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License: Apache License 2.0

Makefile 0.38% Smarty 2.59% SystemVerilog 58.42% Shell 0.25% Python 4.89% Tcl 1.61% C++ 0.37% TeX 0.53% Assembly 0.42% C 19.04% CMake 0.43% Stata 0.38% Rust 10.52% LLVM 0.08% Dockerfile 0.09%

snitch-onnx's Introduction

CI License

Snitch System Fork

Fork of the snitch system for developing applications on the banshee simulator.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd into sw
  3. To build, run bash [directory]. For example, to build the predefined benchmark, run bash benchmark
  4. Find the generated binaries in [directory]/build


What can you expect to find in this repository?

  • The Snitch integer core. This can be useful stand-alone if you are just interested in re-using the core for your project, e.g., as a tiny control core or you want to make a peripheral smart. The sky is the limit.
  • The Snitch cluster. A highly configurable cluster containing one to many integer cores with optional floating-point capabilities as well as our custom ISA extensions Xssr, Xfrep, and Xdma.
  • Any other system that is based on Snitch compute elements. Right now, we do not have any open-sourced yet, but be sure that this is going to change.

Tool Requirements

  • verilator = v4.100
  • bender >= v0.21.0


Snitch is being made available under permissive open source licenses.

The following files are released under Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0) see LICENSE:

  • sw/
  • util/

The following files are released under Solderpad v0.51 (SHL-0.51) see hw/LICENSE:

  • hw/

The sw/vendor directory contains third-party sources that come with their own licenses. See the respective folder for the licenses used.

  • sw/vendor/


If you use Snitch in your work, you can cite us:

Snitch Publication

  title={Snitch: A tiny Pseudo Dual-Issue Processor for Area and Energy Efficient Execution of Floating-Point Intensive Workloads},
  author={Zaruba, Florian and Schuiki, Fabian and Hoefler, Torsten and Benini, Luca},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computers},

SSR Publication

  title={Stream semantic registers: A lightweight risc-v isa extension achieving full compute utilization in single-issue cores},
  author={Schuiki, Fabian and Zaruba, Florian and Hoefler, Torsten and Benini, Luca},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computers},

snitch-onnx's People


zarubaf avatar fabianschuiki avatar paulsc96 avatar huettern avatar samuelriedel avatar giannap avatar fischeti avatar niwis avatar colluca avatar lucabertaccini avatar stmach avatar thommythomaso avatar gvilums avatar flaviens avatar suehtamacv avatar micprog avatar



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