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Getting error Failed to resolve consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc: lookup consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc on no such host * Failed to join Remote state is encrypted and encryption is not configured while setting up consul DNS on kubernetes cluster about consul-helm HOT 24 CLOSED

shibi1989 avatar shibi1989 commented on July 23, 2024
Getting error Failed to resolve consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc: lookup consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc on no such host * Failed to join Remote state is encrypted and encryption is not configured while setting up consul DNS on kubernetes cluster

from consul-helm.

Comments (24)

shibi1989 avatar shibi1989 commented on July 23, 2024 4

Getting error Failed to resolve consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc: lookup consul-server-0.consul-server.default.svc on no such host * Failed to join Remote state is encrypted and encryption is not configured.

Already having core DNS in kubernetes cluster. Using kubernetes 1.12.2 version.
I have used helm to install the consul.

from consul-helm.

deepanvermag3 avatar deepanvermag3 commented on July 23, 2024

Is this resolved for you?

from consul-helm.

shibi1989 avatar shibi1989 commented on July 23, 2024

from consul-helm.

giovannicandido avatar giovannicandido commented on July 23, 2024

Any update?

from consul-helm.

adilyse avatar adilyse commented on July 23, 2024

Hi @shibi1989

Could you provide some additional information about your setup and installation? What type of kubernetes cluster are you using (cloud hosted, local setup, etc)? What version of the helm chart did you use? What configuration options did you use?

This information will help me narrow down what might be going wrong.


from consul-helm.

erkanerol avatar erkanerol commented on July 23, 2024

I have the same issue on EKS


from consul-helm.

vnbx avatar vnbx commented on July 23, 2024

Having the same issue with helm chart and ConsulAgent config.

from consul-helm.

giovannicandido avatar giovannicandido commented on July 23, 2024

In my case the error was because no statefull storage could be created because the default was not set. But this message is complete useless in this case.

from consul-helm.

dwaiba avatar dwaiba commented on July 23, 2024

Works fine for me on setting server.storageClass and using external provisioner like nfs-client on private clusters. Also works fine on gke where defaults are set

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

I'm going to close this issue since it's 6 months old. If anyone is still having this issue please comment here and I can re-open.

from consul-helm.

yueru-mylove avatar yueru-mylove commented on July 23, 2024

I also got this problem. Though the consul agent join each member correctly, it still display some errors in the log below, almost the same with the error above.

    2019/12/26 03:47:48 [WARN] memberlist: Failed to resolve hashicorp-consul-server-1.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc: lookup hashicorp-consul-server-1.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc on no such host
    2019/12/26 03:47:48 [WARN] memberlist: Failed to resolve hashicorp-consul-server-2.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc: lookup hashicorp-consul-server-2.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc on no such host
    2019/12/26 03:47:48 [WARN] agent: (LAN) couldn't join: 0 Err: 3 errors occurred:
	* Failed to join dial tcp connect: no route to host
	* Failed to resolve hashicorp-consul-server-1.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc: lookup hashicorp-consul-server-1.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc on no such host
	* Failed to resolve hashicorp-consul-server-2.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc: lookup hashicorp-consul-server-2.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc on no such host

    2019/12/26 03:47:48 [WARN] agent: Join LAN failed: <nil>, retrying in 30s
    2019/12/26 03:47:52 [WARN]  raft: Failed to get previous log: 1 log not found (last: 0)
    2019/12/26 03:47:52 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: hashicorp-consul-server-1
    2019/12/26 03:47:52 [INFO] agent: Synced node info
    2019/12/26 03:47:59 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: master
    2019/12/26 03:48:18 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joining: [hashicorp-consul-server-0.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc hashicorp-consul-server-1.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc hashicorp-consul-server-2.hashicorp-consul-server.default.svc]
    2019/12/26 03:48:18 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joined: 3
    2019/12/26 03:48:18 [INFO] agent: Join LAN completed. Synced with 3 initial agents

And the kube version is 1.16.2. bootstrapped by kubeadm , stand-alone. Need help.

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

@yueru-mylove it looks like in the end of your logs the consul cluster comes up correctly. Sometimes KubeDNS takes a while to start working so the initial errors are expectes. Are you noticing some functionality not working? Please open up a new issue if so because I don't see the encryption errors in your logs which was the reason for this issue.

from consul-helm.

yueru-mylove avatar yueru-mylove commented on July 23, 2024

@Ikysow Thankyou so much, sir. It working normaly. And I just have a question if a consul dns is must when deploying consul-cluster with k8s as I ever got a failed deploying without consul dns using customized sts, svc, sa, cm yaml file while each part is working normally.
And the error log is as belows:

2020/01/02 04:48:06 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader
2020/01/02 04:48:18 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: No cluster leader
2020/01/02 04:48:41 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader
2020/01/02 04:48:51 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: No cluster leader

Thank a lot.

