
- For the nvidia dataset, there is no training script.
- For monocular datasets, no full data and no segmentation code.
Clarifications on various masks
Hi, thanks a lot for open-sourcing the code for this great work. I went through the shared data and found there are several types of masks. May I know whether you mind elaborating more on them? Specifically:
: used
. My guess is that this is the mask from multiview processing, following the procedure described in NSFF's supplementary. Is this correct? -
: used
. Is this the mask computed by the motion segmentation module in Sec. 3.3 in the paper? I guess it is provided for reproducibility purposes since the segmentation module is not released as discussed in #9 . Is this correct?a. What is related is
is used for feeding masked RGB tofeature_net_fine
(see here). However, I searched the code repo,feature_net_fine
is only used
and it is never called during training. Is this intentional or do I miss something? -
: they are used in the dataloader for motion_mask and static_mask. They are then used for training loss as in dynamic_rgb_loss and static_rgb_loss. I am confused by this due to the following:a. For the kid-running example, it seems like the
are not complementary (even taking erosion into account). Namely, combining the two masks cannot produce a white mask. May I know how you obtain these two?b. Based on the paper's Eq. 7 and #9, it seems like ideally, the mask should come from the motion segmentation module. May I know whether the provided
in the NVIDIA Dynamic Dataset is for approximation purposes? If so, what tools do you use to obtain them? Actually, I am confused about why we need these two ifcoarse_masks
have already been provided.c. Actually, from Eq. 7, I guess we only need one mask, either static or dynamic. Any specific reasons why we need the other separate mask?
Related to the 3 above, to obtain consistent depth estimation, we need to run
. For this, we need to provide a mask. May I know which mask DynIBaR uses to obtain the disparity, e.g., coarse mask, dynamic mask, etc?
Thanks a lot for your time in advance and congrats again on this great work.
Dynamic-cvd dependency problem.
Hi, thanks for sharing a great work!
I'm testing DAVIS dataset videos for your work, which requires refined disparity maps from dynamic-cvd, which happens to be failing a lot for my case. I used COLMAP for camera calibration with masking dynamic object, and followed DAVIS preprocessing steps as described in dynamic-cvd repo. These are some of the results:
Can you share detailed preprocessing steps for data preparation Did you also experience failure like those? Or did you have any configuration changed from dynamic-cvd repo?
(p.s.) Also want to ask: did you run ORBSLAM2->COLMAP pose refinement step as depicted in dynamic-cvd?
HyperNeRF vrig datasets
Dear Author, I have a question to ask you for help: how do I get a Hyper-vrig dataset to run on NSFF? I went to check the Hypernerf's paper description, but I wasn't able to run it successfully because my coding skills are not very good. I wonder if you can help me with this, much appreciated.
Here are some of my previous operations (I used COLMAP to get the dense folder of Hyper-vrig, but I couldn't train and evaluate it due to the lack of three data as shown in the figure. Or, I'm doing it wrong. I hope very much that you can help me a bit. (Looking forward to your reply)
video result
For the video results on the project page. Are they all generated by the method? I feel like some are mixture of ground-truth and novel views. If it is the case, from a research perspective it would be better to place some marker on the frames that are generated so people can figure out what works well and what doesn't.
Just a suggestion. Thanks for your great work.
The depths in the NVIDIA-long-release dataset
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
The depths in the NVIDIA-long-release dataset from dynamic-cvd?
Thank you very much.
Question about the data preprocess
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
I am trying to use other data from DAVIS. But the source virtual view created by is bad.
This is the original image.
This is the virtual view image.
But I think the model reconstructed by colmap is good enough.
I wonder if there is some mismatch between colmap output and dynamic-video-depth. Or could you please give me a pair of input and output for colmap and dynamic-video-depth to help me find out my mistake.
Thank you a lot!
How the DynIBar can handle long term videos?
I have a question about the DynIBar.
Q1. According to the paper, DynIBar can render long sequences thanks to the IBRNet.
I thought IBRNet can have such an ability since it is not dependent on the global spatial coordinates.
Naturally, there's no need to memorize the scene for each position.
However, the architecture from the DynIBaR supplementary shows that both static and dynamic architectures are dependent on global spatial coordinates.
When it's dependent on global spatial coordinates, how the IBRNet can support the long sequence rendering?
I'm quite confused and I hope I can get an answer for this question.Q2. And what is the maximum possible video length that DynIBar can handle? (When eight A100 environment is assumed as in the paper)
Thanks in advance.
About the algorithm model
Hello, I have been paying close attention to your new research, and thank you very much for the help your research has brought me. I have studied the nsff you proposed before and admire your new model DynIBaR for surpassing the nsff. I would like to ask you what is the core reason why DynIBaR can surpass nsff, is this ibrnet idea better than the nsff based on optical flow? If so, why does this ibrnet approach have this effect? Thank you very much for your answer
Question about the motion segmentation module
Thanks for your exciting work!
