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highcharts-vue's Introduction


The official Highcharts integration with Vue.

IMPORTANT NOTE: From [email protected], this package offers support for Vue >= 3.0.0. If you'd like to use this package with Vue 2, you should stay with the latest versions of [email protected] (Note: Vue2 is getting officially deprecated

Table of Contents

  1. Getting started
    1. Requirements
    2. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Registering globally as a plugin
    2. Registering locally in your component
    3. Implementing stockChart, mapChart and ganttChart
    4. Loading maps
    5. Changing global component tag name
    6. Chart callback parameter
    7. Chart object reference
    8. Using a specific Highcharts instance
  3. Demo apps
  4. Online demos
  5. Component Properties
  6. Useful links

Getting started


  • Node.JS, NPM installed globally in your OS
  • Vue, Highcharts libraries (updated) installed in your project. Highcharts package version should be at least v5.0.11, but it is always better to keep it updated.


Install highcharts-vue package by:

npm install highcharts-vue


There are two ways of adding the Highcharts-Vue package to your project:

Registering globally as a plugin

The way described below is recommended when wanted to make the HighchartsVue component available from everywhere in your app. In your main app file should have Vue and Highcharts-Vue packages imported:

import Vue from 'vue';
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue';

Next, you can register it as a plugin (depending on the version of Vue):

// for Vue 2

// for Vue 3

Registering locally in your component

This option is recommended for direct use in specific components of your app. First, you should import the Chart component object from highcharts-vue package in your component file:

import { Chart } from 'highcharts-vue'

Then, you can use the Chart component in your Vue components.

NOTE: If you would like to use Highcharts-Vue integration by attaching it using <script> tag in your <head> section of HTML document, of course it is possible and you should use one of .js files from dist of this package directory. After that, the HighchartsVue object should be available from window scope. Here is the example with this way of implementation: JSFiddle example


Options parameter

If you've done one of the above (importing and registering the integration), it allows you to use the Highcharts-Vue component in your app, just by adding <highcharts> html element, and passing chart configuration object by its :options parameter, which is required:

<highcharts :options="chartOptions"></highcharts>

for example:

new Vue({
  data() {
    return {
      chartOptions: {
        series: [{
          data: [1,2,3] // sample data

Importing Highcharts modules

To use any of Highcharts modules, you're obligated to import that module to your file, as well as Highcharts package itself and add that module by passing Highcharts to it, for example:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import exportingInit from 'highcharts/modules/exporting'



Implementing stockChart, mapChart and ganttChart

Highcharts-Vue integration uses chart constructor by default, so if you need to implement stockChart, mapChart or ganttChart, just add stock, map or gantt module as described above and use :constructor-type parameter in your html component element:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import stockInit from 'highcharts/modules/stock'

<highcharts :constructor-type="'stockChart'" :options="chartOptions"></highcharts>

Stock demo:
Map demo:
Gantt demo:

Loading maps

There are two ways of loading maps and using them with this package. You can install the @highcharts/map-collection` npm package with all maps included, and then import that maps which you would like to use in your project:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import HighchartsMapModule from 'highcharts/modules/map'
import mapData from '@highcharts/map-collection/custom/world.geo.json'


Highcharts.maps['myMapName'] = mapData

If you won't install a package with all maps, there is an option to choose necessary map from Highmaps collection collection and copy a map data into a new file in your project. Then just import it wherever you want, and use it in the same way like above.

The Demo apps included in this repository show the second approach.

Map demo:

Changing global component tag name

If you would like to use global component tag name other than <highcharts>, you could achieve that by passing object with tagName: [TAG_NAME] pair as an option argument when registering the plugin, for example:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(HighchartsVue, { tagName: 'charts' })

It allows you to use:

<charts :options="chartOptions"></charts>

Chart callback parameter

If you need to use callback from Highcharts.chart(renderTo, options [, callback]) function, you could pass it by :callback parameter through HTML component element:

<highcharts :options="chartOptions" :callback="someFunction">

Then, someFunction will be called when chart is loaded.

Chart object reference

You can access the Chart object instance if necessary (e.g when need to get some data or use any of Chart.prototype functions), by calling specific Vue component instance chart field, but it is not supported to update the chart using its built-in functions, because that could cause a problems with data synchronization between your app and the chart itself (it disturbs conception of using integration packages). The most recommended way of implementing it, is to use it in the way presented in demo apps.