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

Consul DNS is not required. Those errors happen when the servers can't elect a leader. I'd look at the logs on each server to try and figure out what's going on.

What exactly do you mean you got failed deployment without Consul DNS? How are you turning it on/off? With:

  enabled: false

? This won't affect leader election.

from consul-helm.

yueru-mylove avatar yueru-mylove commented on July 23, 2024

The consul-0 starting logs is as belows:

==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:

2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO]  raft: Initial configuration (index=0): []
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: consul-0.dc1
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO]  raft: Node at [Follower] entering Follower state (Leader: "")
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: consul-0
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (udp)
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] serf: Attempting re-join to previously known node: consul-2:
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] serf: Attempting re-join to previously known node: consul-2.dc1:
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Started DNS server (tcp)
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Started HTTP server on [::]:8500 (tcp)
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server consul-0 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] consul: Handled member-join event for server "consul-0.dc1" in area "wan"
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Retry join LAN is supported for: aliyun aws azure digitalocean gce k8s mdns os packet scaleway softlayer triton vsphere
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Joining LAN cluster...
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joining: [consul-0.consul.default.svc.cluster.local consul-1.consul.default.svc.cluster.local consul-2.consul.default.svc.cluster.local]
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: started state syncer

==> Consul agent running!
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [WARN] memberlist: Failed to resolve consul-1.consul.default.svc.cluster.local: lookup consul-1.consul.default.svc.cluster.local on no such host
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [WARN] memberlist: Failed to resolve consul-2.consul.default.svc.cluster.local: lookup consul-2.consul.default.svc.cluster.local on no such host
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: (LAN) joined: 1
2020/01/03 01:57:14 [INFO] agent: Join LAN completed. Synced with 1 initial agents
2020/01/03 01:57:17 [WARN] serf: Failed to re-join any previously known node
2020/01/03 01:57:17 [WARN] serf: Failed to re-join any previously known node
2020/01/03 01:57:21 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader
2020/01/03 01:57:22 [WARN] raft: no known peers, aborting election
2020/01/03 01:57:42 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: No cluster leader
2020/01/03 01:57:54 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader

And consul-1 and consul-2 only has log:

==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:

So I really don't know why I got this. Consul service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
   name: consul
     name: consul
   type: ClusterIP
   clusterIP: None
    - name: http
      port: 8500
      targetPort: 8500
    - name: https
      port: 8443
      targetPort: 8443
    - name: rpc
      port: 8400
      targetPort: 8400
    - name: serflan-tcp
      protocol: "TCP"
      port: 8301
      targetPort: 8301
    - name: serflan-udp
      protocol: "UDP"
      port: 8301
      targetPort: 8301
    - name: serfwan-tcp
      protocol: "TCP"
      port: 8302
      targetPort: 8302
    - name: serfwan-udp
      protocol: "UDP"
      port: 8302
      targetPort: 8302
    - name: server
      port: 8300
      targetPort: 8300
    - name: consuldns
      port: 8600
      targetPort: 8600
    app: consul

sts file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: consul
  serviceName: consul
  replicas: 3
      app: consul
        app: consul
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
        - name: consul
          image: consul:latest
            - "agent"
            - "-server"
            - "-bootstrap-expect=3"
            - "-ui"
            - "-data-dir=/consul/data"
            - "-bind="
            - "-client="
            - "-advertise=$(PODIP)"
            - "-retry-join=consul-0.consul.$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local"
            - "-retry-join=consul-1.consul.$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local"
            - "-retry-join=consul-2.consul.$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local"
            - "-domain=cluster.local"
            - "-disable-host-node-id"
            - name: data
              mountPath: /consul/data
            - name: PODIP
                  fieldPath: status.podIP
            - name: NAMESPACE
                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
            - containerPort: 8500
              name: ui-port
            - containerPort: 8400
              name: alt-port
            - containerPort: 53
              name: udp-port
            - containerPort: 8443
              name: https-port
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: http-port
            - containerPort: 8301
              name: serflan
            - containerPort: 8302
              name: serfwan
            - containerPort: 8600
              name: consuldns
            - containerPort: 8300
              name: server
        - name: data
            path: /home/data

Thank you so much.