I went through the released code and did not find the motion segmentation module described in the paper. Would you like to point out this part? It really helps. Looking forward to your reply.Why are 2D optical flows rendered from 3D scene flows using neighbour camera poses?
Thanks for the amazing work!
I am trying to understand how 2D optical flows are rendered from 3D scene flow. Here, I found that to project 3D flows
to 2D, you use the nearest camera posessrc_cameras
. However, if I want to warp the reference view to its nearest frames using optical flow, shouldn'tpts_3d_seq_ref
be projected using the camera pose of the reference view? That would give the 2D displacement of each pixel in the reference to the neighbor camera. What is the reason to render usingsrc_cameras
?Am I misunderstanding what 3D flows describe?
Question about eval code on monocular video
Hi zhengqi. Thanks for your amazing work.
May I ask how to adapt the monocular videos into the eval code? I noticed that I need to set mv_images and mv_masks. Cloud you tell me how to select the mv_images from the original images?
Thank you so much.
Question about camera poses
Thanks for your extraordinary work and the released code.
But I found that, after you transform the camera poses from llff format to nerf format with the following code,poses = np.concatenate( [poses[:, 1:2, :], -poses[:, 0:1, :], poses[:, 2:, :]], 1 )
but you inverse the y and z axis again by the parse_llff_pose function as follows. What is this for?
def parse_llff_pose(pose): """convert llff format pose to 4x4 matrix of intrinsics and extrinsics.""" h, w, f = pose[:3, -1] c2w = pose[:3, :4] c2w_4x4 = np.eye(4) c2w_4x4[:3] = c2w c2w_4x4[:, 1:3] *= -1 intrinsics = np.array( [[f, 0, w / 2.0, 0], [0, f, h / 2.0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]] ) return intrinsics, c2w_4x4
This really confuses me.
Whether dynibar has the ability to render larger time spans in fixed viewing angles?
I noticed that in the girl in green clothes dataset, you render 74 moments from a fixed perspective. I reproduced the experiment and found that the time span in a fixed view was around 70 frames.
I see the quality of the first few frames and the last few frames of the render results is not very good, of course, the further away from the training views, the worse the quality.I would like to ask you if dynibar has any hyperparameters that can be adjusted to render more moments from fixed vies, how to get more than 74 moments when render in a fixed view of the girl in green dress dataset.
Is dynibar unable to render plenty moments images under fixed viewing angles.Some bad results on kid-running case
Hi zhengqi!
I tried to train the kid-running case but get some bad results, the only change is the chunk_size and N_rand to fit my GPU memory.
So I am also working on the problem and want to know if you can release the Kid-running checkpoint, I didn't find it with those links you offered.update-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, I tried to increase the size of the above two parameters. The results seem much better. However, there are still some artifacts in some view.Do you have the same problem in your checkpoints or training process? If not, would you please offer the checkpoints?
Questions about optical flow generation
Hi, as mentioned in README, the
flow_i1, flow_i2, flow_i3
is generated by However, it seems that the script does not provide a parameter to control the window size. To generateflow_i2
which part of the code should we change?The girl in the green dress always has artifacts near her legs
I reproduced the dataset of the girl in green clothes. There are always some artifacts near girl's legs shown in above image. Could you please share your training config file,I used almost the same config file as the kid-running dataset.
I found that there are some artifacts near the legs in your results, but the situation was better than mine. Is it impossible to completely eliminate or alleviate these artifacts?
Question: Parameters for Full HD training
Dear authors,
Thank you for presenting this amazing method!
I want to evaluate this method (and also NSFF) on the full resolution images from the Nvidia dataset. As far as I understand it are the configuration files and pre-trained ckpts for the subsampled images with height=288.I would be very grateful if you could let me know what parameters you used for training to get the maximum performance on the full resolution images
Optionally, do you have an idea how the method behaves if trained on the decreased resolution and then evaluated on the full resolution?Best
MarcelPossible bug in
Hi. Thanks for sharing your great work.
While looking through your training codes, I found a possible bug in which the dynamic RGB loss could have been accidentally doubled during the early training stages (
epoch < init_decay_epoch
).Specifically, the following two blocks; L309-L316 and; L318-L323 are logically equivalent calculations to each other when
epoch < init_decay_epoch
, and perhaps the dynamic RGB loss is accidentally being doubled ifepoch < init_decay_epoch
.Please check. Thanks :)
Epic Kitchens and dynibar
First of all, thanks so much for sharing your outstanding work!
I would love to hear some of your Intuition and thoughts about handling egocentric data:- Do you think the model will fare well with the co-linear motion? This is very much the case in this dataset.
- The dataset contains many frames and is rather long. What is a good approach for frame selection for detail and video length maximization?
- Is a Pinehole camera model good enough for a GoPro? Should I use an open-cv one?
Sorry for the many questions, but I want to avoid as many pitfalls as possible so I can maximize your work capabilities :)
Thanks so much!
