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Demo project for building Python wheels for Linux with Travis-CI

License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

C 61.18% Python 20.88% Shell 17.94%

python-manylinux-demo's Introduction


Demo project for building Python wheels for Linux with Travis-CI

Build Status

This is an example of how to use Travis-CI to build PEP 513-compatible wheels for Python. It supports

  • manylinux1 for both Python 2 and 3 on 32 and 64 bit linux architectures.
  • manylinux2010 for Python 2 and 3 on 64 bit linux architectures.

Because these wheels need to be compiled with a specific toolchain and support libraries , this example uses Docker running on Travis-CI to compile (you don't need to use docker at all to use these wheels, it's just to compile them). The docker-based build environment images are:

  • 64-bit image for manylinux1 (x86-64): Docker Repository on Quay
  • 32-bit image for manylinux1 (i686): Docker Repository on Quay
  • 64-bit image for manylinux2010 (x86-64): Docker Repository on Quay

This sample project contains a very simple C compile extension module that links to an external library (ATLAS, a linear algebra library). The build is configured via the file.

Continuous integration setup with Travis + Docker

The .travis.yml file in this repository sets up the build environment. The resulting build logs can be found at

The .travis.yml file instructs Travis to run the script travis/ inside of the various docker build environments. This script builds the package using pip. But these wheels link against an external library. So to create self-contained wheels, the build script runs the wheels through auditwheel, which copies the external library into the wheel itself, so that users won't need to install any extra non-PyPI dependencies.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the python-manylinux-demo project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.


To the extent possible under law, Robert T. McGibbon has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to python-manylinux-demo. This work is published from: United States of America.

python-manylinux-demo's People


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