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

@yueru-mylove I'm moving this to #323. Please follow up there.

from consul-helm.

yueru-mylove avatar yueru-mylove commented on July 23, 2024

@yueru-mylove I'm moving this to #323. Please follow up there.

Thank you so much. sir.

from consul-helm.

zonArt avatar zonArt commented on July 23, 2024


Don't know if I should open a new issue or can re-use this one but I have the exact same issue (well.... maybe it's not exactly the same). I'm trying to deploy consul clients within kubernetes and got the servers outside. When I do so I receive this error message: Failed to join <server IPs>: Remote state is encrypted and encryption is not configured. I agree I haven't setup gossip encryption as I'm using mTLS so I supposed setting tls was enough but it doesn't seem to. Here is my values.yaml file:

  enabled: false

  enabled: true
  hosts: ["<>", "<>", "<>"]
  useSystemRoots: true

  image: consul:1.7.0
  join:  ["<>", "<>", "<>"]

  domain: <my.domain>
    enabled: true
      secretName: consul-agent
      secretKey: tls.crt
      secretName: consul-agent
      secretKey: tls.key

Might not be fully complete so that's why I'm asking for help

Additional information:
I'm using kubernetes 1.18 on a self hosted cluster, consul is also running internally on three VMs with version 1.7.0 thus tried to deploy 1.7.0 agents, deployed with helm 2 and version 0.24.1 of the helm chart

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

@zonArt can you please open a new issue and we'll respond there. Thanks!

from consul-helm.

zonArt avatar zonArt commented on July 23, 2024

@zonArt can you please open a new issue and we'll respond there. Thanks!

Hi @lkysow, thanks, I've just opened it here (with same content)

from consul-helm.

Jorgevillada avatar Jorgevillada commented on July 23, 2024

if you change default storage in eks(gp2) or configure another storageclass(EFS, nfs, rook). you must guarantee that they are not the same folder for the replicas. the files


will be overwritten and you won't be able to find the another servers.

from consul-helm.

unittolabs avatar unittolabs commented on July 23, 2024

I faced the same problem at AKS with the given config:

    enabled: false
    image: consul:1.8.5
    imageK8S: hashicorp/consul-k8s:0.19.0
    datacenter: azure-dev

#      manageSystemACLs: true

        secretName: consul-acl-token
        secretKey: vault

    enabled: true
    replicas: 3
    bootstrapExpect: 3
    connect: false

        cpu: 200m
        memory: 256Mi
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 256Mi

    affinity: |
          - labelSelector:
                app: {{ template "" . }}
                release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
                component: server

    enabled: true

but what is interesting, it that I don't face it when I try to deploy the same config in GKE.

logs from AKS:

2020-11-13T10:57:28.801Z [WARN]  agent: Join cluster failed, will retry: cluster=LAN retry_interval=30s error=<nil>
2020-11-13T10:57:30.044Z [ERROR] agent: Coordinate update error: error="No cluster leader"
2020-11-13T10:57:37.912Z [ERROR] agent.anti_entropy: failed to sync remote state: error="No cluster leader"
2020-11-13T10:57:58.802Z [INFO]  agent: (LAN) joining: lan_addresses=[vault-consul-server-0.vault-consul-server.vault.svc, vault-consul-server-1.vault-consul-server.vault.svc, vault-consul-server-2.vault-consul-server.vault.svc]
2020-11-13T10:57:58.813Z [WARN]  agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-0.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-0.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host
2020-11-13T10:57:59.057Z [WARN]  agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-1.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-1.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host
2020-11-13T10:57:59.392Z [WARN]  agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-2.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-2.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host
2020-11-13T10:57:59.392Z [WARN]  agent: (LAN) couldn't join: number_of_nodes=0 error="3 errors occurred:
* Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-0.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-0.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host
* Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-1.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-1.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host
* Failed to resolve vault-consul-server-2.vault-consul-server.vault.svc: lookup vault-consul-server-2.vault-consul-server.vault.svc on no such host

from consul-helm.

lkysow avatar lkysow commented on July 23, 2024

@unitto1 can you open up a new issue please?

from consul-helm.

unittolabs avatar unittolabs commented on July 23, 2024

@unitto1 can you open up a new issue please?

In my case, it was fixed via moving to the new AKS cluster, so create the new issue will be not reasonable.
Seems it's some weird error linked to the misconfiguration of Kubenetes Storage Class but I'm not sure.

from consul-helm.

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