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This project forked from jemalloc/jemalloc

0.0 0.0 0.0 11.19 MB

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License: Other

Shell 0.90% C 87.40% C++ 0.41% Perl 6.33% Makefile 0.95% M4 3.55% Python 0.45%

jemalloc's Introduction

jemalloc is a general purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes
fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support.  jemalloc first came
into use as the FreeBSD libc allocator in 2005, and since then it has found its
way into numerous applications that rely on its predictable behavior.  In 2010
jemalloc development efforts broadened to include developer support features
such as heap profiling and extensive monitoring/tuning hooks.  Modern jemalloc
releases continue to be integrated back into FreeBSD, and therefore versatility
remains critical.  Ongoing development efforts trend toward making jemalloc
among the best allocators for a broad range of demanding applications, and
eliminating/mitigating weaknesses that have practical repercussions for real
world applications.

The COPYING file contains copyright and licensing information.

The INSTALL file contains information on how to configure, build, and install

The ChangeLog file contains a brief summary of changes for each release.


jemalloc's People


jasone avatar davidtgoldblatt avatar interwq avatar yinan1048576 avatar glandium avatar lapenkov avatar ronawho avatar rustyx avatar thestinger avatar devnexen avatar wqfish avatar gnzlbg avatar tamird avatar trasz avatar cpeterso avatar eggpi avatar tyleretzel avatar bmaurer avatar yuslepukhin avatar jqian-aurora avatar rkmisra avatar daverigby avatar zoulasc avatar cmuellner avatar zhxchen17 avatar semarie avatar diamondlovesyou avatar maksqwe avatar poige avatar paravoid avatar

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