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Comments (50)

JohnGalt1717 avatar JohnGalt1717 commented on July 30, 2024 5

Still hitting ~400k with latest release.

from oidc-client-js.

Farshidgolkarihagh avatar Farshidgolkarihagh commented on July 30, 2024 3

This is a total show stopper. This library is ~85Kb GZipped.!!!! Has anyone came up with a way to optimize this library or found an alternative library?

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024 3

Yea, maybe in 2.0.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024 2

Given the recent changes, I don't see this happening. The only other option is to factor our the jsrsasign code into a separate library, or contact that author to see what can be done to reduce his library in size.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024 2

Recent work in jsrsasign:

from oidc-client-js.

Mardoxx avatar Mardoxx commented on July 30, 2024 1

From main page apparently 8.0.0 will remove unnecessary/outdated stuff. So will be smaller.

Forgive my naivety but why do you need to validate id_token at all? Under what circumstances can something go bad if you are sent a tampered with id_token?

from oidc-client-js.

chrisgbaker avatar chrisgbaker commented on July 30, 2024 1

Just bumping this to see if @brockallen or anybody else has time

from oidc-client-js.

zedL avatar zedL commented on July 30, 2024 1

Whats with validating the id_token on server side middleware?

It is possible to have an extra endpoint in the api middleware to send the id_token, access_token, nonce ... etc.pp. and get back the user info? So we would not need this big crypto stuff on client side.

from oidc-client-js.

Farshidgolkarihagh avatar Farshidgolkarihagh commented on July 30, 2024 1

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Yes, I'm sure. I'm in the middle of trying to find time to do some rework so perhaps after that rework we'll have a smaller library. Not sure yet tho.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Given the recent changes, I don't see this happening. The main issue is the jsrsasign library. It's that library that you would want to focus on. Maybe open an issue there?

from oidc-client-js.

Ciantic avatar Ciantic commented on July 30, 2024

I have app with these dependencies: classnames, lodash, react, react-dom, react-redux, react-router, react-router-redux, redux, seamless-immutable. Webpack total size for vendors is: 288 KB (294 912 bytes)

I add oidc-client to my dependencies and total size for vendors is now: 616 KB (630 784 bytes)

Total show stopper for me. I understand the reasoning that extra size comes from transitive dependency, but it's so bad that I would consider hard to not use it.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Well, it's all from the crypto library. Feel free to let them know they need to optimize it.

from oidc-client-js.

Ciantic avatar Ciantic commented on July 30, 2024

@brockallen I have a suggestion, maybe split this to multiple modules? Not a simple thing, but anyway.

I want to have implicit flow, I don't think I need any of crypto dependencies. I believe I only need "authorize" (generates the url which to redirect or flash in iframe to re-create bearer), "verify" that works as redirecturi parser, and "logout" url creator.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

If you're accepting id_tokens, then you need the crypto. If you're not, then you're just doing OAuth2 and there are plenty of other JS libraries out there that only do OAuth2.

from oidc-client-js.

Ciantic avatar Ciantic commented on July 30, 2024

@brockallen I'm not well read on this. Not sure where I need id_token, except at logout which requires id_token_hint. The authroization already gives me access_token in url and API's seem to always accept it as bearer.

I don't think I need to decrypt the id_token on SPA js application. It's contents are trivial I can just query them from my API instead.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Does the JS need to know who the user is or any info about them? That's what the id_token conveys.

from oidc-client-js.

Ciantic avatar Ciantic commented on July 30, 2024

@brockallen yes, I got it. Official SPA js app does not need to know, because it can use API call with bearer. I understand this is required when connecting to 3rd party e.g. Google OpenId or some such, when there is no API call to ask with access_token who are you. Thanks for your help, will look for oauth2 libs!

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Reopening to investigate this when I get some time:

from oidc-client-js.

maxmantz avatar maxmantz commented on July 30, 2024

This issue on jsrassign can also help to reduce the size of this library when updating the dependency to 6.0.0.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Nice & good timing. I'll look into it. Thanks

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

jsrsasign 6.1.0 only brought us from 412K dist/min to ... uhh... 422K. that sucks.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

BTW ~80K is webpack polyfill

from oidc-client-js.

kristofdegrave avatar kristofdegrave commented on July 30, 2024

depending on what is needed you can only load the necessary polyfills

from oidc-client-js.

jack4it avatar jack4it commented on July 30, 2024

Is this still targeted @ 1.3.0? Love this js library. If the size can be more reasonable, it would be perfect. Regarding polyfills, as far as I understand, should it be more of a requirement/prerequisite for the consumer of the lib, instead of a hard dependency for the lib itself? I mean, what if I already have a different polyfill can do the work?

from oidc-client-js.