Using Highcharts setOptions() method

If you would like to use Highcharts.setOptions() method to define some parameters which would be set globally on all of charts, we recommend you to use it in the main file of your app, although there should be Highcharts package imported before.

import Highcharts from 'highcharts';

  // options here

Using a specific Highcharts instance

Occasionally you'll want to create your charts basing on specific Highcharts version for some reason. Then you can set it up in two different ways, depending on your individual needs.

The first one is by setting a Highcharts instance while registering the HighchartsVue component as a global plugin, by passing it through the options of Vue's install function, as below:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue';
import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(HighchartsVue, {
	highcharts: Highcharts

After doing it, all charts will be generated basing on passed instance.

A second way is to pass the Highcharts instance through the props of highcharts component. Then, as a result, only that chart will be generated basing on passed instance:

<highcharts :options="chartOptions" :highcharts="hcInstance"></highcharts>
import Highcharts from 'highcharts'

export default {
	name: 'app',
	data() {
		return {
			hcInstance: Highcharts,
			chartOptions: {
				series: [{
					data: [1, 2, 3]

Note that both ways of usage are optional, because this package automatically uses available Highcharts instance by default from peer dependency.

Server always runs at http://localhost:8080, unless it's taken by another process. Then you need to manually copy & visit the address displayed in terminal.

Online demos

Component Properties

Here is the list of all available props allowed to pass directly to your <highcharts> component instance, which this integration is able to handle.

Parameter Type Required Description
:options Object yes Highcharts chart configuration object
:constructor-type String no Chart constructor type using to init specific chart. Allowed options: 'chart', 'stockChart', 'mapChart'. First one is set for default.
:callback Function no Function passed as a callback during chart init, and triggered when chart is loaded.
:updateArgs Array no Array of update()'s function optional arguments. Parameters should be defined in the same order like in native Highcharts function: [redraw, oneToOne, animation]. Here is a more specific description of the parameters.
:highcharts Object no A specific Highcharts instance. It's useful when required to build charts using different Highcharts versions.
:deepCopyOnUpdate Boolean no Whether to make a deep copy of object passed to Chart.update() function. In order to avoid passing references of arrays, it's set to true by default.

NOTE: That can cause a decrease of performance while processing a big amount of data, because copying source data is much expensive, and then it's recommended to disable that option by setting it to false.

Useful links

Highcharts General Documentation Highcharts API

highcharts-vue's People


aarongustafson avatar bre1470 avatar codeinecho avatar david-molnar-oculai avatar denyllon avatar dependabot[bot] avatar grzegorziwacz avatar jszuminski avatar prokopyl avatar rigwild avatar ronggang avatar wchmiel avatar


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highcharts-vue's Issues

How to use chart object in vue wrapper?

I want to use the hideLoading and showLoading functions of the chart using vue wrapper.
Any suggestions on how could I use this while still remaining in Highcharts wrapper component for vue?

Million thanks in advance.

How to update data from vuex store.

I am trying to update highcharts from vuex store but the data change is only reflected when i make changes to the code and save it. Maybe because the server restarts thats why so i can i make it reactive. Below is my code.

    <vue-highcharts :options="options" ref="lineCharts"></vue-highcharts>

import VueHighcharts from 'vue2-highcharts';
import Vue from 'vue';

export default {

  components: {

  data() {
    return {

      options: {
        chart: {
          type: 'spline',
          title: 'Hassaan',
        xAxis: {
          categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
            'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
        yAxis: {
          title: {
            text: '',
          labels: {
            formatter() {
              return `${this.value}°`;
        tooltip: {
          crosshairs: true,
          shared: true,
        credits: {
          enabled: false,
        plotOptions: {
          spline: {
            marker: {
              radius: 4,
              lineColor: '#666666',
              lineWidth: 1,
        series: [],

  created() {
    Vue.set(this.options, 'series', this.$;


ie11 support issue

highcharts-vue does not support ie11. All your examples are not shown in ie11.
I think this issue needs to be solved quickly.

Changelog required


Are there any changelog for highcharts-vue?

Because it would be really convenience if we could track on what changes historically each releases.


