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hugovk / python-mimeparse Goto Github PK

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This project forked from falconry/python-mimeparse

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Basic functions for handling mime-types in python

License: MIT License

Python 100.00%

python-mimeparse's Introduction


This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 5.3.2 of the HTTP 1.1 Semantics and Content specification [RFC 7231] for a complete explanation:


Use pip:

$ pip install python-mimeparse

It supports Python 2.7 - 3.5 and PyPy.



Parses a mime-type into its component parts.


Media-ranges are mime-types with wild-cards and a "q" quality parameter.


Determines the quality ("q") of a mime-type when compared against a list of media-ranges.


Just like quality() except the second parameter must be pre-parsed.


Choose the mime-type with the highest quality ("q") from a list of candidates.


Run the tests by typing: python The tests require Python 2.6.

To make sure that the package works in all the supported environments, you can run tox tests:

$ pip install tox
$ tox

The format of the JSON test data file is as follows: A top-level JSON object which has a key for each of the functions to be tested. The value corresponding to that key is a list of tests. Each test contains: the argument or arguments to the function being tested, the expected results and an optional description.

python-mimeparse's People


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