RichiCoder1 avatar RichiCoder1 commented on July 30, 2024

I don't know how much it'd actually help, but something like rollupjs w/ tree shaking might help.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

If the size can be more reasonable, it would be perfect

Agreed. Any help is appreciated, since I'm working on this in my spare time.

from oidc-client-js.

maxmantz avatar maxmantz commented on July 30, 2024

Maybe this package will help reduce the size of the crypto dependencies. crypto-js allows modular imports which enables us to only import the things we need, unlike jsrsassign which is just one large blob.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Perhaps it can help... i don't see x509 anywhere tho...

from oidc-client-js.

maxmantz avatar maxmantz commented on July 30, 2024

If crypto-js doesn't have X509 support maybe this library can help :)

from oidc-client-js.

flieks avatar flieks commented on July 30, 2024

@brockallen i got id_token and access_token back from my identityServer 4 but also think this package is too large.

My question is same as @Ciantic, i can try do it all using pure OAuth without x509 crypto? Is that safe ?
I need other external provider too (google, etc)

If i just send the access_token to my api i can validate it there against my STS (IS4) right ?


from oidc-client-js.

maxmantz avatar maxmantz commented on July 30, 2024

Right now jsrasign is packaged with this library and adds to its size. Adding jsrasign to externals in webpack config would replace it by require('jsrasign'). Since jsrasign is a dependency of this library, npm will download it anyway and it will be available via require.

This would help to significantly reduce the size of the lib and dist files and shift the problem back to jsrasigns side.

See the wepback docs on externals for details.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

This would help to significantly reduce the size of the lib and dist files and shift the problem back to jsrasigns side.

Yea, I'd not yet looked at the work/changes done on his side, so you might be right that the ultimate size issue remains the same.

from oidc-client-js.

maxmantz avatar maxmantz commented on July 30, 2024

It certainly won't solve the problem until jsrasign reduces its size. However, I still believe it is a good idea to use the externals so that a double-bundling & minification - once by jsrasign's creator & secondy when building this library - doesn't occur. It would also clean up the lib & dist files and remove unnecessary clutter from them.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Forgive my naivety but why do you need to validate id_token at all?

This is the whole point of this library and is what makes it OIDC compliant. It provides a signed protocol response so your client knows it's not being fooled and so your can trust the data you get back for the user. If you just want OAuth2 (which doesn't provide that guarantee), then there are lots of other libraries to choose from.

from oidc-client-js.

Mardoxx avatar Mardoxx commented on July 30, 2024

Ahhh right! Makes sense.

Btw.. you can save at least 10 bytes by removing the unnecessary check for '-' here ;)

from oidc-client-js.

JoshBarr avatar JoshBarr commented on July 30, 2024

Hey @brockallen,

I'd be happy to help out with some of the work on reducing the bundle size. I've got a few suggestions which I'll open a PR for shortly.

From what I can tell, the library is using only a few es6 features which require polyfilling. Initially, we can just load them in the webpack entryPoint, however core-js allows us to require functions that don't pollute the global namespace or modify existing objects. Often SPAs will be including polyfills in their own entrypoints, so adopting this approach would encapsulate and protect the library from other unintended polyfills leaking in.

ES6 Features the library is using (there may be others):


Switching to these core-js polyfills can save 66.1kb on the bundle size.

The other source of possible reduction in file size is the logs. I've done some tests, and it appears that dropping the debug logs from the production build can save ~13kb on the minified bundle. One common pattern in the React ecosystem is to strip debug tools via Webpack's DefinePlugin when NODE_ENV === "production". I will include an implementation in the PR, in order not to make it a breaking change, we can introduce a third build target, perhaps

Next thing I planned on looking at was a crypto lib that supports tree-shaking/dead code elimination. Would you prefer we introduce these initial optimisations in one PR, then look at crypto separately?