Question about the generalization ability
Thanks for your impressive and inspiring work!
In your paper, you mentioned that IBRNet, which your method is based on, can generalize to novel scenes without per-scene optimization. However, it seems that the proposed method requires per-scene optimization to learn the motion and appearance patterns of each scene.
I wonder why there is such a difference between the two methods. Or what is the reason that it cannot be generalized to an unseen scene?
Question about
Thanks a lot for your great work! And I am reading your code and trying to run the render script for the nvidia-long-release dataset.
When I run the
with nvidia-long-release data, here is the result.Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 195, in <module> h, w, fx, fy = final_h, final_w, K[0, 0], K[1, 1] NameError: name 'K' is not defined
I guess there is a mistake with the loop retraction.
Question about how to get a disparity maps
First of all, thank you for your great work and for publishing the code!
I’m trying to experiment with my own data and was wondering how to get the disps.
My understanding is that you need to create checkpoints in before running Did you run using own data and then
Also, can the disparity maps be replaced by the results from MiDas used in Neural Scene Flow Fields?
Thank you again!
sorry for the false issue alarm
How to get an accurate colmap pose?Unable to accurately reproduce the kid-running poses
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
I used colmap to reconstruct the kid-running data poses,But the reconstruction is not as accurate as the poses you released.
It seems that after removing the little boy in yellow clothes, some of the images only contain the ground, and there is no rich texture.
May I ask which colmap version you are using? and can you share your colmap reconstruction parameters with me.Looking forward to your reply very much,Thank you.
How to train NVIDIA-long-release dataset?
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
May I ask whether it is possible to train NVIDIA-long-release., such as balloon1 dataset, directly in the way of DynibarFF model, I notice you didn't open the file for NVIDIA-long-release.
Or if I can train the NVIDIA-long-release dataset in the DynibarMono way after preparing pre-processed files such as disp,masks , flow same as kid-running dataset.Looking forward to your reply very much,Thank you.
How to produce video using render virtual views?
I have run the file and output the virtual views, but dont know how to get video which is similar to paper
How to train a fine model?
Hi, the
in thetrain_kid-running.txt
is set to zero. Is this mean the fine model is disabled at the first time training?
How can we train a fine model from a pre-trained coarse one?Evaluation metrics: LPIPS,SSIM,PSNR
Many congratulations on such an excellent article, I had some problems reproducing the results. I have experimented with the training weights you posted on the jumping dataset, but the final result is very poor as shown in the figure below, I would like to ask what causes this? I look forward to your reply. (The original set chunk size=8192, but the GPU could not run due to out-of-memory problem, so I set the chunk size to the same 1024 as NSFF)
How to use virtual images?
Why do monocular datasets use virtual images while nvidia datasets don't? What is the difference between these datasets? And we find that virtual images are crucial to the kid-running case, which is not mentioned in the paper. It would be of great help if you can solve my question.
Question about how large GPU graphics memory can run ?
Thanks for your great work! I am unable to run code on two Telsa V100 with 32G graphics memory. May I know what size of GPU is required?
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 672.00 MiB (GPU 1; 31.75 GiB total capacity; 27.65 GiB already allocated; 90.00 MiB free; 30.08 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF
Alleviating the need for Dynamic CVD?
Hi, Given that I use my own depth predictions, is there a way to create
table without running and training CVD?
In particular, how are the 17 parameters constructed?(Assume I have access the COLMAP outputs)
Question about static_masks, dynamic_masks
Thanks for your great work!
I found that for custom data, the motion masks should be provided.
How can i get the motion masks of custom video?Can dynibar be trained for shorter videos?
Thanks for sharing this great work!
Can dynibar be trained on the short Nvidia dataset that NSFF used (24 frames), or DynamicNeRF used (12 frames).
questions about motion mask
Thanks for your great work! The motion segmentation method you proposed is very novel, but I would like to ask whether the previous mask-rcnn+epipolar distance method in dynamic nerf will cause the motion mask to fail due to the long video and complex camera trajectories setting in this work?
Train the ResNet Feat Extractor Backbone From Scratch?
Hi @zhengqili @googlebot et al.,
Thx for ur impressive contribution. May I ask if
Line 497 in 5412b55
means we do not use a pre-trained ResNet? Thx & best,
Could you share the config file for training nvidia dataset?
Thank you for your great work~
The training takes forever
I set the N_rand to 384 and chunk_size to 512, to make sure it can run on my rtx3090.
But the training process is very slow,is there any way to accelerate it?Why are the motion coefficients for last samples of the ray set to 0?
Thanks for sharing this amazing work.
I was wondering why the motion coefficients for the last 10% samples of the ray get discarded? Is this for training stabilisation? As indicated here.
Where to download In-the-wild videos dataset?
Hello, thank you so much for making your work open source.
‘’In-the-wild videos‘ is mentioned in the 5.3. Qualitative evaluation part of you paper,Where can I get this dataset?
Looking forward to your reply very much,Thank you.
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