Highstock not rendering correctly

I'm trying to add stockChart from your demo app but i get this error.

stock.js?37d8:105 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined
at a.Chart.eval (stock.js?37d8:105)
at eval (highcharts.js?ea7f:31)
at Array.forEach ()
at Object.a.each (highcharts.js?ea7f:28)
at a.fireEvent (highcharts.js?ea7f:30)
at a.Chart.setChartSize (highcharts.js?ea7f:261)
at a.Chart.setSize (highcharts.js?ea7f:258)
at eval (highcharts.js?ea7f:257)

And this one:
webpack-internal:///./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js:588 [Vue warn]: Error in callback for watcher "options": "TypeError: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined"
found in
at src\components\BurndownChart.vue
at src\App.vue

I added all this to main.js
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'
import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import stockInit from 'highcharts/modules/stock'


and have proper values. Tried your example and other data.

How to use with dynamic series data

I can't seem to find a way to get the chart to draw when I have to calculate the series data from an ajax call. The ajax call works fine and I get the data just fine but can't seem to draw/update the chart with this data.

cant rereset the chart

my chart has a array included 50 date,if the array has null , it cant reset the chart it keep old chart and render new data that not null,how can i reset the chart with new array that has null

How to acces to Highcharts method after rendering ?

I already use this configuration to set global options to Highcharts:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts';
    lang: {
        decimalPoint: '.',
        drillUpText: '<<',
        noData: '...',
        resetZoom: 'R.Z.',
        thousandsSep: ' '

Now how can I access to Highcharts after rendering the charts like the numberFormat method in tooltips ?


        formatter: function(){
        return this.key //+ ' : ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2);


How can I make Highcharts auto resize to fit available space?

My app has an off canvas menu. When I open and close the menu I would like for my stock chart to automatically resize to fit the available space. I have not been able to get anything to work and am wondering if maybe chart.reflow() would work. I am not sure how to use it within Vue, though, or if the highcharts-vue wrapper even allows us to use chart.reflow(). The first example from reflow API is exactly what I am looking for.

Please let me know if there is some way that I can get the stock chart to auto resize to fit the available space in my scenario.

Thank you!

Stock chart renders without zoom, returns error: TypeError: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined

I have tried your demo last week and Stock Chart was working as expected, today, after I had to reinstall dependencies it returns error:

[Vue warn]: Error in callback for watcher "options": "TypeError: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined" found in
---> <Highcharts>
       <StockChart> at src\components\StockChart.vue
         <App> at src\App.vue

and seems that zoom do not work (link to print screen below)

May you tell, if you are experiencing same error?

Using Boxplots

Seeing that highcharts-more is deprecated and I can't find boxplots etc under /modules, how do I include this functionality?


Changing drilldown series data dynamicly does not work

I have code that change chartOption series and drilldown dynamicly. Series work but drilldown does not work.

I have import your demo code in codesandbox to demonstrate this issue. Basicly I just change the first chart component that allow series to be changed dynamicly by filling up numbers into inputbox.

My change is to apply the same points to a working drilldown in chart Option.

Before that dynamic change happen, drilldown is working. After putting any number into the input box, it stop working.

Appreciate it if you can have a look at bellow url

EDIT: Wow! CodeSandbox is so not user friendly. I make some changes to your demo code. Tested to be working but then what? I have no way to save it to my sandbox and share the url here. I can only paste some picture.

Both codes in src\components\chart.vue



Highchart inside Bootstrap Modal

I've seen other people with this issue, but the fixes I've seen don't work for me.

Essentially, I want to set a max-width on the chart. I tried applying a style="max-width" to the component, but that ends up setting the width, not a max-width. I've tried doing...

        chart: {
          events: {
            load() {

How would I call reflow outside of this event definition? Say, when the open modal button was pressed?

