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talos-dv360's Introduction

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google Product.

Talos - Campaign creation automation.


Talos is a sheets addon that allows you to quickly replicate an existing Trueview campaign setup in DV360 for other campaigns.


  1. Create a new Spreadsheet and open the Script Editor by going to Tools > Script editor.
  2. Copy each of the files into the new project created. You may need to create each file individually and copy the contents over.
  3. Go to and create a new Google Cloud project.
  4. In the cloud project, go to home page and copy the Project number.
  5. In the Sheets script editor, go to Resources > Cloud platform project ....
  6. Under the section Change Project, paste the project number there.
  7. Back in the cloud project, go to Menu > APIs & Services > Dashboard and search and enable the API for DoubleClick Bid Manager API.


  1. Create your template campaign in DV360 with placeholder video ids for the trueview lineitems.
  2. In the Google sheet where the addon is installed, go to Talos > Download SDF and follow the instructions on the screen.


talos-dv360's People


zhch12121 avatar jding avatar


Zigao Wang avatar  avatar Benjamin Clot avatar Andriy Kushnarov avatar  avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar  avatar Dr. Auro Mohanty avatar  avatar

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