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

@JoshBarr -- sure, all sounds good. And yes, let's do these small ones first then the crypto after. To be honest, though, these small changes will be small compared to any savings we get with the crypto, so perhaps that's the bigger win?

from oidc-client-js.

JoshBarr avatar JoshBarr commented on July 30, 2024

It occurred to me that while a compliant library should – for completeness – work with all kinds of crypto implementations, the majority of implementers will likely be working with a subset of EC* or RSA* or PS*, rather than all nine algorithms.

Perhaps allowing users to generate their own builds with just the crypto implementations they require would help reduce the bundle size further? I think this can be achieved with Webpack, by introducing an interface around the crypto library.

For example:

// JoseUtil.js
import cryptoLib from './crypto/crypto-rsa'; // or crypto-es, crytpo-jsrsasign, etc...
const { jws, KeyUtil, X509, crypto, hextob64u, AllowedSigningAlgs } = cryptoLib;
// ...
// crypto-rsa.js
// .. slim implementations of required crypto features... 

export default {

Then, build the module a custom webpack build:

// webpack.custom.rsa.js
  plugins: [
    // replace the bundled crypto implementation with the slim one we need. 
    new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/(.*)crypto-jsrassign(\.*)/, (resource) => {
      resource.request = resource.request.replace(/crypto-jsrassign/, `crypto-rsa`);

I realise this is quite abstract, I'll provide a working example of this.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

I like that idea for advanced users that know how to do that and know what algs their STS supports. Most people won't be in that category, I fear.

from oidc-client-js.

ms007 avatar ms007 commented on July 30, 2024

One thing that adds size too is the dependency to babel-polyfill. The babel-polyfill lib is huge too and it seams that only some polyfills are required, but it's hard to say which ones. Can you provide some insights what is really required?
I had to include babel-polyfill only to get oidc-client working in Internet Explorer.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

I think @JoshBarr started that research...

from oidc-client-js.

chrisgbaker avatar chrisgbaker commented on July 30, 2024

Has there been any further thought or work on this issue? Even gzipped this library ends up being ~40% of my entire bundle size.

Has anybody tried updating from 5.1.0 to 8.0.4, or is there a breaking change blocking this?

Simply cloning the project and running the app, and everything seems like it's working. There is a failed test, but only one:
JoseUtil validateJwt should validate from RSA X509 key:
Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
It appears there's an issue in the call to X509.getPublicKeyFromCertPEM on line 36 of JoseUtil.js with the key that is being provided.

from oidc-client-js.

chrisgbaker avatar chrisgbaker commented on July 30, 2024

Clearly not a fix, but a quick branch to save somebody some time if they have more working knowledge than I do:

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

Thanks -- I'll have a look when I have time!

from oidc-client-js.

elgerm avatar elgerm commented on July 30, 2024

Agreed, the file size renders the library unusable for real world apps. Apologies for this depressing statement, identityserver is great, but not so for web apps.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

I spent a good amount of time trying to improve this. What I ended up having to do is manually build jsrsasign and (one-by-one) remove each of their js file and test to see if it was needed (by running our unit tests). I'm not thrilled about this approach, but the jsrsasign project is sort of a nightmare when it comes to trying to build it or use some of their smaller files.

Unfortunately I was only able to bring the size down about ~25-30%, but I guess that's better than nothing. If someone wants to have a look, it's up on the "js_size" branch.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

I was pretty comfortable with these changes to reduce the size, I merged the work to dev and put out a pre-release: [email protected]. Please test to ensure it's working.

from oidc-client-js.

brockallen avatar brockallen commented on July 30, 2024

I'll close to track completion, but please let me know here if any feedback. Thanks

from oidc-client-js.

msitms avatar msitms commented on July 30, 2024

If you're accepting id_tokens, then you need the crypto. If you're not, then you're just doing OAuth2 and there are plenty of other JS libraries out there that only do OAuth2.

There are, but how many of them have the quality of this one, and support code flow + PKCE in the browser? To be honest, I'm struggling to find any. Any ideas?

I would be more than happy to see an oidc-client fork that just drops all the crypto dependencies for supporting id_token validation, but still supports everything else, including discovery, UserInfo endpoints etc.

from oidc-client-js.

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