You can see what I'm talking about on at this URL by clicking "Forecast" in green in the top right: I am getting this issue on Google Chrome.

bitcorn harvest 1 bitcorn crops

Chart redraw


I was wondering if it was possible to access the chart object directly to for example call redraw?

t.component is not a function

I'm getting the error "t.component is not a function" on render for this component, and it points to at n (highcharts-vue.min.js:1)

      <highcharts-vue :options="chartOptions" ref="lineCharts"></highcharts-vue>

import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'
import Highcharts from 'highcharts'

import { feedStatsService } from '../../_services';

export default {
  components: {
  props: ['feedID'],
  data () {
    return {      
      points: [],
      chartOptions: {
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'
        chart: {
          type: 'line'
        title: {
          text: 'Total Number of Listens'
        series: [{
          data: this.points,
          color: '#6fcd98'
  created () {
            results => {  
              this.points ={
                return [moment.utc(, e.total_first_listens]
            error => {
                // dispatch('alert/error', error, { root: true });
  watch: {
    points (newValue) {
      this.chartOptions.series[0].data = newValue

Double axes visible in Export with Exporting module


When I use the Exporting module and the default export server from HighCharts, I get two Y-axis in the exports, even when I added just one Y-axis.

You can see a working example here:
Just Click on button (1), (2) and then create an PNG export.

It seems that the SVG in the webpage and the SVG that is POSTed to the Export server are not the same. Probably another effect because of Vue. Or am I doing something wrong?

Kind regards

How includes momentjs?

How use momentjs next to highchart-vue?
Highcharts Error #25
Can't find Moment.js library
Using the global.timezone option requires the Moment.js library to be loaded.

Options are reset on chart.update

I noticed that after updating to Highcharts 7, nested options (ie. label), were being replaced with an empty object if the computed options object (I was passing as a prop), was updated. I, therefore, drew the conclusion that something on the chart.update was mutating the options deeply.

I noticed that there was an update to highcharts-vue made where you fixed errors on updating, caused by mutating data. I believe a possible solution to this issue could be that instead of using Object.assign to do a shallow clone, a deep clone could be done instead.

Organization chart

I was wondering if its possible to create an organization chart with this project?
Something similar to the following chart:


If the answer is yes, where can I see an example or a demo?
Thank you

Having an issue with implementing the package -

Does anyone have another example of an active Vue or Vuetify project that has an active HighCharts chart in it? It would be helpful to see it in a project to see what I am doing wrong, or how to improve the current project that I have.
Thank you

Does not work with Chrome version 41

Googlebot uses Chrome 41 for rendering websites.
I decided to check how the component works in Chrome 41. Download can be here.
I installed Demo app. In the latest browsers, everything works fine.
In chrome 41, the component does not work.

[Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: undefined is not a function"
found in
at src/components/Chart.vue
at src/App.vue

Could not find a declaration file for module 'highcharts-vue'

I exec the command below:

yarn add highcharts
yarn add highcharts-vue

and then:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import highchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'

it show the errors below:

 Could not find a declaration file for module 'highcharts-vue'. '/Users/jcmac/TC/fms-front-v2/node_modules/highcharts-vue/dist/module/highcharts-vue.min.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
  Try `npm install @types/highcharts-vue` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'highcharts-vue';`

How to solve this problem please?

HighStock Chart - Load / Redraw Event Nothing Happens

Hi, I'm using highcharts-vue, stock. If I try to trigger the redraw event anywhere in my code, no event gets fired to the chart. Any help? Here's a full example of my code

            <highcharts ref="chart" :constructor-type="'stockChart'" :options="chartOptions" :callback="chartLoaded" ></highcharts>

<script type="text/babel">

    import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
    import {Chart} from 'highcharts-vue'
    import stockInit from 'highcharts/modules/stock'

    export default {
        components: {
            highcharts: Chart
        created() {

        computed: {
        data() {
            return {
                chartOptions: {
                    events: {
                        load: function(event) {
                            console.log("EVENT " + event)
                        redraw: function (event) {
                            console.log("EVENT " + event)
                    tooltip: {
                        xDateFormat: '%b %e %I:%M:%S %p',
                        shared: true
                    scrollbar: {
                        enabled: true
                    credits: {
                        enabled: false
                    xAxis: {
                        type: 'datetime',
                        minRange: 3200000,
                        dateTimeLabelFormats: {
                            day: '%b %e',
                            minute:  '%I:%M %p',
                            hour: '%I:%M %p'
                        title: {
                            text: 'Date and Time'
                        gridLineWidth: 1,
                        minorGridLineWidth: 1,
                        lineColor: 'gray',
                        tickLength: 0.5
                    yAxis: {
                        title: {
                            text: 'Data'
                        min: 0
                    navigator: {
                        xAxis: {
                            type: 'datetime',
                            dateTimeLabelFormats: {
                                day: '%b %e',
                                minute:  '%I:%M %p',
                                hour: '%I:%M %p'
                    gridLineWidth: 1,
                    minorGridLineWidth: 1,
                    lineColor: 'transparent',
                    tickLength: 1,
                    plotOptions: {
                        spline: {
                            dataGrouping: {enabled: false },
                            lineWidth: 3,
                            states: {
                                hover: {
                                    enabled: true,
                        series: {
                            marker: {
                                states: {
                                    hover: {
                                        enabled: true
                        scatter: {
                            dataGrouping: {enabled: false },
                            enabled: true,
                            marker: {
                                class: 'guttered'
                        enabled: false
                    title: {
                        text: ''
                    legend: {
                        enabled: true
                    series: [
                            name: 'Data',
                            data: [],
                            color: '#999',
                            showSymbol: true,
                        } ],
                loading: false,
        methods: {
            chartLoaded(chart) {
                 console.log("Trigger redraw")
        mounted() {
        props: ['],
        watch: {


How to access `this`

When I was using Highcharts without Vue, we had something like so:

 xAxis: {
    categories: daysArray,
    labels: {
        formatter: function () {
            return toPersianNum(;

While in vue this refers to current vue instance.

How to access this.axis.defaultLabelFormatter or this.points and etc... while we are in vue instance ?

Dynamic series & data


How do add a dynamic series of data properly? Sorry for the basic question but all of the examples assume static data.

Add indicators in the highstock demo

I've been struggling to get the indicators series to work on the highstock example. Still no luck. Please add indicators to the highstock example.

Dynamic data not plotting correctly

Changing out the series data plots the new points correctly, but it draws the lines incorrectly. Instead of drawing a line from the last point in the series to the new point, it draws the line from the first point to the new point without erasing the old line in between. Is there a way to force a complete redraw?

Having two highcharts components on one page results in second chart axis x and y disappearance on second render

I've created a wrapper component that has the highcharts tag in its template:
<highcharts :options='chartOptions' ref='lineCharts'></highcharts>
The parent component is using that wrapper like so:
<planned-vs-actual-graph chosenMetric='metricID' />

I've got a VueX store that maintains global query parameters, and the chart does an Axios based API call when certain VueX store params change. All this works fine.

My problem appears when I add another wrapper onto the parent component:
<planned-vs-actual-graph chosenMetric='metric1' />
<planned-vs-actual-graph chosenMetric='metric2' />

The first time both graphs render fine, and the chosenMetric is being used properly to populate the title, the Y axis and as an API query parameter. Data comes back correctly, and clearly populates correctly upon the first API query. Both graphs render as intended.

The problem is that the second time around, one of the graphs only updates its data points, but does not update its axis x and axis y. Also the tooltip hover looks broken. The error in my console:

TypeError: d[h].update is not a function
at eval (highcharts.js?e74e:288)
at Array.forEach ()
at a.each (highcharts.js?e74e:28)
at e.updateData (highcharts.js?e74e:288)
at e.setData (highcharts.js?e74e:289)
at e.update (highcharts.js?e74e:336)
at eval (highcharts.js?e74e:330)
at Array.forEach ()
at a.each (highcharts.js?e74e:28)
at eval (highcharts.js?e74e:330)

This error is not consistent, the disappearing axis jumps between graph1 and graph 2.

Cannot set property 'top' of undefined in stock.src.js:6810

Im using nuxt with latest highchart lib

I setup highcharts-vue as nuxt plugin

import Vue from 'vue'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'


there is my options

        testOptions: {
          rangeSelector: {
            selected: 1
          title: {
            text: 'AAPL Stock Price'
          series: [{
            name: 'AAPL',
            data: [10, 20, 10, 23, 65, 121, 44, 66, 98, 30, 32, 56, 25, 12, 53],
            pointStart: Date.UTC(2018, 1, 1),
            pointInterval: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
            tooltip: {
              valueDecimals: 2

im trying to init in mounted callback

mounted () {

on mounted i catched this error

afterSetExtremes function called with setExtremes event

afterSetExtremes function called multiple times on navigator mousemove with setExtremes event. There is no way to detect start/end of navigator change.

And afterSetExtremes doesn't call at all if navigator.adaptToUpdatedData = false;

How to set chart height?


I can't find any way to specifically set the chart's height. I want it to use the full width of the enclosing div, but only a height of 200px. This is my current code:

    <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col chart-container">
        <highcharts class="chart" :options="chartOptions"></highcharts>

    import { Chart } from "highcharts-vue"
    import * as axios from "axios"

    export default {
        props: ['token'],
        components: {
            highcharts: Chart
        created: function() {
            let currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();

            for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
                this.chartOptions.series[0].data.push([currentTime - (steps - i) * refreshRate, 0]);
                this.chartOptions.series[1].data.push([currentTime - (steps - i) * refreshRate, 0]);
                this.chartOptions.series[2].data.push([currentTime - (steps - i) * refreshRate, 0]);

            setInterval(this.updateGraph, 1000);
        methods: {
            updateGraph() {
                let cpuSeries = this.chartOptions.series[0];
                let memSeries = this.chartOptions.series[1];
                let storageSeries = this.chartOptions.series[2];

                let config = {
                    headers: {
                        'Accept': 'application/json',
                        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this.token

                axios.get("/api/system-resources", config)
                    .then(response => {
                        let x = (new Date()).getTime();
                        // First shift all points to the left

        data() {
            return {
                steps: 20,
                chartOptions: {
                    animation: false,
                    type: 'spline',
                    title: {
                        text: ''
                    xAxis: {
                        type: 'datetime',
                        labels: {
                            enabled: false
                    yAxis: {
                        title: {
                            text: '%'
                    plotOptions: {
                        series: {
                            marker: {
                                enabled: false
                    series: [{
                        name: "CPU",
                        data: [],
                        pointInterval: 1000

                    }, {
                        name: "Memory",
                        data: [],
                        pointInterval: 1000
                    }, {
                        name: "Storage",
                        data: [],
                        pointInterval: 1000

I tried Chart.chartHeight, Chart.plotHeight or setting the height explicitly on the enclosing div, or by using the :height-property on the highcharts-component. None of these seem to work.

Thanks in advance

No animation on pie chart using update method and Vue Wrapper

From @bensladden on September 13, 2018 2:25

Expected behaviour

It is expected that the charts will animate as shown in this example:

Actual behaviour

No animation, the pie chart instantly changes to the most recent values. This also appears to be the case for bar and column charts

Live demo with steps to reproduce

Product version

Highcharts 6.1.0
highcharts-vue 1.0.4
vue ^2.5.2

Copied from original issue: highcharts/highcharts#8942

How define setOptions global?

import Vue from 'vue'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'


	lang: {
		months: [
			'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril',
			'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août',
			'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'
		weekdays: [
			'Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi',
			'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi'

How use setOptions to all component

Initial width calculations incorrect?

I don't know what the correct way to reproduce this in a shareable way yet, but I was having a strange problem where all the charts are drawn beyond the width of their parent containers. Resizing the page causes them to snap back to the correct size.

Unfortunate, since it implemented super easily.

What more can I provide to help dig into the issue?

stockChart drawing after axios request

Hello, I am having difficulty with drawing stockchart after axios request.

On main.js, I set the "Vue.prototype.$http = axios".
And this is a simplified version of my code.
The StockChart should be updated when the "code" from "updateInfo" props, which is updated on App.js, is updated.
When I run this code, it only shows just the frame of the chart with date fields empty.

  1. ChartPanel.vue
  <div id="chartPanel">
    <StockChart :code="code"></StockChart>

import StockChart from 'chart/StockChart.vue'
export default {
  props: ['updateInfo'],
  data() {
    return {
      code: ''
  mounted() {
    this.code = this.updateInfo.code;
  components: {
    'StockChart': StockChart
  1. StockChart.vue
  <div class="stock-chart">
    <highcharts class="stock" :constructor-type="'stockChart'" :options="stockOptions" :updateArgs="updateArgs"></highcharts>

export default {
  props: ['code'],
  data() {
    return {
      points: [],
      animationDuration: 1000,
      updateArgs: [true, true, {duration: 1000}]
      stockOptions: {
        rangeSelector: {
          selected: 1
        title: {
           text: 'AAPL Stock Price'
        series: [{
          name: 'AAPL',
          type: 'candlestick',
          data: this.points,
          pointStart: Date.UTC(2018, 1, 1),
          pointInterval: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
          tooltip: {
            valueDecimals: 2
  watch: {
    code: function(newValue) {
    // I tried watch to "points" value with serveral ways, but this didn't work either.
    // I tried like this: "this.stockOptions.series[0].data = newValue"
    // And I tried to put stockOptions in computed but it didn't work.
  methods: {
    reqStockChart: function() {
      var self=this;
      this.$http.get('url', parameters).then(function(result) {
      }).catch(function(e) { console.log(e) });
    updateStockChart: function(result) {
      // result format is [[date,open,high,low,close], ...]
      // I will just put data same as the result
      this.points = [
        [Date.UTC(2018, 3, 4), 10, 15, 5, 12], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 3, 12), 20, 30, 10, 12], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 3, 23), 10, 15, 5, 9], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 4, 2), 23, 35, 12, 30], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 4, 15), 65, 90, 35, 75], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 4, 27), 121, 160, 80, 101], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 5, 6), 44, 60, 44, 48], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 5, 19), 66, 66, 50, 52], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 5, 28), 98, 120, 98, 118], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 6, 9), 30, 39, 28, 39], 
        [Date.UTC(2018, 6, 21), 32, 32, 30, 30]

Default vue.js config does not understand worldmap.js


I'm using the default setup generated with Vue CLI 3 of VueJS and while trying your example I ran into an issue with the worldmap.js-file:

I got the error:

"export 'default' (imported as 'addWorldMap') was not found in './js/worldmap.js'

I fixed it by changing the worldmap.js to:

export const worldmap = {'title': 'World, Miller projection, medium resolution', ...

and in the main.js import it as such:

import {worldmap} from './js/worldmap'

and then load it to the corresponding map as such:

Highcharts.maps['myMapName'] = worldmap

I don't know if this is the proper way, but it works!

Maybe it would be an idea to update this example to use the default VueJS setup?

Add series after the chart is rendered

Currently, it is not possible to add series dynamically if they are not initialised as empty object in the chart options.

Component code:

  <highcharts class="chart" :options="chartOptions">


import axios from 'axios';

export default {
  name: 'BarChart',
  data () {
    return {
      chartOptions: {
        chart: {
          type: 'column'
        series: []
  created () {
  methods: {
    fetchData: function () {
        this.chartOptions.series = [{ data: [1,2,3] })

The component above does not render series. However, they are rendered if the series is initialised as an empty object:

data () {
    return {
      chartOptions: {
        chart: {
          type: 'column'
        series: [{}]

This behaviour can be reproduced in pure Highcharts when oneToOne option is disabled:

Dynamic X and Y axis


I'm trying to dynamically add a Y axis to the chartOptions object, but I keep getting errors.
Dynamically creating series works (if there is already an existing X and Y axis in the chartOptions from the start).

I created a sandbox: which shows the problem I'm having.
In src/components/Chart.vue is the code. I gave every new axis it's own ID and inserted it with:
In this sandbox, every new series is added to the highest X and Y axis.
(if you remove the ID of the axis, the push method will run into an infinite loop, strange)

Maybe I'm adding the axis in a wrong way. In the DEMO app was no example of dynamically adding series or axis.

Kind regards

How to get value from data

I'm trying to format the label on the yAxis with the value and a dynamic value from the data object. But in the function I've only the this which is attached to the Vue component, how do I get the unit value from data ?

        <highcharts :options="chartOptions" ref="chart"></highcharts>

    import {Chart} from 'highcharts-vue'
    import Highcharts from 'highcharts';

    export default {
        components: {
            highcharts: Chart
        data() {
            return {
                data: {},
                unit: 'kWh',
                chartOptions: {
                            type: 'column',
                            backgroundColor: '',
                            gridLineColor: '#197F07',
                            labels: {
                                useHTML: true,
                                formatter:  function()
                                                return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, 2, ",", ".") + this.unit;
                            title: {
                                text: null
                    navigation: {
                        buttonOptions: {
                            enabled: false
                    loading: {
                        style: {
                            "opacity": 1
                    tooltip: {
                        formatter:  function()
                            return this.key + this.unit;

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